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Let's Discuss Loki.


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If you go down to anything other than crossfire or maybe the stalker you are not playing Loki right at all.


Decoy draws agro away from yourself briefly, letting you fall back with your raw speed.


Invis makes you untargetable. Even if you never use melee you can run around and you'll only get hit by arc traps. So yeah, worthless.... *shakes head*


Switch teleport is situational, but remains a good mobility tool in conjunction with Decoy to reach difficult nooks and crannies and to help out other players in such situations (void).


Radial disarm. Okay, brutal as t sounds if you go down to stun sticks you should just stop playing. Also you can, y'know, place a decoy or go invisible if you are somehow incapable of launching yourself out of danger with your sheer sprint speed.


I'm sorry, but you are quite insane my friend. Loki IS the master race. Almost all content save primarily for Defense for any significant time is solo-able with Loki.

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I'm not mad in the slightest. I stated my opinion about his mediocre abilities, and provided a picture as an example to back up my opinion. I know the truth hurts, but try to adapt to it. There's no hatred. Just my honest opinion.

Well, ignoring your condescension, at least you're not being a butt about your opinion.

Maybe this is a joke as well......?

You should learn the language of the internet

I know. That's the joke you shouldn't be shoving in his face.

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I'm not mad in the slightest. I stated my opinion about his mediocre abilities, and provided a picture as an example to back up my opinion. I know the truth hurts, but try to adapt to it. There's no hatred. Just my honest opinion.

So 1 pics makes it true and a reason the generalize the entire Loki player-base? The fact that you even think that way just shows that you're mad, and not the slightest.

^ And that's the truth.

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If you go down to anything other than crossfire or maybe the stalker you are not playing Loki right at all.


Decoy draws agro away from yourself briefly, letting you fall back with your raw speed.


Invis makes you untargetable. Even if you never use melee you can run around and you'll only get hit by arc traps. So yeah, worthless.... *shakes head*


Switch teleport is situational, but remains a good mobility tool in conjunction with Decoy to reach difficult nooks and crannies and to help out other players in such situations (void).


Radial disarm. Okay, brutal as t sounds if you go down to stun sticks you should just stop playing. Also you can, y'know, place a decoy or go invisible if you are somehow incapable of launching yourself out of danger with your sheer sprint speed.


I'm sorry, but you are quite insane my friend. Loki IS the master race. Almost all content save primarily for Defense for any significant time is solo-able with Loki.

You seem under the impression that I have gone down by stun sticks just because I worded it that way. Have you ever heard of the term empathize? I was trying to make a point by stating a situational, but very possible scenario.  

Edited by Tymerc
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Whilst it can get annoying that Loki is pretty much harped upon and swooned over to a pretty crazy degree, it's not like he's garnered attention pointlessly.


Redirection and Vitality are, debatably, worthless on every single frame except the latter being present on Valkyr.  By the time enemies are actually of any real chance of becoming a threat you're going to be moderately deep into one of the endless game types, which means that those same two mods will do little to really change your chances of survival.


In practically every game ever that isn't turn based there's a thing that is commonly known.  That particular thing being that mobility is by far one's greatest tool.  If one is swift enough to not get hit, one needs no other form of defense at all.  Loki has a greater level of inherent mobility than most other frames, ergo Loki has a technically better defense than most frames.


Decoy is one of, if not the outright best 1 in the game.  It can be utilized to manipulate the enemy AI in pretty funny ways even without the usage of Loki's other abilities, however it synergizes strongly with two of them and indirectly synergizes with the other.  You act as though it is "horrible CC", however name any 1 with greater CC than Decoy.


Invisibility is invisibility.  So long as you remain outside of any given line of fire you're set, and with the above skill you can manipulate enemy lines of fire.  The melee bonus is merely icing on the cake.


Ah good ol' Switch Teleport, not every Loki is a troll.  Having good sensibility in using this skill allows Loki to traverse massive distances faster than anyone except Nova and with more control in distanced travel than Zephyr.  Blaming the actions of a player upon a frame is unnecessary.


Lastly there's Radial Disarm which is pretty much outstanding in every possible way.  The only downsides to RD are that it cannot be cast in midair and that its casting animation is both a tad sluggish and one of the casting animations that inhibits momentum.


Loki is one of the very few frames with both a fully synergetic kit and literally the only frame with an infinitely scaling kit.  Are other frames just as capable of being gloriously fantastic purveyors of awesome goodness?  Hek yes they are.... except..... well I'll just stop before digging myself into a hole.  But realistically speaking most of the frames are outstanding when both specced and played well.


So yes, Loki is most definitely overrated as can be.  However saying that he's "weak" is blatantly false.

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I'm not mad in the slightest. I stated my opinion about his mediocre abilities, and provided a picture as an example to back up my opinion. I know the truth hurts, but try to adapt to it. There's no hatred. Just my honest opinion.

So it's the truth? Or your opinion? Irregardless, you've obviously never played with a Loki who wasn't either a new player, or a troll. You've disregarded any argument as to why Loki is good, rendering the title of this thread, well, stupid. "Let's discuss why I'm right, it's the truth, but it's just my opinion. I won't argue, but I'm totally going to say you're wrong". A+ Top notch troll thread.

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So 1 pics makes it true and a reason the generalize the entire Loki player-base? The fact that you even think that way just shows that you're mad, and not the slightest.

^ And that's the truth.

When did I say it's the entire Loki playerbase? If you're going to discuss this with me, how about you don't put words in my mouth?

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You seem under the impression that I have gone down by stun sticks just because I worded it that way. Have you ever heard of the term empathize? I was trying to make a point by stating a situational, but very possible scenario.  

It's not possible unless you aren't paying attention or have terrible reflexes. Literally every Frame has some form of C.C skill, and all Frames have jump attacks with their melee weapons. Besides, you can just dragon-kick your way out. Knocks down everything you hit and moves you out of the crowd at high speed.


In any case, if the Loki uses Radial Disarm but not Decoy, the player (of the Loki) is to blame, not the Frame.

Edited by AlchemistMute
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So it's the truth? Or your opinion? Irregardless, you've obviously never played with a Loki who wasn't either a new player, or a troll. You've disregarded any argument as to why Loki is good, rendering the title of this thread, well, stupid. "Let's discuss why I'm right, it's the truth, but it's just my opinion. I won't argue, but I'm totally going to say you're wrong". A+ Top notch troll thread.

The truth meaning I am not mad, and that these are just my opinions. Next time, don't blindly assume and misunderstand.

Edited by Tymerc
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When did I say it's the entire Loki playerbase? If you're going to discuss this with me, how about you don't put words in my mouth?



I don't see anything fun about Loki except to people who want to cause grief. Every time I get paired with a Loki player, they make the other's and I fall through elevators and spam their switch teleport if they fall behind, or feel like trapping someone.


Edited by DMan128
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And what about the rest of your pure-truth statement?

I guess you're just going to keep attempting to derail my thread just because you keep getting counter-argued? I already answered that when I said truth a few posts ago, it was referring to that I am not mad in the slightest, and that these are my opinions. Stop blindly assuming things simply because you misunderstand what they mean and refer to.

Edited by Tymerc
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I guess you're just going to keep attempting to derail my thread just because you keep getting counter-argued? I already answered that when I said truth a few posts ago, it was referring to that I am not mad in the slightest, and that these are my opinions. Stop blindly assuming things simply because you misunderstand what they mean and refer to.

I really ought to stop responding.. But if EVERYONE misunderstands what you are saying, perhaps the TRUTH is that you are misrepresenting what you mean. Just a thought. Not to mention you haven't presented any sort of counterargument to anything. Okay. I'm done now.

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So you play Frost? cute, what are you going to do? Stay behind your globe and shoot things from there? Loki is a excellent frame and can disarm entire waves of enemies in defense regardless of level. Where as your globe will break at the higher levels the stunsticks will shine everlasting and before you you bring up the dangers a horde of enemies present to the pod, thats what decoy is for. If a loki have enemies that have reached the pod with stunsticks or its decoy itself then that loki has done something wrong.

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I guess you're just going to keep attempting to derail my thread just because you keep getting counter-argued? I already answered that when I said truth a few posts ago, it was referring to that I am not mad in the slightest, and that these are my opinions.

Derailing? I'm pretty sure that we're still on the subject that you simply can't face the reality, and completely disregard and counter argument made here (isn't that the main topic of this thread?). Calling your own opinion as the only truth, even when I put a mirror in front of you is the definition of being mad.

Sorry sir but your thread just gets the same treatment as you give others.

Edited by DMan128
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I really ought to stop responding.. But if EVERYONE misunderstands what you are saying, perhaps the TRUTH is that you are misrepresenting what you mean. Just a thought. Not to mention you haven't presented any sort of counterargument to anything. Okay. I'm done now.

Yeah, you should. Don't put words in my mouth. I have never used the term "Everyone" in my original post, so i'd appreciate it if you stopped that. I already answered what I meant when I said truth. Stop making me repeat myself. I haven't counter-argued? How ironic coming from someone who comes back just to post something with the intentions to start something. You're done? Very good. See you later.

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Derailing? I'm pretty sure that we're still on the subject that you simply can't face the reality, and completely disregard and counter argument made here (isn't that the main topic of this thread?). Calling you own opinion as the only truth, even when I put a mirror in front of you is the definition of being mad.

Sorry sir but your thread just gets the same treatment as you give others.

I'm reporting you now. I've stated multiple times that truth refers to that I am not mad, since all you have been doing is accusing me of being mad with your posts. You will also be blocked eternally. If you can't be constructive with your posts and acknowledge the things i'm saying, then I will waste no further time on you. Good day, and thank you for wasting my time.

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I'm reporting you now. <--> I've stated multiple times that truth refers to that I am not mad

These 2 don't go together.


If you can't be constructive with your posts and acknowledge the things i'm saying, then I will waste no further time on you.

Wait a sec! So unless I acknowledge your words as the truth, and giving you a counter argument instead, then I'm just being nonconstructive, and just derailing this thread?


Good day, and thank you for wasting my time.

You're welcome

Edited by DMan128
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Rather than focus on arguing, let's just discuss things as you initially intended.  Otherwise this thread won't have meant anything in the long run nor would have the time I spent typing words that went here.


Loki simply is not weak.

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As a guy who mains Loki, he is one of the biggest CC force multiplier in a squad.


Have you tried him on corpus or grineer or void defense with good old Booben ?

We left the game because we were bored to tears after that.


Hell it was ridiculously funny when I disarm enemies and watch them trying to hump my friend's Nyx or each other thanks to Chaos.

Edited by fatpig84
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Well I guess I'm late for the party....*sighs* no one ever waits for Over Powered Rhino Prime....anyways onto topic ( <---This is a joke btw if none of you get it) 




Ok really Tymerc if your going to be here to share your own opinions that's great no harm done, but if your going to be a prick about it by saying "Fanboys will get angry and hes not the master was and such" of course that's going to bring them into your Topic to try shut you down, I'm not sure if you did that by mistake or you was on purposely trying to draw them. and well TheUltraPotatoe is right you did break that fact, so no wonder why people are screaming at you, so try not to do that next time. Just saying or keep it to yourself if your going to try and get people angry just for your own needs. Now onto mine



Now I never played Loki for a very long time now due to I love my other warframes better. And sure other people will argue saying "Keep your opinions" to yourself but we all have the freedom to share out thoughts right?.


No matter how Negative they are and sure other people get in a fight with each other because they don't agree with each others choices in warframes, for example when I wanted to close a Topic down that was about a hype but now I realized how silly that was and moved on and stopped.


Also I really hate Saryn, Excalibur and Ash they are the worst warframes for me to play with and yet people will get angry over that and try to put other people down and start accusing people of being "Fanboys" of warframes just due to their image. And well if Sayrn and ash get Primed and I like the changes or better stats then sure I guess I will get it.


Also while this topic is about Loki  I never noticed you can be "Trolled" by Lokis power swap its never happened to me and touch wood it won't, but Trolling players can be easily just reported and the DE will take action (if they care at all that is). How bad is it excaly and is there a range at all for his powers?


Also lastly if his Switch TP is so that bad then maybe the Devs need to start thinking "Oh its a troll thing and its making our game bad", just saying people.




Well I shared my part so I guess I can go..



P.S and hay! Dman128 if your still here wanted to say sorry about wanting to close the hype train topic! Sorry man was drunk and I lost my pass to get on chuold I get another one please?.

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