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5€ For A Color Palette?


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75plat for a bunch of colors of whom your going to use 10 tops.


Well I guess its not DE's fault that some rich kids actually pay that, but still cant we buy 1 color for 1 plat?

-You can wait for a discount of 50-75% before buying Plat (not having a color palette instantly won't kill you, now will it? I smell the scent of an entitled freeloader youth)


-You can receive free plat as login bonus (those come with an additional discount of 20-75% just like the discount only login bonus)


-Some items ingame sell for more than a 100 Plat. (I'm just saying...trading is a viable method. I made 225 Plat yesterday by selling random things)


-DE regularly gives out free color palettes (with superior colors compared to many standard money palettes. The Orokin Gold-Yellow from Shamrock for example or the Halloween Blood Red)


-The only palette you should ever buy is black/white. All other colors come for free sooner or later.

It's not DEs fault that you are unable to use those methods.

P.s. if you consider a whole palette of colors that is permanently yours and can be used on every item you will ever own expensive. Look at other F2P games is all I say -> Vindictus is a good example...very popular game...you can't even pickt he color you want...You get an RNG vial and the chance of getting the exact color you want is way low.

Furthermore that thing is one time use. 

About customization WF is relatively cheap...furthermore considering that you can get the palettes at less than 50 Cent if you do it right.


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But all the colors looks so nice!  I don't think I'm the only one that goes from one palette to another looking for just the right color when inspiration strikes.


Not to mention, how many games charge you for just one color, while Warframe gives you a whole chuck to play with.

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You can wait for a discount of 50-75% before buying Plat (not having a color palette instantly won't kill you, now will it? I smell the scent of an entitled freeloader youth)

You can receive free plat as login bonus

Some items ingame sell for more than a 100 Plat. (I'm just saying...trading is a viable method. I made 225 Plat yesterday by selling random things)

DE regularly gives out free color palettes

It's not DEs fault that you are unable to use those methods.



You're speaking to someone who is financially independent at the age of 25, and lives in a country where the taxes per income is one of the highest in europe (freeloader youth?)  Also I've played the game for 2 months havent exactly noticed the holiday gifts.  Also if you think that 5€ (75pl) is a good tradeoff for a color pallete than the freeloader stentch you are smelling comes from you.

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My only concern when it comes down to colors is that there is no "master pallete", containing all the colors that we own.

Not asking to remove all these palletes after merging them into one, but simply a separated master pallete at the top containing the full grid. (off course each block will be reduced in size appropriately)



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You're speaking to someone who is financially independent at the age of 25, and lives in a country where the taxes per income is one of the highest in europe (freeloader youth?)  Also I've played the game for 2 months havent exactly noticed the holiday gifts.  Also if you think that 5€ (75pl) is a good tradeoff for a color pallete than the freeloader stentch you are smelling comes from you.

Then just wait for a discount ffs. And yea you have played for 2 months...then you could have grabbed the free easter palette. If you were too late for that...then wait for the next event.

Just because you're too impatient and are saying that your country is too expensive just sounds like an excuse... Compare it to visual upgrade options of other f2p games...and against most of them this is a good option.

You get 90 shades of a few colors, or a generalized palette for 4.5€ if you buy the lowest pack. If you buy more plat it's instantly cheaper...if you wait for a discount its even CHEAPER. (20 and 50% appear often enough). 

If you just make a few trades ingame it's FREE. Like damn...you put absolutely no effort into this and pretty much just demand DE to lower the price to what you would consider nice for your position (probably free) and demand that everyone agrees with you.

Where else would their money come from then eh? You're acting like they're charging 20€ for a color here or something.

Edit: The easter color picker was available shorter than 2 months ago...if you couldn't be bothered to pick it up for free from the market...then no one can help you...free color palettes are announced and then sit in the market for you to pick.

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You're speaking to someone who is financially independent at the age of 25, and lives in a country where the taxes per income is one of the highest in europe (freeloader youth?)  Also I've played the game for 2 months havent exactly noticed the holiday gifts.  Also if you think that 5€ (75pl) is a good tradeoff for a color pallete than the freeloader stentch you are smelling comes from you.

.....wait you think someone is a freeloader because they spent money on a game they like? LOL


Im 27 married and have a baby on the way, bills etc and crap economy/income and I still manage to buy 2 color palettes, have a slot for every warframe and an extra 2 for the next 2 frames, 75 weapon slots, plus the additional colors, all the syandanas that were not part of prime access, daedalus, eos armor bits, para carrier, and all that in about 9 months of playing warframe? Spent about $200 so far in the 9 months, which is a little more than $22 bucks a month, more than a game subscription, plus sold 2 legendary cores for 300 pl each.  If you really want something you find a way to get it....


I have no problems with the cost of the colors, it is one of the most desired things for cosmetics in my opinion and I would prefer DE to have an income so that we still have Warframe.


If it is that big of a deal that you really want the color scheme so much that you are making a post about it, save a dollar a day and you will have it soon.  If its too much for a color scheme and you really dont see the worth then wait for a free one.

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Then just wait for a discount ffs. And yea you have played for 2 months...then you could have grabbed the free easter palette. If you were too late for that...then wait for the next event.

Just because you're too impatient and are saying that your country is too expensive just sounds like an excuse... Compare it to visual upgrade options of other f2p games...and against most of them this is a good option.

You get 90 shades of a few colors, or a generalized palette for 4.5€ if you buy the lowest pack. If you buy more plat it's instantly cheaper...if you wait for a discount its even CHEAPER. (20 and 50% appear often enough). 

If you just make a few trades ingame it's FREE. Like damn...you put absolutely no effort into this and pretty much just demand DE to lower the price to what you would consider nice for your position (probably free) and demand that everyone agrees with you.

Where else would their money come from then eh? You're acting like they're charging 20€ for a color here or something.




1pl for 1 color.


Whats wrong with that?


DE would make money out of this and people can choose exactly what they want instead of picking 20 cool colors and 70 meh ones.

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1pl for 1 color.


Whats wrong with that?


DE would make money out of this and people can choose exactly what they want instead of picking 20 cool colors and 70 meh ones.

Hella terrible solution. Platinum bought would plummet. New players (which is the faction that buys palettes the most) would never buy any palette anymore because they get 50 plat to begin with.

And the average user will use 2-3 favorite colors + black and white. 

That's 5 Plat at most...5 Plat that they also don't have to buy since they start with it. 

But yea it shows that you got no business sense as well. And still my point stands. Just wait...you get free colors over the course of the year. The last free palette was like 7 weeks ago. (And before that 1 month was the Shamrock Palette if Im not mistaken)

And the only palette you ever need to buy is black/white.

Edited by Shehriazad
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I don't see a problem on 75p price of a color palette.


If you don't sit your @$$ out and be lazy, you can start getting that 75p now by trading *****.


there's so much option to get it, really. 

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.....wait you think someone is a freeloader because they spent money on a game they like? LOL


Im 27 married and have a baby on the way... spent about $200 so far in the 9 months, which is a little more than $22 bucks a month


Gratz on the baby!


when you said 200$ thats all i needed to hear.  I come from Portugal mate, here thats almost the minimum wage (per month) not the US where a janitor makes as much as me (school teacher).


There is a world outside of the US, and its just gone through a pretty bad recession.

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There are 90 colors per pallet

Why would ANYONE want the price of the total pallet to go up to 90 plat, from the current of 75, for that "1 plat per color" thing.
That is a crap deal IMO.

Also, instead of complaining and wasting your time you can just farm for your plat instead of buying it.

So you really have no room to complain, nor a foot to stand on.

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Gratz on the baby!


when you said 200$ thats all i needed to hear.  I come from Portugal mate, here thats almost the minimum wage (per month) not the US where a janitor makes as much as me (school teacher).


There is a world outside of the US, and its just gone through a pretty bad recession.

Still you constantly ignore that there is free palettes and huge discounts at times. Buying the 4.5€ Pack at 50 or 75% discount is an option for you for sure. AND you can earn plat ingame...like ffs stop your complaints already just because the game doesn't fit your countries' financial standards. You expect them to charge you less just because your country has a lower wage? So you basically want them to earn less just so you can comfortably spend money....that's just wrong.

Also, what do THESE palettes have in common?




Ding ding ding, correct...that is the FREE colors just of THIS YEAR SO FAR....and we are only in the middle of it.

Edited by Shehriazad
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There are 90 colors per pallet

Why would ANYONE want the price of the total pallet to go up to 90 plat, from the current of 75, for that "1 plat per color" thing.

That is a crap deal IMO.

Also, instead of complaining and wasting your time you can just farm for your plat instead of buying it.

So you really have no room to complain, nor a foot to stand on.

So by adding the option of buying 1 color for 1pl thats a bad deal?  so if I like 5 colors in a pallete i should spend 75 on it instead of 5.


I just dont understand how some peoples minds work...  If you want to keep the 75 per pallete go for it, but 1pl per color is something that would only benefit players and add more purchase options ingame for the customer, how is that bad for us or DE?

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So by adding the option of buying 1 color for 1pl thats a bad deal?  so if I like 5 colors in a pallete i should spend 75 on it instead of 5.


I just dont understand how some peoples minds work...  If you want to keep the 75 per pallete go for it, but 1pl per color is something that would only benefit players and add more purchase options ingame for the customer, how is that bad for us or DE?

I already mentioned why it's bad...but you quote my posts while actually ignoring the content.

The average player will buy his 2-3 favorite colors and maybe black and white. That's 5 plat.

You get 50 starter plat.

Color palettes are mostly bought by new players.

With the change new players will unlikely buy plat for palettes.

DE loses a lot of money..and I mean a lot.

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You're speaking to someone who is financially independent at the age of 25, and lives in a country where the taxes per income is one of the highest in europe (freeloader youth?)  Also I've played the game for 2 months havent exactly noticed the holiday gifts.  Also if you think that 5€ (75pl) is a good tradeoff for a color pallete than the freeloader stentch you are smelling comes from you.


If you can't afford it, that is your issue. Free to play games make money off cosmetics. Why would you expect DE to implement the 1 color per plat idea? Do you not realize how sharply that would decrease their income?


Gratz on the baby!


when you said 200$ thats all i needed to hear.  I come from Portugal mate, here thats almost the minimum wage (per month) not the US where a janitor makes as much as me (school teacher).


There is a world outside of the US, and its just gone through a pretty bad recession.


Why should DE change their business practices just so poorer people can afford things? The game is Free to play. If you're poor you don't have to pay for anything. If you want cosmetics you can work for that platinum via trading or via a RL job. It's pretty hard in the US too, but being poor isn't a good enough reason for a free to play game to lower the prices on things you don't need.


Some of you guys are taking this too far. OP was just trying to make a simple point, that some things are overpriced in the market. It's nothing new, really, but damn... Why did this turn into an "I spent x amount" measuring contest?


OP said the color palettes were over priced. We disagree. There is no contest going on, just people using their experiences as examples.


So by adding the option of buying 1 color for 1pl thats a bad deal?  so if I like 5 colors in a pallete i should spend 75 on it instead of 5.


I just dont understand how some peoples minds work...  If you want to keep the 75 per pallete go for it, but 1pl per color is something that would only benefit players and add more purchase options ingame for the customer, how is that bad for us or DE?


It's bad because most players do not use every color in a palette, you said so yourself. So if everyone only buys 10 colors (a few favorites + black and white) DE's income would plummet. This game is F2P, DE needs to be able to make money from something. If you can't see how your idea is bad for DE (and also bad for the players in a roundabout way) then you need to go back to school (because that math is simple).

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Still you constantly ignore that there is free palettes and huge discounts at times. Buying the 4.5€ Pack at 50 or 75% discount is an option for you for sure. AND you can earn plat ingame...like ffs stop your complaints already just because the game doesn't fit your countries' financial standards. You expect them to charge you less just because your country has a lower wage? So you basically want them to earn less just so you can comfortably spend money....that's just wrong.

Also, what do THESE palettes have in common?




Ding ding ding, correct...that is the FREE colors just of THIS YEAR SO FAR....and we are only in the middle of it.

Hi, im just going to simulate our conversation for the next 5 min.


I'd like to use black on one of my warframes.


*Checks all the colors available, no black*


Ok lets purchase black, must buy pallete, 75pl (5€ independent of deals and promotions thats the price of plat)


See what I mean? 1 color, 75pl


"but you can wait then u will prolly be offered that pallete."


But I dont want to wait for that pallete.


"then buy it for 75pl"


But you just said I was going to get that pallete later on why would i buy it?



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