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Halo 5 - My Story, My Opinion, Our Discussion


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Now I have been a halo player since the first one came out on the PC and i have enjoyed the games ever since.


That is until 343i took the wheel.


Now a lot of people say that halo lost it at Reach but although it was a flawed game, I still enjoyed it to no end.


Anyways, when halo 4 came out It was extremely disappointing. I was so excited to play halo 4 and I wanted it soo bad, but when I saw what was handed to me, I was shocked. What I got was a broken game, no fileshare, crap custom games, tact on spartan ops missions, and by far the worst halo multilayer I have ever played. It was clear after halo 4 release that 343i did not listen to the community and did not care for the community and it was a real shame.


Then what was a real slap in the face is how they attempted to fix it. They balanced most of the stuff like what 6-9 months after its release. Then the champions DLC, that &!$$ed me off, some thing that should have literally have already been in the game (for the most part) is now purchasable DLC. Infinity ward, fixed patches faster than 343 did. Acutally i think IW released 4+ patches in that time span. (btw i hate COD)


Then theres the actual game, the campagain and forge is good thats it. The multiplayer which by the way, halo multiplayer is my favorite. Halo 4 multiplayer sucks hard, and even with the fixes, it just doesnt feel like halo, its doesnt have that charm like halo, I can do really good in multiple games and stop playing because im bored. I would never do that in the previous titles, I would play untill my glory streak burned out but halo 4 was so boring that I couldn't play much more.


If there's 1 thing I want everyone to take from this was what I just wrote ^


343i can make the best halo game ever, with sweet controls, balanced gameplay, good maps. But in the end, it's doesn't "feel" like a halo game, the art style is mediocre space pew pew. When you play h4 now the game is okay but it does not have the exhilarating feeling of wanting to play like all the other halo titles (bungie). You dont have the awesome community any more, you don't have the awesome and funny halo vids anymore, there are no more people playing halo all the forgers got fed up an quit.


What happened to when game devs focused on making a FUN game? What happened to the passion? Overall I think halo 5 will be just as uch of a flop as halo 4. It could have solid gameplay like the previous halos but the joy and immersion in being a bungie/halo community member is gone. The fun exhilaration of playing multiplayer, is destroyed.


Anyways what do you guys think about this?

Edited by NudistBeach
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  Microsoft's acquisition of Bungie for the Halo IP is one of many slights that make me hate MS. It but a bad taste in my mouth in regard to Halo when it released, and its release was very different then the early development examples Bungie had shown. When I finally played Halo, it was not my cup of tea, to floaty and bullet spungie for my taste, and not a evolution of Marathon, like I had expected. That be said, I didn't play any of the other games, and now that Bungie is independent of MS, I look forward to Destiny, though I am cautious about the gameplay. If Halo is your thing, more power to you.

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  Microsoft's acquisition of Bungie for the Halo IP is one of many slights that make me hate MS. It but a bad taste in my mouth in regard to Halo when it released, and its release was very different then the early development examples Bungie had shown. When I finally played Halo, it was not my cup of tea, to floaty and bullet spungie for my taste, and not a evolution of Marathon, like I had expected. That be said, I didn't play any of the other games, and now that Bungie is independent of MS, I look forward to Destiny, though I am cautious about the gameplay. If Halo is your thing, more power to you.

like playing first person shooters on that ps4? thank halo. nuff said

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I'd say Reach was one of the best halos so far, in my personal ranking it takes second place after Halo:CE/Anniversary. I don't get why people said Reach was bad. Maybe because guys on foot could actually defend themselves from vehicles with armour lock?


I agree that 343 has no idea what made Halo multi-player special in the first place and Halo 4 was stark evidence of that. Even the single player for halo 4 was not up to par with Reach, which was epic.


I feel Halo 5 is not going to be any different and long time halo fans mostly agree. The reason why I liked halo was because it was different than your generic Russians or [insert communist or terrorist ] are attacking military shooter. 343 took over and it was  for lack of a better term, 'CoDified'.

The story seemed half-baked to me, with a giant plot hole explained away with a single sentence.


Why are the elites suddenly enemies again? Explanation: "A lot can happen in 4 years." What?

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I've only played whatever's on the PC ever since my friend introduced me to this game called Halo: Combat Evolved. Awesome game, fun campaign. Our family didn't have a gamer-friendly PC, so I could only play it  when I was over at his house. Then he got an Xbox, and Halo 2. The inability to play the games didn't deter my interest in the universe: I was thoroughly hooked. Trips to bookstores looking out for the newest books, lapping up any info online. But then Bungie let go, and 343i tried picking up the pieces. Then the universe took a left turn and everything turned sour.


For the longest time, I was hyped about the Forerunner Trilogy. Hyped about a book by Karen effin Traviss, mother of the Mandalorians to FINALLY continue the events of bloody Onyx. The Forerunner books (haven't gotten Silentium yet) are quite good IMHO, but the goshdarned Kilo-Five trology is a travesty. Total character annihilation: with the biggest offender being Catherine Elizabeth motherhugging Halsey turning into a weak, weepy "Oh woe is me, I am such guilty onoez", and Margaret 'Queen B' Parangosky becoming the paragon of human virtues.


It became a "eh screw past lore, those aren't reflective of OUR NEW SWEET GAME!!! Out with the old, in with the new: Halsey? She's a total B now. Spartan IIs? Oh most of them are dead or old, who cares lol. Spartan IIIs? Who were those, again? Spartan IVs are awesome!".

The SIII's were more like Spartans than SIVs. Those guys are just thugs with gunz.


And also for some reason, the Sangheili suddenly becoming buff scaly dinosaurs instead of more serpentine, the Jackals became buff scaly dinosaurs instead of bird-like, and they even changed the darned Grunts to became buff scaly dinosaurs. 


The new Halo Trilogy doesn't exist, far as I'm concerned. The story ended with Halo 3. The fight is finished.





Weren't these Elites an offshoot of the Covenant that wanted to continue the worship and capture of Forerunner Artifacts?


Or am I talking out my @$$?


Yep, these Sangheili are followers of the San'Shyuum Covenant, not the whole Sangheili race. People who still believe in the Covenant, and rebelling against the Arbiter's call for independence.

Edited by Shion963
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I'd say Reach was one of the best halos so far, in my personal ranking it takes second place after Halo:CE/Anniversary. I don't get why people said Reach was bad. Maybe because guys on foot could actually defend themselves from vehicles with armour lock?


I agree that 343 has no idea what made Halo multi-player special in the first place and Halo 4 was stark evidence of that. Even the single player for halo 4 was not up to par with Reach, which was epic.


I feel Halo 5 is not going to be any different and long time halo fans mostly agree. The reason why I liked halo was because it was different than your generic Russians or [insert communist or terrorist ] are attacking military shooter. 343 took over and it was  for lack of a better term, 'CoDified'.

The story seemed half-baked to me, with a giant plot hole explained away with a single sentence.


Why are the elites suddenly enemies again? Explanation: "A lot can happen in 4 years." What?

Gotta read the book, to understand it, not everyone agreed with the Arbiter decision to end the war with humanity, since the majority thought they would come back for revenge, also that elite Jul Mdama had his wife and friend killed by humans further escalating the issue. Which is Halo: Glassland and Thursday War. Halo: Second Strike explains how the MC and Johnson returns to earth for Halo 2. I don't really read these books anymore, but their a good read. Or you know you can just go on the Halo wiki. 

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Well, these things are typical. Not everyone enjoys the same things, obviously.


Personally, I'm hyped for Halo 5. I've never played multiplayer because it just isn't my thing, but I've loved the story and campaign. In my opinion, Halo 4 has been my favorite in terms of story thus far. It had the character development I've been personally wanting, and it definitely has more in that one game than all the other 3 from the main trilogy combined.


In short, my opinion.

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Weren't these Elites an offshoot of the Covenant that wanted to continue the worship and capture of Forerunner Artifacts?


Or am I talking out my @$$?

Yeah, and if so what happened to all the other 'good guy' elites, and the arbiter?

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