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This Was A Disapointing Update. No; This Was An Insulting Update.


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 Don't you think it is overreacting just is little bit to be throwing your hands up in disgust because of a rough patch? Have you not been around long? Warframe is a bumpy ride, man.


 Right now DE is crunching to fix as many issues the community has found with the update as possible and do it in as little time as possible. They aren't talking a whole lot because it is just so much more important for the problem to be over.


 Give it some time. It's a huge pain in the butt considering the hype train for Loki Prime, but this is just part of the reality of the Beta nature of the game. Things aren't going to work out 100% every patch. This isn't a perfectly stable title.

Majority of patches in warframe have been a rough ride. DE has almost stopped caring about player concerns other than things people get really riled up about.


Many core systems have yet to be updated since closed beta and even some glitches, yet new content is always being added atop the already faulty base. I had written off warframe for a while, started playing cause of my new ps4, but it seems only now people are realising that DE is either incompetent/clueless or they really only care about the money.


I am not just randomly bashing DE, I loved dark sector and the original concepts and the direction warframe was going in closed beta enough to be a founder, but seriously they need to stop making the game more and more mediocre.

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Majority of patches in warframe have been a rough ride. DE has almost stopped caring about player concerns other than things people get really riled up about.


Many core systems have yet to be updated since closed beta and even some glitches, yet new content is always being added atop the already faulty base. I had written off warframe for a while, started playing cause of my new ps4, but it seems only now people are realising that DE is either incompetent/clueless or they really only care about the money.


I am not just randomly bashing DE, I loved dark sector and the original concepts and the direction warframe was going in closed beta enough to be a founder, but seriously they need to stop making the game more and more mediocre.

You sure?

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Looks Like DE has used up it's 'shiny things' cred. We don't want more shiny things DE, we want the damn game you promised


What did they "promise" you?  They didn't promise me ANYTHING, and I'm enjoying what they gave me for free.  Sorry to hear your stupid hype train crashed and burned, now you're all sad and whining.

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I get why everyone's mad and all but here's my two cents.


Stop talking like you're entitled to push this game where you want and claim there were promises made and what not, seriously, they make no promises, and it's a FREE GAME where everything besides a handful of cosmetics and boosters are obtainable for free. Also, newsflash, you don't own any of it, the money you put into the game? doesn't give you  any stake in where the game is going to go, that money is basically donating, giving, gifting, because you appreciate the hard work these people go through to please you, the player. Here's the thing about gifting, it works the same way in real life, when you do something nice for someone YOU CANNOT, YOU JUST DON'T, EXPECT ANYTHING IN RETURN. God so many ungrateful bigots here. No offence to the people who provided constructive comments.


Now, I understand no one wants to put so many hours in for the stuff they want (even though, that makes sense cause we do it in real life too...) cause the grind can be, overbearing,but rather than maliciously attack DE why don't you either provide calm constructive criticism or maybe try to actually think the situation through, the probabilities, the why, which brings me to the main point I want to make.


I thought this through, given my knowledge of what DE is doing based off of news, livestreams etc. They're not, the biggest team  to develop a full fledged game, they can't ham everything you'd expect or want out as fast as other teams. Keep this factor in mind

They've stated that they're fully aware of what needs to be fixed, in the bases of the game, something you want right? Well guess what, you also want content, and new things, cool things, new gamemodes, variety, you, the player, and the collective playerbase, want all this stuff, new stuff, fixed stuff, etc. etc. etc. 


Here's a reality. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO HAM OUT ALL OF THAT STUFF ALL AT ONCE PEOPLE. They have limited resources, meaning staff, and they can only send these peoples workpower to so many areas. They could divide their resources to more and more things all at once but that could slow updates down to a crawl.  So you people who want your stupid token system, or the undiluted drop table solution, just sit and freaking wait. The player base has many undeserved wants that they are tirelessly, working to give to. Some with a greater magnitude than this issue with the drop tables.


Now, thinking about this situation more. I believe the current set up for drop tables is only a short term solution. It doesn't make the grind shrink, however, it extends the amount of which you have something to do, to bide them time to give you more of what you want, such as undiluted drop tables by widening the game types of the void and derelicts, before your angry voices come back to stress them out unnecessarily,  you may not enjoy lack of progress, but it's the best they can do. 


Regarding the token system, I believe that will never happen because 1. It'd be too damn easy for grinders, you'd soak up nano spores worth of that like nothing  2. It'd basically be handing you everything if they made token requirements for items the community's general idea of "reasonable", where's the fun in getting everything easy, this would also shorten your interest in the game as you would quickly have nothing to do.. 3. If they made the token requirements the community's idea of unreasonable, well, you'd all *@##$ about how the grind was only given a new face, there's no winning there. 4. You'd lose the charm of this game being a looter type game. High level players who have all the mods have already lost most of that charm as we have all the mods and there's no variation in other copies of these mods. Looting containers isn't really good looting obviously,so scratch that.  5. It would undoubtedly hurt the trade system, take away some of it's value. There'd be no point in trading tokens, since they're always rewarded from voids, only seriously impatient people would trade them. Money wise people would just play the voids til they have enough. 


The real solution here is for them to just widen the game types of the void and derelicts to produce undiluted drop tables which of course is down the road, don't expect it to happen right this moment because they have so many other of your stupid wants to cater to. Will they be able to create undiluted drop tables faster than they put out prime parts? Probably not, because if they did that, you'd complain about constantly doing the same stuff and not having enough new toys, but if they give you new toys you'll complain about what didn't get updated that you ALSO wanted to get updated so badly.


Everyone just needs to accept that this is a small team of dedicated, passionate people, who have proven via their livestreams they genuinely care about us and the game, not the money, though it is necessary ( they're people too, remember, they need it just like you ). All of your concerns, a fair and balanced overall game in regards to grinding, progressing, damage whatever, you name it, that will all come, it won't be as fast as you want but it WILL come.  I can't say this enough, there's so much to fix, and so much they want to add, but they only have so many resources and they have to pick and choose where to dedicate them at a given time. If you don't like where they dedicate them at said times, too bad, honestly you're still getting content or a fixed game either way. 

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Everyone just needs to accept that this is a small team of dedicated, passionate people, who have proven via their livestreams they genuinely care about us and the game, not the money,

They proved the opposite way more.

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i'm not angry just let down instead of fixing things they creating more of a mess where people have to do an  unnecessary map that no one really liked that takes 10-15 mins in order to get the new key 


T1 keys for keys feels like a joke ;correction  a prank cause it feels like there a element of  malice there .


The void tables have turned into a slot machine where each pull is 15 mins of your time  and getting the new stuff has become = getting a triple bar .  

Edited by Ravel7
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Now, I understand no one wants to put so many hours in for the stuff they want (even though, that makes sense cause we do it in real life too...) cause the grind can be, overbearing,but rather than maliciously attack DE why don't you either provide calm constructive criticism or maybe try to actually think the situation through, the probabilities, the why, which brings me to the main point I want to make.


There are threads about making Warframe better. You didn't know? Too bad. By the way some are constructive. And DE dug up their own grave. If they would fix things before a S#&$storm occurs there would be no problem. But only community rage makes them fix issues. Sometimes.



I thought this through, given my knowledge of what DE is doing based off of news, livestreams etc. They're not, the biggest team  to develop a full fledged game, they can't ham everything you'd expect or want out as fast as other teams. Keep this factor in mind.


Not our problem. Warframe is super succesful(DE claim it is) but they still don't have money to hire more staff? Their money management sucks.


They've stated that they're fully aware of what needs to be fixed, in the bases of the game, something you want right? Well guess what, you also want content, and new things, cool things, new gamemodes, variety, you, the player, and the collective playerbase, want all this stuff, new stuff, fixed stuff, etc. etc. etc. 


Here's a reality. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO HAM OUT ALL OF THAT STUFF ALL AT ONCE PEOPLE. They have limited resources, meaning staff, and they can only send these peoples workpower to so many areas. They could divide their resources to more and more things all at once but that could slow updates down to a crawl.  So you people who want your stupid token system, or the undiluted drop table solution, just sit and freaking wait. The player base has many undeserved wants that they are tirelessly, working to give to. Some with a greater magnitude than this issue with the drop tables.


Name one issue bigger than that please. Unless you are talking about gameplay as shallow and monotonous. That's bigger. Also underlined word is what made me lose any respect for you.


Now, thinking about this situation more. I believe the current set up for drop tables is only a short term solution. It doesn't make the grind shrink, however, it extends the amount of which you have something to do, to bide them time to give you more of what you want, such as undiluted drop tables by widening the game types of the void and derelicts, before your angry voices come back to stress them out unnecessarily,  you may not enjoy lack of progress, but it's the best they can do. 


It's not the best they can do. I don't see weeks of thinking behind T4. It looks like it was designed yesterday. And you want MORE keys? 


Regarding the token system, I believe that will never happen because 1. It'd be too damn easy for grinders, you'd soak up nano spores worth of that like nothing  2. It'd basically be handing you everything if they made token requirements for items the community's general idea of "reasonable", where's the fun in getting everything easy, this would also shorten your interest in the game as you would quickly have nothing to do.. 3. If they made the token requirements the community's idea of unreasonable, well, you'd all $#*(@ about how the grind was only given a new face, there's no winning there. 4. You'd lose the charm of this game being a looter type game. High level players who have all the mods have already lost most of that charm as we have all the mods and there's no variation in other copies of these mods. Looting containers isn't really good looting obviously,so scratch that.  5. It would undoubtedly hurt the trade system, take away some of it's value. There'd be no point in trading tokens, since they're always rewarded from voids, only seriously impatient people would trade them. Money wise people would just play the voids til they have enough. 


1. Warfarm is already too easy for grinders. Tokens at least provide some progression meter. No just dumb luck. 

2. Not the "community idea of reasonable". Just reasonable. Where's the fun in getting anything with RNG? You can only hope that RNGesus smiles upon you and you get that goddamn part.

3. Refer to point 1.

4. I'd rather have a progression loot game not a current "dumb luck" loot game.

5. No harm to trade system. It will remain the same. Impatient people trade for parts, patient grind for them.


The real solution here is for them to just widen the game types of the void and derelicts to produce undiluted drop tables which of course is down the road, don't expect it to happen right this moment because they have so many other of your stupid wants to cater to. Will they be able to create undiluted drop tables faster than they put out prime parts? Probably not, because if they did that, you'd complain about constantly doing the same stuff and not having enough new toys, but if they give you new toys you'll complain about what didn't get updated that you ALSO wanted to get updated so badly.


So you DO want more keys. And it's your not-want that is stupid. Also, there will always be people whining so the last sentence doesn't prove anything.


Everyone just needs to accept that this is a small team of dedicated, passionate people, who have proven via their livestreams they genuinely care about us and the game, not the money, though it is necessary ( they're people too, remember, they need it just like you ). All of your concerns, a fair and balanced overall game in regards to grinding, progressing, damage whatever, you name it, that will all come, it won't be as fast as you want but it WILL come.  I can't say this enough, there's so much to fix, and so much they want to add, but they only have so many resources and they have to pick and choose where to dedicate them at a given time. If you don't like where they dedicate them at said times, too bad, honestly you're still getting content or a fixed game either way. 


Passionate? Dedicated? Care about us and not the money? Don't think so. If they cared they would go to Kickstarter not make another F2P game.

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I dont understand, how does grinding change your mind on how you spend your money when you were going to skip it by purchasing the items?

Because this sort of behaviour does not deserve to be rewarded with money.


 Right now DE is crunching to fix as many issues the community has found with the update as possible and do it in as little time as possible. They aren't talking a whole lot because it is just so much more important for the problem to be over.

The problem is that these issues should not have existed in the first place. There is no reason to have the same thing dropping from 3 different mission types when the void drop tables are overloaded already. There is no reason for fusion cores and resources to even appear in the drop tables after all the outcry we've had before. These aren't issues which have accidentally crept in. They are deliberate decisions.


No, they said they would do something about it. They did not actually say they would reduce it.


Dont listen for words that were never said.

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/221972-april-25th-community-hot-topics/ and scroll down to "Dilution Solutions". I quote: "As new mods are released, we will be continuously looking at ways to improve drop tables and spread the wealth throughout the Solar System (or Void - as in adding more difficult missions T4 style!)"


Drop tables have not been improved. They have gotten worse.


What the hell do you people want exactly? How about you harden the frak up a little.

What we want is for DE to stop diluting the drop tables, adding more RNG and increasing the grind.


It wouldn't even be that difficult to fix the dillution. All they have to do is use the derelict keys. Create a tier system I-III and add void rewards: done.

So far only defense and survival have proper rewards. If you did it properly you could halve the current void droptable.

And considering that you decide which key to build you only need to farm for one resource instead for a specific key.

Not even that. All they need to do is take out duplicate entries. That's it. Do that and most of the complaints will magically go away. There is absolutely no need for more keys right now.

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i kinda agree with everyone... looking from each respective perspective.


community is right customer is king offcourse , but this is 50/50 f2p or p2w you can choose kinda

so they are allowed to give you a hard time for grinding items if you not choose to buy them, but cmon we all been playing this a while would you really like it if you had it with little effort the easy way , in my personal experience id prolly quit cuz i have everything and no goals left to fullfill

( hope U14 will end that course ).


and DEV team at least this dev team is actually working on their project i came from another game to warframe and oh my god this dev team is 10x better then the most dev teams who totally IGNORE their playerbase (how bout that), i think everyone should lit a smoke *cough*joint*cough* and relax themselves and see what DE does.


( i understand people who been here a long time are used to DE bringing stuff out so it aint fancy to them anymore but really go look other games and ul feel the same way, offc there are also games with a better DE there always is someone better thats fact )


ps. where the #$*&&)& is my ash prime waiting pretty long now


edit: my real expectation lie within update 14 , should get fun from that point uptill then im bassicly enduring the game, advise you to do the same and prevent urself from getting a heartattack over nothing :P.

Edited by NickBoay
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I get why everyone's mad and all but here's my two cents.


Stop talking like you're entitled to push this game where you want and claim there were promises made and what not, seriously, they make no promises, and it's a FREE GAME where everything besides a handful of cosmetics and boosters are obtainable for free. Also, newsflash, you don't own any of it, the money you put into the game? doesn't give you  any stake in where the game is going to go, that money is basically donating, giving, gifting, because you appreciate the hard work these people go through to please you, the player. Here's the thing about gifting, it works the same way in real life, when you do something nice for someone YOU CANNOT, YOU JUST DON'T, EXPECT ANYTHING IN RETURN. God so many ungrateful bigots here. No offence to the people who provided constructive comments.


Now, I understand no one wants to put so many hours in for the stuff they want (even though, that makes sense cause we do it in real life too...) cause the grind can be, overbearing,but rather than maliciously attack DE why don't you either provide calm constructive criticism or maybe try to actually think the situation through, the probabilities, the why, which brings me to the main point I want to make.


I thought this through, given my knowledge of what DE is doing based off of news, livestreams etc. They're not, the biggest team  to develop a full fledged game, they can't ham everything you'd expect or want out as fast as other teams. Keep this factor in mind

They've stated that they're fully aware of what needs to be fixed, in the bases of the game, something you want right? Well guess what, you also want content, and new things, cool things, new gamemodes, variety, you, the player, and the collective playerbase, want all this stuff, new stuff, fixed stuff, etc. etc. etc. 


Here's a reality. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO HAM OUT ALL OF THAT STUFF ALL AT ONCE PEOPLE. They have limited resources, meaning staff, and they can only send these peoples workpower to so many areas. They could divide their resources to more and more things all at once but that could slow updates down to a crawl.  So you people who want your stupid token system, or the undiluted drop table solution, just sit and freaking wait. The player base has many undeserved wants that they are tirelessly, working to give to. Some with a greater magnitude than this issue with the drop tables.


Now, thinking about this situation more. I believe the current set up for drop tables is only a short term solution. It doesn't make the grind shrink, however, it extends the amount of which you have something to do, to bide them time to give you more of what you want, such as undiluted drop tables by widening the game types of the void and derelicts, before your angry voices come back to stress them out unnecessarily,  you may not enjoy lack of progress, but it's the best they can do. 


Regarding the token system, I believe that will never happen because 1. It'd be too damn easy for grinders, you'd soak up nano spores worth of that like nothing  2. It'd basically be handing you everything if they made token requirements for items the community's general idea of "reasonable", where's the fun in getting everything easy, this would also shorten your interest in the game as you would quickly have nothing to do.. 3. If they made the token requirements the community's idea of unreasonable, well, you'd all $#*(@ about how the grind was only given a new face, there's no winning there. 4. You'd lose the charm of this game being a looter type game. High level players who have all the mods have already lost most of that charm as we have all the mods and there's no variation in other copies of these mods. Looting containers isn't really good looting obviously,so scratch that.  5. It would undoubtedly hurt the trade system, take away some of it's value. There'd be no point in trading tokens, since they're always rewarded from voids, only seriously impatient people would trade them. Money wise people would just play the voids til they have enough. 


The real solution here is for them to just widen the game types of the void and derelicts to produce undiluted drop tables which of course is down the road, don't expect it to happen right this moment because they have so many other of your stupid wants to cater to. Will they be able to create undiluted drop tables faster than they put out prime parts? Probably not, because if they did that, you'd complain about constantly doing the same stuff and not having enough new toys, but if they give you new toys you'll complain about what didn't get updated that you ALSO wanted to get updated so badly.


Everyone just needs to accept that this is a small team of dedicated, passionate people, who have proven via their livestreams they genuinely care about us and the game, not the money, though it is necessary ( they're people too, remember, they need it just like you ). All of your concerns, a fair and balanced overall game in regards to grinding, progressing, damage whatever, you name it, that will all come, it won't be as fast as you want but it WILL come.  I can't say this enough, there's so much to fix, and so much they want to add, but they only have so many resources and they have to pick and choose where to dedicate them at a given time. If you don't like where they dedicate them at said times, too bad, honestly you're still getting content or a fixed game either way. 

Well, that was a long post. I don't see anyone agreeing with it, but it was a long post. 

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I get why everyone's mad and all but here's my two cents.

*blah, blah, blah*

The problem being that everyone has given them constructive criticism for the last 6 months about the lvl of RNG grind and they simply ignored it. Rhino Prime, same thing, Hydroid release, same, Loki Prime release, same again. They're now being given so much stick because they've ignored everything that was pointed out and criticised before and they just plowed more into it.

I saw someone criticising that they needed 10 Argon Crystals for Loki, 10! How did they think it was a good idea?

What they are doing is the same as the ios Dungeon keeper game, and that cancerous piece of rubbish should never be forgotten as the worst case of dev abuse created so far. What is happening is that the system is being inflated to test your patience and arm twist players into paying for access and buying content. We all know it happens, it's happened in so many other F2P games where they are effectively Pay 2 win.


Edited by (PS4)billy-d-squid
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First of all,



Second, "proper PvP?" I sure hope not.


You should realize that you're assuming the trials of EVE Online represent a 'reasonable' reference for the kind of investment people can be expected to make in a leisure activity. That's just so far from sanity that I can't really level a rebuttal. All I can do is assure you that EVE has poisoned your brain, and that in time you will make a full recovery.


Yes, I've seen the scale of its conflicts. Yes, I'm familiar with The False Tower. No, I don't think it's productive to be telling people to "harden the..." yuck; I can't bring myself to repeat that nasty word. I hope you didn't learn that from Battlestar Galactica.


edit: Add a splash of vodka to your tomato sauces. Tomatoes contain flavor compounds that are only soluble in alcohol, and you'll get a richer flavor profile by adding vodka at the beginning of your simmer.


What I was trying to point out is that people are crying over nothing. I used EVE as an extreme example of just how screwed up a game can get. What we have here by comparison is not even in the same solar system, let alone the same ball park, so complaining over a patch seems infantile, and no, EVE has not poisoned my brain, it has given me a good set of scales to judge other games by, as I only went there initially because other mates were there. It's not a pretty place, the night is dark and full of terrors.


Warframe is a solid coop game. It manages to beat Borderlands on my scales - and Borderlands, to me, set pretty high coop with friends scales - because of all the Warframe crafting and collecting and optimizing with mods and Forma that you can do, instead of BL basic "what you get is what you get" drop mechanic.


This entire game is F2P. If you go grinding and complain about the grind, whose fault is it exactly? I've met people that played Borderlands complain that some weapons were too hard to get via the RNG, and when someone pointed out "if you want the weapon so bad, you can just use an item editor and drop one into your inventory" they got all upset at the "hackers". You're not creating an "illegal" gun, you're just making a copy of a drop someone has already seen, and no one cares if you do because you won't be using it in a competitive environment anyway and yet, the concept seemed alien to them. I repeat, non competitive environment, and with the right friends in this game, you can basically get everything free, as you don't even have to farm, you can just be dragged along for a ride and collect stuff without firing a shot, you can actually die in a mission, and as long as someone on the team escapes, you get stuff from memory.


If a game is not fun for you, make constructive comments in the forums about what extra content might be attractive to you, and not that sound like "this current game content is insulting me", because many people including me don't care, and even if the entire content of Warframe became crap to me personally overnight, I have extracted my cash worth many times over, and would patiently wait for the possibility of future content containing something worth coming back again for.


And the "harden the ..." expression is meant to be joke from a Ronnie Johns sketch where he parodies Chopper Reid. Google it.

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Everyone always wants a token system but then they also complain that they got everything within the first few hours of a patch and want more content.  And they apparently cant see that a token system would just cause that to happen a hek of a lot more.

If we had a token system I could just grind up a few thousand points in the void and then whenever a new prime gear came out I could instantly grab it without any further effort or even needing to look at the new void stuff.
And so would a lot of other people. (Unless they made the points expire....but then people would complain about even that knowing this community)
And then they would complain that there is nothing that they can work towards getting and its too easy to get everything and nothing is a challenge to get.

You guys cant have it both ways.
Either you'll get everything near instantly and be bored with it all that much faster, or you grind for it and take some time and actually have to play the game and be unable to claim that you got everything in the patch in a single hour and are now bored with it.

So either way you guys will find something to complain about, so please tell, which one would you rather complain about?  That you blew through all of the new frames and weapons instantly or that it takes you a little bit of time to get them?

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Ah, this discussion was so much nicer in general rather than feedback. Could a mod move it back? 



Was it moved because it could be more accurately described as feedback even though it could also fit general, or was it moved here because less people are here and so the thread will gain less support because less will see it? 

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Fact is that they would NEED to do something like that.
I explain it in my post above.  If they dont make the points take a LONG time to get and even potentially decay over time then people will complain that they can get all of the new items the instant they come out and never have to look at the void or even play the game to get it all.

I've been here long enough to see both.
Before the void and that type of grind-wall there were a lot of threads asking for things that took time to get.  Things that they couldn't just make instantly and be done with it.  Things that took effort to get.
Now we have that and people want everything instantly handed to them with no further effort on their part.

I dont understand why people cant see that they can only have it one way.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Fact is that they would NEED to do something like that.


I explain it in my post above.  If they dont make the points take a LONG time to get and even potentially decay over time then people will complain that they can get all of the new items the instant they come out and never have to look at the void or even play the game to get it all.

I've been here long enough to see both.

Before the void and that type of grind-wall there were a lot of threads asking for things that took time to get.  Things that they couldn't just make instantly and be done with it.  Things that took effort to get.

Now we have that and people want everything instantly handed to them with no further effort on their part.

I dont understand why people cant see that they can only have it one way.



Wait, wait, wait. So bashing one's head against an RNG brick wall isn't actually pointless and painful, but it's a clever way of extending the life of the game?


No, no it's not it's an utterly cack handed solution to address a problem which has long since existed by pasting over the cracks in the gameplay mechanics which resurface once again as more content is released. We've seen it multiple times. 


What you're doing is stating that RNG is there to challenge people and make it difficult to get things, it's not difficult to get it. T4 and RNG simply spun out the RNG even more, that's tedious and boring, it's not a challenge it doesn't make it harder in terms of skill or reward you for playing well, it simply makes it a time sink to punish you for not paying upfront.


DE should not be given a get out of jail free card for that kind of behavior as it's known to be BS. It's the same tactics used by Zynga and EA in their "F2P" titles.

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I never said that it was a challenge or difficult.  Simply that people wanted things that took effort (and it does take effort to go through the void) and not instantly get everything.

How would you propose a system that prevented people from blowing through all new content in 1 hour and then complaining that there is nothing that takes time to get and that everything is so piss easy to get like you want it to be?
Because that's all a token system would do.  It would only change the complaints, not get rid of them.

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I never said that it was a challenge or difficult.  Simply that people wanted things that took effort (and it does take effort to go through the void) and not instantly get everything.


How would you propose a system that prevented people from blowing through all new content in 1 hour and then complaining that there is nothing that takes time to get and that everything is so &!$$ easy to get like you want it to be?

Because that's all a token system would do.  It would only change the complaints, not get rid of them.



No it doesn't most of us can shoot our way through the void blindfolded even with all the nerfs to Nova, Trinity, Rhino, Frost etc. It's still a cake walk. 


It doesn't take effort, it tests your patience and just how much free time you're willing to waste. It doesn't even make it difficult, it makes it tedious. If I really wanted to I could join a T4 game after an invite and then go AFK, and not be kicked as you'd lose your T4 key after 5 minutes if you aborted the mission. I'm sure I could think of even more exploits if you give me a day. 


I wouldn't even mind if I failed a score of times to get an item because I wasn't good enough to get it, didn't have the equipment, skills, or a team to work with. That's fine. This is mindless drudgery.


Oh for God sake, yes, the token system is the only way of doing things, clearly. I'm not the only one who has brought up the cack handed use of pure RNG algorithms. This could have been addressed by skewing drop tables to take into account previous drops in Def. and Survival. the more drops of 1 item you get the less the % chance to get another drop of the same item and the increase % chance to get one of the other drops. It's still RNG, it's still farming, but one might not feel like they're smashing their head against a brick wall after getting 3 Ember Prime helms in one game


This could have been addressed in other game types in multiple ways. By bringing interception and rescue missions to the Void instead of T4, we all know Intercept it challenging, so why not use the bloody thing. Why are T4 drops restricted to Intercept? Why aren't the Derelict drop tables used for anything, they're almost barren, why aren't the older prime parts moved to them or T4 keys placed there? Why has the drop table got duplicate items rammed in them? Why are Credit and Recourse drops in the game? Why are Keys still being dropped in the Void? 


None of any of these points were addressed or even taken on board by the looks of it, all of them would have alleviated the frankly daft situation which they've created, by spreading things out without changing the farming slant of the game. I don't like to say it, but from what I've seen, they seem to have taken the easy way out and just added more pure RNG walls because it let them cut corners and avoid dealing with anything I mentioned. And that's what they should be criticised for.

Edited by (PS4)billy-d-squid
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And now people understand why this game still has the 'Beta' tag. It is a work in progress. As the EVE Online guy said, it could have been much worse. How about bugs? Think Battlefield 4 and their release woes. People ask for things, then complain when they receive them. Allow DE to fix and tweak and adjust things. Immediately crying about it does not assist constructive ideas to be passed along to the devs.

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The beta excuse is wearing a bit thin after all this time. This problem has come up from what I can only see as ill thought out or insufficiently planned content. I just gave half a dozen possible solutions off the top of my head, at least 3 of which would require no changes other than swapping around where certain items are found. RNG problems have also been pointed out multiple times every time they release something, nothing changed.


We won't even go to that train wreck of a game that's Battlefield 4, the fact that it's still unplayable for some people because its so bug ridden says more about EA's constant lies than what we should expect from developers in general. 


The issue here is that they had the constructive criticism, they were told that RNG problems were there with previous frame and prime releases and none of it was taken on board, hence, they're now getting criticism for it.

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Some players seem to be complaining about the Void Vor's difficulty...

Let me give you an example:

A corrupted drone in T4 extermination kills my Mag with 1110 shields and 555 health in about 2-3 seconds.(Broken damage, i tell ya)

Captain Vor, in that same mission, took about 4-5 seconds with his "Key-Laser-Beam" to merely reduce my shields to 0.

Also, i killed him with merely 8 shots from my Dread(Catalyst, but no formas).

Vor is even less dangerous than T4 Heavy Gunners. A TON LESS DANGEROUS.

Also, wtf happened to him to drop Vitality on me? WTF, DE??? I ddn't come to T4 for a Vitality!!!

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