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Loki Prime And Rage


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  Finally some a good responce!

Firstly this only effects directly people who already own the pre-prime-things, just like arcane helmets only people directly  effected are those bought them before the patch.

If they want to hold onto both frames that's their choice. giving the abilty to upgrade a loki/bo/whatever to 'arcane' could result in a different stat boost.

An ARCANE loki for example, would be rare. The beta players are happy and proud, but if they want to trade this item they can too.

to actually build the upgrade would cost the same blueprint parts and resources as building a prime. Thus not giving pre-patch players an unfair advantage.

It's fair on the new player because they can still buy them for platinum on the market, and *they* didn't lvl their loki 4 times .....because they just entered a game where the prime already exists. same goes for rhino/boltar/etc. if they want the ARCANE bo/rhino/loki etc, they pay plat for it.

The solution is better for me, its better for the devs. and i'm not a 'spoiled' vet. I'm someone who invested my time and effort from the earliest beta in something that became obsolete.....semi-randomly.




How nice for you to know that NOW. if only i had used my psyhic powers to know this back in the earliest beta....cause i had an Excalibur prime with no aura.

Edited by Knightmarez
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If this is the train of logic we're gonna use, let's also give something to every Excalibur, Frost, Ember, Mag, and Rhino owner who also picked up the Prime. While we're at it, let's also give something to every non-Prime weapon owner who eventually picked up the Prime variation of the same weapon.


Your argument is weak (laughable, at best) and has nothing to stand on. This entire topic is a colossal waste of time and needs to be shut down.

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Vargras my argument is not weak because all of those things would be arcane trade-able items. At first they would be everywhere, but as time goes on, they would become more and more rare.

My argument is not laughable, because making money isn't funny. Its business.

The players are not 'happy' that their stuff has become obsolete, they are *putting up with it*. My solution makes everyone happy, and helps the game.

Naftal, well good for you, but that doesn't mean the problem of priming stuff has gone away.


Primeing weapons and equipment should be only a positive thing for the game. It should not punish beta-players for playing.

Edited by Knightmarez
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Vargras my argument is not weak because all of those things would be arcane trade-able items. At first they would be everywhere, but as time goes on, they would become more and more rare.

My argument is not laughable, because making money isn't funny. Its business.

The players are not 'happy' that their stuff has become obsolete, they are *putting up with it*. My solution makes everyone happy, and helps the game.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but your "solution" wouldn't do the things you claim it would do. Players who didn't have a forma'd Loki would then complain that they didn't get the stat boost item. Players with it would just slap it onto Loki Prime for even more energy (he can already pass 500 energy, not like he needs any more). Stat boosts on items that should be cosmetic-only do not help the game in any way whatsoever, and the basis of your argument is that you yourself were upset because you forma'd Loki a bunch and then a Prime came out.


No one was making you spend several forma on a frame, and that's no one's fault but your own. That's a risk you knowingly took. You don't get to be rewarded for it.

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The underlying problem should be solved is my argument. You make a solid points.

I think all players who were playing pre-patch should have the unique blueprint that upgrades their loki/rhino/bo/etc into an 'arcane' loki/rhino/etc.

This arcane equipment-upgrade-blueprint would be tradeable.
To apply the upgrade would cost the same as building the prime.

The devs would perhaps decide to give interesting but not overpowered stat boosts/the same stat boosts as the prime.


The Arcane helmets DO help the game. It's fair on the beta players AND helps drive the platinum economy.
My solution is a logical extension of that.

It's not a ''risk i knowingly took''. I'm not a victim, i'm being professional. My solution is Win-win-win for everyone.

and also...'knowingly?'. Lol srsly? i'm supposed to psychicly figure out the future a year ago cause i had an Auraless-Excalibur prime? cmon that's nonsense.

Edited by Knightmarez
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The underlying problem should be solved is my argument. You make a solid points.


I think all players who were playing pre-patch should have the unique blueprint that upgrades their loki/rhino/bo/etc into an 'arcane' loki/rhino/etc.

This arcane equipment-upgrade-blueprint would be tradeable.

To apply the upgrade would cost the same as building the prime.

The devs would perhaps decide to give interesting but not overpowered stat boosts/the same stat boosts as the prime.


The Arcane helmets DO help the game. It's fair on the beta players AND helps drive the platinum economy.

My solution is a logical extension of that.

It's not a ''risk i knowingly took''. I'm not a victim, i'm being professional. My solution is Win-win-win for everyone.

and also...'knowingly?'. Lol srsly? i'm supposed to psychicly figure out the future a year ago cause i had an Auraless-Excalibur prime? cmon that's nonsense.


You are a professional... I give you that, lol.


Your solution might be a possibility.

Except that I hate stat skins/helmets. If I hadn't that Pendragon helmet, and if Excal wouldn't be in that serious need of powerstrength, I could use the shiny gold helmet.^^


The game is turning for the better for everyone without ridiculous stat-skins. Vanguard helmet is a prime example for this. However I wish they had removed every stat. Now we have the situation that only those Pre-Patchers (what a word...) have the royalty of those helmets.

So we have a two class society.


This stuff you want to change could be a possibility, but on the other hand, the system we have now is cleaner, simpler and more transparent.

Edited by SIDESTRE4M
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Well you could see it as a two-teir society, but a new player doesn't have the problem of his aura-less-formad loki becoming obsolete....and nothing is stopping *him* getting a loki prime....or even buying ARCANE for plat.

Edited by Knightmarez
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Instead he has the problem he is new to the game and has other problems like some gold or measingly 25 base energy more.



A "measly 25 base energy more" adds up when you've got Flow, which is a percentage increase.


Loki has a base energy of 150, and 225 at level 30. With Flow, he sits at 375 and 450 energy respectively.


Loki Prime has a base energy of 175, and 263 at level 30. With Flow, he sits at 438 and 525 energy respectively. That "measly 25 base energy more" ends up being 75 more energy than a non-Prime Loki, and that's hardly trivial.


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Yeah. That's true. I don't deny that. On the other hand, does it really matter? Loki has 450 max energy.


He stated somewhere he is building something with spammable Radial Disarm so I suspect some build based on Range and Fleeting Expertise.


So with max efficiency, does it really matter?

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QQ much? i formaed my ember 7 times BEFORE Aura gave you points and not took em .i formed her BEFORE ember prime . i formaed her BEFORE DMG 2.0 . i formaed her BEFORE her tank aura was gone. should i now rage too like you? Hell if you didnt know a loki prime would come youre just BLIND i would prefer other words but yea you know we dont wanna be harsh here 

Edited by HackShield
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This is still alive? Just get over it. Loki and Loki Prime are two different warframes, who knows, you might actually prefer -25 power (because reasons) and non-gilded warframes one day, so don't throw out the first master race you ever had....

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DE had also said in the past that prime frames would not obsolete vanilla frames, the only differences would be cosmetic and void buffs (i.e. our current 250 energy from void balls). 


Primes should have always had a stat buff. It encourages players to want to farm them, since most would otherwise have rather used a forma than spend a week grinding for a new frame, then have to build that frame (parts then whole frame).


Its better for us and for DE.


Stats will not be brought down.

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QQ much? i formaed my ember 7 times BEFORE Aura gave you points and not took em .i formed her BEFORE ember prime . i formaed her BEFORE DMG 2.0 . i formaed her BEFORE her tank aura was gone. should i now rage too like you? Hell if you didnt know a loki prime would come youre just BLIND i would prefer other words but yea you know we dont wanna be harsh here 

 And thats why you deserve an arcane ember blueprint. you are telling me you are 'putting up with it'. Well don't *put up* with something that could be changed and be WIN WIN WIN for EVERYONE.


"Stats will not be brought down."

GOOD, I'm not saying primes shouldn't have stat bonus's. I'm saying there is an oppotunity here to improve the game for old players and new players and platinum ecconomy.

The piture of some first world problem bs? LOL that's not my headspace! i'm smiling because i see an OPPOTUNITY for WIN WIN WIN for everyone! FOOL.

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 And thats why you deserve an arcane ember blueprint. you are telling me you are 'putting up with it'. Well don't *put up* with something that could be changed and be WIN WIN WIN for EVERYONE.


"Stats will not be brought down."

GOOD, I'm not saying primes shouldn't have stat bonus's. I'm saying there is an oppotunity here to improve the game for old players and new players and platinum ecconomy.

The piture of some first world problem bs? LOL that's not my headspace! i'm smiling because i see an OPPOTUNITY for WIN WIN WIN for everyone! FOOL.


i know we have a Vote Up button but sometimes like now i actually wish we had a Vote Down button as well.

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GOOD, I'm not saying primes shouldn't have stat bonus's. I'm saying there is an oppotunity here to improve the game for old players and new players and platinum ecconomy.

The piture of some first world problem bs? LOL that's not my headspace! i'm smiling because i see an OPPOTUNITY for WIN WIN WIN for everyone! FOOL.

How would this improve the game for new players?

I only see a win situation for you and very few other players.

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my gosh you missunerstood the irony that hitted you with the truck.


live goes on and everyone know there loved frames get overhauled its just how mmorpgs works or mostly warframe works cause there not real classes.


there things you have to deal with there is no garante that your frame stays at his strength lvl against enemies and i personally still like my normal ember more . not cause of the 7 forma its cause she looks with the immortal skin more awesome. 


the only reason i could understand you rage that much about forma is that you bought em otherwise you just like to complain.



how ever the basic loki just got lesser energy its maybe with flow 3 radial disarm less but come on you ever encountered really energy probs with loki O.o.


and pls some mod could close this its just nonsense to disccuss about it cause there will never again any stats gear and thats for sure good!

Edited by HackShield
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A "measly 25 base energy more" adds up when you've got Flow, which is a percentage increase.


Loki has a base energy of 150, and 225 at level 30. With Flow, he sits at 375 and 450 energy respectively.


Loki Prime has a base energy of 175, and 263 at level 30. With Flow, he sits at 438 and 525 energy respectively. That "measly 25 base energy more" ends up being 75 more energy than a non-Prime Loki, and that's hardly trivial.

Loki cant even use 450 energy


He has no need for 525

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QT disagrees with you.


I really want that extra energy for my QT+rage+life strike+disarm face tanking build.


if loki is getting shot a lot to warrant using QT/Rage etc then hes modded wrong, because hes not invisible......   and he should be.

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if loki is getting shot a lot to warrant using QT/Rage etc then hes modded wrong, because hes not invisible......   and he should be.

If that's the only way you want to use him then sure, that energy is useless for you.

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