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Loki Prime And Rage


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Sorry to say but this topic has been so funny to read.

Your saying it's great to have something to work for (Primes) but cause you spent time, effort and resources upgrading your Warframe (like everyone else) and now a Prime has been released you want a Free Pass or whatever to get the Prime or that extra +25 Energy.

Even if it costs the same as Building the Prime your intentionaly getting a Free Pass and should not happen.

As you mentioned it's something to work for... So get off your high horse and go work for it like everyone else, just because you spent time, effort and resources means nothing.

Nothing? Why? Cause everything in this game is obtainable through effort, time and resources and then requires you to level it up and if you want to then upgrade it.

As stated before there are Devstreams and Forums and even a Wikia for people to find information out even if it may not be 100% true, but if your so butt hurt over something like this then maby this isn't the type of game for you.

This game is still in beta, yes i said beta (waves beta banner) so expect new things, changes and lots of things to happen but for this idea of yours is not something that should be handed out (Free Pass) for those who have this or that and upgraded it.

RNG is a $#*(@ and will someday get fixed or sorted but farming for something new is how this game works at the moment.

Sorry, I can't help doing this...




(anyway, true comment.)

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25 max energy is meaningless. It takes committed effort to drain Loki's energy to 0 through using abilities.

2 extra polarities is meaningless. Forma.


Regular Loki has no tumors and functions exactly the same. Loki Prime is for prestige (only applies to those who paid the iron price).

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You're not the only one this crap happens to.
(so its crap and the devs should fix it)

I myself was gonna forma/supercharge Loki right before RhinoPrime news. But hearing bout the toss up, I knew to wait.

(so people from the beta are getting screwed over)

And this is why I generally don't Forma non-Prime frames.

(good for you, not from earliest beta like me?)

Thats why i dont forma a Warframe unless its a prime ,a frame i love alot or that im not expecting to see a prime version this year yet.


I'm mostly still going to stick with my base Loki, the extra energy doesn't really do much to his already large energy pool and a no forma perma invis build.
(so you come back to the game and have a reason NOT to farm it)

An extra 25 base energy isn't anything that special.
Nothing is forcing you to upgrade to the Loki Prime.
(again, can't upgrade my loki to arcane loki)

All frames will have primes. Does that mean you shouldnt potato and forma all regular frames??
(clearly not an earliest beta player like me)

if you're still afraid of this, I prevent you that all the frames before Nova will be primed.
(what order? nekros too?)

It was entirely your choice to forma your loki and asking for a refund is ridiculous when you and everyone else knows a prime for it was coming out eventually
(clearly not earliest beta player like me)

Ok ok but calm down man : an easy solution to this problem could be to "migrate" the forma/orokin reactor from non-prime to prime versions.
(sure ok, someone agreeing with me, it needs fixing)

I think DE did say, Warframes after Vauban won't get primes. But him and every Warframe before him will get a primed version.
(so eveyone saying ''i should know'' is wrong. Ok)

Extra 25 base energy isn't really anything compared to Rhino Prime's speed boost.
(Yes, early rhino beta players got screwed over too)

DE had also said in the past that prime frames would not obsolete vanilla frames, the only differences would be cosmetic and void buffs i.e. our current 250 energy from void balls.  Turns out things changed and we have now 2 direct upgrade prime frames.
(I don't mind this, high end content for high end players. All i'm frustrated about is cause i'm earliest beta and invested my time in something now obsolete)

More platinum sales is a good thing.

 If you buffed a non-prime Loki then you get a buffed non-prime Loki.  You got what you paid for and anything more is just self-entitlement.
(ARCANE HELMETS, self righteous are we?)

Tell that to people who forma-ed Vastos.

I have forma'd and potato my Bo three times.
You don't see me complaining about it
(Doens't change the fact deserve an arcane Bo, you're a beta player)


That being said, I can understand your rage, but unless DE hands out 'resets' whenever they release an upgraded version of something
(I'm suggesting arcane bo/loki's etc, A collectors edition if you like :))

I crunched the numbers and ultimately with maxed flow mods the energy difference between the two is only 53 energy,
(i'm a perfectionist, i want my disarm-spamming loki to support my clan the best i can)

This game is still in beta, yes i said beta so expect new things, changes and lots of things to happen but for this idea of yours is not something that should be handed out

You do realize you are probably going to get 5 forma BP's just trying to farm loki prime right? Reactors aren't THAT rare either.
(its about the time AND the resources. my change is only for prepatch-BETA)

And thus the clarity of what i'm saying is shown.



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I own a 1999 Ford Mustang.

Oh how I love my Stang.

I spent many, many hours and resources working on the engine to make it even more gas efficient and faster.

In 2000 they released the new Ford Mustang. Sleeker body, better gas mileage, and more horsepower!

Ford, can I have a 2000 model Mustang for my past efforts?


Edited by (PS4)kcarpe2007
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I still don't get the problem. How long has it been, that we got Loki Prime? I'm too lazy too google when Loki saw the digital light of life, but I used him long enough to be cool about the work i put into him.

It could be months, maybe a year before I get my favorite frame in all prime-y fashion. So no regret about it.

(Lucky me, Excal is one of my favorites... followed by Volt, Loki, Ash, Zephyr...)


I know it's like "S#&$, all this work and now there is a better version out". But that is part of life that you work hard for things that are getting eventually replaced. If it was honest work and you are satisfied with what you've done, you should be proud of it.


People won't look at you and think what a loser you are, not having Loki Prime.

Edited by SIDESTRE4M
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I know it's like "S#&$, all this work and now there is a better version out". But that is part of life that you work hard for things that are getting eventually replaced. If it was honest work


This is the wrong attitude towards life. If it's fixable fix it.

"quote : to me hte problem is this, rhino got 1 stat boost everyone complained, loki got a stat boost and an extra polarity and we have what 1-2 threads? "

Yeah well its about what to do when *things* get primed. Ive got excalibur prime, loki and volt, cause i'm from the EARLIEST beta. I'm all for people' rhino's that became obsolete having the ability to make them 'arcane'.

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This is the wrong attitude towards life. If it's fixable fix it.



Good news: You don't need to polarize Loki Prime. Got him to 29 and everything fits just nice. So if you get him, you don't need to invest the same amount of work.

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Good news: You don't need to polarize Loki Prime. Got him to 29 and everything fits just nice. So if you get him, you don't need to invest the same amount of work.

(Doens't fix the problem of pre-patch people investing so much time, also assumes that everyone mods the same way.)

I don't really care about +25 energy when his abilities barely cost more than 15 if modded that way.

(I'm a perfectionist, and i want my loki build that spams disarm to be as good as possible, YOU don't care but so what. You aren't me, or anyone else who got screwed over from the earliest beta.

Don't get me wrong though, i do love this game.


The way i see it is my solution, or something very similar would be win win.

Make people who are loyal players from pre-prime-patch have the special option to make 'arcane' stuff out of what they already owned. Make it tradeable, boom now its collector's edition and limited, so people will sell them for plat.

That means people BUYING plat.

I win cause i don't feel DEPRESSED every time i take my loki out, instead i feel PROUD of my beta-heritage.
the DEVS win cause its a healthier economy and more platinum.
All the people who already had a rhino and made a rhino prime and lvled it win, cause now their 'arcane' rhino can be sold for plat. so they win too.

Why not make the 'arcane' loki upgrade (Available to only people who owned something before its patched) different? Speed boost?
see now'd have a reason to farm the loki prime and have two loki's, my arcane and my prime.


Currently everyone either verbally being absuve, saying ''its not SOOO bad'' or just grinding away and not even being on the forums.....except of course, the ones agreeing with me. Perhaps they will come out if it wasn't for the trolls.

Edited by Knightmarez
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Good news: You don't need to polarize Loki Prime. Got him to 29 and everything fits just nice. So if you get him, you don't need to invest the same amount of work.

(Doens't fix the problem of pre-patch people investing so much time, also assumes that everyone mods the same way.)

I don't really care about +25 energy when his abilities barely cost more than 15 if modded that way.

(I'm a perfectionist, and i want my loki build that spams disarm to be as good as possible, YOU don't care but so what. You aren't me, or anyone else who got screwed over from the earliest beta.

Don't get me wrong though, i do love this game.)


The way i see it is my solution, or something very similar would be win win.


Make people who are loyal players from pre-prime-patch have the special option to make 'arcane' stuff out of what they already owned. Make it tradeable, boom now its collector's edition and limited, so people will sell them for plat.

That means people BUYING plat.

I win cause i don't feel DEPRESSED every time i take my loki out, instead i feel PROUD of my beta-heritage.

the DEVS win cause its a healthier economy and more platinum.

All the people who already had a rhino and made a rhino prime and lvled it win, cause now their 'arcane' rhino can be sold for plat. so they win too.

Why not make the 'arcane' loki upgrade (Available to only people who owned something before its patched) different? Speed boost?

see now'd have a reason to farm the loki prime and have two loki's, my arcane and my prime.


Currently everyone either verbally being absuve, saying ''its not SOOO bad'' or just grinding away and not even being on the forums.....except of course, the ones agreeing with me. Perhaps they will come out if it wasn't for the trolls.


You have been repeating this idea for days and i haven`t seen anyone support it. You are the only one who thinks the way they are implementing stuff is broken and needs to be fixed (I`m not saying it can`t be improved, but it`s not broken). What i find ridiculous is that you expect to get compensated for this.

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I've been here since day one (And even remember the original battle deck system) So dont even try to pull "But you dont understand what its like for people from the earliest beta!" on me.

Further, I got Loki very early on in CBT.

Now, I dont expect to be compensated by DE because I spent time and effort formaing my Loki.  That would be a stupid thing to do.
Because they never forced me to.  They never told me that I had to do it.
I chose to do it.  I took the risk knowing that prime frames were coming out when they made forma available.
And why should they compensate me for the risk I took?

You're the ONLY person that is angry Loki got primed (and apparently the only one who doesn't pay attention to anything at all on the forums or in the dev streams).  No one really cares what work you put into Loki.  And if you put that much work into Loki just keep using Loki.  If you want Loki Prime just put work into Loki Prime.

And having a Loki is hardly "beta-heritage" as a ton of people have a Loki.
So stop conflating completely unrelated things like that.

And also, adding more exclusives like what your suggesting would just further divide the fanbase and be a terrible idea.
Look at how well recieved the "arcane helmets" are by new players.
No one likes missing out on things like that.

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Good news: You don't need to polarize Loki Prime. Got him to 29 and everything fits just nice. So if you get him, you don't need to invest the same amount of work.

(Doens't fix the problem of pre-patch people investing so much time, also assumes that everyone mods the same way.)


Ok. Just wanted to de-escalate.


So you label yourself a perfectionist. You probably are a lazy type of a  perfectionist.


I mean, your Loki got polarized a few times, what's the big deal? You did it and had the results.


Now Loki Prime got out and you are pissed because you need to do the same again, which is not even the case because he has more polarities.

I don't know what you do, but polarizing Loki five times took me a few hours. You talk like it took you months to do so.


You either have the choice that the devs listen to you or not and accept your miserable destiny of not having the ultra swagster Loki anymore, no one except you cared about in the first place.


That's the hard part of life I talked about. Sometimes fixable things for you aren't fixed for you.

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You know all this time you been spending posting ur rubbish on this forum you could of gotten most of it not all the resources it cost you to get your Loki the way it is, as for time well your wasting it here on the forum rather than putting it to use on the game.

People have told you over and over all that you need to know but all your doing is ignoring it and spouting your rubbish. This type of (issue) you call is not something that needs to be fixed, or at least to the way your saying...
I don't want to be handed a free Volt upgrade when the Prime comes out just because I spent time and resources on him.

I want to farm for his BPs and build him then spend some great fun playing him to Forma him again.

PS. I sold my Volt, Ember, Frost which had a Reactor and such on them and replaced them with Primes but still waiting for Volt Prime do you see me crying? No, It's free to play and you got all time in the world if you stopped wasting it here on this forum, so stop being a crybaby and enjoy the game like the rest DE is not going to hand you a free pass.

Edited by Kutsuu
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You're all fools. My solution is better for the game as a whole, since it would improve the trading economy thus resulting in more plat .'. more money.

Your abusive attitudes are not professional. Every time i correct anything with logic or evidence you say nothing or change the subject. This is typical human/internet BS.


none of you counter-arguments make any sense whilst ARCANE helmets exist.


making it fair for people is not ''being weak'' its being *better*.

I'm an approachable logical guy, but i respond to logic and reason, not these half-hearted attempts and pseudo-psychology. I am not your parents or your children.

Edited by Knightmarez
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We're all fools? Your solution is better for the game as a whole? So you seem to think for yourself and not care for anyone else.

I see okay then I guess people posting here is as much of a waste of time as it is for you... so why did you bother making this post?

Arcane? Arcane Helmets was a bad move and should not of happened, Stat Helmets should of been removed and replaced with pure Cosmetic statless helmets.
So please don't start using Arcane as an excuse for your problematic idea when you care for yourself only.

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So if there is something like an upgrade kit... people that don't have normal Loki would have to farm both the frame AND the upgrade kit, which shouldn't be easier to get than Loki Prime.


Well, you can't get it right for everyone I guess.


On the other hand, should I go to my car seller and tell him I want an upgrade kit because the cabrio version was not available at the time I got the car?


A stat-skin would be a possible solution, coming with its own problems though.


What about existing prime frames and the affinity they created due to upranking them?


This could create more issues than we might think about now.

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I'm Bloody &!$$ed off! I just forma'd my loki 5 damn times. and NOW there is a loki PRIME with 25+ energy.

This is INFURIATING for obvious reasons. I would not of catalysed or formar'd my loki if i knew a Prime was comming i would not of done this.

I'm not asking for a refund, i just want a unique shoulder pad or chest piece that upgrades my energy 25+, but is only available to people who had a loki BEFORE the patch.

Make this unique item cost the same as building a loki prime.

Again, make it only available to people who had a loki BEFORE the latest patch.

This is fair , please a don't &!$$ me off anymore with this BS, i know its beta but RAGE

<3 warframe, <3 the devs


To be more clear, One should be able to upgrade my anything that can be primed to a primed *if one owns it before the patch*

To upgrade the item should cost the prime-blueprint and the blueprints construction cost.

this makes it fair on pre patch and post patch players, adds something to the market to trade,

Loki Prime was known to be coming next since before Rhino Prime was released, that's more than enough forewarning. You shouldn't get anything special because it was entirely your choice to put forma into him. If Nekros prime were to come out and have +100 shield, should I get a special item that gives me +100 shield because I put 3 forma into him? Simply put, no. Edited by (PS4)SCP-100912
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'it was known' Except that it wasn't. The devs even said there would be no stat boosts then there was.

My solution is fair on the beta players.
My solution adds stuff to trade platinum for.
My solution is better for you , better for me, better for the devs.

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'it was known' Except that it wasn't. The devs even said there would be no stat boosts then there was.

My solution is fair on the beta players.
My solution adds stuff to trade platinum for.
My solution is better for you , better for me, better for the devs.


Then please answer:


What about the Affinity, people got due to ranking up both frames (old and prime)?

  Or to be more specific: What about the existing frames?

  And what if they want to hold on both frames? What if they already polarized maybe both frames?

  Do you have any idea how many questions will arise you didn't think of yet?


What about the ways to accumulate this upgrade? So it is not fair to the new player because they have to farm both the upgrade AND the frame.


Your solution is better for you, that's for sure... better for the devs, who knows... better for the others, other than spoiled veterans? Nope.

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Warframe Pro Tip #1: Any Tenno Warframe or weapon will eventually get a Prime version of it.


Warframe Pro Tip #2: Always assume that any one handed pistol will receive a dual wield version sometime in the future.


Warframe Pro Tip #3: The dual wield or Prime versions will most assuredly be better then the originals as an incentive for people to go after them.

Edited by Zyion
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