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Lore Inconsistency?


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The text of the new event mentions the technocyte virus "evolving", but it's clearly been infecting inorganic material for quite some time, as evidenced by various ship surfaces that end up with the classic "infestation" nodules on them, and the fact that infested sport armor that deforms and changes rather than cracks in response to being infested.


The rest of it is cool(and a little sad... Poor Alad, worst year of his life, really, and it's all our fault). This just kind of bugs me.

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This game's Lore i think it's a fascinating story as told by a 12 year old kid, which means that the kid is going to change it on a whim and he's never going to get around to explaining what the hell he's talking about... So yeah, you think that's bad? Start explaining Vacuum effects consistency and stuff like a Tenno changing Warframes and changing gender in the process... And that's not even getting into the whole Ammo issues...

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This game's Lore i think it's a fascinating story as told by a 12 year old kid, which means that the kid is going to change it on a whim and he's never going to get around to explaining what the hell he's talking about... So yeah, you think that's bad? Start explaining Vacuum effects consistency and stuff like a Tenno changing Warframes and swapping genders in the process... And that's not even getting into the whole Ammo issues...

First off, fixed


Second, it hasn't been explained if we're playing as one single Tenno, or even if Tenno are human at all. They may very well be agender beings.


As for the vacuum, that's relative to gameplay, not lore. Ammo is simply for the sake of convenience as well.


Did DE ever go into why Salad V is infested now?

That more or less hasn't been elaborated on. All we know for now is that he's definitely not getting along with the Corpus as well as he used to.

Edited by McRedhead
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Vacuum effects consistency [...] Tenno changing Warframes and changing gender in the process [...] And that's not even getting into the whole Ammo issues...

None of those things are lore. Vacuum effect consistency isn't a lore issue, it's a gameplay mechanics issue and needs some revising. Nowhere is it said that we play a single Tenno who swaps between Warframes. For all we know all of our weapon types or our frames have special converters that take a 'standard' ammo and converts it into the specific ammo used per weapon.

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the technocyte is evolving, since it s not an organic frame absorbing mechanical and electronic elements, but the other way. the life is sustained by a silicon based organism.


-poker face-

Edited by kimahn
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First off, fixed


Second, it hasn't been explained if we're playing as one single Tenno, or even if Tenno are human at all. They may very well be agender beings.


As for the vacuum, that's actually true.


That more or less hasn't been elaborated on. All we know for now is that he's definitely not getting along with the Corpus as well as he used to.



Your are likely playing as a single Tenno:


DevStream 25 at about minute 34 [DE]Steve says, the Tenno was human and a Tenno in the Warframe. That could mean that they aren't remote controlled, but I still hypothesis that a Tenno clone is built for the purpose of inhabiting the frame remotely. The Tenno clone is made when the frame is constructed. Its that or a single Tenno's body is morphed when putting on the suit, assuming that they aren't remote controlled. But, Steve definitely stated you are playing a singe Tenno. 
[DE]Steve, also said that he is intentionally keeping it vague as to keep the game accessible to as many people and cultures as possible. I read that as, he doesn't want to explicitly say that you play a character that potentially gender swaps. I find that funny because, even if you play many Tenno, you the player, immerse in the role of the opposite sex, unless you forgo using those frames.
DevStream 22 at about 17 minutes in, 17:45 is about where he says it, is where he refers to the player as, "What you are, your Tenno." Now, I agree this still leaves room for interpretation, but I find it strong enough to leave room for my hypothesis. And that hypothesis would help answer a lot of confusing issues. If the remote theory is true, then is possible that the void acts as a sort of stream of consciousness to the frame, and the frames are built, custom made to be receivers. Channeling the Tenno, and the power of the void, expressed in the form of the frames archetype, Excalibur, Rhino, Nyx, etc.
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" We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction"-Excal's codex.

Ergo, we are polytenno. It suggests that frames are personalised to what the void did to the tenno inside.

Edited by Warriorrogue
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Your are likely playing as a single Tenno:

Likely, but it's not entirely clear. DE has gone back and forth between whether WF was a Dark Sector sequel or not for ages before finally saying "yes".


Anyway, it's not worth arguing. It's not relevant to the topic of the thread (by the way, OP is completely wrong, so this whole thread is moot).

Edited by McRedhead
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even if Steve said that I want to assume that we play as multiple Tenno



  Why? I mean you are entitled to your personal opinion, but it is boring and mundane that we play a host of Tenno. A game that actually experiments with post and trans-human subjects is right inline with the deep future and science fiction concepts that DE have been playing with. Why can't the games subject matter be as fascinating and interestingly different as the art and design work of the Warframes themselves?

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The text of the new event mentions the technocyte virus "evolving", but it's clearly been infecting inorganic material for quite some time, as evidenced by various ship surfaces that end up with the classic "infestation" nodules on them, and the fact that infested sport armor that deforms and changes rather than cracks in response to being infested.


The rest of it is cool(and a little sad... Poor Alad, worst year of his life, really, and it's all our fault). This just kind of bugs me.



Likely, but it's not entirely clear. DE has gone back and forth between whether WF was a Dark Sector sequel or not for ages before finally saying "yes".


Anyway, it's not worth arguing. It's not relevant to the topic of the thread (by the way, OP is completely wrong, so this whole thread is moot).



it just kinda grew over the ships like grass or something but now it can controll AI



  Then I will address the OP. The Technocyte is infecting the ships and robots themselves now. TC was growing on the hull of ships before, and affected inanimate material before, but controlling AI controlled robots is a new level. My only problem is, that this should have been treated as a retcon instead of an evolution. After the thousands of years of activity in the game since the original release of the TC virus, that is unique because it can effect technology as well as flesh, it seems like this should not be a new feature.

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I'm wanting to say the Technocyte is what we call a viral quasispecies, practically a constantly evolving pathogen into a highly mutagenic environment (a carrying host such as a Grineer or Corpus crewman, or Solar System wildlife).


Viruses are constantly evolving. Some strains can be created through a more selective evolution such as immunitary strengh of the host, pharmacological treatment, vaccines... in this case, Salad V insanity with a side order of vast financial resources and plenty of test subjects.


The reason why the Technocyte has been relatively stable for a while (or at the very least, this is what we've been led to believe) is probably a simple matter as finding the right blend of factors that can trigger a more drastic evolution, as opposed to minor, constant mutations that do not constitute a deep change (think seasonal influenza).


That being said, I can only speculate on how the Technocyte does reproduce inside a host and how such ability to reproduce can be boosted; it's science fiction, after all.

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@MoRockerPDX well to be honest I like seeing my Rhino has a rage fueled maniac and see my volt as my clans scientist I just don't like the idea of this massive angry looking dude becoming a small light Female that floats around AKA Zephyr which is one of my favorite Frames  



And regarding the Technocyte Evolution to control AI I think its Alad's doing

Edited by PixalatedVortex
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Hmm. So I guess things do point to the tenno's gender switching depending on the frame they wear.


In which case I'll default to the "Shinatose Izana" example of Tsutomu Nihei's Knights of Sidonia; a 3rd gender that's neither male or female that actually turns into a male or a female depending on who they partner with. Basically an actively flipflopping XX and XY SRY chromosome.


I mean c'mon we're way in the future in this game. Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.


So, space ninja magic. You can technically use it to explain all the weird minor inconsistencies.

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What "lore"?



  That trope is boring. The game has lore, but while the game is under beta development we, the player, as by way of the games f2p-beta relationship, are QQ/testers, should be accepting of changes, retcons, and inconsistencies. However, it is also necessary to call them out so that the pressure to move the game forward is strong.

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@MoRockerPDX well to be honest I like seeing my Rhino has a rage fueled maniac and see my volt as my clans scientist I just don't like the idea of this massive angry looking dude becoming a small light Female that floats around AKA Zephyr which is one of my favorite Frames  



And regarding the Technocyte Evolution to control AI I think its Alad's doing


  That is cool, but as the player you basically are doing what the, single Tenno theory suggest. Embodying the different roles, it is just more literal in the context of the Tenno. I mean do men get all disturbed playing Laura Croft? Why is it so hard to take the next step and imagine a being that transcends gender roles, like Letter13 describes?


  By the way, this isn't meant as an attack, I am just curious. I know I wasn't open to the idea originally, but I am bored with tired old science fiction tropes that claim to push into the deep future, but are boring static mirrors of an ancient culture. 

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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@MoRockerPDX its not that I think the have personalities I think the ones in MY frames do I don't have a problem playing the opposite gender in fact I rather be the opposite that's why its so easy to Roleplay I can do either  

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