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Funny/ Odd Screenshots :3


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@ Sutherland that last pic XD all of my wot for the day has gone to you.


here's my old odd pics.


"Go home door you're drunk"




"Frost is that a strun Wraith, or are you just happy to see me?"




"They see me posing, with my tinfoil skin, they be hating"



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@ Sutherland that last pic XD all of my wot for the day has gone to you.


here's my old odd pics.


"Go home door you're drunk"




"Frost is that a strun Wraith, or are you just happy to see me?"




"They see me posing, with my tinfoil skin, they be hating"



How did Rhino break his arm? Was it a Ski-ing accident?

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Boltor Juggling XD to many quick weapon swaps and it just pops right out of it's socket. He really should see a space doctor about that.

Poor guy. My sis's Zephyr breaks her arm an awful lot. Guess she isn't too careful when using Tail wind. or runs out of energy in mid air.

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@ Sutherland that last pic XD all of my wot for the day has gone to you.


here's my old odd pics.


"Go home door you're drunk"




"Frost is that a strun Wraith, or are you just happy to see me?"




"They see me posing, with my tinfoil skin, they be hating"



lol I've seen some pretty messed up stuff in the void....but I've never seen that. lmao

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Poor guy. My sis's Zephyr breaks her arm an awful lot. Guess she isn't too careful when using Tail wind. or runs out of energy in mid air.


*proffers card* This is a very well respected space surgeon. :3 She should be able to help out your sister's zephyr.


lol I've seen some pretty messed up stuff in the void....but I've never seen that. lmao


I used to run into drunk doors all the time, especially the green lighted ones that wouldn't open lol

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Some of these are older builds, but still fun:


Dun got my Castana stuck on my Sentinel, guess I'm not using that for the rest of the match...



I actually want this Zepher Helmet...



I'm ready to blow some bubbles...



Glaive glitch where you'd throw it once, and it would multiply infinitely...



My Ash running around in his Thermals...



Trinity gets a backstage pass to how Dojos are made!



What happens when a Frost gets really bored on a defense mission...



One more time cause it's purdy...


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Here's some of mine.


Giant Frost will crush you.



We found the portal to rocks



Dat &#! room...ready to be built



Nova done broked the game



2 left feet



The Adventures of Tiny Hydriod



The Prodragon Helm



Just some of my ventures....there's more but that's for another time.

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