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So basically...

Never question or argue against game decisions made by the developer.  Clearly the love for the game should gloss over any complaints or arguments over its direction. As OP has clearly demonstrated, you enjoyment of an IP should extend beyond mere enjoyment. It should encompass reason, and then attach to the developer. 

So that no mistake can be argued against, as it is part of the dev's, whom you must love, plan.


Otherwise you are being a terrible person for playing this game.

At this point you're just trolling. There are many different ways to criticize, but slandering a developer after playing their game for countless hours isn't the way to do it. Give them feedback, but take into consideration how far they've come and all the things that they have changed and are still working on.

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I was talking about RNG as a game mechanic being synonomous.


and saying its a game mechanic and a core game mechanic are synonymous, its a system on which the game is run.

RNG doesn't need to be used to acquire something. There are many other ways, i.e. achievements, etc

But look! They are listening! They are trying! And they are adding variety! For God's sake, it's beta because it's evolving! A lot of things are and were placeholders, like the melee system! Patience, people!

Not really. Steve just said band aid mods are fine, the grind has gotten worse, and really, I can only congratulate the art teams, they're awesome

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RNG doesn't need to be used to acquire something. There are many other ways, i.e. achievements, etc

Not really. Steve just said band aid mods are fine, the grind has gotten worse, and really, I can only congratulate the art teams, they're awesome

Your refusal to acknowledge the improvements in gameplay clearly shows that nothing will ever satisfy you. No-one's denying warframe's faults. But wait, why don't you tell us how the game can be changed so that it will be "great" to play for you, eh?

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Your refusal to acknowledge the improvements in gameplay clearly shows that nothing will ever satisfy you. No-one's denying warframe's faults. But wait, why don't you tell us how the game can be changed so that it will be "great" to play for you, eh?

You mean like link any of the hundreds of good threads that DE ignored?


And there have been "improvements". D2.0 is sorta better than D1.0 (although it failed to make weapons more useful, and it ruined +physical damage type mods (as in, slash or puncture), and introduced bleed procs.


Melee 2.0 is better than M1.0 for sure, but it still has problems. It was supposed to be something that requires skill, but doesn't need anything more than mashing e (default melee), and without a stance (which you must find for whatever dumb reason) the weapon is gimped pretty well.


But make the game better?






There ya go, plenty of people with awesome ideas, and there are more, but I'll just grab 3 big names off the top of my head. individually they've each reworked a good chunk of WF to fix/balance out a ton of the game's problems, take their threads collectively and you've probably overhauled WF into something amazing that isn't a mindless grinding game.

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You mean like link any of the hundreds of good threads that DE ignored?


And there have been "improvements". D2.0 is sorta better than D1.0 (although it failed to make weapons more useful, and it ruined +physical damage type mods (as in, slash or puncture), and introduced bleed procs.


Melee 2.0 is better than M1.0 for sure, but it still has problems. It was supposed to be something that requires skill, but doesn't need anything more than mashing e (default melee), and without a stance (which you must find for whatever dumb reason) the weapon is gimped pretty well.


But make the game better?






There ya go, plenty of people with awesome ideas, and there are more, but I'll just grab 3 big names off the top of my head. individually they've each reworked a good chunk of WF to fix/balance out a ton of the game's problems, take their threads collectively and you've probably overhauled WF into something amazing that isn't a mindless grinding game.

First of all, this is the last post in this topic I'm going to make. I'm done arguing with you, although I thank you sincerely for keeping it civil, and showing some maturity I've yet to see from the majority in these forums.

In your own words, D2 and M2 are 'sorta better' and 'better for sure' but have problems. Yes, that is what I've been saying. They have faults. Nobody's denying them. But They have made the game better, as you yourself have admitted. DE has taken the trouble to host livestreams on AI     (I too personally feel the need for enemies to be more intelligent) and many of the issues discussed in these threads. Powers and warframes are being balanced all the time and Scott himself said they'd be adding utility effects on some pure dmg powers (Livestream #31). So you see, they are going at it, slowly, in their own pace. My personal opinion is that they're fleshing the game out before coming back to completely rebalance, much like finishing writing a book before editing. They talked about revising guns,ammo, etc as well in the previous streams.

So there you have it. A personal opinion of mine is that many of the people rage-quitting this game is a result of an overzealous attitude to this game. They tend to become so attached to a game that they become possessive of it's development and characteristics, never thinking some people might like the things they do not like. I feel sorry for the people who have quit. They are missing out on so much great content that's coming out. At the end of the day, there are no 'careers' in this game, and it's just some thing to sit back and enjoy. I admire their love for the game, but the got obsessed over it. But yes, some might be frustrated as they've been here since closed beta and feel their concerns aren't being highlighted yet. All I can say to them is chill. take some time to go slow, sniff the roses. Take a break. Let DE build their own game. They do know better (prime example is Nekros' Desecrate-people dissed it first, but it's one of the main attractions of Nekros now) and this is their dream they are building. How would you like it if strangers , even well-meaning ones, came and started bossing you about your dream project? We mean well, but it is their dream they're trying to realize. so let's offer some advice now and then, but sit back and see where they're going with this, the way they want it. 

I salute the player-base, and hope we will continue to stand by them as they strive to bring their fantasies to reality.

Kudos to you, again, for talking to me like an adult. Really appreciate it, man. 

                                                                                                                                                    Signing out.

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Again, and people want something more. If they wanted a buggy, grinding game, I'm sure there are plenty already out there.


And since you're on PS4, you probably missed the LS when Steve said they don't want to make a grindy game. (I think it was LS10? 11? Anyone remember?)


And no, grinding is not and should never be the sole mechanic.


Or, they'd need to make actual content. WOAH.

Guys like you kill me. Let's see you make a game since you obviously have the magic formula for the perfect worldwide online game that is gonna appeal to every type of player on the planet

Or you can just unrustle your jimmies and play Warframe. Like a proper beta tester, providing feedback instead of criticism.

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Technically, if people don't complain, DE would not know what was wrong with certain aspects of the game. Look at broken lights in example. If people just went with that, gameplay would be seriously affected, and very unenjoyable. 


Side note, people offering feedback and spending time creating ideas to encourage DE should be valued just as much as people who give the thumbs up to DE once in a while. The way you portray them is as though these people are stupid, simply for their opinions on how this game can be more enjoyable


If you want to have an opinion on people complaining, it's fine, but keep in mind you should be respectful and tolerant to these people, even when you don't agree with them. In addition, the amount of people who diss DE isn't nearly as much as the amount of people who thank and kiss up to DE. Every time an admin makes a post, in example, hundreds of players upvote it, and the first comment is almost always "Thanks DE" or "Keep up the good work DE"


TL;DR : Dont stereotype players as being foolish simply for their opinions which aren't the same as your own. Theres a huge part of the community that gives DE a clean slate, so why not allow anyone else to go against it? :L


Godspeed though :D

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seeing as this game is as you stated in beta(which IMO isn't a fair representation of the game), isn't it our duty to speak about core gameplay mechanics and provide feedback?

complaining is one thing, but many people have provided ideas/solutions/feedback to the core mechanics.


many people believe the game should be more than just a "standard grinding/farming game".


Look at it this way: for the veteran player, all they have left to  "grind/farm" is the latest and greatest gear. After they've done that, what do they do?

for a game that you say is a "standard grinding/farming game", veteran players have nothing left to farm/grind until the next update, which only provides a temporary fix for the issue at hand.


I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying the game shouldn't be classified as "grind/farm" simulator, which is where a fair amount of the complaining stems from.


also, people will always complain, there's not much anybody or anything can do about it.

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While I think OP has a fair point I definitely think DE should do something about progression in the game
The current progression is getting stuff, stuff and more stuff
For the moment, for me specifically that is fine, because I still have a lot of stuff to get

But for the more veteran players, they are trying to get the harder to obtain stuff and therein lies the problem
Hydroid looks to me disgusting to farm, I mean 26 freaking coordinates???? Holy crap, I have almost all the frames minus prime and I've only encountered 1 beacon , the rng is insane 
Same with current loki prime, you gotta farm to get the keys the run missions to get a chance at it

The reason DE has to implement this system is to prevent players from getting the items too fast (hell a lot of people can craft Loki by the end of the week already) but that creates a huge discrepancy because only the really dedicated players would get it while for the more casual players they would probably have to buy it.

Right now its either farm like no tomorrow or buy the items, there is no middle ground
If DE can figure a different way of obtaining items tat would be great (but unlikely to me) or shift the focus to something else
The breeding grounds is a good start, I didn't play the mission only for the loot, the story was really interesting 

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It amazes me at how many people are dissing DE and the work they are putting into this game. For my first point. It's a free to play beta, and people are dumping hundreds of hours into playing it. It's also a standard grinding/farming based game. Why complain about mod and prime part dilution? If DE upped all the drop rates and just gave everyone the mods/parts that they wanted, how many people would still be playing? The whole goal of this game is to work for a certain reward, and when you finally get it, not only do you get the item that you've been grinding for, but you also get the gratification of earning it. There is nothing wrong with these aspects of the game. People complaining about bugs and game affecting glitches is one thing that's worth speaking out about, but complaining about core game mechanics that were implemented for a reason is seriously dumbfounding. If you don't like to grind and farm for components in a game that's based off grinding and farming, then find another game or actually spend money on platinum and buy the item you are looking for. DE is doing amazing, and I've been impressed with the progress they make on each and every update. Every warframe and weapon is viable at some point in the game, with or without the "required" mods. Just because your weapon isn't one shotting heavy gunners in a t3(I'm on ps4, havent gotten a chance to try t4 yet)survival at 55 minutes because you don't have all the mods for a maximum damage build, doesn't mean that its not viable somewhere else.

so in other words, good job DE, keep the content coming and keep up the good work, and for everyone else, think about what type of game you are playing, and how much time you've spent on a game that's cost you nothing or close to it.

rant over.

that was beautiful

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Im just going to leave this here.

Sucessful games that use a form of RNG:


Elder scrolls series

World of Warcraft

Diablo series


I can name more but im at work and I cant think of anything else off the top of my head.

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The game isn't bad... But it's a long way from solid too.

The thing that annoys many players is that the bones for an awesome online experience are there. Likewise are the bones for an compelling and immersive story.


The core issue is that it's not being fleshed out at a decent speed...


Couple that with some of the tactics that have been used by DE to encourage players to log in and spend time grinding away in the game and players get frustrated.


Here's this awesome game with almost no game story that has all this awesome stuff in the game that you can acquire for free.

However, that stuff is located in areas of the game that require other stuff to get there.

Everything you use requires mods and most of those mods aren't simply acquired... They must be sought specifically.


There are multiple grind walls (for every slot) that have to be fed, just to get to a point where you are ready to seek that stuff you want.


And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that... To a point.


It's when needless diffusion is created that the grind walls become untenable.

It's when acquisition is made harder than it needs or ought to be that it stops being ok.



Yes, people are going to complain about challenge or the lack thereof... That's a constant in online games. I've seen the exact same people complain that Stalker was too easy, only to have them come back months later and say he's now too challenging.


People complain, it's what they do.


That doesn't mean that none of those complaints are valid though.

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DE said it themselves, they're human too. Ranting against them is useless. Constructive feedback is the best.

The problem is that too many people think that a harsh feedback is a rant. People also think that a feedback should be "sweet".In fact it doesn't have to be. A feedback that might sound harsh can still be concstructive.

Edited by Alphafox
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The problem is that too many people think that a harsh feedback is a rant. People also think that a feedback should be "sweet".In fact it doesn't have to be. A feedback that might sound harsh can still be concstructive.

I will not judge your assumption that people think feedback should be sweet, because for me, the best form of feedback is an objective one, without emotion overriding the message of the post.


Again, I will not judge your assumption that many people think harsh feedback is a rant. For me, a rant is a reply or post which consists mostly of emotion and too little of the issue, such that you have to infer what is wrong/missing but even then it's only a rough guess due to how clouded by emotion the reply/post is.


So overall, yes, harsh feedback, if objective enough, can be constructive.

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Ok. I love the grinding. What I don't care for is the fact that I can spend hours grinding for a weapon that is pretty cool and look sick, but god forbid I want to take it to a high tier game. Oh no you don't have SOMA, you no come. You no good cause you no use the SOMA master race. No we no want you, you no have SOMA. FOR YOU @(*()$ INFORMATION, I CAN DO JUST FINE 30+ MINUTES IN TIER 4 SURVIVAL WITH MY @(*()$ SERRO! THANK YOU VERY MUCH YOU SOMA SUCKING EGG HEADS! 

One thing I am seeing though is Boltor Prime picking up. It is proven to have less DPS than SOMA and yet the people like it. Why? I'll tell you why. BECAUSE ITS @(*()$ HILARIOUS! "Oh look at that, I just shot 6 people and they all ragdolled into a wall 900 feet away. LOLOLOLOLOLOL" 


I think what we need, is the same RNG, but a wider variety of weapons that all compete with each other, and all have something to contribute to the game.


One such weapon is the new one which offers a sheild. A weapon that deploys a shield. That is pretty @(*()$ cool if you ask me. What I believe DE is trying with the mod system, is to allow us to pick how we want our weapon to perform, via the mods we own. That way you can pick a weapon you think is really fun to use and actually make it's damage applicable in high tier matches. I.E. my Serro when modded correctly still one shots heavy gunners with a spin attack channel in 30+ tier 4 survival. 


What players are complaining about is the variety of great choices for high tier. Sure SOMA is fun to use, but why not actually look at GRAKATA MASTER RACE and actually try some new weapons. Crits make SOMA op. Status makes Grakata strong. Why can't we have more weapons which can focus on ONE aspect of the weapon which makes it fun and then expand on that aspect so the player has something they really enjoy using. SOMA is great if you like that  mini-gun feeling, but why don't we nerf its accuracy instead? Making it start sprazzing as you hold down the clip, kind of like some weapons from Borderlands. The reason my Serro works so well is because it boasts a whopping 55% status chance when modded correctly. The Mod system gives you more options to make your weapons AWESOME. SOMA isn't master race. (Grakata might be though...) 


This game is exciting and extremely fun to play with friends. I find myself playing with friends regularly. We will literally go to Tier 4 survival just for fun (and them fusion cores, YUM!). Why can't we have more chances to make friends and play together for the simple pleasure of slaughtering hoards of infested/corpus/grineer/corrupted/(?)? 


That brings me to events. THE MOST AWESOME PART OF THE GAME!! Why can't they last longer? I.E. Breeding Grounds: got vandal in like 2 hours. Maybe next time, DE should say something like "And for those of you who keep participating in the event, (and do your best!) there is something special in it for you ;) " Don't tell us the rewards. Make us find out what they are! MAKE US YOUR SLAVES!!! 



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 game that's cost you nothing or close to it.


I agree with everything you said. 

It's just I've invested well over 1,500$ into Warframe and when drop tables become more diluted I get a little pissed. It's wrong of me to feel entitlement just for investing but, sometimes it's just incredibly frustrating. Hope I made sense. 

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Yes. We all know this is a grind based game but DE needs to draw a line. DE is suppose to give players focus with the upcoming updates along with the "focus" system. Why not take it a step further and give us a damn token system so our efforts wouldn't be in vain. Who in the world wants to buy my 50+ bo ornaments so I can get my loki chassis? Anyone? Anyone? Yeah, I thought so. 

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Ran across this post this morning and this is a prime example of Developer worshipping, posts like this only hurt the game by making developers think all of us like what they're doing. But futhermore look at his post, this person (who's name is edited out for forum rules.. and some dignity
) seems to think we're supposed to be fine with paying the same amount of money for something and not recieve everything listed. BUT HERES THE SHOCKER he's a PS4 player saying all this..

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Here's the thing, they've opened their game up to feedback, we're not "bossing them around", we're telling them what we think is best, and they're ignoring what we say more or less in favor of adding short term stuff (i.e. grind walls, weapons/'frames)


Guys like you kill me. Let's see you make a game since you obviously have the magic formula for the perfect worldwide online game that is gonna appeal to every type of player on the planet

Or you can just unrustle your jimmies and play Warframe. Like a proper beta tester, providing feedback instead of criticism.

PLEASE tell me you aren't serious. Criticism = feedback. You CANNOT be that dense to believe otherwise.


And I'm not making a perfect game that appeals to everyone, I'm suggesting/supporting ideas that makes WF a better TPS, fast paced action game. Not a perfect strategy/puzzle/platformer/TPS/FPS/etc. No, I just support ideas (sometimes come up with my own, rarely) that would vastly improve the game.

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