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Posted (edited)

Do you guys think that DE will ever add Armor for Kubrows Maybe with little turrets slots or melee tail weapons?

Im thinking like a full armor set that makes it look robotic or Cyborg.

What do you think?  What will  they add with the new Kubrows?



Edit: Maybe the armor can actually help protect our Kubrows and give them some sort of sheild

also i see this as a good way for DE to make some profit.

metal-gear.jpgsony_aibo_ers_7m3_robot_dog_1.jpg for the lols

Edited by bobsack438
Posted (edited)


... You do realise Archis' suggestion is actually kinda likely to happen, right?


Much more likely then ribbons. No one likes ribbons.. :c

Edited by ConcretePie

... You do realise Archis' suggestion is actually kinda likely to happen, right?


Much more likely then ribbons. No one likes ribbons.. :c


Im confused whats  Archris?


Im confused whats  Archris?

The guy who posted above me by the very-hard-to-spell name Archistopheles, the guy who posted first. 

HIs prices are probably how it's going to be.

Posted (edited)

The guy who posted above me by the very-hard-to-spell name Archistopheles, the guy who posted first. 

HIs prices are probably how it's going to be.


You could make it so they cant sell them

Edited by bobsack438
Posted (edited)

Armour to match your warframes.

Zanuka-like armour.

Armour harvested from grineer corpses. 

Armour made from Steel Fiber mods.

Armour 2.0




Edited by Diarist

The guy who posted above me by the very-hard-to-spell name Archistopheles, the guy who posted first. 

HIs prices are probably how it's going to be.


To this day DErebecca refuses to ask my questions on the stream because she cannot pronounce my name ^_^


To this day DErebecca refuses to ask my questions on the stream because she cannot pronounce my name ^_^


I am actually not surprised, sadly. I've had more luck on that part, though, carrying the username of a 6 year old.


(Note, not a 6 year old of the XxXxxXxx420c4ll0fduty1337xxXxxXxX generation. I'm talking about the 90's.)


I was thinking along the lines of something like Prime versions of Kubrow's to better suit the Warframe theme of things. Each Prime Kubrow will have a unique power to them and pretty Orokin designs of gold and white armor. The powers would consist of fire balls to ice rays and even maybe super jump attacks that land on targets crushing them into red goodness!


But I would also find it fine to have accessories for these Kubrow's ranging from armor to clothing choices.


Well. I think the Zanuka was based on the Blade Wolf. But if we can't get some Zanuka as a pet then some armor like that would be nice IMO.


I like this idea; *Warframe your Kubrow!!* I really am not too hype on this type of pet, but if this open the way for a Zenuka/Hyena Sentinel or even better a Warframe Pet I say HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, I WANT THAT FORM MY PET!

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