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At One Point Or Another, De Is Forcing Me To Buy Outrageously Expensive Platinum. - My Only Feeling As A Freshly New Player.


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if you want, you can also have your account reset. (loosing all your gear in the process, but regaining all your platinum)

At that point you can buy slots and make your life easier in the long run. (assuming DE still allows that)

I wouldn't advocate this option however, just keep at it. 

Thank you for your offer, but i'm too far into the game to wipe my account. it won't give me much either. 2 more slots and maybe one more warframe slot. not worth it. i'd rather convince DE change the way their game is made.

Edited by InForWar
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Thank you for your offer, but i'm too far into the game to wipe my account. it won't give me much either. 2 more slots and maybe one more warframe slot. not worth it. i'd rather convince DE change the way their game is made.


The issue here is expectation, perhaps.


There are plenty of people who play this game who have not paid a dime (perhaps maybe $5 here and there), and yet still have hit max mastery rank, have plentiful stores of weapons and frames, and still make platinum from trades.


Yes, it will take a while to get that way, and yes the process may involve more steps than simply throwing money at the screen, but that is what people pay money for with this game; convenience. You seem to have the expectation that you can get that same level of convenience without the ding to your wallet, but like with any company, I am sure DE has to balance accessibility to content and financial returns.


Just my two-penneth.

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The issue here is expectation, perhaps.


There are plenty of people who play this game who have not paid a dime (perhaps maybe $5 here and there), and yet still have hit max mastery rank, have plentiful stores of weapons and frames, and still make platinum from trades.


Yes, it will take a while to get that way, and yes the process may involve more steps than simply throwing money at the screen, but that is what people pay money for with this game; convenience. You seem to have the expectation that you can get that same level of convenience without the ding to your wallet, but like with any company, I am sure DE has to balance accessibility to content and financial returns.


Just my two-penneth.

See. you just explained the problem like there is no problem.


I must pay in order to play conveniently.

isn't it what i came here for after all? fun?

Why do i have to suffer while i do with the lack of space for my weapons?

Why can i not expect the same level of convenience without dinging my wallet like most games out there?

I'd much rather this game to be a pay to win instant mastery 16 purchase all weapons and mods kind of packages and not LIMIT MY SPACE FOR WEAPONS.

obviously, you work for DE, you have a credit card, you got money, you throw a few bucks for "extra" convenience. (shouldn't be called extra, should be called convenience period. i have no convenience as it is right now.) You don't care throwing a few bucks, or maybe 200 or them, because you CAN. 

Now, you are making my stay here very unpleasant and you make me want to leave.

Why would you do that to a customer?

because he's freemium and you give no damns about him at all? 

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You cannot debate the fact that you literally have to bust your balls to get a few plats. some of which a new player is unable to do, which gets him stuck with lack of room, and a big bag of frustration.

Edited by InForWar
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See. you just explained the problem like there is no problem.


I must pay in order to play conveniently.

isn't it what i came here for after all? fun?

Why do i have to suffer while i do with the lack of space for my weapons?

Why can i not expect the same level of convenience without dinging my wallet like most games out there?

I'd much rather this game to be a pay to win instant mastery 16 purchase all weapons and mods kind of packages and not LIMIT MY SPACE FOR WEAPONS.

obviously, you work for DE, you have a credit card, you got money, you throw a few bucks for "extra" convenience. (shouldn't be called extra, should be called convenience period. i have no convenience as it is right now.) You don't care throwing a few bucks, or maybe 200 or them, because you CAN. 

Now, you are making my stay here very unpleasant and you make me want to leave.

Why would you do that to a customer?

because he's freemium and you give no damns about him at all? 


One, community moderators aren't paid DE employees.  They're unpaid volunteers.  Two, as a matter of definition, if you're not spending money, you're not actually a customer. 


Why aren't you selling weapons you've already mastered?

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I think it might be fair to say that the number of slots for weapons and warframes was based around a potential maximum volume that is no longer relevant to the current scale of our choice. 

I think the weapon arsenal has doubled since I started playing with the number of primes, event weapons, weekly releases, and big updates which come with two or three new pieces since I started a year ago. And yet, the number of slots has stayed the same. 

It's not only against the core of the game as Taiiat said, it's an outdated measurement. 


Edited by LukeAura
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One, community moderators aren't paid DE employees.  They're unpaid volunteers.  Two, as a matter of definition, if you're not spending money, you're not actually a customer. 


Why aren't you selling weapons you've already mastered?

I ask myself, have you even read a single comment in this thread?


Better yet, the OPENING POST?


FYI, it's called a Freemium customer. Welcome to the world of gaming.

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I think it might be fair to say that the number of slots for weapons and warframes was based around a potential maximum volume that is no longer relevant to the current scale of our choice. 

I think the weapon arsenal has doubled since I started playing with the number of primes, event weapons, weekly releases, and big updates which come with two or three new pieces since I started a year ago. And yet, the number of slots has stayed the same. 

It's not only against the core of the game as Taiiat said, it's an outdated measurement. 


Added to opening post.

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Actually, no, you're not forced to "trade" or "buy" platinum,




this comes with another tradeoff: PRAY TO THE RNG GODS HARDER THAN YOU EVER HAVE BEFORE


because at some point, when there's two moons in the sky or something weird happens the gods of rng will bless you with this http://puu.sh/997DE/ccf581e92a.jpg


be thankful, i've played games where you don't get "starting cash", have limited slots, and can't trade cash at all

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I ask myself, have you even read a single comment in this thread?


Better yet, the OPENING POST?


Yes, I did.  You probably should too.


The thing is, you didn't actually explain why you *had* to do anything.  You explained that you didn't want to. 


Not having to sell weapons and frames to switch over to something new is a convenience, not an actual need.


Not I'm inclined to believe a little more generosity with slots would be a good thing, but that does not mean I'm willing to call it a need when it's actually a want.

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See. you just explained the problem like there is no problem.


I must pay in order to play conveniently.

No, you can play to play conveniently.


Do you have the Dual-stat Fire Mods from the current event? You could sell one of them after the event ends for 250-400 plat per mod (around 1000 plat). No joke. And there will be plenty of buyers hopping at the chance to get them.


The Prova Vandal can also be sold after ranking it up for a free slot.


It's easy.


50% discount login reward. Easy. $5 for 170 plat. That's 20 weapon slots and 2 frame slots. Or 18 weapons and 3 frames. Basically, it's a lot.


I agree that this game needs to hold new players' hands, and that's something DE is working on, but these are the easiest ways right now that are available to you to acquire a good amount of plat. Options that require no money, might I add.


If not, then it's the long-haul; get a Soma and find a good build, because it's going to be an even longer amount of time before DE expands the number of arsenal slots; they need money, 8 slots is actually a fair collection of weaponry, and, even if we had 4 slots for weapons and 1 for warframes, we could still technically get everything in-game.

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No, you can play to play conveniently.


Do you have the Dual-stat Fire Mods from the current event? You could sell one of them after the event ends for 250-400 plat per mod (around 1000 plat). No joke. And there will be plenty of buyers hopping at the chance to get them.

Yeah? but what if i want to keep those mods? i'm screwed then?


Your whole attitude to this is completely wrong. you think of yourself as a well based player, as you probably don't even remember what's it like being a new player that you have like nothing, no plat no slots no frames no weapons no nothing. 

What would you do if i take it away from you and you'd be in my situation? uh? wiseguy it's easy to talk.

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Not having to sell weapons and frames to switch over to something new is a convenience, not an actual need.

No. without the proper mods i need a couple of guns for all factions since i don't have two stat mods, nor i have all the mods in order to build a proper build, for either of those factions.


So you want me to sell what so little i have?

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i never spent a single penny, im mastery 14, got almost all warframes and primes with reactor, almost every weapon in the game, 3 syandanas, 4 color pallets, etc... if you want to play this game or any f2p game without spending any money and expect to have it as easy as someones who spends money on it then you are silly. ofc i had to sell some weapons when i was a new player, i also had to sell frames, but once you get 1 decent weapon+frame you can farm anything to sell for plat,, now i have more platinum than i need...

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Yeah? but what if i want to keep those mods? i'm screwed then?


Your whole attitude to this is completely wrong. you think of yourself as a well based player, as you probably don't even remember what's it like being a new player that you have like nothing, no plat no slots no frames no weapons no nothing. 

What would you do if i take it away from you and you'd be in my situation? uh? wiseguy it's easy to talk.


I have been in your position. I was once a Mastery Rank 0 with no weapons, no mods, no nothing, and we didn't even have trading to boot. Back then, I worked a minimum wage job, and I found £3.03, or $5, which managed to swing me about 100-200 plat or so. This was enough to expand to half the weapons which existed at that time. Sure, at minimum wage, this was like, half an hours money for a couple of bits of plat, but if slots are the only thing you want, they really, really aren't that expensive.


At this moment in time, it's very easy to get platinum without paying in the trade systems. There are so many other ways to do it.


As another poster said, in your original post, you didn't mention WHY they are MAKING you pay for platinum; as there are other ways to obtain it. I already said this:


If you go to Apollodorus, survive to 15, 20, 25 or 30 minutes, you can get an ammo mutation mod. Sells for 10 plat quite easily. I do it myself when I'm low on plat, and it works a charm. You don't need to have max rank to do it, and it's very easy.

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Yeah? but what if i want to keep those mods? i'm screwed then?


Your whole attitude to this is completely wrong. you think of yourself as a well based player, as you probably don't even remember what's it like being a new player that you have like nothing, no plat no slots no frames no weapons no nothing. 

What would you do if i take it away from you and you'd be in my situation? uh? wiseguy it's easy to talk.

Nah, you won't be screwed. They'll be re-released eventually, like the Cicero Mods. All you would need is patience.


Well-based? I have barely 100 hours logged; I still consider myself somewhat of a new player, but I do remember starting out with nothing, and I loved that feeling of having so much choice, but only a couple of slots, which made me consider weapons carefully. Also, I deduced that the little number 50 at the top left of my screen was referring to a special, limited currency that was most likely used for something you couldn't acquire in-game, and soon I found the weapon slots. 


Take what away, though? My Founder's Badge? I have a couple of rare mods I'd be fine with selling if I ever needed plat since I know that I can eventually re-acquire them. A couple of Ammo Mutations and a good amount of R5 Fusion Cores as well just from low-level survivals and defenses.


All I'm trying to do is offer you ways of getting plat without spending money, but $5 ain't that much if you're too impatient.

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Platinum isn't even that expensive if you can't make platinum off of trading. You're 17. Get a summer job and stop complaining about an F2P game with the most generous developer company. Everything but cosmetics are obtainable for free. Buy more platinum instead of complaining and then refusing to try our suggestions.

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Platinum isn't even that expensive if you can't make platinum off of trading. You're 17. Get a summer job and stop complaining about an F2P game with the most generous developer company. Everything but cosmetics are obtainable for free. Buy more platinum instead of complaining and then refusing to try our suggestions.

I was never refusing to try your suggestions. i was objecting to the fact that it's so hard to do when you're new and you're stuck in the bottle neck for a few months until you get proper drops.

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So, as someone who's usually fishy about spending money into F2Ps because I feel like I'll be obligated to play it if I've invested money in it, I can say that this was never really a problem for me. Now that I know I like the game enough to invest in it, I've done so to the tune of about $40, but I started off just like you with 50Plat, 2 Warframe slots, and 8 weapon slots.


The thing is though, I had friends that were already into this game. Granted they weren't the most help as far as information (or reliability), but this game really does reward you for NOT playing solo. Much as I personally don't like this fact, it's just the case. You said yourself that you have a friend who needs help going much further in the game. Why not just duo with him constantly? Fire up Skype or your favorite VoIP program and go nuts. You guys can share a mod pool even. You have a spare Serration? Give it to him and he'll give you that Stormbringer you need to take out the Corpus. The game really isn't as much about gear as you're thinking, it's far more about what mods that gear carries.


To prove my point, I checked my list of owned and wish to own weapons/Warframes to see how many are really necessary. I could function off of 2 Warframes (Vauban, Valkyr), 6 primaries (Dread, Hek, Latron Prime, Penta, Soma), and 2 secondaries (Bronco Prime, Despair) with no melee weapons to speak of. This fact is based on my mod pool though. I have maxed copies of Redirection and Vitality and nearly maxed versions of every other necessary mod (except Corrupted mods, though I don't much care for them) in the game. This isn't something you can be expected to rush though. I've been playing since open beta began and I've only just now gotten my Serration to level 8.


So to sum up, 8 weapon slots is plenty for a newer player as long as you plan which guns you want, which you can do since you can see all the weapons in the shop without ever coming here or the wiki. 2 Warframe slots, though I do admit that I own them all and would hate to sell 12 of them, is plenty for the hardcore player. Even though you've already spent your starting 50 Plat, almost every other thing in the game can be gotten for free with time and luck. Potatoes come up after every devstream and I've gotten several from login rewards as well. Forma is the only other potential issue, but once you clear most of the star map, you should have plenty of keys to try for some. Othewise, monitor the Alert feed. Forma comes up surprisingly often.


As far as trading goes, I don't really do a whole lot of it. I'm not really patient enough for it.


I can't find the comment right now but one person did have a very valid point in that the starting Inventory slots are based on the old Warframe/weapon pools, and not the current, doubles ones. I could definitely see increasing those based on the current pool, but that's the only real reason. And as for those of us who have already bought tons of slots, refund in Plat? I don't need any more myself...

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I wouldn't have as much of a problem with the platinum system if the prices weren't so totally borked. Most weapons or frames are around 200 plat on the market, which would require about $15 at regular prices. That is not a good price at all. Cosmetics are slightly better, at maybe $5 per piece, but that's still expensive for something as minor as that. The marketplace helps somewhat, but only for the veterans who already have the ability to grind for the valuable mods and blueprints. New players have no choice but to wait for a 75% coupon (which is so rare as to be not even worth mentioning), suck it up and pay at the normal outrageous prices, or not pay and try to play with the extreme disadvantage of a lack of equipment slots.

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don't buy weapons / warframes for platinum. this game is about acquisition at the core of it.

you can make it through the solar rails to the boss nodes fairly easily, and, once there, farm your parts.

getting the credits to build your warframes is easy now that dark sectors have been put in.


by buying warframes directly, you're paying to not play. what's the point of that?

same goes with weaponry.


as for the slots... well. you can sell r5 cores and keys, you can sell mods. you can sell void loot.

just because you can't do t3 or t4 missions, doesn't mean that the lower level stuff isn't worth platinum on trade.


so go run them. even if you're only making 5p per item, it adds up.


save your platinum, buy nothing but warframe and weapon slots. at 20p and 12p respectively.

19 warframes (not including prime variants) & (minus your original 2 slots) that's a whopping 340 platinum to give you enough slots for every frame. (just level the base frame, sell it and replace it with the prime ultimately)


for weapons, well... 24-30 slots should be more than enough to allow you to keep the weapons you want and enough space to play around until you have run through the entire list.


so that's a total of 16 to 22 slots, keep in mind that you get 2 slots for 12 platinum. so... 96 to 132 platinum for those.

that's an absolute total of 472 platinum (assuming buying 17 WF slots and 22 (11 purchases) of weapon slots)


that's less than 20 bucks if you pay full price.

buying the 1000 platinum pack with a 50% discount, that's $20 as well.


or, that's about a month of average play and careful trading. (at least for most folks)


look at it as a meta-game. either way, this is FAR less headache than most of the other f2p games out there. (most of which are far more pay-to-win than warframe)

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Yeah? but what if i want to keep those mods? i'm screwed then?


Your whole attitude to this is completely wrong. you think of yourself as a well based player, as you probably don't even remember what's it like being a new player that you have like nothing, no plat no slots no frames no weapons no nothing. 

What would you do if i take it away from you and you'd be in my situation? uh? wiseguy it's easy to talk.

Yes... I do know how it is starting out. I began, as everyone else was, on the PS4. I 100% agree with SilverBones's post. I have not spent a single cent on anything in the game. The first 100hours of playtime was a true struggle. And in hindsight, it was when the game was most fun. I see you are wanting more convenience to the game to have more fun, but you'll literally burn yourself out before the 300 hour playtime mark, and then you'd end up coming to complain how little content there is, like many other veterans.


You are arguing against the purchase of plat, as it shouldn't be required (and it isn't, it's just convenient), though this is what Warframe lives on. I suggest to simply start following some of the people's advice here. Grind out your weapons, upgrade them and their mods, this will allow you to tackle higher level content, give you access to things and mods people want, and then trade them off. 

I started with a couple trades a day, these couple of trades led to more slots and therefor frames and weapons. These frames and weapons led to more mastery and more trades, and it has been an endless cycle since. I'm carrying over 1000p and am able to spend it on slots and cosmetics at my leisure. I'm mastery 12 with 484hours of playtime. 

This is the grind you go through with F2P games.

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so that's a total of 16 to 22 slots, keep in mind that you get 2 slots for 12 platinum. so... 96 to 132 platinum for those.

that's an absolute total of 472 platinum (assuming buying 17 WF slots and 22 (11 purchases) of weapon slots)


that's less than 20 bucks if you pay full price.

buying the 1000 platinum pack with a 50% discount, that's $20 as well.

You can't get 472 platinum for less than $30 at full price, not that anyone should ever be paying full price.

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