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So Do I Get My Weekend/48Ish Hours Back? >405 Runs


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1. They have different leader boards for different clans.

2. Is it fair for 1 moon clan to have an insane amount of points that were gained through a cheat/exploit while another moon clan has been working hard and playing a lot to get a lot of points?

3. I know many people who would stop. Is it that fun for you to stay in an area with no enemies whatsoever?

No, it's not.

You have no idea how fairness is in gaming.

To 1: I know that. I said: ...Clans with less member than others of the some tier...

To 2: To make big amounts of Points, Players spend a lot of Time and everyone of all Clans are able to do this. The Clan with Players that spend the most Time to reach the first Rank should be winner thats fair for me.  More Work = More Points is that not fair(?)  or it is better to set a max amount of points for Players that in the end the Winner is the Clan with the most Members and not that one u work the most for it???

To 3: Some Players have fun if they have competition... it don´t cares what they have to do.

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To 1: I know that. I said: ...Clans with less member than others of the some tier...

To 2: To make big amounts of Points, Players spend a lot of Time and everyone of all Clans are able to do this. The Clan with Players that spend the most Time to reach the first Rank should be winner thats fair for me.  More Work = More Points is that not fair(?)  or it is better to set a max amount of points for Players that in the end the Winner is the Clan with the most Members and not that one u work the most for it???

To 3: Some Players have fun if they have competition... it don´t cares what they have to do.

To 2: You're not getting it. If they work hard for those points, then it is fair. However for those who cheated their way, then all fairness is completely thrown out the window. ( I honestly can not read what you're saying. It's so confusing that i ended up reading it 5 times and yet I still can't make it out. )

To 3: Again, you show that fairness is gone. They effectively cheated their way through because of the "competition" which isn't fun and furthermore, Competition? Really? You call using an exploit to win a competition?


I bet you were involved in the exploit cheating and now that all those points are gone, you feel like DE has robbed you of the "hard work" you put in.

Edited by TheErebus
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I call bullc**p on that.

Why? Energie Syphon,(sorry mean that Melee Aura) never Minded, Hysteria and some Energie Restores thats all u need ok sometimes u need a bit more time if u have tumors thats hard to get with melee but thats all....

Edited by Psycho1848
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To 1: I know that. I said: ...Clans with less member than others of the some tier...

To 2: To make big amounts of Points, Players spend a lot of Time and everyone of all Clans are able to do this. The Clan with Players that spend the most Time to reach the first Rank should be winner thats fair for me.  More Work = More Points is that not fair(?)  or it is better to set a max amount of points for Players that in the end the Winner is the Clan with the most Members and not that one u work the most for it???

To 3: Some Players have fun if they have competition... it don´t cares what they have to do.

Because once you hit the spawn wall you were getting more points with decreased risk despite that not being how the event was designed to work. 


I really don't get why this is so hard to understand.  It's not like this is the first time that points have been taken away due to exploits.  Warbros of all people should know this.

Edited by Aggh
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ITT: Anyone who has a high score in this event due to diligence and patience grinding up to the high levels is an exploiter and deserves to have their score nerfed, due to an ages-old bug that every player ran into eventually, regardless of their own personal actions.



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ITT: Anyone who has a high score in this event due to diligence and patience grinding up to the high levels is an exploiter and deserves to have their score nerfed, due to an ages-old bug that every player ran into eventually, regardless of their own personal actions.




I dunno man, no enemies spawning would be my signal to stop grinding because that's pretty clearly an exploit. Even if DE didn't catch it, I'd still feel dirty taking advantage of something like that, personally.

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So much misinfomation in this thread.


If you have a clan competition where the prizes are something exclusive then of course people are going to keep running them. Hell DE themselves said there was no real end to scoring. They knew months before this event that if you managed to reach an enemy level about 9999 the enemies would just stop re spawning. But they still decided to go with this scoring system. Expecting anyone to compete at a high level to ever stop running the event to get points for their clan and the reward is stupid because no clan is going to limit themselves when there is no limit if they want the trophy.


An event that says hey there is no score limit grind as much as you want means people are allowed to grind as much as they want. An exploit is purposely bypassing mechanics. If you can play a game normally within the rules enough times and it breaks on you that is not an exploit by your fault. It is just poor programming. It happened to everyone that grinded enough. You didn't have to do anything but play the mission enough times.


Now instead of get as high a best as you want it is capped at 405 best which now means that the clan with the most members will win because they have a higher maximum amount of points to get. An event in which the clan with the most members wins is stupid. You can't just keep changing the rules and scoring on events at a whim.


This is a simple setback for warbros getting punished simply because we use the power of autism to grind missions over and over completely legit. We are the deserving winners and even with the goalpost changes we will still win. Mark my words.

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To 2: You're not getting it. If they work hard for those points, then it is fair. However for those who cheated their way, then all fairness is completely thrown out the window. 

To 3: Again, you show that fairness is gone. They effectively cheated their way through because of the "competition" which isn't fun. 

I bet you were involved in the exploit cheating and now that all those points are gone, you feel like DE has robbed you of the "hard work" you put in.

To spend ~10 hours a day to get that points is not hard enough for you??? No one cares about enemys on that point if u play a mission in that u ignore enemys and just complete the Mission its nearly the same time or in other words the same work with or without enemys. And if all players have the same requirements it´s not unfair for anyone, nobody has an advantage or disadvantage. 


...and no my bestscore is just at ~230 right now but i dont like that it will be end like Tethras Doom, there just won the Clans with the most Members because every Player that play to win that event had around ~2500points because it was not more possible...

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So much misinfomation in this thread.


If you have a clan competition where the prizes are something exclusive then of course people are going to keep running them. Hell DE themselves said there was no real end to scoring. They knew months before this event that if you managed to reach an enemy level about 9999 the enemies would just stop re spawning. But they still decided to go with this scoring system. Expecting anyone to compete at a high level to ever stop running the event to get points for their clan and the reward is stupid because no clan is going to limit themselves when there is no limit if they want the trophy.


An event that says hey there is no score limit grind as much as you want means people are allowed to grind as much as they want. An exploit is purposely bypassing mechanics. If you can play a game normally within the rules enough times and it breaks on you that is not an exploit by your fault. It is just poor programming. It happened to everyone that grinded enough. You didn't have to do anything but play the mission enough times.


Now instead of get as high a best as you want it is capped at 405 best which now means that the clan with the most members will win because they have a higher maximum amount of points to get. An event in which the clan with the most members wins is stupid. You can't just keep changing the rules and scoring on events at a whim.


This is a simple setback for warbros getting punished simply because we use the power of autism to grind missions over and over completely legit. We are the deserving winners and even with the goalpost changes we will still win. Mark my words.

Whether it's the players fault or not doesn't stop it from being an exploit; players can't create exploits since exploits always start with an error on the developer's part.  The minute you find a way to play the game in a manner that the developers clearly did not intend and you keep on playing it in that manner, you are exploiting a design flaw in the game.

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To spend ~10 hours a day to get that points is not hard enough for you??? No one cares about enemys on that point if u play a mission in that u ignore enemys and just complete the Mission its nearly the same time or in other words the same work with or without enemys. And if all players have the same requirements it´s not unfair for anyone, nobody has an advantage or disadvantage. 


...and no my bestscore is just at ~230 right now but i dont like that it will be end like Tethras Doom, there just won the Clans with the most Members because every Player that play to win that event had around ~2500points because it was not more possible...

Dear god it's impossible to understand you. The way you structure your sentences is so awful that I can't actually understand what you're saying.

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So much misinfomation in this thread.


If you have a clan competition where the prizes are something exclusive then of course people are going to keep running them. Hell DE themselves said there was no real end to scoring. They knew months before this event that if you managed to reach an enemy level about 9999 the enemies would just stop re spawning. But they still decided to go with this scoring system. Expecting anyone to compete at a high level to ever stop running the event to get points for their clan and the reward is stupid because no clan is going to limit themselves when there is no limit if they want the trophy.


DE made a mistake here, but let's be honest, it shouldn't come as much surprise that points made after enemies stop spawning aren't considered valid for purposes of the competition.


And let's be more honest. Warfram's got a lot of bugs, and presumably most of those are reported. One slipping their mind like this isn't too implausible to me.


This is a simple setback for warbros getting punished simply because we use the power of autism to grind missions over and over completely legit. We are the deserving winners and even with the goalpost changes we will still win. Mark my words.


I sincerely hope so. It's always so cool to see Warbros come back and win legitimately after seeing the points from their exploits removed.

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I dunno man, no enemies spawning would be my signal to stop grinding because that's pretty clearly an exploit. Even if DE didn't catch it, I'd still feel dirty taking advantage of something like that, personally.

DE should have recognized that, in this case, doing something was far worse than doing nothing.  In the future, they should do some QA work on edge cases.


What's the next bug they're going to forget about that results in ex post facto score modification and, as in the case of the OP, effectively ensuring that some players would have been as well off not playing?


Do they really want to leave players rightfully thinking that playing the game was a waste of their time?

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DE should have recognized that, in this case, doing something was far worse than doing nothing.  In the future, they should do some QA work on edge cases.


What's the next bug they're going to forget about that results in ex post facto score modification and, as in the case of the OP, effectively ensuring that some players would have been as well off not playing?


You act like this is the first time they've nuked the score of exploiters. This happened in Cicero and, IIRC Tethra too.


I mean yeah DE made a mistake, but letting cheat scores stand because cheaters put a lot of time into their cheating is kind of a really silly argument.


Also, it's not really ex post facto if the event is still on, is it? :|

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Devs make mistakes and aren't perfect, stop the presses.







Only one person had to beat the cap, then he could carry his clanmates into the stratosphere with points, in a mission where the only threat is easily avoidable gas clouds.


If every individual had to reach the cap in order to have their free ride that might be one thing, but as it stands only one does, then he can carry everyone else past it.


At least, that's my understanding of the situation.

you need to read the following paragraph, but before that:


one person in -ANY- clan could carry his clanmates, even broken mechanics, if they can be abused by everyone, are fair. you don't even need a loki or some weird method of bypassing walls and stuff to do this, you just need to grind like a moron for long enough, and that's what the event awards, grinding.


if clans didn't feel like grinding to this point, then in the first place they don't deserve the trophy! on the second place it's their very own fault they're getting beaten. so anyone in any clan could carry their team, but apparently not everyone can handle so much grinding it seems, so who's getting punished? the ones who grinded, does that sound right to you? especially when they're getting punished for something that was well known and intended. (level capping)


So much misinfomation in this thread.


If you have a clan competition where the prizes are something exclusive then of course people are going to keep running them. Hell DE themselves said there was no real end to scoring. They knew months before this event that if you managed to reach an enemy level about 9999 the enemies would just stop re spawning. But they still decided to go with this scoring system. Expecting anyone to compete at a high level to ever stop running the event to get points for their clan and the reward is stupid because no clan is going to limit themselves when there is no limit if they want the trophy.


An event that says hey there is no score limit grind as much as you want means people are allowed to grind as much as they want. An exploit is purposely bypassing mechanics. If you can play a game normally within the rules enough times and it breaks on you that is not an exploit by your fault. It is just poor programming. It happened to everyone that grinded enough. You didn't have to do anything but play the mission enough times.


Now instead of get as high a best as you want it is capped at 405 best which now means that the clan with the most members will win because they have a higher maximum amount of points to get. An event in which the clan with the most members wins is stupid. You can't just keep changing the rules and scoring on events at a whim.


This is a simple setback for warbros getting punished simply because we use the power of autism to grind missions over and over completely legit. We are the deserving winners and even with the goalpost changes we will still win. Mark my words.



and just as a little tidbit of fun info, the top europe maplestory player got banned, you know why? because there's a character that has an ability that makes more monsters appear (which in turn grants more exp) he got banned for using that skill for it's intended purpose the way it was designed, and got banned for that.

Edited by (PS4)CrimsonShinku
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This event I think holds the record for having the most exploitable issues, along with bugs...and glitches...and suspicious scores....its a real disaster. I stopped caring when I found out about the Nyx Invincibility forever glitch...that was patched out 8 hours after a video made it here to the forums...


Of course the thread for that exploit was deleted after only about an hour, the issue was buried by talk of dogs and cats and kubrow dreams..suspicious...no just blantant sweeping under the rug.


I sigh....a big sign, for what was a GREAT scoring model...so much potential...


But so many issues...the scores in the event now are all suspect to taint...


taint that sad.




I still like shooting stuff!

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Hey was in the score Nr.4 had over 500000 total score and nearly 1000p

so yeah......i just wastet my time becasue DE dont fixed the bug wich was reportet?!? 

well its me and i think positive and continue my 24/7 Event Runs because i like the map :D


Sry for bad english not the best and no sleep :

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