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So Do I Get My Weekend/48Ish Hours Back? >405 Runs


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you need to read the following paragraph, but before that:


one person in -ANY- clan could carry his clanmates, even broken mechanics, if they can be abused by everyone, are fair. you don't even need a loki or some weird method of bypassing walls and stuff to do this, you just need to grind like a moron for long enough, and that's what the event awards, grinding.


if clans didn't feel like grinding to this point, then in the first place they don't deserve the trophy! on the second place it's their very own fault they're getting beaten. so anyone in any clan could carry their team, but apparently not everyone can handle so much grinding it seems, so who's getting punished? the ones who grinded, does that sound right to you? especially when they're getting punished for something that was well known and intended. (level capping)


I don't really see how an exploit is fair just because anyone can theoretically do it. I mean, all exploits work like that to begin with, that doesn't stop them from being exploits.


And fundamentally speaking, anyone who got over 405 was doing missions where there's no enemies to pad the scorecard. It's extremely difficult for me to see those points as legitimate.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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This event I think holds the record for having the most exploitable issues, along with bugs...and glitches...and suspicious scores....its a real disaster. I stopped caring when I found out about the Nyx Invincibility forever glitch...that was patched out 8 hours after a video made it here to the forums...


Of course the thread for that exploit was deleted after only about an hour, the issue was buried by talk of dogs and cats and kubrow dreams..suspicious...no just blantant sweeping under the rug.


I sigh....a big sign, for what was a GREAT scoring model...so much potential...


But so many issues...the scores in the event now are all suspect to taint...


taint that sad.




I still like shooting stuff!

First go around. Next time it'll work better
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I don't really see how an exploit is fair just because anyone can theoretically do it. I mean, all exploits work like that to begin with, that doesn't stop them from being exploits.


And fundamentally speaking, anyone who got over 405 was doing missions where there's no enemies to pad the scorecard. It's extremely difficult for me to see those points as legitimate.

in some cases, exploits can only be abused by certain classes and such in a way that breaks the game in favor of those classes, like how loki bypassing walls to get the corrupted mod was considered an exploit and then if you wanted to abuse it you had to wait four days building loki or spend plat to abuse.


here, anyone and everyone, with any warframe could get to this cap. and there's a big problem with your second statement you may not see the points as legitimate, but you can't argue that the playing field was level and equal for every clan (except for, you know, some clans having more people and thus being able to get more points per minute)


so you may not consider the points legitimate, but they were certainly fair

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in some cases, exploits can only be abused by certain classes and such in a way that breaks the game in favor of those classes, like how loki bypassing walls to get the corrupted mod was considered an exploit and then if you wanted to abuse it you had to wait four days building loki or spend plat to abuse.


here, anyone and everyone, with any warframe could get to this cap. and there's a big problem with your second statement you may not see the points as legitimate, but you can't argue that the playing field was level and equal for every clan (except for, you know, some clans having more people and thus being able to get more points per minute)


so you may not consider the points legitimate, but they were certainly fair


I'm not seeing how it's fair though. "Everyone with a Loki can do it" isn't much different than "everyone can do it."

Also, it's not really "fair" unless you can prove every clan knew about the exploit.


(I mean, yes, in theory anyone could reach the cap, but honestly, how many people are actually dedicated enough to do it? Not many. The issue is that once one person reached the cap, they can carry others past it without those others having to grind themselves for it.)

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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in some cases, exploits can only be abused by certain classes and such in a way that breaks the game in favor of those classes, like how loki bypassing walls to get the corrupted mod was considered an exploit and then if you wanted to abuse it you had to wait four days building loki or spend plat to abuse.


here, anyone and everyone, with any warframe could get to this cap. and there's a big problem with your second statement you may not see the points as legitimate, but you can't argue that the playing field was level and equal for every clan (except for, you know, some clans having more people and thus being able to get more points per minute)


so you may not consider the points legitimate, but they were certainly fair

Whether the playing field is level or not doesn't change that its abuse of a design flaw.  Fair or not, players are taking advantage of a design flaw to play the game in a manner in order to gain a gain play advantage over players who are playing the game as it was intended to be played.


The nature of the bug and how it makes the game pay completely differently (ie without enemies) from normal makes it very clear that the game was not functioning as intended.  Continuing to play the game in order to gain points in the event despite that clearly constitutes an abuse of a design flaw.

Edited by Aggh
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I'm not seeing how it's fair though. "Everyone with a Loki can do it" isn't much different than "everyone can do it."

Also, it's not really "fair" unless you can prove every clan knew about the exploit.


(I mean, yes, in theory anyone could reach the cap, but honestly, how many people are actually dedicated enough to do it? Not many. The issue is that once one person reached the cap, they can carry others past it without those others having to grind themselves for it.)

the fact that this is a PVE game rather than PVP makes it really hard to truly call something an exploit. but anyone worth his warframe salt knew about the level capping business, and even if you didn-t, if you truly were grinding to win you-d have hit it anyways so you didn-t even need to know about it anyways.


and isn-t an event where you pit clans against clans one where you check who-s the most dedicated? so if it the most dedicated aren't the ones that deserve the award, who is? the clan with a million members that barely did the event?


Whether the playing field is level or not doesn't change that its abuse of a design flaw.  Fair or not, players are taking advantage of a design flaw to play the game in a manner in order to gain a gain play advantage over players who are playing the game as it was intended to be played.


The nature of the bug and how it makes the game pay completely differently (ie without enemies) from normal makes it very clear that the game was not functioning as intended.  Continuing to play the game in order to gain points in the event despite that clearly constitutes an abuse of a design flaw.

then do you think the answer was the correct one? instead of uncapping the enemies to go over level 10000, let's cap everyone's scores and have the clan with the most people win? i can bet you right now that the top 10 ghost clans (or shadow, i always forget which is the 10 member one) are going to have a 4050 score. such competition!


so many problems that come from one simple reason: DE failing to see how their event was broken before shipping it, even though the answer had been on their faces for long enough

Edited by (PS4)CrimsonShinku
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Considering that if you were getting over 405 points a mission you basically were running missions without enemies... eh. I would have slashed scores too because if enemies aren't spawning past a certain amount of points, that amount of points should be the cap.

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I'm not seeing how it's fair though. "Everyone with a Loki can do it" isn't much different than "everyone can do it."

Also, it's not really "fair" unless you can prove every clan knew about the exploit.


(I mean, yes, in theory anyone could reach the cap, but honestly, how many people are actually dedicated enough to do it? Not many. The issue is that once one person reached the cap, they can carry others past it without those others having to grind themselves for it.)


Here is how the event worked. If you do more runs, you get more points. Simple as that. The more runs you do, the more points you get. So that's what people did, they ran the mission over and over. That's the big "secret." But DE is calling it an exploit? Really? Playing the game is an exploit? Not an oversight on their end, but a malicious action taken to undermine other peoples efforts and gain an unfair advantage...


It's part of the event rules that you can group with people with less points than you. And that isn't really an issue since people can STILL get a massive score and carry other people to the max of 405. So it's obviously intended.

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then do you think the answer was the correct one? instead of uncapping the enemies to go over level 10000, let's cap everyone's scores and have the clan with the most people win? i can bet you right now that the top 10 ghost clans (or shadow, i always forget which is the 10 member one) are going to have a 4050 score. such competition!


so many problems that come from one simple reason: DE failing to see how their event was broken before shipping it, even though the answer had been on their faces for long enough

It doesn't really matter whether it's right or wrong, an exploit is an exploit.  Imo they should have capped the best score and switched to clan total score instead of best score for ranking, but it's entirely DE's decision and either way clans should have known better than too keep playing like they did.

Edited by Aggh
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It doesn't really matter whether it's right or wrong, an exploit is an exploit.  Imo they should have capped the best score and switched to clan total score instead of best score for ranking, but it's entirely DE's decision and either way clans should have known better than too keep playing like they did.

read the post above yours, i don't think i can word it any better. clans played exactly the way the event notice post said, word for word


Considering that if you were getting over 405 points a mission you basically were running missions without enemies... eh. I would have slashed scores too because if enemies aren't spawning past a certain amount of points, that amount of points should be the cap.

i would have capped it too, before the event started however, not mid-event

Edited by (PS4)CrimsonShinku
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i would have capped it too, before the event started however, not mid-event

Going to be honest, I don't think DE actually expected players to reach 405 points. It was an oversight on their part, I have to say.


Either way, I'm going to start a petition for thecolin- to get some sort of super trophy for supermanning the event.

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read the post above yours, i don't think i can word it any better. clans played exactly the way the event notice post said, word for word


i would have capped it too, before the event started however, not mid-event

The event said nothing about continuing to play it even though the event was clearly broken.  The world isn't black and white, sometimes you have to use some common sense when things don't work as they're intended to.  Most of the clans that had major points slashed shouldn't be surprised about this, it's happened in other events.

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Considering that if you were getting over 405 points a mission you basically were running missions without enemies... eh. I would have slashed scores too because if enemies aren't spawning past a certain amount of points, that amount of points should be the cap.


This removes competiton and turns the event into the largest clan wins. The last largest clan (Broframe) to win an event just because of its size couldn't even put up a challenge when fairer scoring methods were introduced. It is so sad it is funny they picked the worst possible option out of;


-Reset Scores, extend event, fix spawning; players get to keep rewards anyway.

-Don't touch anything fix spawning; competetive clans can keep competing.

-I cap scores hue; who could have thought infinitely scaling enemies don't scale infinitely

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The event said nothing about continuing to play it even though the event was clearly broken.  The world isn't black and white, sometimes you have to use some common sense when things don't work as they're intended to.  Most of the clans that had major points slashed shouldn't be surprised about this, it's happened in other events.


I can only think of two clans that had major point slashes. Tenn Os, a Ghost clan that had like 7.5K points. And Warbros, that lost 52K. All the other moon clans seem to be more or less unaffected.

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Going to be honest, I don't think DE actually expected players to reach 405 points. It was an oversight on their part, I have to say.


Either way, I'm going to start a petition for thecolin- to get some sort of super trophy for supermanning the event.

gonna have to need some clarification on that second part, being a PS4 player i only pay attention to changes in the event so i know exactly what to expect when it hits us, what's the story with thecolin-?


The event said nothing about continuing to play it even though the event was clearly broken.  The world isn't black and white, sometimes you have to use some common sense when things don't work as they're intended to.  Most of the clans that had major points slashed shouldn't be surprised about this, it's happened in other events.

ok, please please don't take this as an ad-hominem but i truly do pity you. most games, or rather, every game out there that holds an event does so under three basic premises:

A) the winner must be clear

B) it should be fair

C) the event has to work and account for every scenario if played as instructed


A is easy enough, i mean whoever gets the most points wins

B is a touchy subject usually, in some games it might be whoever spent the most money, in others it's a matter of effort, not gonna argue about it even though there's plenty to argue about (clan sizes, alt accounts, etc)

C however, is the most fundamental one, how can you not be prepared for people to play the event to the max possible? if you don't set a cap then there is ALWAYS someone who is gonna shoot for the most possible, and warframe has made it very clear before with several previous events, invincible trinities and all that, points getting slashed because of a Developer oversight is a TERRIBLE thing and will always piss everyone playing the event competitively, and i'm talking about all MMO's here, not just warframe. calling this an exploit on top, as if to pin the blame on players, who did nothing but play the event until it broke on their faces, is an insult.

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Thanks DE. Good to know you can still change the rules of an event at a moments notice to screw over all the time people have put into playing the event.

This will really earn the trust of your community.

Requesting 1 legendary core for every minute spent in the event map after new point cap.

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I can only think of two clans that had major point slashes. Tenn Os, a Ghost clan that had like 7.5K points. And Warbros, that lost 52K. All the other moon clans seem to be more or less unaffected.

Warbros if anyone should have seen this coming from miles away :|

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So what I've learned so far is that this 'exploit' is unavoidable and you must bear it's burden if you want to continue past 405, right?

Wouldn't it be better to make it so enemies coundnt go past 9999, instead of letting them and having nothing spawn at all?

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Here is how the event worked. If you do more runs, you get more points. Simple as that. The more runs you do, the more points you get. So that's what people did, they ran the mission over and over. That's the big "secret." But DE is calling it an exploit? Really? Playing the game is an exploit? Not an oversight on their end, but a malicious action taken to undermine other peoples efforts and gain an unfair advantage...


It's part of the event rules that you can group with people with less points than you. And that isn't really an issue since people can STILL get a massive score and carry other people to the max of 405. So it's obviously intended.


The problem is not how people could get more points, it's how people could get more points with missions that have no enemies.

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gonna have to need some clarification on that second part, being a PS4 player i only pay attention to changes in the event so i know exactly what to expect when it hits us, what's the story with thecolin-?

Well, he was top of the leaderboards. I'm pretty sure he was also the first player to hit 405 points (the new cap). And he kept going. Basically top of the leaderboards the whole time.

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Problem with DE is always the same, they wont fix bugs until they bite them in the &#!.



Punishing people is bad move for them, but biggest issue is that DE is ignoring bugs and glitches for ages and dont do anything about them.



Someone needs to tell them this, but they suck at making this game playable and stable. Only thing that DE cares about is new content that will be broken for ages and nobody cares about old content. They hype community with S#&$ty Kubrows and space ships that will turn to be crappy content as always. Community is asking for one patch that will concentrate on broken content and fixes, but no, we will get more broken content that will make major problems for DE in 6 months.



It is not oversight, it is complete ignore of persistent issues that are plaguing this game for ages.

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Well, he was top of the leaderboards. I'm pretty sure he was also the first player to hit 405 points (the new cap). And he kept going. Basically top of the leaderboards the whole time.

well that really sucks, especially since i was aiming to do the same so i can get that feel :X


only good thing that comes from playing on PS4.

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gonna have to need some clarification on that second part, being a PS4 player i only pay attention to changes in the event so i know exactly what to expect when it hits us, what's the story with thecolin-?


ok, please please don't take this as an ad-hominem but i truly do pity you. most games, or rather, every game out there that holds an event does so under three basic premises:

A) the winner must be clear

B) it should be fair

C) the event has to work and account for every scenario if played as instructed


A is easy enough, i mean whoever gets the most points wins

B is a touchy subject usually, in some games it might be whoever spent the most money, in others it's a matter of effort, not gonna argue about it even though there's plenty to argue about (clan sizes, alt accounts, etc)

C however, is the most fundamental one, how can you not be prepared for people to play the event to the max possible? if you don't set a cap then there is ALWAYS someone who is gonna shoot for the most possible, and warframe has made it very clear before with several previous events, invincible trinities and all that, points getting slashed because of a Developer oversight is a TERRIBLE thing and will always &!$$ everyone playing the event competitively, and i'm talking about all MMO's here, not just warframe. calling this an exploit on top, as if to pin the blame on players, who did nothing but play the event until it broke on their faces, is an insult.

That might be how you'd like it to be, but no developer worth their salt lets an exploit influence an event.  In other games they wouldn't just roll back points.  If they can't get an immediate fix out, they'd also tell people to stop exploiting it and hand out bans to people who continue to do so.  Taking advantage of a design flaw is always something done at the player's risk.


If there's anyone that you should pity, it's the clans that should have seen this was coming. 


That they could be so naive as to think that DE would do nothing about missions rewarding points despite spawning no enemies is hilarious. 


That they could still think this not once, not twice, but even on the third time that they've abused an exploit to gain an advantage in an event is mind boggling.    I don't know what kind of delusion it would take to actually convince yourself that it would be different this time round, but clearly it wasn't, so hopefully they'll have finally learned their lesson.

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