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So Do I Get My Weekend/48Ish Hours Back? >405 Runs


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Point is, what will DE do about this fiasco? It is their fault in the first place for letting people exploit game bugs and glitches. DE could have stopped this in the begging with simple hotfix but they let it go till event ends and now their laziness is biting them in the &#!.

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Call me crazy, but if you knew the cheaters would get wiped..why not make an honest attempt at it, and go as far as you can without using the exploit. You'll end up on top, cause the cheaters will get nuked.


I mean, yeah..onus on them for not fixing it, but knowingly doing something that's an exploit and complaining about getting punished for knowingly using an exploit is kind of silly. It's their sandbox, and by that merit it's their rules. So, keep the rules in mind and you'll be fine. ..heh..


That's also why I just get my gear, and stop playing the event. Either the there's the risk of some people in my guild cheating, and my efforts are null and void, or the cheaters end up do getting hugely inflated scores, when I have no interest in doing such a thing.


But, again, two wrongs don't make a right.

Edited by DirkDeadeye
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That might be how you'd like it to be, but no developer worth their salt lets an exploit influence an event. 


If there's anyone that you should pity, it's the clans that should have saw this was coming. 


That they could be so naive as to think that DE would do nothing about missions rewarding points despite spawning no enemies is hilarious. 


That they could still think this not once, not twice, but even on the third time that they've abused an exploit to gain an advantage in an event is mind boggling.    I don't know what kind of delusion it would take to actually convince yourself that it would be different this time round, but clearly it wasn't, so hopefully they'll have finally learned their lesson.

Actually, warbros expected this, and has in a sense laughed off losing 52k points, and is still grinding back up.

That said, they are at a distinct disadvantage due to numbers.

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Well, if people want to keep trying to defend their uber-play when getting to 405 with Loki then just speed running empty missions as a measure of skill, then have at 'er. This is clearly what the playerbase wants, no rules, player is never at fault, and lets petition to just throw all semblance of common sense out the window, and do away with RNG. Perfect game here.


My god, keep defending a cheat by twisting semantics over and over.. especially on wasted time, you are playing a video game for crying out loud. There is absolutely nothing productive about a video game. But keep crying over "lost time" running missions mindlessly, then having the gall to simultaneously calling it a grind, which you yourself participated in, and running stuff as fast as possible when nothing was in the instance, which clearly meant it was broken then all of the sudden acting surprised when it was corrected, smacks of a 5 year old getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar.


Screw this, I'm done. The new generation of gamers has a perspective I can't seem to share as I am not that flexible. And yeah, twist that on me for all I care, I expected it, really.

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Call me crazy, but if you knew the cheaters would get wiped..why not make an honest attempt at it, and go as far as you can without using the exploit. You'll end up on top, cause the cheaters will get nuked.


I mean, yeah..onus on them for not fixing it, but knowingly doing something that's an exploit and complaining about getting punished for knowingly using an exploit is kind of silly. It's their sandbox, and by that merit it's their rules. So, keep the rules in mind and you'll be fine. ..heh..

It isn't even about cheating so much as it is changing how the event is scored entirely.

The clan competitions are utterly bombed out.

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Call me crazy, but if you knew the cheaters would get wiped..why not make an honest attempt at it, and go as far as you can without using the exploit. You'll end up on top, cause the cheaters will get nuked.


I mean, yeah..onus on them for not fixing it, but knowingly doing something that's an exploit and complaining about getting punished for knowingly using an exploit is kind of silly. It's their sandbox, and by that merit it's their rules. So, keep the rules in mind and you'll be fine. ..heh..

I don't think you understand. We didn't know it would be wiped. It's also not a cheat. Just running the mission would eventually cap the levels out and just stop spawning enemies. It was unavoidable. No one was purposely doing anything to make them not spawn. It was either keep grinding with the enemies scaled out or lose. We had no idea DE would reset all the scores.

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Actually, warbros expected this, and has in a sense laughed off losing 52k points, and is still grinding back up.

That said, they are at a distinct disadvantage due to numbers.

If they had really seen it coming, they wouldn't have wasted their time grinding it :|

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Well, if people want to keep trying to defend their uber-play when getting to 405 with Loki then just speed running empty missions as a measure of skill, then have at 'er. This is clearly what the playerbase wants, no rules, player is never at fault, and lets petition to just throw all semblance of common sense out the window, and do away with RNG. Perfect game here.


My god, keep defending a cheat by twisting semantics over and over.. especially on wasted time, you are playing a video game for crying out loud. There is absolutely nothing productive about a video game. But keep crying over "lost time" running missions mindlessly, then having the gall to simultaneously calling it a grind, which you yourself participated in, and running stuff as fast as possible when nothing was in the instance, which clearly meant it was broken then all of the sudden acting surprised when it was corrected, smacks of a 5 year old getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar.


Screw this, I'm done. The new generation of gamers has a perspective I can't seem to share as I am not that flexible. And yeah, twist that on me for all I care, I expected it, really.

Cheating is the issue here, at least one of them. But bigger issue is DE keeping exploits in game for months.



Either they dont care about making their game cheat/exploit proof, or they are just lazy and dont care about fixing older content.

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Well, if people want to keep trying to defend their uber-play when getting to 405 with Loki then just speed running empty missions as a measure of skill, then have at 'er. This is clearly what the playerbase wants, no rules, player is never at fault, and lets petition to just throw all semblance of common sense out the window, and do away with RNG. Perfect game here.


My god, keep defending a cheat by twisting semantics over and over.. especially on wasted time, you are playing a video game for crying out loud. There is absolutely nothing productive about a video game. But keep crying over "lost time" running missions mindlessly, then having the gall to simultaneously calling it a grind, which you yourself participated in, and running stuff as fast as possible when nothing was in the instance, which clearly meant it was broken then all of the sudden acting surprised when it was corrected, smacks of a 5 year old getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar.


Screw this, I'm done. The new generation of gamers has a perspective I can't seem to share as I am not that flexible. And yeah, twist that on me for all I care, I expected it, really.

I think everyone is still missing the fact that the scoring is still broken.

Slashing scores is perfectly reasonable, and if not totally valid.

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I don't think you understand. We didn't know it would be wiped. It's also not a cheat. Just running the mission would eventually cap the levels out and just stop spawning enemies. It was unavoidable. No one was purposely doing anything to make them not spawn. It was either keep grinding with the enemies scaled out or lose. We had no idea DE would reset all the scores.


And from what I know the methodology to get that far does involve gaming the system.

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That's what you think.

They've done this every event, silly.

Only because they think they'll get away with it.  That's why every time they run to the forums and complain about how they're the victim and that DE is a big fat meany head.

Edited by Aggh
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And from what I know the methodology to get that far does involve gaming the system.

Huh? You just keep running. Invis loki past the enemies, it's not hard at all. Are you serious? Unless you mean running for more than a casual gamer's amount of time is "gaming the system".

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Only because they think they'll get away with it.  That's why every time they run to the forums and complain about how they're the victim and that DE is a big fat meany head.

DE and players are at fault here.


Players for exploiting and DE for not reacting earlier with exploit fixing.

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Call me crazy, but if you knew the cheaters would get wiped..why not make an honest attempt at it, and go as far as you can without using the exploit. You'll end up on top, cause the cheaters will get nuked.


I mean, yeah..onus on them for not fixing it, but knowingly doing something that's an exploit and complaining about getting punished for knowingly using an exploit is kind of silly. It's their sandbox, and by that merit it's their rules. So, keep the rules in mind and you'll be fine. ..heh..


That's also why I just get my gear, and stop playing the event. Either the there's the risk of some people in my guild cheating, and my efforts are null and void, or the cheaters end up do getting hugely inflated scores, when I have no interest in doing such a thing.


But, again, two wrongs don't make a right.


And how did they "cheat"? Did they modify the game files somehow? Your basic argument is that these players should have known to stop playing the event after a certain point. Did DE ever say that they should stop playing after a certain point? Were those instructions that they somehow missed? I fail to see how they cheated in any way. All they did was keep on playing. I can understand why DE decided to wipe scores (although, a better solution would have been to make sure that enemies keep spawning at those levels, or to introduce a level cap so that you can't fight enemies over a certain level - meaning it'd remain at the last level at which there are enemies). What I don't understand is why these players are being accused of cheating. I don't see how they cheated in any way.


All I see is people who are upset because they didn't play for as long as these guys played.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Only because they think they'll get away with it.  That's why every time they run to the forums and complain about how they're the victim and that DE is a big fat meany head.

But they aren't a victim even this time. They never are. It is actually funny to watch the complaints, because they've made a comeback each time anyways.


That said, DE still broke scoring and hasn't fixed the event.

They've only made it even harder for small clans to compete with larger clans, which is absurd.

Zerg over Grind/Skill is absurd ON ALL GROUNDS when competition is involved.

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But they aren't a victim even this time. They never are. It is actually funny to watch the complaints, because they've made a comeback each time anyways.


That said, DE still broke scoring and hasn't fixed the event.

They've only made it even harder for small clans to compete with larger clans, which is absurd.

Zerg over Grind/Skill is absurd ON ALL GROUNDS when competition is involved.

True, but they could have all just taken a break and not had start up again after a 48 hour no life grind.  All they can do now is try organize and get as many members as possible to the cap.  Not really worth losing sleep over.

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Only because they think they'll get away with it.  That's why every time they run to the forums and complain about how they're the victim and that DE is a big fat meany head.


Hard to say. This is was a known issue for so long. DE only seems to fix problems like this when it could mean Warbros will win an event because of it. Where are the proactive bug fixes? Why is it only reactive. When is DE going to fix a problem before it is actually a problem.

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Point is, what will DE do about this fiasco? It is their fault in the first place for letting people exploit game bugs and glitches. DE could have stopped this in the begging with simple hotfix but they let it go till event ends and now their laziness is biting them in the @$$.

Yes it isn't players that didn't put in a ticket to see why no enemies are spawning or knew about the glitch ahead of time and just started abusing it. No responsibility on their part at all.
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Go check out warframe whistle blowers on YouTube they show ONE way they were cheating.

It's been fixed now so no harm.

Edit: to not white wash good players.

Edited by 2ply
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Hard to say. This is was a known issue for so long. DE only seems to fix problems like this when it could mean Warbros will win an event because of it. Where are the proactive bug fixes? Why is it only reactive. When is DE going to fix a problem before it is actually a problem.

Couldn't possibly have anything with them releasing this event a day late and hotfixing as much as they could right up until the weekend, right?  This could even be an engine related problem and not the simple oversight that it appears to be at face value. 


We don't know enough and the bottom line is still that it was clearly not working as intended and people should known better than to think they could get away with abusing an exploit like this.

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