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If Snipers And Shotguns Were To Be Buffed, How?

Guest khk6

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Buffing a shotgun is easy, just give it a damage increase. Or to make it little bit more deeper, give it a damage (and maybe also status proc) boost in close range, to compensate for its damage falloff at long range. Theyre shotguns afterall, it should be more deadly than rifles in close range.


But how would buffing a sniper work? Even if it was a one-shot kill weapon I wouldnt use it, because my other weapons can already kill quick enough. Enemies comes in large numbers, everything is fast paced, and long range precision sniping just doesnt fit well into this game. I feel they should have something to make them unique, like highlighting enemies when scoped, or give snipers theyre own set of mods (I would like to have 100% chance of multishot for my snipers instead of 90%).

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Give it insane Punch Through(Puncture for those with damage 1.0 mindset). I'd love to be able to shoot through 20 mobs with a shot, well assuming there's ever a time where I'll see that many.

Edited by jrkong
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Shotguns getting buffed? Are you high? >.> many shotguns work really really well and dont need buffs. Just sayin


And for snipers add some sort of AOE on them :S Point click kill small chance at AOE damage (like thunderbolt on bows) Or built in punch through

Edited by dragonkingdx
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I feel that Snipers should have huge insane damage.

Trade offs for them would be slow reload/fire rate.

If the shot kills an enemy, it should pass through them.

If not, it doesn't pass through. Then if that is OP, have the damage fall off per pass through.

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For shotguns, the closer enemies are, the harder they get stunned, and the higher a proc chance. Maybe even possibly knock them backwards because of the power of the shotguns bursts.


For snipers, I'd probably take a page from BL2: Every enemy you pierce through, you gain bonus damage. Or. Every head-shot you get, get a bonus damage amplifier for a certain amount of time, and it stacks and refreshes timer for every head-shot you get.


Edit: Typos

Edited by Shuuro
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I think sniper should receive extra damage from hitting weak points. This will make them more useful as elite/Eximus killer when paired with fast-firing pistol. Highlighting weak spot with scope coold be added as mod.

wouldnt that kind of null Banshee? she has a skill like that already and I cant see her use anything other than rifles and bows anyways

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I could go with base of 50% crit chance or higher, 5X bonus to headshots, and more damage. Atleast double what a charged bow is.
Really? A long bow, compared to a Barrett?
Even composit bows dont compare damage to a military sniper rifle.

As for the "sniper only mods"
Primed chamber, and Charged chamber are sniper exclusive. I don't think there should be any other exclusive mods, seeing as they're just a bigger military rifle anyways.

Though I do like the idea of having a mini banshe ability.
Zoomed in, highlights week areas, and does extra damage? (but then we'd have to change banshees skill? or no?)

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First of all - Total Ammos: 120 when Rifles have 540...


Shotguns getting buffed? Are you high? >.> many shotguns work really really well and dont need buffs. Just sayin


They already stated Shotties sucks compared to Rifles, it's not a News.

Edited by Gr3vi3R
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I could go with base of 50% crit chance or higher, 5X bonus to headshots, and more damage. Atleast double what a charged bow is.

Really? A long bow, compared to a Barrett?

Even composit bows dont compare damage to a military sniper rifle.

As for the "sniper only mods"

Primed chamber, and Charged chamber are sniper exclusive. I don't think there should be any other exclusive mods, seeing as they're just a bigger military rifle anyways.

Though I do like the idea of having a mini banshe ability.

Zoomed in, highlights week areas, and does extra damage? (but then we'd have to change banshees skill? or no?)


Take your realism arguments and keep them far, far away from my space ninja video games :|

Edited by Aggh
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I personally love the "First Person" scopes on the sniper rifles and would be sad to see them removed, I hope that doesn't occur. They can easily be improved first. 

For a start, all sniper rifles should have innate punch through on every shot. That just seems obvious. And a lot of it. 

A critical hit alteration is the other obvious choice... however Bows already have the extremely high crit chance; how about giving sniper rifles a much higher critical damage modifier but keeping their slightly lower chance to crit? 


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Take your realism arguments and keep them far, far away from my space ninja video games :|

Even if they would make Snipers oneshot with infinite punchtrough they wouldn't carry you enough in any Defense/Survival.

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Even if they would make Snipers oneshot with infinite punchtrough they wouldn't carry you enough in any Defense/Survival.

I was commenting on his talk about how bows don't compare damage wise to a military sniper.  Balance should always trump realism.  If people want to justify a buff, they should do it with an actual balance argument.  Not a "hurr durr snipars kill stuff bettar dan bows irl" argument.

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Even if they would make Snipers oneshot with infinite punchtrough they wouldn't carry you enough in any Defense/Survival.


Then don't take them into Survival. Defense is debatable, I say, but only if we get good open maps for them. There's one that could be pretty good, but it may be hard to get to any good shots.

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Give all snipers and bows varying degree of punch through and allow us to see enemies through walls similar to when using codex scanner, this would let snipers kill enemies that are hiding behind cover.

With a rifle or shotgun you have higher DPS, with a sniper rifle you have tactical advantage.

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