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If Snipers And Shotguns Were To Be Buffed, How?

Guest khk6

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make snipers have very high damage, very high status chance, high damage bonus for hitting weakspots, 3 enemies puncture, low crit chance but high crit multiplier, make it the kinda weapon you use against tanky powerful enemies like napalm, heavy gunners but still make it possible to use for groups because of procs and puncture


bows will always specialize in its ability to be chargeable, no reload, chance to red crit, infinite punture, and fair damage count

Edited by Babalenong
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Shotgun should have some sort of mod that reduces damage falloff, that way you can combine it with tainted shells. I've been trying a tainted shell tigris build and I can definitely say it's pretty much pointless. Sure all the pellets hit, but their combined damage are pathetic to say the very least even at medium range. Sniper rifle should have the option to remove their scopes and customize the color of the scope hud. Sniper scope rarely comes in handy as most maps are in-door and in tight space, that and the scope hud's color are so faint, most of the time I struggle to even aim and had to aim around till the scope turns red from seeing the enemies. But even before that, the scope and the cross hair do not match, the real cross hair is a bit above the scope. Damage-wise I'm not sure.

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Snipers need increased crit chance. It's silly that that even with critical delay an assault rifle has more crit chance than them. 



Brakk isn't a shotgun, its a sidearm that happens to shoot more than one bullet at a time. It also happens to benefit from the massively better multishot mods for sidearms. 


meh I consider it a shotgun because of the pellet count. That pellet count is on par with actual shotguns so IMO its the same as being one. Though the codex describes it as a hand cannon >.> so if I were to make comparisons its more like a shotgun than anything else due to semi auto fire and 1 bullet fires multiple pellets.

Edited by dragonkingdx
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I think sniper need their own mods like a mutishot mod also they should raise the damage of the sniper on line with the bows but they will have a higher crit damage than the Bow also innate punch thourgh.

And to show off the Sniper buff.......GIVE US A LANKA VANDAL or at least a new model for it :p

PS also give us Vectis Prime :D

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I could go with base of 50% crit chance or higher, 5X bonus to headshots, and more damage. Atleast double what a charged bow is.

Really? A long bow, compared to a Barrett?

Even composit bows dont compare damage to a military sniper rifle.

As for the "sniper only mods"

Primed chamber, and Charged chamber are sniper exclusive. I don't think there should be any other exclusive mods, seeing as they're just a bigger military rifle anyways.

Though I do like the idea of having a mini banshe ability.

Zoomed in, highlights week areas, and does extra damage? (but then we'd have to change banshees skill? or no?)

of these "sniper only"-mods only one is readily available, the other was (so far) an event/bug exclusive (and i cry about that every time i equip my vectis)

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Give snipers a 10x multiplier to headshots and innate punch through and you will have a good start.

This was exactly my thought.


Also, give them higher crit damage, not just higher crit chance. like the base be 3x crit damage, as opposed to the average 2x.

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hmm....well, afaik shotguns are quite balanced, if not slightly overpowered modded right, so they probably dont need a buff. However when it comes to sniper rifles i cant say so much, ive only used the Vulkar and that one doesnt need a buff, 1 shots most stuff.


allthought it would be cool if DE made a prime sniper rifle

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Shotguns need more pellets and damage, but wider spreads. Damage falloff needs to go as well, as it has for a few, but not all.

They should do ludicrous amounts of damage but require active mobility and evasive techniques, risk/reward play, etc. Rather than being particularly slow rifles, as they tend to play out now.


For snipers-

Global buffs:

•Dead Eye given 2 more ranks and changed from sniper rifle damage to headshot damage.

•Sniper rifle critical multipliers raised. 1.5x -> 2.5x, 2.0x -> 3.0x, etc.

•Sniper rifles guarantee critical hits on "weak point" shots (heads, sonar spots, etc) and roll randomly as normal on body shots.

•All other sniper rifles given inherent punch-through, though less than Lanka's inherent value.


Snipetron / Vulkar:

•Magazine size raised to 6.

•Reload speed reduced to 2.0 or less.

•Snipetron given a new model (and name?) and finally reintegrated into the game instead of whatever it is they're trying to do with it now.

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Shotguns need more pellets and damage, but wider spreads. Damage falloff needs to go as well, as it has for a few, but not all.

They should do ludicrous amounts of damage but require active mobility and evasive techniques, risk/reward play, etc. Rather than being particularly slow rifles, as they tend to play out now.


For snipers-

Global buffs:

•Dead Eye given 2 more ranks and changed from sniper rifle damage to headshot damage.

•Sniper rifle critical multipliers raised. 1.5x -> 2.5x, 2.0x -> 3.0x, etc.

•Sniper rifles guarantee critical hits on "weak point" shots (heads, sonar spots, etc) and roll randomly as normal on body shots.

•All other sniper rifles given inherent punch-through, though less than Lanka's inherent value.


Snipetron / Vulkar:

•Magazine size raised to 6.

•Reload speed reduced to 2.0 or less.

•Snipetron given a new model (and name?) and finally reintegrated into the game instead of whatever it is they're trying to do with it now.

That sounds perfect to me. I think you mean Charged Chamber though, not Dead Eye? 

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That sounds perfect to me. I think you mean Charged Chamber though, not Dead Eye? 

Nope, Dead Eye, the aura mod.

In its current iteration, it encourages either selfish use (free damage mod just for me! Screw you other guys with regular rifles!), or a team full of sniper rifles, which I'm fairly certain sniper rifles fall under the Law of Conservation of Ninjutsu in some way or another.

Either way, it discourages diversity.


If it were changed to headshot damage, it would only encourage stricter accuracy, but benefit the whole team regardless of weapon choice. More input = more reward. Still very obviously beneficial to a sniper rifle though.

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Buff shotguns by buffing damage mods, especially a 10-level Point Blank mod should do the trick. Decrease reload times slightly.


Buff snipers by giving them a big innate punch through, which rewards good positioning without ruining the sniper feel. Maybe increase proc chance slightly.

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For shotguns, the closer enemies are, the harder they get stunned, and the higher a proc chance. Maybe even possibly knock them backwards because of the power of the shotguns bursts.


For snipers, I'd probably take a page from BL2: Every enemy you pierce through, you gain bonus damage. Or. Every head-shot you get, get a bonus damage amplifier for a certain amount of time, and it stacks and refreshes timer for every head-shot you get.


Edit: Typos

But we know DE, those wouldn't be buffs they'd be mods..

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Nope, Dead Eye, the aura mod.

In its current iteration, it encourages either selfish use (free damage mod just for me! Screw you other guys with regular rifles!), or a team full of sniper rifles, which I'm fairly certain sniper rifles fall under the Law of Conservation of Ninjutsu in some way or another.

Either way, it discourages diversity.


If it were changed to headshot damage, it would only encourage stricter accuracy, but benefit the whole team regardless of weapon choice. More input = more reward. Still very obviously beneficial to a sniper rifle though.

Now if only they'd give the ammo scavenger mods the same treatment, then they might actually be useful for something other than leveling weapons with low ammo efficiency.

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For shotguns, I'd say.. add more ranks to Point Blank, and add a mod to increase range/reduce damage falloff of shotguns.

Also, a Mag Size + Reload Speed Shogun dual mod should be a thing.. we need new Nightmare stuff anyways.


For Snipers, increase their base damage. Snipers are slow, precise, and powerful weapons.. but in a videogame where your enemies level up, eventually they wont be getting 1 shot kills, which negates their usefulness. 
Since we can't just make them fully auto, the solution is to make them more damaging.


Alternatively, instead of buffing the base stats, adding a mod that increases weak point multipliers by a hefty amount would do the trick.


The biggest buff for snipers though, would be map tiles, and gametypes that encourage long-range gameplay.

Edited by Flackenstien
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I was commenting on his talk about how bows don't compare damage wise to a military sniper.  Balance should always trump realism.  If people want to justify a buff, they should do it with an actual balance argument.  Not a "hurr durr snipars kill stuff bettar dan bows irl" argument.

We are playing as aliens with superpowers. I doubt crewman can pull string so hard that arrow from that bow will send enemy to flight and pin it to metal wall. So for realism you shoud compare military sniper with ballista.

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We are playing as aliens with superpowers. I doubt crewman can pull string so hard that arrow from that bow will send enemy to flight and pin it to metal wall. So for realism you shoud compare military sniper with ballista.

No.  You should never bother with realism when talking about video game balance unless you're discussing a mil sim.

Edited by Aggh
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All of the suggestions for removing shotgun falloff are on point, I'd say. I miss the king shotgun-sniper HEK from Closed Beta so I'm a little biased, but wouldn't having vastly different spread values (and maybe even non-random specific spread patterns) for different shotguns be a cool uniqueness modifier?


For instance, auto shotguns obviously have atrocious spread, but maybe the HEK could be unique in that it has lower base damage per pellet but fires more in a much tighter spread pattern so that it's viable and reliable at most ranges, but lacks shear damage output point blank that other shotguns may have. In general damage fall off needs to go though, people have already pointed out (correctly) that spread is balancing enough on its own.



As for Sniper Rifles, I don't have anything to add to the discussion. Punch through, huge headshot crits and more quality of life updates are plenty enough to see them possibly return as a niche pick; they'll never truly be the most viable weapon aside from maybe against bosses.

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