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The Truth Behind The Frames.


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As if anybody else than elitist bastards or ultra fanboys would give a crap about that biased and subjective "recommendation".


Play whatever suits you and be done with it... There's like no real game content that can't be beaten with all frames available...


I don't consider going 2 hours or more in T4 Survival or going in rare events to enemy level 9999 to be "core gameplay", because it is certainly not. I'd be bored and sick of it after a while. Don't have the feeling to go there just to prove how unevenly balanced the game becomes after a certain point. It's an old hat as old as the Warframes are and it hasn't changed over time. Yeah I've got every frame... have done it several times with different frames and I'm "meh"... Standing in the same spot spaming the same bland skills over and over and over.

Edited by MeduSalem
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All these people living in denial, claiming this is a troll thread, refusing to accept that their favorite frame is subpar and quite frankly useless in endgame. Personally I mostly play zephyr these days because she fits what I want to do but I can't claim that she would actually be credit to her team more than the 'best seller' frames are. If they fixed her wind bubble i'd say she's approved but right now it's not worth risking that it works


As for the weapons it's fairly accurate. Only thing missing is ogris comparison and amount of formas required in most of the weapons


Zephyr is actually incredibly viable and able to survive most situations with her excellent mobility, overall great defense and one of the best shield abilities in the game (When it decides to work)

The issue is that the bubble is like an unreliable non-slowing mobile snowglobe. If it had 100% reliability it would have it's niche but as it is it's kinda S#&$ty. Her other utility being the tornadoes is kinda pointless when you can have vauban who does essentially the same thing but more reliably
 and without throwing enemies all over the place


She's fast though but doesn't make her team fast, so she's outclassed by volt in that regard

Edited by Uuni
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As if anybody else than elitist bastards or ultra fanboys would give a crap about that biased and subjective "recommendation".


Play whatever suits you and be done with it... There's like no real game content that can't be beaten with all frames available...


I don't consider going 2 hours or more in T4 Survival or going in rare events to enemy level 9999 to be "core gameplay", because it is certainly not. I'd be bored and sick of it after a while. Don't have the feeling to go there just to prove how unevenly balanced the game becomes after a certain point. It's an old hat as old as the Warframes are and it hasn't changed over time. Yeah I've got every frame... have done it several times with different frames and I'm "meh"... Standing in the same spot spaming the same bland skills over and over and over.

this is for those done with the core gameplay, what other reason would there be to fight level 9999 enemies? look how the thing doesn't say "trash, never use" it just says rejected.


and that's just because of their abilities, if your player ability is good enough you could do it with whatever anyways, like an unmodded ash

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ehm, sorry, but ... you start learning to play this game ? or maybe you change to mario cart ? LMFAO, dude, and you get 7 pages ? hillarious ... =)))))))))))))

you, me, mariokart DS, i'll snake your @$$ so hard i'll get a one lap advantage.


edit: @above: no he's not, hydroid starts making enemies dance everywhere, vauban's bastille literally crucifies them and then you have 40 seconds to aim at the heads and start raking in massive damage... or do whatever else.

Edited by (PS4)CrimsonShinku
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Ash is one of the best frames since bladestorm got buffed.

No, he's still useless. Loki's invis is better, Loki's switch teleport is almost the same, but he can also teleport without any enemies around (Decoy), Blade Storm has no utility/support effects at all, affects only 18 targets and is slow.


ehm, sorry, but ... you start learning to play this game ? or maybe you change to mario cart ? LMFAO, dude, and you get 7 pages ? hillarious ... =)))))))))))))

Are you 10 y/o?


Zephyr's texture may be super muddy but she's one of the few frames where you'll actually be using all 4 powers

2 is useless and deals no damage, 4 is very effective at scattering loot drops but not that good at CC.

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The problem here is that this guy doesn't provide valid reasoning, he says a couple of valid points for some of the frames, but for most he just says what basically amounts to 'it's crap', and doesn't elaborate.

the reasoning for the list was debated with other people in a community where only performance at the top was considered. it is not a personal opinion and changes have been made several times.

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