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Random Facts About Yourself


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1. I hate grasshoppers.

2. I call strawberries "strawbs".

3. I'm terrified of oversized aquatic animals.

4. I love mozzarella sticks.

5. I think goats are both fascinating and intimidating. (They are definitely, probably hiding/planning something.)

6. I like to follow enemy players around in competitive MP games and see how long it takes them to realize I'm not on their team.

7. I pretty much never finish any of my projects or get very far into my hobbies.

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1. I'm a cynic.

2. Whenever I'm away from my guitar or a keyboard for a few days my fingers get all jittery. I've still got a week left on my trip to the US, so typing this has been such a relief.

3. I think mushrooms are the poison of the earth.

4. I'm widely regarded as a walking, talking encyclopedia at my school.

5. I'm a nerd,

6. I really like physics, biology, philosophy making my peers (the ones that aren't cursed by the habit to constantly question things that can't be answered anyway) incredibly confused.

7. I despise not getting straight answers.

8. I enjoy scary stories and movies, but it's impossible for me to play horror games.

9. I believe that if there is a god, then he is a sadistic bully and is having one hell of a laugh up there.

10. #voltfornextprime.

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1- I like to copy people (Movement, way of speech), but I don't do it on purpose.

2- I actually have a frail constitution.

3- I'm good at memorising technical details, as well as Ability/Spell names from video games (+incantations for the latter)

4- I'm also good at memorising useless details too...

5- I like to use things people don't like or don't use at all.

6- When I'm bored, I usually spend time training with my wooden swords and staff.

7- I learned English subconsciously.

8- I'm actually a bad cooker but I'm doing my best :'(    (That feeling when only you is able to eat your own cooking lol)

9- I like to troll, but sometimes I'm not doing it on purpose (For real xD)

10- I like to be cuddled in strong arms <3

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1. I have a sleeping bag over my bed, since I prefer it over my blanket. That and the fact that I can be a burrito. 

2. I have a fear of dogs

3. I love collecting knives, and machetes. Kukri ftw!

4. Warframe was the most expensive game I ever spent on, and I have no regrets. *Aside from buying revives as a noob back then.

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I have 2 major phobias.


1. Big eyed females, (creeps me out)

2. Swimming


- I hate the fandoms, and probably those who will attempt to shove it in my face.

- had 4 different cats during my life despite being highly allergic to them, seems i have built immunity over the ages.

- i speak english, russian, ukranian, hungarian pretty good and i'm terrible at german despite learning it for 2 years, i also understand majority of slavic languages.

- I'm moody person, changing from nice guy to jerk is seemless transition to me.

- I love innuendos.

Edited by Morgax
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1.I never pay for online games would rather find a free game.

2.I cant think of good names for my characters.

3.I suck at most games although i love to play them a lot.

4.I love coffee.

5. I often make stupid comments.

6. I try to make random stuff but often fail. (Tried to make a paintball mast out of a milk bottle but i gave up)

7. My favorite warframe is Oberon and Nekros.

8.Love to play Dota2

9.I hate herbal tea

10.Often cant make good friends

11. I'm the only one in my friend group that has a computer the rest all have PS4.

12. I love watermelon

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1. I have a speech impediment and can't spell R

2. I love cats but have none:(

3. Warframe is the game I played the longest

4. I like making people see me as weak and then crush them...yes I am evil

5. I don't like blood that is from other people but like to see mine

6. I watch so much anime my friends think I should see a doctor

7. I want to become an engineer when I grow up!

8. I would like to make a spaceship and go to other planets(preferably purple planets)

9. My name is inspired from a spell in Slayers called "Ray Wing" that would allow you to fly

10. My real name means Flower when translated to english.....

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here goes nothing..


1.i like space and ninja,, so there is warframe..


2.i got a cat milking a dog.. sorry no pics


3.im making a game.. i want to be game developer.. independently.. (maybe forming a team (still think about it))

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1- I like to copy people (Movement, way of speech), but I don't do it on purpose.

2- I actually have a frail constitution.

3- I'm good at memorising technical details, as well as Ability/Spell names from video games (+incantations for the latter)

4- I'm also good at memorising useless details too...

5- I like to use things people don't like or don't use at all.

6- When I'm bored, I usually spend time training with my wooden swords and staff.

7- I learned English subconsciously.

8- I'm actually a bad cooker but I'm doing my best :'(    (That feeling when only you is able to eat your own cooking lol)

9- I like to troll, but sometimes I'm not doing it on purpose (For real xD)

10- I like to be cuddled in strong arms <3

Are you me?

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1. I like to eat, maybe too much.


2. People say I am a cool guy, and I still don't get why.


3. I fear cockroaches.


4. I tend to fall in love a lot.


5. I am very sensitive, believe it or not.


7. I don't know how to count.

Edited by Damuranashi
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1: Coffee. Coffee is my guilty addiction. Although coffee and my stomach don't get along so well, I can't bring myself to stop drinking it.

2: Earl Grey tea takes all of my yes.

3: Supporter of Operation Moonfall.

4: I've been trained in Tae Kwon Do, Muy Thai, and the way of the Force.

5: I really suck at Warframe, but I can't stop playing.

6: I've got a few pets, one in particular is a cat named Meatloaf, because I promised him that he would be made into one when he died. (Totally kidding.)

7: I want to cosplay Alphonse from FMA, but lack the money/Materials.

And 8: Irish Creme is the best creamer.

Edited by (PS4)Orphantine
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1. The fact that we will have some sort of genetics in Warframe (from Kubrows) excites me

2. I want to become a genetic engineer

3. As a genetic engineer, I want to work on life extension

4. I also want to work on regrowing limbs/organs directly in/on the body so no surgery is required

5. I would also enjoy working on producing electric seaweed, so that we can use it to produce electricity, then when it dies, the dead seaweed for compost to grow new seaweed

6. I'm taking chemistry and AP biology next year

7. I am a Whovian (Fan of Doctor Who)

8. I am a fan of Supernatural

9. I have +1100 hours on Warframe

10. Most of my friends either live out of my country (let alone the continent) or on the opposite side of my country

11. I have two pets (a miniature poodle and a cockapoo-schnauzer mix)

12. Ich spreche Deutsch (I speak German)

13. I have a Zeusaphone (a musical tesla coil)

14. I enjoy creating art (3D, 2D, 3D modeling, etc.)

15. My last name is a fruit

16. If you're wondering what fruit, I'll give you a hint: They come in red, green, and yellow, and one is a Granny Smith

17. I live in the United States of America, specifically Pennsylvania

18. I met David Tennant (The 10th Doctor on Doctor Who)

19. I enjoy electronic music, more specifically, Hardstyle or Deathstep

20. I've been skydiving, scuba diving, swam with dolphins and whales, and had gone swimming with sharks and stingrays in open waters

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1. Snakes absolutely terrify me.

2. I went to Haiti this past January with seven schoolmates.

3. I get vision-disturbance migraines when I look at screens for far too long.

4. I really like cats and dogs.

5. I have a cow skull I got from a farmer my mom buys from, and it sits on top of my desktop with a fedora on top of it.

6. My top five bands are GWAR, Tool, Soundgarden, Ghost B.C.. and Rammstein.

7.Filthy Frank is my favorite Youtuber.

8. Everybody in my school (which has a student population of less than 150) thinks I'm a nutjob in some way or another.

9. I hate sports, particularly the World Cup.

10. I love motorsports, my favorites being F1 and GT racing, when I can watch them.

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1. I am incredibly cynical, with but a random handful being exempt from my cynicism.
2. I don't like to label myself as an artist (even though I've always been labeled as the 'art guy' by my peers) but have enjoyed drawing ever since I was roughly three years old.

3. I enjoy cats and tend to despise dogs.

4. I hate cute things.

5. I am absolutely terrified of awkward and embarrassing moments, regardless of the medium they're presented through.

6. I've never understood the concept of / found enjoyment in watching any sort of sport.

7. I'm somewhat obsessed with the quirks in human behaviour.

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