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Random Facts About Yourself


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1.  I hate beer.

2.  I hate soda, pop, coke, anything carbonated really (feels like swallowing needles and I begin to gag pretty bad.)

3.  I like to Draw.

4.  But I like to procrastinate even more.  Procrastination = gaming.  Gaming = Warframe.

5.  I say my thoughts out loud, because I believe in the fourth wall.

6.  I tell myself if I ever put any of my crappy artwork onto the web for public viewing, I will say "It's good, but I know I'll keep getting better" not that "this artwork kind of sucks."  Tired of seeing people put up something that rivals professional work, saying it took them 10-15 minutes where it would take a beginner an hour just to produce something not even a fourth as good, and saying "it sucks."  Real motivating for the aspiring artists that admire their work...  

7.  I hate the "never angry/always respect others" forum debaters.

8.  I want to make a Warframe Comic... mostly for practice, and to make a more compelling argument for a Grineer and a Corpus warframe!

Edited by Littleman88
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1. 17 years old (18 in October).

2. Can't find a decent summer job.

3. Favorite colour is blue.

4. My life is so sad I'm planning a small celebration for clocking 1000 hours on Warframe.

5. Got 2 75% discounts in my 990 hours of playing Warframe

6. Hate beer.

7. I love my PC more than most people i know,

8. Skinny as hell.

9. Loki master race

10. can't think of a 10th fact.

Edited by GONZI2013
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1. I'm a Québécois (French Canadian)

2. I tend to disregard console gamers, even if I once was one of them

3. I love Pokémon, Crysis and Halo (Halo more than the rest) but it's on warframe that I have spent the most time (1200+ hours)

4. I LOVE seafood

5. I am very nerdy and geeky, on top of being a gamer

6. My speechcraft is excellent

7. I am a very social person

8. I have a very sexy nerdy girlfriend

9. I am a HUGE PC enthusiast

10. Albeit the huge amount mountain dew I drink, I remain super-slim.

Edit: i'm not very humble...

Edited by Nero9937
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1. I'm Irish

2. I lived in saudi arabia

3.I am almost 17

4.I am distantly related to liam lynch

5.I live in the village where ronald reagans ancestors came from

6. I go for either tank character or snipers

7. I own a ps2,ps3 and a ps4(the ps2 is over in saudi in my dads apartment)

8. I REALLY hate bigots in every form(i.e Race, Religion(which was a VERY serious issue here), Nationality)

9. I aspire to be a videogame designer

10. I trust no one

11. Theres a chance i am distantly related to the kennedys 

12. I'm a fan of the Halo series even though i have never owned the xbox

13. I sympathise with Benedict Arnold since the reason he betrayed the revolution is because he was treated like S#&$(kind of like cassius from what i heard)

14.I watch and read lots of Anime and Manga

Edited by warpath514
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1: i love working on computers

2: i've spent the last 20 years in the IT industry.

3: while the above are still true, i have burned out completely due to corporate dogma.

4: now i build carputers / routers / media systems.

5: my favorite style of pc games is RPG / strategy. (xcom ranks up there near #1)

6: i usually can't stand FPS / TPS games, as i burned out on them in the 90's. warframe is an extreme exception.

7: i'm a complete acerbic jerk most of the time.

8: i'm extraordinary opinionated.

9: i never wrote a introduction thread

10: i haven't held a real "job" since i quit working for google in 2010. (side jobs and contract work since)

11: beer and coffee are my favorite beverages.

12: i play piano, guitar and any brass instrument.

13: i mostly use linux except for gaming.

14: i haven't paid for cable tv in 7 years.

15: i sold my car because i hadn't driven it in 8 months.

16: i have a blue heeler.

17: i'm out of ideas for this thread.

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1. allergic to dust (so inside sucks)

2. allergic to more or less all types of pollen (outside sucks)

3. allergic to more or less all types of mold (anywhere sucks and I can't take some antibiotics)

4. allergic to milk (no dairy)

5. allergic to citric acid (no citrus)

6. lactose intolerant (more no dairy)

7. colorblind

8. left-handed

9. red-haired (my skin is trying to kill me and pain killers at the dentist don't work)

10. congenital absence of wisdom teeth

11. I have a half-written book about a character named Volt Cruelerz (hence my username).

12. I have no idea if/when I'll finish writing that book

13. My girlfriend and I met in marching band.  I was her section leader.

14. Exceedingly introverted (I rank in the first percentile).  As a result, all group projects/activities are wildly unpleasant.  It's not that I can't work with other people.  I'm generally a pleasant person with them and will work quite productively.  I'll just hate every moment of it.

15. My best friend (who happened to be co-section leader in the aforementioned marching band) has social phobia.

16. Discussing gameplay for me is more fun than actually playing the game (this is true in every game I've ever played).

17. The only game I have ever played online with friends more than once is League of Legends.

Edited by Volt_Cruelerz
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1. I forgot what number I was on...

2. Plachelbel's Canon in D is my most favorite song... Ever. 

3. I often get weird looks when listening to the above song in public.

4. I often think my generation is full of uncultured swines.

5. I am extremely antisocial by nature.

6. I suffer from chronic insomnia and have been given sleeping pills to help, but I never take them, or else I wouldn't be able to get to work in time... Ever. Seriously, those things knock me out for 12+ hours.

7. I am also rather cynical, but it's hard not to be.

8. I can play the ukulele

9. I suffer through depression quite often, but I've found writing to be a nice outlet.

10. 98% of the albums on my iPod are video game soundtracks.

11. Out of those soundtracks, the Halo 2 one is probably my most played.

12. I listen to Halo music while playing Warframe... Try listening to one of the Flood themes while playing an infested mission.

13. If I could choose one career out of my long list of career choices, I'd choose video game designer, because I have so many ideas for RPGs and storylines that'd beat a Final Fantasy any day.

14. I get into fights with my family a lot, because I often pursue things they aren't comfortable with/have different views and values than they do.

Edited by xZetsumeix
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1) Je parles français ,anglais & néerlandais.

2) You probably didn't understand my 1).

3) I like trains.

Your 1) looks like "I speak French, English, and Dutch." (Or something along those lines, I don't know French.)


1) Ich lerne Deutsch (I am learning German)

2) I am memorizing a bit of Pi. So far i'm at 3.14159265358979323846

3) I don't even know why i'm putting down all these random facts

4) I never made a thread in "Introductions" (I'm an introvert [That and i'm not sure I see the point in those threads])

5) I don't suffer from insanity, as I am not insane.

6) Insert random joke here. (Did you hear the joke about the farmer's field? ...it was corny. Like this joke.)

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1. I didn't think this would get that popular o-o

2. I am a singer at a Jazz Club in NYC.

3. Sadly.. It doesn't pay that much.

4. I submitted my first voice over audition this last Sunday.

5. xZetsumeix's gonna pierce my nose later today :3

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1. I totally understood Knight3169's 1) as I'm german.

2. I'm scared of cars. Not like a phobia, but enough to not want to drive a car ever.

3. I'm as creative as a brick and that is exactly the shape my buildings in minecraft have, which bothers me more than it should.

4. I'm easily scared and can't stand horror games/movies.

5. I'm horrible at roleplaying and every last one of my closer friends loves rp.

6. I'm proud to be quite healthy, no allergies, rarely ever sick and stuff.

7. As I list this, I think I'm kinda boring.

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1) I love smooth jazz
2) The only sport I watch regularly is football(the NFL kind)
3) I'm from Serbia
4) I've been dancing Cuban salsa for over a year now

5) But before that I played american football for 3 years(O lineman) so a radical change in hobby xD
6) My lucky number is 13 o.O

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I stopped playing Warframe because its going downhill but im still hanging in the forums because of funny threads like this.


I absolutely dont like dogs, I prefer cats.


I love chocolate, its the only thing in life that can give me energy.


I am catholic.


I have long hair.


I hate my nose.


I like to burn things.

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