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Random Facts About Yourself


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1) I'm African

2) i speak 3 languages

3) I blend into darkness seamlessly you wouldn't know where i was in complete darkness without hearing my voice

4) I'm stoic

5)i'm a realist 

6)I get over anger and sadness very quickly 

7)i am a semi pacifist (wont fight unless i  absolutely have to)

8) i will kill anyone who harms my friends or family 

9)i have no regrets or feel remorse for  my actions

10)learning to  play the keyboard this summer

11)I dont date because i find  both men and women to be extremely confusing

12)i voted for smite during the mmobomb thing

Hey man, I'm african too! :) *High 5*

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5. xZetsumeix's gonna pierce my nose later today :3


15. I got to meet Kirameku (OP) in person today after weeks of planning.

16. It turns out we don't live that far from one another.

17. Our meeting involved me sticking a sharp needle in her nose.

18. I kinda felt bad for that.

19. I gave her a lollipop afterwards xD

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1. Ash is my most favorite warframe

2. Loki Prime is my most favorite warframe

3. No, Ash is!

4. Nuh uh, Loki Prime is!

5. My Ash and Loki Prime don't get along very well

6. They both compete for my love being my favorite warframe

7. Ash Prime is my most favorite warframe

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21. I am insectophobic (Fear of insects)

22. I am arachnophobic (Fear of Spiders)

23. I am scotomophobic (Fear of blindness)

24. I am near-sighted and require glasses wherever I go

25. My eyes are continuously getting worse, to the point I'll probably be blind in my 70's

26. My current prescription for my lenses is about 550/20

27. Due to being nearly blind, I am incredibly sensitive to vibrations, sounds, and smells

28. For some reason, when I smell something, I can taste it if the scent is strong enough

30. The only Warframes I do not have are Ember Prime, Loki Prime, and Rhino Prime

31. I have around 54 weapons, and the only ones I need to level are 7 melee weapons

32. Technology is very easy for me to use

33. I learn things very easily, especially when I can listen rather than see

34. I've been to a college program over the summer and was able to try genetic engineering

35. At the aforementioned program, I genetically engineered several bacteria to produce colonies which produce bioluminescent light of different colors

36. I am a pyromaniac and love to change the colors of fire with chemicals

37. I hate the smell of alcohol, and have no plans of consuming it at any point in my life

38. I am really hoping for a stealth-based warframe with a ghost-theme (possession, haunting, phasing through walls, etc.)

39. I am also hoping for a caster warframe with a crystal theme

40. My favorite weapon concept I have come up with is the Sumac, a living bow and arrow, made from the trees of Earth, it eats metal and produces wood to create its toxic arrows (It has vines wrapped around the handle and some hang down for build in dangly-bits, and it also has branches with leaves that move)

Edited by SethA007
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I dont even how many I posted its been a while but I'll start over.

1) I work technically 3 jobs (1 is based off home, my own prgramming and stuff)

2) I used to play bass guitar and do back up screams/growls for a friends deathcore band a while back.

3) quit smoking for a month so far after 6 years or so, cant remember itz been that long

4) I work at a Bar as one of my 2 official jobs and I have a thing going on with my co-worker who's 6 years older than me (im 20)

5) im 20 years old and I work at a bar in NYC

6) I hate NYC and wanna leave already

7) ash master ninja race

8) I'm Albanian, and a rare breed of them who doesnt act like the rest.

9) with 8) been said, I have ny ears stretched to about 9/16ths of an inch

EDIT: Kira where do you perform? I love jazz id definately come and hang out there for a bit

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Guess I'll add more to keep this thread alive:


5. I'm a part time chef, whom gets burned by oil so much my right arm is scar with burns 

6. I hate living here in California, and wish to move to Alaska, since I appreciate nature there, and its quiet.

7. I'm a fan of the Black Library Warhammer 40k

8. I used to have suicide like thoughts, and a bad case of depression for 9 years, till this year *Ironically when I got out of High School, college seem to     have made me calmer in thought, and I take less things for granted. 

9. I hate and love the Warframe community. 

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41. I have never broken a bone in my body, but I may have sprained my wrist at one point (I'm still unsure, the doctor was unsure, too)

42. My middle name is Mitchell

43. Everyone thinks my middle name is Michelle, and I don't know why

44. I've ridden all of the rides at Cedar Point at least 11 times

45. I am rather intelligent for my age, but my grades do not show that

46. My grades would show my intelligence if I did my homework

47. I believe that Warframe is more important than homework

48. During the school year, I get about 6 hours of homework every night, and I have to work a job

49. My school really likes homework, so much so that we get it on Christmas (Yay! *Eye roll*)

50. My mother thinks I should be a politician with the way I can talk my way out of anything

51. Parles vu Francais and Je suis sexy et je le sais are the only phrases in French that I know (Do you speak French and I'm sexy and I know it (my friend asked his French teacher about the second one))

52. I plan on taking French in addition to German in 11th grade

53. I've been to Disney World and hated every moment of it, except the Rockin' Roller Coaster

54. My favorite weapons in Warframe are Dread and the Ignis

56. My favorite melee weapons in Warframe are all of them

57. I hate the heat

58. I love the cold

59. I plan on either moving to Alaska or Canada once I can get enough money to move and I am old enough

60. I still don't think I've listed enough facts, and will try to reach 100 of them

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41. I have never broken a bone in my body, but I may have sprained my wrist at one point (I'm still unsure, the doctor was unsure, too)

42. My middle name is Mitchell

43. Everyone thinks my middle name is Michelle, and I don't know why

44. I've ridden all of the rides at Cedar Point at least 11 times

45. I am rather intelligent for my age, but my grades do not show that

46. My grades would show my intelligence if I did my homework

47. I believe that Warframe is more important than homework

48. During the school year, I get about 6 hours of homework every night, and I have to work a job

49. My school really likes homework, so much so that we get it on Christmas (Yay! *Eye roll*)

50. My mother thinks I should be a politician with the way I can talk my way out of anything

51. Parles vu Francais and Je suis sexy et je le sais are the only phrases in French that I know (Do you speak French and I'm sexy and I know it (my friend asked his French teacher about the second one))

52. I plan on taking French in addition to German in 11th grade

53. I've been to Disney World and hated every moment of it, except the Rockin' Roller Coaster

54. My favorite weapons in Warframe are Dread and the Ignis

56. My favorite melee weapons in Warframe are all of them

57. I hate the heat

58. I love the cold

59. I plan on either moving to Alaska or Canada once I can get enough money to move and I am old enough

60. I still don't think I've listed enough facts, and will try to reach 100 of them

i dont think warframe is more important then homework, you hate the heat?, dont come to the middle east :D

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__Kanade__, on 26 Jun 2014 - 12:49 AM, said:


I have a cat named Goku who unfortunately is dying and is reaching the end of his life. He's been a good cat. Had him since he was just a kitty.

As of 7/4/2014, my cat Goku who I've had since he was a kitten back in early 2000-01, can't remember, but I've had him for awhile passed away in his sleep early morning.


This fking sucks.

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1. I am a Chinese, but I English is my favorite language

2. I love snow even though I live in Malaysia and have never seen snow

3. I used to hate anime, but the anime gifs in the gif thread made me start watching anime

4. I am a introvert

5. I have not made any friend in warframe, not even in my clan

6. I am bad at making friends

7. i am lonely

8. I want friends

9. I now feel very sad :(

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1. I am fluent in 7 different languages

2. I live up to my name every day. I eat, I dance, I do library stuff

7. I am very athletic, I train every day

32. I've set 3 world records

5. I never ever tell a lie. Doing so would be a paradox

6. I make up fact lists on the internet completely

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17. I revived this thread because reading through it was amusing, and waiting a few days longer would probably be a Necro.

18. I'm a Troper.

19. CS:GO is great, and you should try it.

20. I have a tendency to conceptualize, write and scrap ideas for novels. I think I'm on my seventh now.

21. I would love to learn to throw knives, but I can't because I don't have the money, and I'm unsure how my country's laws would work with it.

22. My family comes from the Philippines, but I was born in Canada. As a result, I much rather prefer the cold and I don't enjoy temperature above ~25 degrees Celsius at all.

23. My taste in music varies wildly, and since my playlist is eternally on shuffle, I will often have a peaceful violin solo followed by EDM, and then that's followed by Earth, Wind and Fire.

24. I swap between introversion and extroversion on the fly.

25. I like snakes. They look kawaii.

26. Prefer Pepsi over Coca Cola, though the difference is barely noticeable. However, Dr. Pepper is my preferred soft drink.

27. I hate the taste of almost all alcoholic drinks.

28. Gyroscopes are fun to play with, for me at least.

29. The .gif on my profile here sums up my activities here on the forums.

30. I would like to learn a few more languages, most notably Spanish and Japanese.

31. I'm posting these fast facts in sets of sixteen.

32. The next person must also post sixteen. Go!

Edited by MageMeat
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1. I saw ----STALKER---- play warframe

2. I fear of touching napkins and tissues, they always send chills down my spine

3. I was born in a hot weather region, but I like cold weather

4. I still have a crappy phone from 15 years ago

5. I don't like sailing in the open sea, because I feel too.... Exposed

6. I built Mag Prime then sold her, twice

7. Vauban is my oldest frame I've ever had

Edit: Added more facts

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1. I like milk.

2. Magicka is my favorite game of all time.

3. I picked all of the evil options during my playthrough of Fallout 3. (Including, but not limited to: Nuking Megaton, enslaving the children of Little Lamplight, committing mass genocide against all Ghouls, and poisoning all of the water in the Wasteland to kill everyone who wasn't pure.)

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