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Pc Breeding Grounds- Results!


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This entire thread pretty much sums up why most people don't like Warbros. They are cocky and freaking obnoxious and they only come around when they win an event to spam. Seriously, your crap to your clan tab, dojo, or your thread in recruiting, because nobody out here sure as hell wants to see it.

Edited by JerZeyCJ
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This entire thread pretty much sums up why most people don't like Warbros. They are cocky and freaking obnoxious and they only come around when they win an event to spam. Seriously, take your this crap to your clan tab, dojo, or your thread in recruiting, because nobody out here sure as hell wants to see it.

Did you win? No? Then it's your crap which doesn't belong here. Warbros #1.

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This entire thread pretty much sums up why most people don't like Warbros. They are cocky and freaking obnoxious and they only come around when they win an event to spam. Seriously, take your this crap to your clan tab, dojo, or your thread in recruiting, because nobody out here sure as hell wants to see it.


Let them have their fun, who cares if they parade around a bit. If it truly becomes excessive then the mods will clean it up but till then


Gratz to all the teams who placed!

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does it matter?


once again



If it didn't matter you wouldn't have posted about it. Try telling "it's just a game" to football fans (not silly American football). See how far that gets you. Or try telling a Canadian that Hockey is "just a game".


Congrats Warbros! You pulled off another fine victory.

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Oh look, someone proving my point. Thank you for being a prime example.



does it matter?


once again



As Letter13 said, if it didn't matter, you guys wouldn't reply. If you don't like that a clan winning does indeed celebrate their victory, what can I say? Don't enter the threads until the celebrations are all done.

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If it didn't matter you wouldn't have posted about it. Try telling "it's just a game" to football fans (not silly American football). See how far that gets you. Or try telling a Canadian that Hockey is "just a game".


Congrats Warbros! You pulled off another fine victory.

well mostly because they have used exploits for all the events they have won, so in that sense its even worse


thats why im saying its just a game and not pointing out all the other stuff they say and do, also comparing a video game to a real world game is complete bull, they're different from each other in so many ways so im sorry but it is just a game and a game i do love, we don't need flamers and people who brag about winning it sets a bad example for the game and its people

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well mostly because they have used exploits for all the events they have won, so in that sense its even worse


thats why im saying its just a game and not pointing out all the other stuff they say and do, also comparing a video game to a real world game is complete bull, they're different from each other in so many ways so im sorry but it is just a game and a game i do love, we don't need flamers and people who brag about winning it sets a bad example for the game and its people


You have a single fact to back that up?

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well mostly because they have used exploits for all the events they have won, so in that sense its even worse


thats why im saying its just a game and not pointing out all the other stuff they say and do, also comparing a video game to a real world game is complete bull, they're different from each other in so many ways so im sorry but it is just a game and a game i do love, we don't need flamers and people who brag about winning it sets a bad example for the game and its people


Comparing them isn't honestly too different they put in several hours to perfect their play and keep on top of charts. As to not needing flamers why then are you causing a fuss and now calling them exploiters when you have 0 proof of it. If they did indeed exploit and cheat like many people claim they would have been banned already.

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they have used exploits for all the events they have won

They really haven't. They might have used alts to boost their scores on a few (like many of the other clans who still didn't be #1 at the end) events, but DE was quick to remove alts' scores from leaderboards in following events.


Warbros's wins were legit. It's fine if you disagree, but please don't spread false info like that just because you don't like them.


Warbros got #1, they got it legit. Leave it at that.

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well mostly because they have used exploits for all the events they have won, so in that sense its even worse


thats why im saying its just a game and not pointing out all the other stuff they say and do, also comparing a video game to a real world game is complete bull, they're different from each other in so many ways so im sorry but it is just a game and a game i do love, we don't need flamers and people who brag about winning it sets a bad example for the game and its people

let's just say they have exploited every single event just for the sake of not arguing even more.


they are winning with the exploit, then DE comes in, patches the exploit, and look at that, they still win even without the exploit. so really there's no point to your post.


and what's the point of winning if you can't brag? world cup winners have a gold trophy for four years and they throw a huge celebration and everything, let these guys who win celebrate too.


if anything i'm sad that the OTHER winners don't come to the forums to celebrate their hard-earned win, warbros knows how to win, warbros knows how to party, warbros knows how to #1

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Well, #4 Storm clan MODERN HUSARS, achived that place with 65 players.


Our best player gathered 102,630 points total and 405 best.

We tried more but Stalker with 9999 level stoped Us.


We will try better next time.

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Yeah anyway congratulations to WARBREED and in particular Tenn Os. Tenn Os keep up the good work. Stay frosty, stay chilled.

Sorry to hear about EGT and the disgraceful and disrespectful aspect of that. Sorry, Crescent Moon, but maybe we'll see you next time.

Edited by Kinjeto
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Awesome and Fun Event, Thank You DE


It was a nice idea, but I still can't wrap my head around the players who actually want to grind the same mission over and over for a number.

At least when I'm grinding for Bo Handles I get all these Boltor Prime Barrels to throw at poor Tenno...

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Am i the only one wishing for mods to clean up all this warbro fanboi stuff? You won, big deal, get over it :l


I want this Warbros stuff to be cleaned tbh. If you wanna cheer for yourselves, go make an Off-Topic Post.



Oh look, another warbros circlejerk thread.

Long time no see.


Here it is again, Warbros not saying a single thing without being cocky.

I hate Warbros.


does it...really matter?

just a video game peeps :p


This entire thread pretty much sums up why most people don't like Warbros. They are cocky and freaking obnoxious and they only come around when they win an event to spam. Seriously, take your this crap to your clan tab, dojo, or your thread in recruiting, because nobody out here sure as hell wants to see it.



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