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The Scariest Thing You've Ever Seen In Gaming


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There was this really weird racing game I got when I was 6, called Bumper Wars, and I only played it approximately 3 times.


I didn't know what I was doing, and I lost this gladiator-arena-type match (?) (Really, I don't know). The "You Failed" end screen scared the absolute shiz out of me.


Nothing like seeing a man in an alien execution chair; it was designed to look like it was made out of metal bones, and where his neck, wrists, and ankles were located were some pretty wicked sculpted alien heads with large, sharp teeth.


I could figure out what was gonna happen to him.

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As a kid?  the demons from doom would scare me, especially the bigger ones like the hell knights and barons of hell, and of course the cyberdemon...


I remember this one level where you start on a small bridge to this big building amongst a giant lake of lava.  you go in the door and there's a big room with two pillars in the center.  You walk closer and you hear this noise like there's a wall opening up somewhere, then you realize the pillars are lowering.  What should you see next, but the Cyberdemon and the Spider Mastermind, in the same room as you.  You had mere seconds before a hail of rockets and gatling gun bullets were being fired in your direction.


More recently?  Dead Space.  Those freaking necromorphs man...  I thought I'd be used to it when I finally pushed through and beat the first one, but man did Dead Space 2 really amp up the oh sh*t factor.  By the 3rd one I got used to them, but man playing through the first Dead Space blind not expecting anything?  Terrible and amazing all at the same time.  I'm fairly desensitized to horror as I've grown up, but I'd have to say I have been the most reluctant to play Amnesia, Dead Space (the first time, obviously), SCP Containment Breach, and F.E.A.R. (played the first one and it's two sequel/expansions.  Great experience but once you realize the rhythm of scary parts that don't kill you, then non-scary firefights, the scary parts start to not be so scary)

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A Blue Screen of Death at the end of a 1 hour survival mission

I died a little bit inside...


Seriously, though, the cloaker from PAYDAY 2.

Coming from a horror fan who loved the Dead Space games, the cloaker from PAYDAY 2, whilst looking not scary, is the scariest thing I've ever seen in a game. The way they hide behind a car or a doorway when you're carrying loot and the whole team depends on you, then you hear the high-pitched ringing noise becoming louder and louder...


i cri evrytim

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Man, the entire list of SCP freaks is already scary. I couldn't even complete Containment Breach, and it was a relatively small game. Problem is that most horror games present you with a variety of nonsensical enemies, mainly just popping out to scare the player, or be target practice. Nothing more. In SCP, however, it's a completely different story. Each SCP has a list of different abilities, and their appearance can range from objects to your worst nightmares.


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I played Parasite Eve when I was still a little kid, less than 10 years old.


The rat transformation scene has forever scarred me.


"The Thing" comes to mind


Yeah, that is nightmare fuel

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Having a hard time choosing between Giygas from Earthbound, twin victims from silent hill, teddybear mutant from ghosthunter and the brute from Amnesia TDD. I guess i'm going with the brute though since it is has both a terrifying appearance and the noises it makes are absolutely dreadful IMO. Some people say the brute sounds like a cow or a whale and thus don't find him as scary as the other creatures in the game. What kind of twisted monster cows do you have on your farm people!?


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First time I fell into the water during the Museum mission (defeat Penguin w/ Mr Freeze's gun), in Arkham City. No spoilers for those of you who haven't played that.

Although, that was more 'startled' than scared...

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For me, it was definitely Ravenholm from Half Life 2. Half Life 2 was not primarily a scary game, so Ravenholm took me by surprise. Granted, it probably isn't scary by a lot of people's standards, but this was the first horror scenario-in a game or movie-that I had ever experienced. There weren't really any jumpscares, but the atmosphere that was created was terrifying. The first thing you see when you get there is someone's lower half hanging from a tree.


For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, the whole town is infested with headcrabs, which are basically aliens that..well... Here's a clip to explain it to you.



The people become zombies, and the town is filled with them. Here's a walkthrough of Ravenholm, for those who wish to watch.


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The first game I remember playing that really creeped the hell out of me and haunted my nightmares when I was younger was Silent Hill on the PS1 when it first came out. Myself, my younger brother, and my older step-brother were excited when that came out. The first night of playing it, we were shacked up in the bedroom, lights off, and volume turned up. Big mistake… We weren't exactly sure what to expect when we first started, but it creeped us all out for the get go. The music, audio, environment, etc. got us weirded out. I don't remember the exact thing that bothered me the most (blocked from memory), from beginning to end was creepy. To this day, I still believe it literally scared the crap out of my younger brother, because at one point while playing the first night (well, mainly watching back then), he let a SBD slip (or so he claims) and we had to vacate the room for the night.

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Yeah the SA-X scared the carped out of me, when i was little, escpically when you were right before that part where you know the SA-X is down there in sector one (after the you beat the gaint spider) and you have to go down there. It took me a good 4 minutes to finally push my self to go down there.

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