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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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I have already advised my clanmates and alliance members(around 3000 players) to stop buying platinum until DE's official response about this.

We are very familiar with PW's capability of turning awesome games into mindless money sinks. So it is better to stop paying for a would be money-sink game sooner than later. We will resume our normal platinum purchase when DE denies PW's investment or when we are made sure PW's involvement will not affect the future development of Warframe(might take a few month).

As clanmate/alliance-mate of Lyvshalker, I agree to what he said. I will stop my platinum purchase until we are assured that PW's involvement won't adversely affect the game."

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R.I.P  warframe goodbye : )

These comments are annoying me. Yes, there is a possibility that PW has acquired DE. But there is also the chance that DE is just selling a minority of their stocks, thus maintaining their power over the game. Don't give up until we know which it is.

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PWE makes everything pay to win.  Warframe is already heavily influenced lately by putting new releases behind clan tech and prime drops.  When I first saw clan tech weapons available for sale in the market I actually quit the game for 4 months.  The prices on the plat market are outrageous enough as is.  30p for 9000 credits?  90p for 3 rare fusion cores?  That's ridiculous. 


If PWE gets a hold of this game, they'll add a subscription that gives player such and such platinum per month, increasing consecutively.

Weapons will take forever to grind, similar to grinding in Planetside 2.  Even when they player has collected materials and components for a weapon, the build time will be prohibitively long with a very expensive plat rush on it.


Server quality will drop, but subscribed players will have priority.


There will be little to no future content updates.




Now the part about this that I find infuriating is that DE marketed the Founders package.  Many of us bought in, because we wanted to see the company get going.  My husband and I both bought the Grand Master pack, in hopes to see Warframe take on additional staff and increase the pace of content release.  Sadly we didn't see much content increase, especially in the way of story, but oh well we liked the game before and we still liked it enough to keep on.  Warframe continued packages like this, asking players for as much as $140 every update with the Prime Access.  That's more than enough for the company to continue operating independently with the developers making good money, with extra staff, to work a reasonable work week and dish out content like no tomorrow.  But still, we're lucky to get a weapon a week, and to live off the procrastinated promises of story content and evolutions of game mechanics(like immersive PvP). 


Now, when DE has effectively garnered a large player base of which a majority have invested some amount of money into the game whether it's a little or a lot, they're selling it to make even more money.  That's as bad as comcast charging customers for internet access then charging Netflix to allow customers to see the content the customers are already paying for, or worse.  It's absolutely gut wrenching.


For me, personally, this is a life lesson.  This is a lesson that I shouldn't ever have faith in these companies, and I should never take my money and hand it out to someone else with the faith that they'll do me even for what I'm paying them for.  I'll put the money in savings, and I'll take what I can get and only offer monetary support after I've enjoyed the product, and will limit my donation to the amount I've already enjoyed it.


My faith and hope is gone.  I was stupid to buy the grand master founder package.  I'm stupid for wearing my founder's shirt today to the gym and telling some guy about Warframe when he asked.  I'm just foolish for having faith in a company to allow its developers to make something worth while and keep it going.


Rebecca has been amazing.  Megan was awesome as well.  The developers, while sometimes I question their work ethic, have produced some fantastic game mechanics with the Evolution engine.  I hate how so much of the money they make goes to the top, and despite it all going to the top, the top management is being greedier still and selling us all out.  And, that's why we just don't see good games anymore, because some douchebage in a suit who does nothing but push stocks around always ruins it.


Screw DE and screw every hedgefund manager and CEO stealing all the money from the hard working game developers. 


Never, ever, again.

if you dont like the prices on the market, buy from the players. fusion cores tend to go for about 1p each i believe for common, 2-3 for uncommon and 5 for rares. clantech? get a clan, buy the blueprint for like 35k credits (chump change mostly) and you again avoid the whole market thing.


the market (as far as actual gear is concerned) is for people who are willing to pay a premium to cut down what ammounts to a little bit of farming time!

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i saw but i dont really understand it, theres just really hate there

Panic, fear, a lack of ability to read legalese. That last one's not really expected.


Fear is a strong motivator. Emotions are powerful, and logic isn't very good when dealing with people who are scared and more than capable of committing  terrible and stupid acts.

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Posted Today, 09:59 PM

Hyona, on 02 Jul 2014 - 9:51 PM, said:snapback.png


I agree with you. 

This agreement is nothing to panic about if you know what the documents are actually stating.

Let me explain this rationally. I apologise to those who have expressed great disagreement to this, but please, do not rule this side of thinking out.


For the first source I will explain: http://iis.quamnet.c...001947020-0.PDF


This line itself explains that the two companies, Sumpo Food and Perfect Online are proposing to INVEST in Digital Extremes (DE). This means that they want to put money into the company [DE] in hopes of profit. This investment into DE will definitely help the company in continuing their operations.


"...the Purchasers intend to purchase, and Vendors intend to sell, all the outstanding shares of Digital Extremes (“Proposed Investment”)"

In this case, the purchasers are the above two mentioned companies. The Vendors is the company [DE] or holders of these shares who wish to sell to the purchasers. Note the terms "outstanding shares", this refers to all the shares that DE has issued. The main point here is WHAT DE HAS ISSUED. To define shares, this is a unit of ownership of the company that represents an equal proportion of a company's capital. I have no knowledge of how many shares DE has issued, or if they issued any at all yet.
For this, I will explain what the person I have quoted is saying, "this is only a bad thing if Sumpo/PWE get enough shares to make decisions. If they do not, then all's well and DE just has more money to spend. If they do, then they can do pretty much what they want. "
For example, DE might have issued 20% shares of their company. Perfect Online and Sumpo will buy all outstanding shares - this means they will purchase all the shares issued, that is, 20% of the company. It really depends on the amount that has been issued. Simply put, the amount of the shares sold does not have the amount of power on the company. They may have an influence and part ownership, but this does not mean that they will completely take over DE itself or affect their operations. If anything, they will only have influence but not total decision. This is why nothing has happened to Warframe as of yet.

"The Purchasers and the Vendors have not yet entered into any legally binding definitive agreement in relation to the Proposed Investment." This means that the vendors of DE who have shares can retract from this agreement. They don't have to go through with it.


Perfect World Entertainment (PWE) buying out DE? Not likely. We don't know how many shares have been issued.

Sumpo Foods? This is only a business selling chicken meat products. What can chicken meat products do to a game company? KFC us all?

"Perfect Online". This is, as stated in the document, "a company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong, a wholly-owned subsidiary of 

Perfect World Co., Ltd. (“Perfect World”), a company listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market. Perfect World is a leading online game developer and operator based in China." 
This is only a smaller branch company of Perfect World itself. They do hold influence by PWE but it's not likely that they will affect the whole operations of DE. 
Please do not read articles that simply state that DE will be "bought out" by PWE. It is all dependent on how many shares DE has issued. My assumption is, DE hasn't issued more than 50% of the company. [Don't hurt me!]
No need to panic, besides, the game isn't going to be ruined simply by this negotiation. I know that PWE has "ruined" games previously, as the majority of the community has stated. But please. We really need to consider that DE will not likely sell out the majority of their company. I'm sure DE wants to have majority of control over their operations, they are a customer satisfaction business only wanting the best for the community.
Don't fight DE or Perfect Word/Sumpo Foods. Do research, remember: you are more likely to believe in something that instills fear rather than reassures you. Media is one, "http://massively.joy...gital-extremes/". No evidence to support the company has been "bought out". Where are the numbers? Truthful documents? Explanations?
Think rationally, people. I'm sure DE is concerned about this too, but only because the community is acting on this negatively. This negotiated investment is more likely to help DE continue satisfying their customers, the community, us, if it pulls through. I know this post is long... but I really hate seeing people panic and think about deleting their accounts or "abandoning ship" over something that hasn't been proven yet. Don't worry, no stress! The game is still good. It really depends on whether they have issued a lot of shares or not much at all. I'm sorry if this has come off as rude, but I want to calm your hearts. Calm down people, take it easy for the sake of DE so they can rest too.



I'd believe in this had I not looked at this


In this link, there's a June 30th merger / acquistion. I'm not sure as to with whom, but with the countless speculation out and about, this can't be ignored.

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Ever heard of EA? Apparently PW is their chinese F2P equivalent, greedy and focused on only making games a money sinkhole without any actual care for the gameplay content.

Oh no they are not the equivalent.. they are worse,to a level you would not imagine 

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PWE makes everything pay to win.  Warframe is already heavily influenced lately by putting new releases behind clan tech and prime drops.  When I first saw clan tech weapons available for sale in the market I actually quit the game for 4 months.  The prices on the plat market are outrageous enough as is.  30p for 9000 credits?  90p for 3 rare fusion cores?  That's ridiculous. 


If PWE gets a hold of this game, they'll add a subscription that gives player such and such platinum per month, increasing consecutively.

Weapons will take forever to grind, similar to grinding in Planetside 2.  Even when they player has collected materials and components for a weapon, the build time will be prohibitively long with a very expensive plat rush on it.


Server quality will drop, but subscribed players will have priority.


There will be little to no future content updates.




Now the part about this that I find infuriating is that DE marketed the Founders package.  Many of us bought in, because we wanted to see the company get going.  My husband and I both bought the Grand Master pack, in hopes to see Warframe take on additional staff and increase the pace of content release.  Sadly we didn't see much content increase, especially in the way of story, but oh well we liked the game before and we still liked it enough to keep on.  Warframe continued packages like this, asking players for as much as $140 every update with the Prime Access.  That's more than enough for the company to continue operating independently with the developers making good money, with extra staff, to work a reasonable work week and dish out content like no tomorrow.  But still, we're lucky to get a weapon a week, and to live off the procrastinated promises of story content and evolutions of game mechanics(like immersive PvP). 


Now, when DE has effectively garnered a large player base of which a majority have invested some amount of money into the game whether it's a little or a lot, they're selling it to make even more money.  That's as bad as comcast charging customers for internet access then charging Netflix to allow customers to see the content the customers are already paying for, or worse.  It's absolutely gut wrenching.


For me, personally, this is a life lesson.  This is a lesson that I shouldn't ever have faith in these companies, and I should never take my money and hand it out to someone else with the faith that they'll do me even for what I'm paying them for.  I'll put the money in savings, and I'll take what I can get and only offer monetary support after I've enjoyed the product, and will limit my donation to the amount I've already enjoyed it.


My faith and hope is gone.  I was stupid to buy the grand master founder package.  I'm stupid for wearing my founder's shirt today to the gym and telling some guy about Warframe when he asked.  I'm just foolish for having faith in a company to allow its developers to make something worth while and keep it going.


Rebecca has been amazing.  Megan was awesome as well.  The developers, while sometimes I question their work ethic, have produced some fantastic game mechanics with the Evolution engine.  I hate how so much of the money they make goes to the top, and despite it all going to the top, the top management is being greedier still and selling us all out.  And, that's why we just don't see good games anymore, because some douchebage in a suit who does nothing but push stocks around always ruins it.


Screw DE and screw every hedgefund manager and CEO stealing all the money from the hard working game developers. 


Never, ever, again.

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Taken from one of PW's god awful games, Forsaken World. You'll pay money so you can buy boxes similar to this which can contain something so very shiny etc. Which have smaller chance to be obtained than anything on Void. Who knows, maybe we could've a gamble box with Excalibur Prime as the Jackpot.


This is why I don't really like reading posts about RNG x Void being a naggy old bish because comparing that to those gacha stuff, Warframe RNGsus is kind.

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