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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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I find it ironic when PWE is known as Perfect World Enternainment, and yet hearing from the other people it sounds like Dystopain World P2W


Well, like someone said on the forum....


In a perfect world, Perfect World wouldn't be a company or a thing that exists.


As for what it is now, I'll keep a really, really close watch on the deal. I regret to say that I have no idea about this matter at all. Well, I guess I can browsing on internet and read about this kind of thing.........

And, with 288 (and keep growing) pages, I guess all of points as of why PWE is really bad for Warframe are already said,one way or another. Let me say this: take a look of what happened to Rusty Hearts. The game's no longer supported by the original developer (because financial issues), and yet PWE as publisher still let the game running(It's still there on Steam). And you actually need to use Google(or any search engine) to find the game's forum.


And for Ruk's sake, please stop with the term 'white knight' already!

It's so much misused these days. Ugh

Edited by Lorche
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PWE declaring intensions on DE is like Disney saying they're going to buy Burger King.


If they want to buy it, they're gonna buy it.


this is exactly what ive been trying to convey but everybody keeps having these false hopes of it not happening lol

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If DE took this dilemma and gave us a choice via Warframe itself, I think I would enjoy something like that.

Say, make a mini-event, the boss of the event being some sort of Infested life-form named "Perfect World Entertainment".

If we defeat "Perfect World Entertainment" x number of times, this business fiasco would be reconsidered, leaving DE and the community as happy-go-lucky as it was before hearing this news.

Then again, this is just me throwing in an idea of mine.

EDIT: Slight grammar mistake.

Edited by Prosperity
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Well.. wow.  Not going to go on since I doubt many are reading by this point.. but DE .. if this happens and you let PWE do what they have done to other games.. many (most?) of us are going to be done & gone.


I hate to say it, but it's true.

Edited by AZAG0TH
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If DE took this dilemma and gave us a choice via Warframe itself, I think I would enjoy something like that.

Say, make an mini-event, the boss of the event being some sort of Infested life-form named "Perfect World Entertainment".

If we defeat "Perfect World Entertainment" x number of times, this business fiasco would be reconsidered, leaving DE and the community as happy-go-lucky as it was before hearing this news.

Then again, this is just me throwing in an idea of mine.

I accept this challenge

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probably a little more user friendly....outstanding shares do not give a company authority....it is meant for investors


From that site:


Outstanding shares are common stock authorized by the company, issued, purchased and held by investors.


Common stock represents ownership interests in corporations.


The most prominent characteristics of common stock are that they entitle the shareholder to vote on corporate matters (typically, the shareholder gets one vote for every share he or she owns, though that is not always the case) such as whether the company should acquire another company, who the board members should be and other big decisions.


Ergo, that site also confirms what I'm saying, that buying all outstanding shares (of common stock) give you complete control over the company.

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As clanmate/alliance-mate of Lyvshalker, I agree to what he said. I will stop my platinum purchase until we are assured that PW's involvement won't adversely affect the game."

LOL... They can't promise you anything... or they can just tell you what you want to hear and will be just empty words. Once the new company take over, whatever DE previously said or promised, or even DE's policy, it doesn't mean much any more. The PW's policy is it. That's all!! 

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So, as Letter tried to say earlier. It seems the most logical explanation is DE is trying to appeal to the Chinese market on Xbone.


Because China is so picky about publishers, DE needs representation in some form in China.


Ergo, they sell 5(or less)% of their stock to PW, PW can market for them AND gets a share of the profits.

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Just hope Warframe doesn't end up like the other garbages P2W. Of all companies why did they let this one get the purchase. So silly and selfish. Just to earn a quick buck and lose everything they've built up to this point. Such is the world we live in. Hindsight should have warned me not to invest so much in something to good to be true.

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If DE took this dilemma and gave us a choice via Warframe itself, I think I would enjoy something like that.

Say, make an mini-event, the boss of the event being some sort of Infested life-form named "Perfect World Entertainment".

If we defeat "Perfect World Entertainment" x number of times, this business fiasco would be reconsidered, leaving DE and the community as happy-go-lucky as it was before hearing this news.

Then again, this is just me throwing in an idea of mine.

I accept this challenge. I shall not sleep until the beast has been slain.

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The idea of "Pay to Win"......... That's so f****d up. As a gamer who has been through numerous online games, I think I can speak for my other gamer friends out there that a P2W approach to a game just LITERALLY KILLS its player base. Imagine being engrossed into a game then you find out half way through that you have to purchase so that you could enjoy the entire game experience. IT SUCKS SWEATY MAN BALLS. One reason Warframe got my attention in the first place was their add "NINJAS PLAY FREE". I don't want anything to do with a game that's "NINJAS PLAY FREE FOR A WHILE" or "NINJAS PAY TO PLAY". 


DE please. Listen to your people. Listen to the Tenno that shared your vision for this game with so much potential, only to be killed by PW if ever you do decide to sell. The thought gives me goosebumps. 


I WOULD GLADLY BUY PLATS OVER AND OVER AGAIN from you because you give us the freedom to choose whether to buy or not. You made buying plats a WANT not a NEED for the game. We get full game experience here in Warframe without purchasing anything really. I really really appreciated that DE. I'm so happy because you have an AWESOME game even though it's not yet finished, you have a great player base, happy player willing to play for hours on because they enjoy the game.


But go with PW and make Plats a NEED for us before we can play or get full game experience, then expect your game to die. Die a horrible death. Games that milk players for their money just SUCKS. Check it. Your players buy Prime Access, buy plats, spend on your game. Because you don't obligate them to. Turn that around and....... well you can see everyone's point.


So DE. No. Just NO to PW.


i think the most i ever play a P2W game before i got tired of its crap was about...2 weeks....xD

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