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[ Ability Change 7/31/14] Qyl - Bladed Trap Warframe Concept [4Th Ability Sacrificial Snare Added!]


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Ahhh, Hunter, I've been away for about a week now because of family matters (and didn't have internet), also the last ability will get revised a last time, because I'm still not quite comfortable with what it's doing. I also was okay with giving it a break for a little while just to refresh my mind a little bit, because I was a little burnt out of ideas for it. Just be patient. :D Good things come to those who wait.

Besides, if you're just hungry for art, I do other things on the Fan art side of Warframe. ;D



Edit: Yes Qyl is female, but was designed to have an ambiguous gender because I really don't mind whether it is male or female.

Edited by ZeroJackdaw
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Ahhh, Hunter, I've been away for about a week now because of family matters (and didn't have internet), also the last ability will get revised a last time, because I'm still not quite comfortable with what it's doing. I also was okay with giving it a break for a little while just to refresh my mind a little bit, because I was a little burnt out of ideas for it. Just be patient. :D Good things come to those who wait.

Besides, if you're just hungry for art, I do other things on the Fan art side of Warframe. ;D



Edit: Yes Qyl is female, but was designed to have an ambiguous gender because I really don't mind whether it is male or female.


okay that's good because this concept hasn't been on the first page, nor the second page so I was wondering what was going on


because I never knew you were taking a break, but then again considering how amazing this concept is, I should've thought you needed a break.

Edited by Hunter126
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How have I not seen this concept before? It's fookn amazing m8.


Love the first ability though, really reminds me of the Talon Mercenary from ME3, and that character made me quite moist.

Guillotine and Shrapnel seem pretty good too, no qualms there.


Actually, everything seems pretty awesome anyways, not sure why I'm going through the list here.

+666 Kubrow souls to you, OP.

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How have I not seen this concept before? It's fookn amazing m8.


Love the first ability though, really reminds me of the Talon Mercenary from ME3, and that character made me quite moist.

Guillotine and Shrapnel seem pretty good too, no qualms there.


Actually, everything seems pretty awesome anyways, not sure why I'm going through the list here.

+666 Kubrow souls to you, OP.

oh because this has been processing slowly and people don't spread this concept

don't worry, more people will see this, considering how it's already amazing even though it's not even the final update

this concept already has potential.




Zero does it feel good to be amazing at art?

Edited by Hunter126
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I bump this to keep it at top

*sighs* I thought ZeroJackdaw has been kinda telling you to not do that any more? Or have you forgotten this already?

Please don't bug people with making them do updates so much. You would be wondering how much of a negative effect this can be on them, where it starts to become more like work than anything else.

Look at the big block of feedback I wrote in regards to her new #4 Sacrificial snare. Has she responded? No. Do I care? No. I wait for her to have the time to consider it, if she feels what I've written had any worth.


And why am I the person again to mention this? Because she is usually too nice to say so XD

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*sighs* I thought ZeroJackdaw has been kinda telling you to not do that any more? Or have you forgotten this already?

Please don't bug people with making them do updates so much. You would be wondering how much of a negative effect this can be on them, where it starts to become more like work than anything else.

Look at the big block of feedback I wrote in regards to her new #4 Sacrificial snare. Has she responded? No. Do I care? No. I wait for her to have the time to consider it, if she feels what I've written had any worth.


And why am I the person again to mention this? Because she is usually too nice to say so XD

yeah sure

I'll listen, thanks I'll try to to not put pressure

Edited by Hunter126
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It's been a few months, and this topic has seen little love since then. Qyl hasn't been forgotten has she? Would still love to see the mock-up of that reworked 4th power.

Zero's probably still thinking or takin a break

maybe becuz it has so much love (people love the concept) that it's gonna need a lovable reworked ultimate and that she might still be thinking about it or doesn't have time to think about this.

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It's been a few months, and this topic has seen little love since then. Qyl hasn't been forgotten has she? Would still love to see the mock-up of that reworked 4th power.

I think ZeroJackdaw just doesn't have the time currently and/or pooling some ideas together to make a satisfying update for this. Constantly working on the same project is tiring out every artist and you lose focus as well as judgement of your own work.

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I absolutely love this design! (not so much of its current iteration though.)

This is by far one of the best warframe fan-concept artwork I have ever seen in these forums

It feels like a Warframe, it's that convincing.

You've captured the alien/organic feel to it, like the first series and most of the Warframes have that none else have captured...that I've seen so far.

If I were to compare its quality, it would be Volt's, and Volt has an amazing concept.


I simply just admire this design right down to its absurd appearance, color combination, and brilliance. 

However, I think the elbow/arm blades could be done a bit differently, because they don't feel right...for me at least.

But I don't think they're needed.

At least to that degree.

But when it comes to warframe concepts (and I'm always wandering in Fan Concepts, always), I'm always more drawn to the artwork than the abilities presented.

With that said, I sort of scanned the abilities, and I think there may be a better theme for such a majestic beast it took after. 

That last sentence sounds weird.

Anyways, sick artwork! I'm late on it, but love it!


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