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Switching Between Updates


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Hey guys, I know I'm not the best at ideas for this game, but wouldn't it be cool if we could go old school and play update 8 again? Or any other update...it would be REALLY DIFFICULT to pull off, but other games have done it before *cough cough* minecraft *cough cough* now, I know it's a little different than minecraft and it would be harder to pull off, as you might have weapons in you arsenal that don't exist yet, or warframes, or sentinels...ect...but what if they did it so if you didn't have anything that existed yet you would pick one of the first 3 frames and then you get the starting weapons and you can use them or buy other ones from the store, you would have all your stuff that exists...(just throwing out ideas here if you have a better one then say so) then that would be saved for that update. When you go to an update you have already played you would still keep the stuff that you had.

Edit: all hot fixes would be put into the update, so say you wanted to play U9, that would include U9.0.1,U9.1,ect...the major additions, like for example U9.5, that would have to be chosen instead of U9 if you wanted that addition.

Edit: sorry I pushed the send button before I was ready

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Errr... No...


Game is on Beta, having the function to play older versions would slow down the game development since DE would have to work on getting both the client and the servers to support it and playing old contents doesnt give productive feedbacks or help fix issues with new stuff that comes out.

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It's not impossible, it would take a long time before they could be ready for it, with all the work de has right now it would probably have to wait for U18 or more, lol, as to costly, yes, yes it would be costly, but after another year, who knows how popular this game will be? They could have tons of money to use to keep the servers up

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Errr... No...


Game is on Beta, having the function to play older versions would slow down the game development since DE would have to work on getting both the client and the servers to support it and playing old contents doesnt give productive feedbacks or help fix issues with new stuff that comes out.

The game won't always be in beta, what if it was a release gift to us? Or once beta is over they would have plenty if time to work on it.

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It's not impossible, it would take a long time before they could be ready for it, with all the work de has right now it would probably have to wait for U18 or more, lol, as to costly, yes, yes it would be costly, but after another year, who knows how popular this game will be? They could have tons of money to use to keep the servers up

It IS impossible.

Have you ever seen any online game in which you could switch between updates? - No.

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Um are you counting mc as online? No your not...well it IS online, you can still go on certain servers with the older versions


Minecraft is something absolutely different. There are a lot of servers, but none of them is official - they are running on different PCs.

Warframe have one big official server. There is only ONE server with ONE update.



Can you play Warframe offline? No, you can't! - online game

Can you play Minecraft offline? Yes, you can! - not online game

Edited by Kialandi
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It's not impossible, it would take a long time before they could be ready for it, with all the work de has right now it would probably have to wait for U18 or more, lol, as to costly, yes, yes it would be costly, but after another year, who knows how popular this game will be? They could have tons of money to use to keep the servers up

It is impossible.  Minecraft is designed to run exclusively from the computer, with no online interactions whatsoever.  It can be played online, but if you play with an old version, you have to find a server running that same old version.  Warframe on the other hand is exclusively online.  If I were to disable my internet I couldn't even log in.  On top of that, Minecraft servers are run by players, allowing a much larger number of them.  the single server for Warframe is run presumably by DE, and if they did this, which I still don't think they can, they would have to either force solo play on solo mode in older versions, or run a server or possably several for each version of the game.  If they did this, that would be at least 13 servers (soon to be 14), and that is not counting hotfixes and such, counting those it would be hundreds.  THere is also the problem with game progression.  What happens if I try to play my Valkyr in U8?  It just wouldn't work.

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It is impossible.  Minecraft is designed to run exclusively from the computer, with no online interactions whatsoever.  It can be played online, but if you play with an old version, you have to find a server running that same old version.  Warframe on the other hand is exclusively online.  If I were to disable my internet I couldn't even log in.  On top of that, Minecraft servers are run by players, allowing a much larger number of them.  the single server for Warframe is run presumably by DE, and if they did this, which I still don't think they can, they would have to either force solo play on solo mode in older versions, or run a server or possably several for each version of the game.  If they did this, that would be at least 13 servers (soon to be 14), and that is not counting hotfixes and such, counting those it would be hundreds.  THere is also the problem with game progression.  What happens if I try to play my Valkyr in U8?  It just wouldn't work.

Thank you. That's what I'm trying to explain him.

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Minecraft is something absolutely different. There are a lot of servers, but none of them is official - they are running on different PCs.

Warframe have one big official server. There is only ONE server with ONE update.

That doesn't mean it's impossible...it should be perfectly possible to an expert who knows what they are doing, I am not a computer expert, I don't know how it all works, and I never said I did. I'll leave the programming to the experts, and I'm still not seeing how you think it's impossible

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It is impossible.  Minecraft is designed to run exclusively from the computer, with no online interactions whatsoever.  It can be played online, but if you play with an old version, you have to find a server running that same old version.  Warframe on the other hand is exclusively online.  If I were to disable my internet I couldn't even log in.  On top of that, Minecraft servers are run by players, allowing a much larger number of them.  the single server for Warframe is run presumably by DE, and if they did this, which I still don't think they can, they would have to either force solo play on solo mode in older versions, or run a server or possably several for each version of the game.  If they did this, that would be at least 13 servers (soon to be 14), and that is not counting hotfixes and such, counting those it would be hundreds.  THere is also the problem with game progression.  What happens if I try to play my Valkyr in U8?  It just wouldn't work.

Ok, fine. Like I just said, I don't know that much about it, but like I said before, anything that doesn't exist in that update wouldn't be there, maybe it is impossible, I don't know, I AM NOT A COMPUTER EXPERT! I have NO idea how it works, maybe you do, I don't know. All I'm saying is that it would be cool IF THEY COULD DO IT, if they can't, that's fine,

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This is an idea thread, this isn't here for us to program it...that would be up to the DE to decide whether or not it's impossible, not you, not me, DE!

Technically it's up to the limits of reason within the scope of programming to determine what DE can or cannot do, but that's just nitpicking.



As for this idea, I honestly cannot think of a single reason why I would want to do this. Bringing back melee charge attacks, maybe, but I would just rather they get added back to melee 2.0 than anything else.

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