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[Fan'frame] Svarog - The Cqc Grineer Experiment Warframe


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Entry 1.6.0

Once again, that idiot Vor has taken to dumping his refuse upon my table! How many more of these corpses must I sift through to find what he is looking for? His message spoke of a surprise. I dread to think of what condition this one will be in…


Entry 1.8.3

Amazing! When they told me it still living, I thought he was either a fool or a liar, but unless my eyes have finally failed me, this living demon lies on my table. It seems most of its systems are destroyed, either in transit or in the ‘recovery’ process by the heavy handed moron and his pet, Lech Krill. Oddly, the Tenno has made no attempt to murder everyone upon consciousness. This warrants further investigation.


Entry 11.4.6

The Tenno’s systems have degraded to the point where it no longer can provide life support. As a last resort we grafted some of our own technology in place to maintain functions. Half of the systems in this walking corpse are beyond my understanding… at least for now, but certain elements – such as the circulatory system – are a matter of simple mechanics.


Entry 14.6.0

Weapons testing is going well, but slowly. The grafted systems – although keeping this Warframe together – cannot dissipate or control the energy levels given off by the Tenno. Overheating has melted most of the chassis and damaged systems, but the self-repair subroutine seems adequate for now. I have pieced together a form of venting system which will allow this weapon to ventilate heat from itself to maintain combat mobility. The Warframe seems to have adapted to the other changes to the body without issue, integrating many of the life support systems in ways we had not expected. Is this truly the power of the Tenno?


Entry 18.8.3

Those fools! Weapons testing on the Corpus ships were a bad idea, but command would not listen to reason! After the Tenno had carved a hole through the ranks of those greedy, hapless, cultists, it turned on the escorting fire team when they tried to force it back into captivity. Somehow it had altered the coolant vents to release all the excess heat in one blast, annihilating everything! By the time a recovery team was in place, the Tenno was half dead and the ship was a smoldering wreck, not fit for salvage. I am loathe to activate any of the other systems in the near-dead Tenno, but I have no choice. I will not let this experiment fail!


Entry 19.3.3

How could I have been so foolish? The Tenno’s subsystems contained its communications arrays. I don’t know how it came to regain contact to the thrice-cursed Lotus, but once it had, the escape was not long thereafter. I watched it use the very technology I had installed in its body to burn away my brothers and sisters, then when it came for me, it stopped. It took one last moment to scrape long deep marks into the proud Grineer emblem we had decorated it with, and then walked away. Perhaps... he knew I was the one who saved it, but I will not waste his meaningless gesture of compassion. Once he leaves the ship – no doubt by a Tenno rescue team - I will shoot down his transport with our forward batteries. Such a senseless waste.


Entry 19.3.4

The cell of Tenno who had come for him destroyed the ships main reactor core. The main power is out and we are adrift. Perhaps I mistook compassion for sadism? Out here in the cold of space, hypoxia will soon take my life, but in death I am comforted by one thing;


I succeeded.


Curse the Tenno and their Eyeless Witch.




A Grineer-like equivalent to the Valkyr and a male fire-based frame all rolled into one. The main reason for this frame is to introduce the Frame’s shtick of ‘cooldowns’. Right now, powers are very pop-and-drop with only timers acting as a buffer between button presses. By adding a cooldown with an effect – both actively as a mechanic and thematically – the hope is for people to use powers in a more tactical way.


Being a Grineer experiment, this could both explain the need for coolant systems and the damaged, moderately unhinged aesthetic of the frame itself.




Svarog is a mixture of Grineer support systems grafted onto a scarred and deformed Warframe, long since changed from its original form by the effects of its superheated body. Grafted heating vents are on the shoulders and thighs, whereas half the torso is a mixture of Grineer life support systems and coolant channels. The arms and legs have a biological look, but the patters and smooth and flowing, like metal that has been heated and cooled, or perhaps stone formed on the top of lava.


When not on cooldown, the frame looks like a normal Warframe, with the exception of maybe heated glows from the vents, like smoldering embers. After power usage though, the limbs and the vents superheat, causing the frame to glow red, then orange then white, depending on how ‘hot’ it gets. Flames lick that the superheated Warframe and blasts of hot air escape the vents.


The Helmet looks like a muzzle, almost. A long plate covers the head, with a scratched out Grineer symbol on the front. Tubing and coolant pipes come from the collarbone and neck but as a whole it looks like a surgical replacement for the original by Grineer engineers. Tooth-like vents rest below the face-plate, giving the frame a malicious look.




Passive Ability – Venting




Svarog’s passive ability is tied to his cooldown mechanic. When his abilities are on cooldown, his ‘Frame glows with heat, causing the heating vents to smolder and damage enemies around him. With more powers on cooldown, the hotter the vents and the more damage. This should be a very low number of pulsing hits in a short area, but it should be enough to supplement close combat. In late game, this passive may barely be noticeable, but for the close-range general combat of a melee, this should encourage more use of blasting powers and running into murder the enemy – something thematically encouraged. As a result, Svarog’s powers do a lot of burst damage, but the cooldown prevents power spam.


Power 1 – Firewalker

Svarog purposefully channels heat into his ‘Frame and begins to sprint. As he does so, the heat in the system builds up over a few seconds, granting Svarog a burning aura. As he runs past and through enemies, they are immediately procced with Burning effects. When the timer is up, Svarog stops and vents a small AoE of heated gas, causing damage and a Blast Proc. Duration lets Svarog run further. Focus increases the damage. Cooldown is 5 Seconds.


Power 2 – Microstar

By channeling vast amounts of its incredible power into a crushed ball, the Svarog releases a small orb of unstable, destructive energy into the battlefield. After a moment, the ball destabilizes and fires off streams of heat and explosive power (like flux beams) in random directions all around it, before eventually collapsing in on itself in a fiery implosion. This can be used as either area denial ability or to set a trap for incoming enemies. Duration increases how long the Microstar lasts until it detonates. Stretch increases range of attacks and detonation. Intensify increases damage. Cooldown is 10 Seconds.


Power 3 – Immolate

Svarog channels a blast of heat and energy in a long, wide stream, directed by the aiming reticle. Acting like huge flux rifle in effect, this blast does heavy damage and procs fire and radiation effects. It is a channeled power, so holding down the button will continue the blast for a maximum of 10 seconds. For every second the blast is active, the cooldown is 2 seconds, so using Immolate for 5 seconds will proc a 10 second cooldown. Intensify and Streamline help make this power more efficient for the amount of cooldown and energy used.


Power 4 – Atmospheric Ignition

By storing all of the heat generated during the cooldown phase, the Svarog releases all it’s built up energy in a massive, expanding shockwave of fire. This power will not activate if Svarog is not in ‘cooldown’ mode. For every power on cooldown, the force and size of the explosion increases. This power costs 100 Energy and cannot be modified by efficiency, but it does also reset all cooldowns from other powers, making them immediately usable again. Casting time is fairly long, perhaps with some kind of internal struggle by the frame with some awesome animation, but the final blast should be spectacular.

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I've always found grineer tech really cool looking, so a valkyr-style frame but augmented by grineer science instead of corpus science really floats my boat.


I'm looking forward to seeing some stats/abilities, interested to see where this goes!


Edit: this is the first time I've ever seen more than one Cmod in a thread :D

Edited by vaugahn
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Perhaps it knew I was the one who saved it, but I will not waste his meaningless gesture of compassion. Once he leaves the ship – no doubt by a Tenno rescue team - I will shoot down his transport with our forward batteries.


Was it intentional the sudden switch in pronoun? Or is the narrator feeling suddenly compassionate about his creation, despite what he says?


:D Great work either way!

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Image is up!


Full write up coming soon!



Was it intentional the sudden switch in pronoun? Or is the narrator feeling suddenly compassionate about his creation, despite what he says?


:D Great work either way!

Also, yes! Glad you caught that. I wanted to give the sense of personal betrayal, like a son turning on a father. Even the Grineer feel anger and betrayal, right?
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Also, yes! Glad you caught that. I wanted to give the sense of personal betrayal, like a son turning on a father. Even the Grineer feel anger and betrayal, right?



Of course. They still have a little bit of human still left in that tattered DNA.

Also he appears to be melting. XD Is it a molten frame? Svarog is the Slavic God of fire and blacksmithing. It would make sense. :D

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Might be an interesting idea for a Grineer Syandana?


Yeah, thats what I meant by it. (Not trying to sound rude/mean, just can't word it right.)


Another idea would be to give him some armor similar to the Grustrag Three, such as their head collars or shoulder pads. Or maybe their feet?



Edited by Sasquatch180
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Good job with the powers! The only thing I'm unsure about is the 4, even with the set 100 energy cost it seems like the huge cooldown reduction would encourage ability spam. Also, a question about the 1st ability: are you forced to sprint during the duration of it? If so, is the sprint faster than your normal sprint, or do you move at the same speed?

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Good job with the powers! The only thing I'm unsure about is the 4, even with the set 100 energy cost it seems like the huge cooldown reduction would encourage ability spam. Also, a question about the 1st ability: are you forced to sprint during the duration of it? If so, is the sprint faster than your normal sprint, or do you move at the same speed?


Good questions.


The sprint to me would just be like a limited Valkyr Hysteria, you lose the use of guns, but you can direct when you run. Perhaps you move a bit faster, or whatever, but the main use for this power to me was to heat up, be able to run into the midst of combat and pop a small AoE to say 'hello' before you get to burning and carving.


The idea for the 'Frame was the ability to power spam like a maniac if you wanted to to. You could burst out a lot of DPS, but eventually you are going to need to cool down and you won't have the energy to pop your 4. Besides, the third power is a channeled power, so really all you can do is use your 1 or your 3, but that is only going to give you a 2-cooldown ultimate, rather than all 3 if you are not taking the time to use your immolate ability correctly.

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Good questions.


The sprint to me would just be like a limited Valkyr Hysteria, you lose the use of guns, but you can direct when you run. Perhaps you move a bit faster, or whatever, but the main use for this power to me was to heat up, be able to run into the midst of combat and pop a small AoE to say 'hello' before you get to burning and carving.


The idea for the 'Frame was the ability to power spam like a maniac if you wanted to to. You could burst out a lot of DPS, but eventually you are going to need to cool down and you won't have the energy to pop your 4. Besides, the third power is a channeled power, so really all you can do is use your 1 or your 3, but that is only going to give you a 2-cooldown ultimate, rather than all 3 if you are not taking the time to use your immolate ability correctly.


Okay, I'm starting to see the dynamic for this frame. It reminds me a lot of the incinerator from hawken. Just noticed something, would power duration/range/strength mods affect the rate of heat loss, the range of his heat aura, and its damage for his passive?

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I can imagine Atmospheric Ignition might make him blow a few hoses or vent caps as he blasts jets of fire from every possible outlet of heat on his body, creating waves of heat that ripple outward from him for a few seconds before the streams die down and he opens his cooling vents and lets out steam and coolant for a moment before returning to normal combat stance.


The whole "blown hoses" thing would have to be primarily cosmetic, like some of those Grineer tech hoses and vents were designated "armor" and just pop out in a certain places depending on how strong his last Overheat was. The broken hoses would still jigglebone and stuff but otherwise they don't affect him any.

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Okay, I'm starting to see the dynamic for this frame. It reminds me a lot of the incinerator from hawken. Just noticed something, would power duration/range/strength mods affect the rate of heat loss, the range of his heat aura, and its damage for his passive?


At first response I would say no, but seeing as it is directly tied to power use, then perhaps so. That would be more of a balance call, I think. You wouldn't want the passive to replace Embers World on Fire power as far as damage goes in an Aura. This is more supplementary as an after effect of high-damage burst DPS.


I can imagine Atmospheric Ignition might make him blow a few hoses or vent caps as he blasts jets of fire from every possible outlet of heat on his body, creating waves of heat that ripple outward from him for a few seconds before the streams die down and he opens his cooling vents and lets out steam and coolant for a moment before returning to normal combat stance.


The whole "blown hoses" thing would have to be primarily cosmetic, like some of those Grineer tech hoses and vents were designated "armor" and just pop out in a certain places depending on how strong his last Overheat was. The broken hoses would still jigglebone and stuff but otherwise they don't affect him any.


I like the aesthetics of that, and it would tie in pretty well to the Lech Krill boss fight. Not sure how easy it would be to animate on a Warframe though.

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I like the aesthetics of that, and it would tie in pretty well to the Lech Krill boss fight. Not sure how easy it would be to animate on a Warframe though.

The animating itself shouldn't be too hard, it is just run-of-the-mill jigglebones, I think the hard part may be in making a cosmetic item that can respond to player actions. If what I heard about the Edo armor is correct, armor can animate under certain conditions, so theoretically one could set an action of "decouple x from y" with the trigger condition of "use power 4 at Overheat level z".

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I think it succeeds as a Grineer counterpart of Valkyr, both in story and mechanically. The powers are pretty much well balanced and the addition of a passive makes for some interesting potential moments in game.

Oh, and I love the appearance.

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