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My Ideas To Improve Excalibro


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I would be fine either way, because as it is like now, I use slash dash only for mobility.


Sadly, that's what most Excalibur players use it for as in the later levels it simply does not have to power, damage, and speed to cut it.  No pun intended.  Giving it the changes I mentioned will help bring it up to par.

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IMO balls to the wall melee offense suits him well but right now he's the 2nd slowest frame behind only Frost. They should buff his sprint speed to something crazy like 1.4 and give him a huge stamina buff so he can run around and melee for a really long time before he has to regen. He's too squishy to not be fast.

Edited by Brosagi
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IMO balls to the wall melee offense suits him well but right now he's the 2nd slowest frame behind only Frost. They should buff his sprint speed to something crazy like 1.4 and give him a huge stamina buff so he can run around and melee for a really long time before he has to regen. He's too squishy to not be fast.


That could work, but his sprint speed shouldn't be crazy fast.  I think 1.4 may even be faster than Loki and Rhino Prime with Arcane Vanguard.  The stamina buff is needed but maybe it should be more refined to where his "passive" is that using melee costs him a LOT less stamina than it does the other frames.  Also he gets a boost in melee damage attacks.

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1.1 above the average of 1.0 is all I would want from your suggestions. The only frames that hit 1.2 and higher are Loki, Nova, and Rhino Prime w/ arcane vanguard.

TBH the request for more tankiness wouldn't be useful.

How would more tankless not be useful? He needs something to increase his durability

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Super Jump - Ok, so you can jump high.  YYYAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!! /end sarcasm


I see how this skill has some useful utility in some limited instances but it is honestly really lame compared to most other skills and in many cases can be rendered obsolete with good parkouring, coptering, etc.


*rolls eyes*

Oh, boy, here we g--



What this needs is to be made similar to Zephyrs ground slam skill, though on a smaller scale.  First you activate it and jump like always, that remains unchanged.  But then you can activate it again and bring you weapon slamming down hard.  This will be much stronger than a regular air attack slam, and has a few extra bonuses.  First of all if you directly hit a nonboss enemy, they get split in half vertically.  If you played LoL then it's a lot like a Darius ult.  


Secondly, regardless of whether an enemy is hit and split a shockwave is split out in a close proximity and all enemies nearby, take damage and are stunned.  It may also be nice to make them open to those fancy finishers though having both this and RB have that effect might be too much.




That's actually pretty good. It's nice to see a suggested change to Super Jump that doesn't screw over the people who use it as it currently is (non-offensive mobility that can't possibly give away your position by stray AoE effects) while opening up even more opportunities with the ability.

I am in full support of this suggestion.




What I DON'T agree with:


- Base stat improvements. Excalibur's base stats are nowhere near low; they're perfectly average. Boosting them unnecessarily is just power creep at work.


- That said, I'd like to see Stamina be improved (especially considering that Excalibur is the poster boy for flawlessly utilizing both guns and melee in combat seamlessly). I mean, come on-- the worst base stamina in the game? Hydroid having nearly double Excalibur's base stamina is not okay for me.

(To clarify: Excal has 80 base stamina; the other frames have 100. Hydroid and Valkyr both have a whopping 150.)


- Radial Blind opening up finishers. That would completely take away Excal's melee viability (along with that of all his teammates) and nerf the ability into oblivion. The only way I will ever accept this change is if Finishers can be bound to a separate key with the same update.

I'm still mad at DE for what they did to Teleport. No more teleporting across the map and then massacring the whole group in a matter of seconds; now it's teleport across the map -> play a two-second animation that does mediocre damage -> pitifully attempt to chase down the group of enemies that is now completely out of your reach.


With Radial Blind getting finisher prompts, melee play will go from:

Blind -> Kill the whole 10-enemy group in three seconds


Blind -> Kill 1 enemy every three seconds for the entire duration of the damn ability


While it's understandable that Radial Blind could use a light tap of the nerf hammer, removing melee viability is not the way to go.

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Pro tips for Excalibro players



Get in there with all your body and use that Radial Blind, hack N' slash teh S#&$ out of those fools and SuperJump out of there!


Maybe even use Radial Javilin! (Though I quite rarely use it)

Main thing is that Excalibro can be used as some weird all All-around FrameWar thing.



Have at it, yo!

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*rolls eyes*

Oh, boy, here we g--





That's actually pretty good. It's nice to see a suggested change to Super Jump that doesn't screw over the people who use it as it currently is (non-offensive mobility that can't possibly give away your position by stray AoE effects) while opening up even more opportunities with the ability.

I am in full support of this suggestion.




What I DON'T agree with:


- Base stat improvements. Excalibur's base stats are nowhere near low; they're perfectly average. Boosting them unnecessarily is just power creep at work.


- That said, I'd like to see Stamina be improved (especially considering that Excalibur is the poster boy for flawlessly utilizing both guns and melee in combat seamlessly). I mean, come on-- the worst base stamina in the game? Hydroid having nearly double Excalibur's base stamina is not okay for me.

(To clarify: Excal has 80 base stamina; the other frames have 100. Hydroid and Valkyr both have a whopping 150.)


- Radial Blind opening up finishers. That would completely take away Excal's melee viability (along with that of all his teammates) and nerf the ability into oblivion. The only way I will ever accept this change is if Finishers can be bound to a separate key with the same update.

I'm still mad at DE for what they did to Teleport. No more teleporting across the map and then massacring the whole group in a matter of seconds; now it's teleport across the map -> play a two-second animation that does mediocre damage -> pitifully attempt to chase down the group of enemies that is now completely out of your reach.


With Radial Blind getting finisher prompts, melee play will go from:

Blind -> Kill the whole 10-enemy group in three seconds


Blind -> Kill 1 enemy every three seconds for the entire duration of the damn ability


While it's understandable that Radial Blind could use a light tap of the nerf hammer, removing melee viability is not the way to go.


I'm not calling for insane buffs, just some increase to his defenses so he can actually get in there and melee stuff at high levels.  His defense is just "meh" and he has the lowest stamina in the game which totally goes against him being "The Swordsman" especially with how much stamina is drained when you actually try to use melee vs just shooting everything with Boltor Prime.


I just want him to get some tankiness so he can better survive closer encounters or redo his "passive" from that better chances to get that RNG counter finisher thing to something like, he'll automatically deflect projectiles at him if you're looking at them.  The best example would be in the Jedi Knight and Jedi Academy games where once you leveled your saber defense, you would automatically deflect and block most attacks directed at you, so long as you were facing them.


I meant for the radial blind thing to be a buff so he can actually use his fancy finishers.  Valkyr has a frekkin 400 HP and her Warcry opens up enemies to finishers, why can't Excal even get something in the same League?  With this Finishers would have to be set to a different key, have their damage boosted up(If I impale someone on my sword and they're hanging in the air with my sword completely though them, they should be dead regardless of their level) while at the same time allowing you to just melee spam if that's what you want.


And then the stamina buffs.


But really what I want for Excalibur is to be able to draw my melee weapon at higher level missions and be able to jump in there knowing I can take some hits, dish it out, and pull off fancy melee attacks like Excalibur was meant to without having to rely on Radial Blind.  Besides to be honest Radial Blind sounds like a cheap trick trickster type move that would fit Loki more than a frame like Excalibur that should engage and fight enemies "more honorably"  But that's just my opinion

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Why not, instead of the increased health tankiness, modifying his shield recovery rate and downtime?


If his shield downtime and recovery rate are modified, you can use the invincibility period of Slash Dash, and Radial Blind to become more of a close-in-hit-and-run melee fighter. Changing his stamina recovery rate would be preferred over an increased stamina cap, though.


The one major change to Slash Dash - Make it scale off of the combo counter, as well as provide a bleed proc. It used to be one of the best first powers in the game. Not the best of the best but really good. Why? Ignored armor, had a wide slash, and dealt consistent damage.


Radial Blind - Make it combo with super jump via expanded range and ignoring cover (While super jump is active). Make it so that he has a custom energy blade that he pulls out when he casts it, and have it shatter when the cast finishes.


Super jump - Allow super jump to be used while airborne. When wall-running, using super jump should catapult the player further, creating a knockdown effect around him. Super jump should also bolster the jump attack's properties, by expanding its range and knockdown by 100%. It should also reliably trigger heavy impact because of these changes. Power range should affect the knockdown radius.


Radial Javelin - Enable it to ragdoll enemies regardless of their health. Increase its casting speed. Pin them to walls for a set duration. This would make it an effective crowd control.

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Honestly thought you were gona have a bash that "Excal is boring and needs to be more flashy" like many have before.


but I must say that these little tweaks would definitely improve one of the most "All Rounded" Frames in the game. 



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Why not, instead of the increased health tankiness, modifying his shield recovery rate and downtime?


If his shield downtime and recovery rate are modified, you can use the invincibility period of Slash Dash, and Radial Blind to become more of a close-in-hit-and-run melee fighter. Changing his stamina recovery rate would be preferred over an increased stamina cap, though.


The one major change to Slash Dash - Make it scale off of the combo counter, as well as provide a bleed proc. It used to be one of the best first powers in the game. Not the best of the best but really good. Why? Ignored armor, had a wide slash, and dealt consistent damage.


Radial Blind - Make it combo with super jump via expanded range and ignoring cover (While super jump is active). Make it so that he has a custom energy blade that he pulls out when he casts it, and have it shatter when the cast finishes.


Super jump - Allow super jump to be used while airborne. When wall-running, using super jump should catapult the player further, creating a knockdown effect around him. Super jump should also bolster the jump attack's properties, by expanding its range and knockdown by 100%. It should also reliably trigger heavy impact because of these changes. Power range should affect the knockdown radius.


Radial Javelin - Enable it to ragdoll enemies regardless of their health. Increase its casting speed. Pin them to walls for a set duration. This would make it an effective crowd control.


Those are also good ideas, though I don't think the better shield recovery and downtime is the way to go.  I can see what you're getting at with the plan to make Excalibur a hit and run type fighter but I don't think that should be his style.  He's "The Swordsman" and is supposed to be meant to jump into the fray and not have to rely on "cheap tricks" like blind to be able to win fights in melee.  He should be able to rely on his toughness, strength, and skills which is why I was hoping for some slight buffs to his defenses and stamina.   Really I want him to be able to melee his way through the action.  He should even have a chance meleeing bosses like Stalker, and G3.  Right now the frames I've seen that happen on are Valkyr with lifesteal, crazy b.itch mode, and her insane LOLOLOLOLUCANTHURTME 400 armor, and Loki and Ash with cloak and even that doesn't work against Stalker who can just wave his arms around and cancel out any buff or warframe power.


I can see what you're getting at and I understand the reasoning, but I personally feel that a sneaky, distraction, guerilla style fighting isn't what Excalibur is meant for.  


I do like your suggestions for super jump and radial javelin though.


Honestly thought you were gona have a bash that "Excal is boring and needs to be more flashy" like many have before.


but I must say that these little tweaks would definitely improve one of the most "All Rounded" Frames in the game. 




Thank you for your support.

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If Excalibutt got an armor upgrade, Frost and Rhino would need a boost as well. Their armor rating is already 150.


No they dont. Rhino is more Berserker game play then Excal and has Iron Skin. Frost`s Snow Globe would get too strong if his armor went up more and hes not ment to be a front line combatent.

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I forgot to add that super jump should make radial javelin shoot downwards in a cone when super jumping.

It does. The javelins auto-lock onto one enemy each; if you're in the air and there are enemies below you, the javelins will fly down.

Now if only we didn't have to wait a stupidly long time to do anything after Super Jumping. That delay needs to be shortened by a lot.

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No they dont. Rhino is more Berserker game play then Excal and has Iron Skin. Frost`s Snow Globe would get too strong if his armor went up more and hes not ment to be a front line combatent.


Actually I think that other guy was mistaken as last time I checked Rhino and Frost both have 190 armor, which was the highest until Valkyr came along with her god like lolololol nothing can hurt me 400 armor.  


Excal should be more of a bruiser type fighter, he can get in, deal some damage, be able to take a few hits, and then disengage if he has too.


Frost is more of an "area defense" type frame in that if you need to defend a pod or other objective, then he's your guy and he's got the defense to do it.


If you need a tank that can just Leroy Jenkins in with good CC and durability then Rhino should be choice.


However, for better or for worse, Warframe isn't exactly the type of game which has "classes" so especially depending on how you mod, this all goes right out the window.

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Got another idea for super jump.  If you're up in the air, you can target an area and slam/slash down to it.  I'm thinking something like a similar ability to Zephyr's nose dive.  I know you can slash dash, but slash dash is straight horizontal.  What if you can target an area and stun everyone around it?  


I guess another example would be Aatrox's dive skill in LoL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love Excalibur, he was my first Warframe, and I even bought Founder's package so I can get Excalibro Prime.


Even though he can be fun to play as, he needs some love, after all he is not only a beginner frame but he is also the "mascot" and poster boy.  He's in forums off to the side, he's on the main site where you download the game standing front and center, in the devstream 32 link he's once again standing front and center with loki and ember off to the sides.


Hell there's even a large statue of him in the background of every devstream.  Whenever you need them, he's always there to kick @$$, look cool, and stand proudly.  Now it's time to thank him for that with some much needed improvments.


Nothing too extreme just some slight tweaks.


First of all, he is supposed to be "The Swordsman, yet he's not really tanky enough to get in close at high levels to effectively use melee, unlike other frames such as Rhino, Valkyr, and Ash.  As "The Swordsman" he needs the tankiness to get in the bad guys faces and hit them with his sword without being CCed or instagibbed in higher levels.  I know he has Radial Blind and it's a great skill but I don't want to have to basically rely on it all the time and turn what can be a very fun frame into a one trick pony.


First his base stats.


Health 100 to 120.  Not a huge buff, just something to help his tankiness


Shields   These can stay the same.   A slight increase wouldn't be out of the question but it's probably not necessary


Speed - Slight speed increase.  Maybe 1.1 or 1.2.  Let him run fast so he can run up and hit the bad guys with his sword.


Stamina - Stamina drains melee FAST, so increase to 130 so after he runs up to the bad guys, he can hit them more times with his sword and block more shots coming at him


Power - This is good as is for now.


Armor - Definitely needs an improvement.  Change from 65 to 150 or so.  Give him some much needed durability to get in the thick and cut people into little pieces.


Now for his skills


Slash Dash - It needs some tweaks.  First other than an armor ignore, it is outclassed by Rhino's Charge in every way shape and form.  It has a windup time, it's slower, does less damage, and has no CC for the enemies that aren't killed.  I really enjoyed using this skill back when I was a newbie and remember getting all giddy when I was able to get in a position where enemies were lined up perfectly to hit 3 or more at a time.  It's time to bring that back.


Mainly, remove or at least decrease the cast delay.  Make him move faster, after all he is trying to cut people up as quick as possible,  and let it scale with your melee weapon.  


This will give it some good buffs without directly increasing the damage and will make it fun without making it mega OP.


Radial Blind-  It works great as is, though perhaps let it leave enemies open for finishers like Valkyr's Warcry and Ash's teleport.  




Super Jump - Ok, so you can jump high.  YYYAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!! /end sarcasm


I see how this skill has some useful utility in some limited instances but it is honestly really lame compared to most other skills and in many cases can be rendered obsolete with good parkouring, coptering, etc.


What this needs is to be made similar to Zephyrs ground slam skill, though on a smaller scale.  First you activate it and jump like always, that remains unchanged.  But then you can activate it again and bring you weapon slamming down hard.  This will be much stronger than a regular air attack slam, and has a few extra bonuses.  First of all if you directly hit a nonboss enemy, they get split in half vertically.  If you played LoL then it's a lot like a Darius ult.  


Secondly, regardless of whether an enemy is hit and split a shockwave is split out in a close proximity and all enemies nearby, take damage and are stunned.  It may also be nice to make them open to those fancy finishers though having both this and RB have that effect might be too much.




Now for his ultimate Radial Javelin


Simple changes.  First of all, give the javelins their own unique models, instead of skanas mashed together.   Increase the number of javelins launched and increase the range.  This will give it better use and once again you won't need to just straight up buff the damage.  


Also make the dead enemies pinned to walls last longer so I can pull out an arm chair, have a drink, read the paper and declare the area my new big game hunter den.



These are some simple changes that can give him much needed improvements and make him more fun to play as, but will still not make him "ZOMG OP EAZYMODE".


What do you guys think?  If you like and agree with these ideas then awesome, it would be great to see your support.


If there's something you disagree with then that's fine also.  But then please post why you disagree, and what you think should be done.  Don't just post something like "Oh he's fine as is" or "This all sucks, you're stupid"  Give actual reasons.


Now let's get some love for Excalibro!

OK, I've been advocating this sort of change since Update 9.  In fact most of these I've been saying since day one.


However, I want to point out that Armour in this games means nothing.  Valkyr has 300 (I stand corrected, 400) base, and she's still squishier than a Rhino.  So as much as I'd love him to have more armour, it won't do anything for him.


I would rather give him a 'stamina discount' whenever he's got a Melee weapon in hand, whether he's blocking or swinging it less Stamina is used per action.  This way he's also not any better at Parkour than the other frames.


As for Super Jump how about a minor redesign?  Let it stay a super leap, but have him do a 'Chanbara' style over head sword strike?  He leaps, both hands go over his head, grasping the energy sword that DE gave him for the new Slash Dash (which honestly, I'd give him two blades when he Slash Dashes, but that's just a visual effect, nothing more.) and comes down crashing blade flat (not a stab) into the ground and a wave of an energy expands out from the landing?


As for Radial Javelin...  How about a complete redesign?  Instead of the blades, he expels a bunch of Excalibur Images that Slash Dash in a radial attack.  They would go through objects to a maximum diameter, each image does the same damage as a single Slash Dash activation.  A maximum of 6-8 images.


Change the name to something like Flash Strike or whatnot.



Edited by Nagisawa
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Guest Tehnoobshow

How about making it so that when you cast Radial Javelin while Superjumping, the Javelins gain a small bit of AoE knock down on hit? And what about making it so that you have 100% air control after using Superjump, so you can have even more mobility?

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