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Theliset.com - U14 Official Hype Site - Updating Daily (It's Here Edition)


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List of features------------

Current Features on the site
 - Scrolling the page changes your view (down = look right, up = look left)
 - Clicking the Earth icon at the top makes the ship warp to Earth orbit!
 - Clicking the hidden button (red) unlocks a Vor Bobblehead Ornament!
 - Pressing secret button again bobbles the head and makes Vor laugh!
 - Hidden Image/Gun in source code? (segments arranged by Owlkin!)
 - Audio plays at page load: "I am Ordis, ship cephalon, a shadow of my former self."

More on Ordis/Cephalon;

Audio Clip: https://warframe.com/theliset/audio/OrdisClip.mp3




 - Full Background of the page; the ship's front portion
 - First screen A and first screen B; reactor area and outside of the ship
 - KUBROOOOOOWS with polkadots! :D 
 - Grineer Asteroids? New location/set of nodes?
 - New warp location: Jupiter!

 - Saturn a warpable place on the site! Grate Prime Spotted!
 - New Battles for Honor; Is it that MOBA mode? New PVP maps? PVP Modes?
 - Tueday Update: Void is the last location in spoiler page's warp
 - More of the clip! "Why did the operator abandon me" plays several seconds after the first clip.

 - The Liset's dashboard is now spooky red! Mood lighting perhaps? Customizable lights or decorations?

 - Dojo as a warpable location

NOTE: If you can't see the whole page, zoom out (blue circle/arrow)! Will let it work on lower-resolution screens.


Solar rails will no longer be deployable for PC starting 10 AM EDT on July 15th (Tuesday) and lasting until U14 launches.



Update 14 drops Thursday.





Engage Hype!




All brakes have been disengaged, dismantled and atomized to oblivion.


P.S. If you too want to write fabulous eye-popping rainbow text...



I Watch Kill La Kill Too, Its epic and amazing as well!!!!!!

Edited by Chamelio
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Next time DE could try actually finishing the update and then starting the countdown. Then when the counter hits zero they release the update and everyone is happy.

This would also be a good idea.  Usually it's overkill, but when u13 makes other gaming page news as 'Holy crap that was poorly handled', and u14 beats it.. time to go overkill.

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I'm a veteran player, actually, I have a BrocaliburPrime, but I rarely use him, as Saryn's abilities I'm in love with ^.^


I tend to use relitively low-mastery weapons when I join into their games, so I'm not waltzing around with Dragon nikanas and some such.


Basic Loadout when I go helping: Valkyr or Saryn, rarely Vauban, with Cernos, Kunai, and either Lecta, Bo, or Dual Zorens.


most of the time, it's Lecta, as the sweeping angle attacks can really help clear an area if someone goes down :) I treat the game like it's TF2 at that point, and I'm the Medic/Engineer. My job is to make sure that when the team makes it TO the point, they ahve higher health/ammo than the enemy team, and can hold that point for longer than the enemy can. I don't try to be the most important, but it's really useful and fun when I'm running around with lower-mastery players.


Heck, one of the players that I helped back when they were at MR 0 just caught up to me at MR7! ^.^ I was very happy when they messaged, telling me "Hey, I'm mastery 7 now!"



EDIT: I would imagine that sense of "Heck yes!" when I get a message from a newer player that I helped thanking me, or telling me they're getting the hang of it, is the same feeling that a school teacher gets when the student with the lowest grade in teh class turns it around and just aces the finals. a Sense of pride, and joy... I may feel a bit selfish enjoying that feeling, but I like it.

Oh, I know exactly what you mean. I do go in with my main frame, however I have a Braton and Aklato set aside just for missions like that. If only to show that, with a bit of work, the weapons they'll soon be easily acquiring can be quite powerful. It's always great to meet new players that way, and some of them do stick around as friends/clan members eventually. ^^

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Sorry, but then you are doing it wrong (bad communication), checking difference for literally anything that you are commiting should be possible at any stage of development, and please don't try to tell me it doesn't work cause I've done it myself.

You meant that commit. I was thinking of the other one.

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Wow what scrub only Rank 7 god you nub get good you damned pleb 

I don't appreciate any of that tone, joking or no. I am rank seven, because stopping at Rank six wasn't possible, since the toys I wanted at rank 6 leveled me up to seven.


Until a weapon, frame, sentinel, or mod comes out that requires me to be above level 7, and I am interested remotely in using it, I refuse to work at leveling up. I'm happy at Rank seven. Hell, I was happy at rank SIX, but unranked Valkyr, Sybaris, Cernos, Paris, Ballistica, Machete, and Nami Solo were laughing at me, so I had to work on them. as it stands now, I'm at rank seven, and will stay that way. Please, don't insult me like that again, I don't care if it was a joke or not, I am not an eletist, nimrodic plebian with something to prove.


EDIT: Grammatical and spelling error, apologies.

Edited by Mewfan
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Next time DE could try actually finishing the update and then starting the countdown. Then when the counter hits zero they release the update and everyone is happy.

Then they would be doing what everyone wants them specifically not to do -- Sit on finished content just for the sake of sitting on it.


You gotta look at it this way: You don't want to be sitting on content that's already done ' just to be safe ', cause then you'll piss off people for holding it back. I understand this is arguable (I mean, it is THEIR game), but when you're a company making a game for a market where people are going to buy things, you have to work around to please your customers, and no, you can never please everyone, that's just the way it is. You also don't want to not say anything because you don't have it done, and then release it as soon as it's done without sitting on it, because no one will know about it and you'll have no hype. Hype is important. Hype gets people to buy things. So they work on the content AND hype, which means that if they set a deadline, it's more likely to be missed, and people get impatient. You never know what is going to happen in a development process, and sometimes they can work against you, and you have to be patient with that, or you're never going to get anything done. Be patient.

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No there aren't limitless possibilites, there really aren't, because we are talking about iteration here, if something works and then something breaks, someone broke it, and since everything is logged (or at least should be), every and all changes from one commit to another should be easily traceable and comparable, heck the commiting software should do this for you (check difference).

So thanks for just completely ignoring the point I made about being able to roll back to a version that does work.


Also, you've heard worse than what steve said...great? I hope you managed your project accordingly then.


It may check for differences, but finding what is breaking something will not always be caught by the compiler/log software. The compiler looks for syntax and logic errors it doesnt look for every error under the sun as there is no way for it to do so. You then have to manually go in and find what the problem is, fix it, then make sure it doesnt break anything else. I'm taking that you arent a programmer yourself? I went to school for Software design and development with a focus on Video Games, Specifically C/C++/C# as languages and if they're having problems with bugs this is most likely the case. They have a bug that either doesnt show when compiling or it shows but the compiler points you to some place way off from where the actual problem is. It may not even be there it may manifest in the gameplay but the code is by all intents and purposes exactly as the system thinks it should be but in reality isnt.


Logging software, compilers, etc. can only help so much. There is ALOT of going through and finding what the issue is manually. You're also assuming these are all small commits and changes, which by all means they are "small" but small could be a change of 20 files with 1300 lines of code and you're racking your brain as to what the issue is (ive been there)

Edited by Echoa
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Then they would be doing what everyone wants them specifically not to do -- Sit on finished content just for the sake of sitting on it.


You gotta look at it this way: You don't want to be sitting on content that's already done ' just to be safe ', cause then you'll &!$$ off people for holding it back. I understand this is arguable (I mean, it is THEIR game), but when you're a company making a game for a market where people are going to buy things, you have to work around to please your customers, and no, you can never please everyone, that's just the way it is. You also don't want to not say anything because you don't have it done, and then release it as soon as it's done without sitting on it, because no one will know about it and you'll have no hype. Hype is important. Hype gets people to buy things. So they work on the content AND hype, which means that if they set a deadline, it's more likely to be missed, and people get impatient. You never know what is going to happen in a development process, and sometimes they can work against you, and you have to be patient with that, or you're never going to get anything done. Be patient.

Internal team 1: Hey, we said the patch is coming soon, you have it done yet?

Internal team 2: Yea, it's all fixed up and ready to go, launch at the ready.

Internal team 1: Neat, I'm going to pass the news along to our CMs.


Internal team 1:  Hey CMs, patch is ready, tell the people it's coming out this thursday, here's a sneak peak package to show them to keep them happy.

CM team then posts the first announcement that the patch is coming, with saying nothing about it being ready to release yet, thus the community is happy, informed of what's coming, and it all happens on time.  There is no 'sitting on content' in the community's eyes.

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It may check for differences, but finding what is breaking something will not always be caught by the compiler. The compiler looks for syntax and logic errors it doesnt look for every error under the sun as there is no way for it to do so. You then have to manually go in and find what the problem is, fix it, then make sure it doesnt break anything else. I'm taking that you arent a programmer yourself? I went to school for Software design and development with a focus on Video Games, Specifically C/C++/C# as languages and if they're having problems with bugs this is most likely the case. They have a bug that either doesnt show when compiling or it shows but the compiler points you to some place way off from where the actual problem is. It may not even be there it may manifest in the gameplay but the code is by all intents and purposes exactly as the system thinks it should be but in reality isnt.


If you read my other posts (or even the one you are quoting) you'd know that I'm not talking about the compiler but things that you actually commit to the project build. I don't like waving "cred" around on the internet, because I feel my arguments should speak for themselves instead of just blindly staring at what I may or may not have done, but everything I've said so far has been out of experience.

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I don't appreciate any of that tone, joking or no. I am rank seven, because stopping at Rank six wasn't possible, since the toys I wanted at rank 6 leveled me up to seven.


Until a weapon, frame, sentinel, or mod comes out that requires me to be above level 7, and I am interested remotely in using it, I refuse to work at leveling up. I'm happy at Rank seven. Hell, I was happy at rank SIX, but unranked Valkyr, Sybaris, Cernos, Paris, Ballistica, Machete, and Nami Solo were laughing at me, so I had to work on them. as it stands now, I'm at rank seven, and will stay that way. Please, don't insult me like that again, I don't care if it was a joke or not, I am not an eletist, nimrodic plebian with something to prove.


EDIT: Grammatical and spelling error, apologies.

So you want nothing at Rank 8? I had the same mentality as you, but once you reach your goal, it becomes a even bigger goal to push forward. to the higher levels. Hell, Dragon Nikana is rank 8, and that is one of the nicest looking weapons in the game. And the fact you responded so upset like at the joke then I'm sorry you and I don't have the same humor, but I won't apologize for the joke, as the fact you took it so personally is on your fault, not mine. And just and FYI, elitist and plebeian do not go together, but that is more of friendly advice then correcting you.  

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If you read my other posts (or even the one you are quoting) you'd know that I'm not talking about the compiler but things that you actually commit to the project build. I don't like waving "cred" around on the internet, because I feel my arguments should speak for themselves instead of just blindly staring at what I may or may not have done, but everything I've said so far has been out of experience.



it doesnt matter, logging software of any kind can not in any way catch everything and doesnt point you always to exactly where the issue is. Thats what you're not getting is that the debuggin sotware isnt perfect, there is tons of manual fixing and like i edited in the last post, a commit may be "small" in that it could even be as little as a couple hundred lines, hell even 60 lines, but there is a conflict you have to MANUALLY find because nothing shows what is happening. You then have to reverse it, find what the issues are, resubmit, test, repeat until it works exactly as you intend. Its not automated because the computer cant do it all for you.


TL:DR you may know what commit caused it, but that doesnt mean you know what in the commit did and fixing it takes time 


I.E doing a kernel patch to update a hotplug method in linux kernel it broke the wifi, the issue didnt show anywhere and i had to manually go in and check the patch line by line to figure out that there was a pointer issue that wasnt being caught causing wifi to get broke.


PS. what Ive done really doesnt matter, but i threw it in there before it was throw out because it ALWAYS gets thrown out there

Edited by Echoa
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So you want nothing at Rank 8? I had the same mentality as you, but once you reach your goal, it becomes a even bigger goal to push forward. to the higher levels. Hell, Dragon Nikana is rank 8, and that is one of the nicest looking weapons in the game. And the fact you responded so upset like at the joke then I'm sorry you and I don't have the same humor, but I won't apologize for the joke, as the fact you took it so personally is on your fault, not mine. And just and FYI, elitist and plebeian do not go together, but that is more of friendly advice then correcting you.  

Apologies then. really tired. 


Personally, NOT a fan of the nikana's design, never really was. I like Katana in real life, but I'm MUCH more of an "Axe man". Dual Zorens are one of my favourite weapons, and I'm eyeballing Scindo as well, just low on slots xD

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Apologies then. really tired. 


Personally, NOT a fan of the nikana's design, never really was. I like Katana in real life, but I'm MUCH more of an "Axe man". Dual Zorens are one of my favourite weapons, and I'm eyeballing Scindo as well, just low on slots xD

Also fun tidbit: Rank 8 = All Clan research weapons, plus any future weapons  will be available for you to craft (unless they up the requirements.) Plus Rank 10 = 3 Drones 

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Internal team 1: Hey, we said the patch is coming soon, you have it done yet?

Internal team 2: Yea, it's all fixed up and ready to go, launch at the ready.

Internal team 1: Neat, I'm going to pass the news along to our CMs.


Internal team 1:  Hey CMs, patch is ready, tell the people it's coming out this thursday, here's a sneak peak package to show them to keep them happy.

CM team then posts the first announcement that the patch is coming, with saying nothing about it being ready to release yet, thus the community is happy, informed of what's coming, and it all happens on time.  There is no 'sitting on content' in the community's eyes.

That's lying to your fans then.

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it doesnt matter, logging software of any kind can not in any way catch everything and doesnt point you always to exactly where the issue is. Thats what you're not getting is that the debuggin sotware isnt perfect, there is tons of manual fixing and like i edited in the last post, a commit may be "small" in that it could even be as little as a couple hundred lines, hell even 60 lines, but there is a conflict you have to MANUALLY find because nothing shows what is happening. You then have to reverse it, find what the issues are, resubmit, test, fix, repeat until it works exactly as you intend. Its not automated because the computer cant do it all for you.


Actually logging software should catch everything, at least the ones I've worked with, since you can compare difference, which will tell you exactly what you changed between commits, and it should also tell you who specifically made that commit; also if you've added/changed, so much code that it would be hard to go through it all without making several (or at least one more) commit in between where things still worked...sorry but you're just making things harder for yourself (and by proxy everyone else in the project).

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I wonder what those tiny bits are they have to fix so urgently?

Its 8 am on my end. I'll keep watching KLK until the episode is finished and I better go to bed.


The more you hype, the more it's likely to fail... some people were already suspended for going haywire.

If this is really what we want, we should take updates normally, not required. We can anticipate them, but not demand them.

New content is always a good thing, but not the trouble that results from it.

People go over the top for things they want, but don't see the small things around them anymore.

I am gonna derail the Hype Train for me and just live my life.


The patch will come, I don't want a game to dictate my life.

Is the game playing me or is it I, who's playing?


The Game.

You just lost it.


*yawn* Sry.


PS: Nothing good comes from hyping, it will always end in a desaster.

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That's lying to your fans then.

Not telling information is not lying, please stop trying to start arguments, we have enough doing that as is.  There are thousands of things companies do not tell you, that in no way shape or form effect you.  Not being told the patch is complete does not effect us in any way shape or form.  Not telling us the patch won't be out until a day past it's announced time makes people stay up, wait, get cranky, spam forums, etc etc.  PR and damage control, very basic things.

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Also fun tidbit: Rank 8 = All Clan research weapons, plus any future weapons  will be available for you to craft (unless they up the requirements.) Plus Rank 10 = 3 Drones 


I don't use Drones... if I did, I already have an extra one, because Founder.


ANd if a new weapon DOES come out that actually interests me, that's above this rank, I'll pick up and use weapons I personally hate, or just don't generally like to get there.

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