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Humanity Versus The Warframes, Who Would Win


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We would get our @$$3$ kicked

Loki would just take all of our weapons. Mag would throw us into space. Volt would destroy every electronic on the planet. Saryn could make us all dissolve. Nova would blow us all up. Nekros would bring us all back from the dead and make us kill our fellow human beings. etc


... in conclusion it wout suck balls

Edited by SYLUX6574
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To be honest, Tenno are a dying race. How do we know the void didn't have a negative effect on them, do we know if they would actually stand against Humanity. We can't say for sure because like a great storm , we don't know what happens until it happens. The lotus as vast as her army is, she is a tactician and when are you in command of a vast army you need to look at it and assess the outcome, variables and tactics.


She might control an army but she knows the value of life, when Tenno for whatever reason stood against the creators, she took on the burden to be the leader of the dark scourge that was created that day or was she the savior of them?
We cannot say for sure which side will win because we only know so much of the Tenno and their abilities. Who knows Vauban might have a few gadgets up his sleeve, Loki could make a million copies of himself but at the cost of his life.

Besides Lotus, her army has faced the Grineer, a clone army that has super humans, she has ordered against the infestation a seemingly endless army that devours all that it can be to bigger, to be smarter, to be one step ahead of its enemies.


Her army, Her corrupted army that has been effected by the void and come back, Why would she go against the human race, we are such primitive beings compared to them. For all we know the Lotus could be an immortal being that saw the human race evolve and become what it is and she has shaped herself to be the Archangel of the Tenno to lead them on a path of honor and justice because of what they destroyed and what they became.


But we can't be for sure what will happen. 

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I think you guys are forgetting that the Tenno can use their abilities more than once. 



Yes keep in mind the ability radius even pushed to the max would be 50m, not 500km. An ult used only once would require a considerable recharge time. Now that i think about, even if i am a Tenno all the the bombs, missiles and lead shells isnt something i'd blindly rush into. Electrical based attacks can also impair our suits draining energy.

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If, IF, the Tenno were, for some bizarre reason to attack humanity, we would lose. The Tenno would be smart enough to first find our greatest strength (hint: it's nuclear weaponry), and disable it. They would send in standard squads and eliminate the guards (seriously, have you never run a high-level survival? Tenno are deadly), and place some datamass-like entity into the mainframes of each and every nuclear facility. Then they would leave on their lisets, and, using the datamass, cause all the nukes to go off once the Tenno were safely away. Tenno don't use standard warfare, they use ninja-warfare, and subterfuge. Tenno win.

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They would annihilate us.


Think a bit not of their weapons and ability, but the way they fight. You keep bringing nuclear bombs, but they're not gonna give us the opportunity to use them.


They will target vital structures, capture important personnel, hack into our systems, and before we have a chance to retaliate ? They're gone.


They have superior technology, don't be so happy to have nuclear weapons, it's only a matter of time before they locate them and take control of them.


Not to talk about moral: the Grineer are stupidly loyal and the Corpus probably brainwashed, but how would you cope with the knowledge that at any moment,  4 space ninjas could pop in to ruin your day and there's nothing whatever weapon you can think of can do about it ?


Also, if the Grineers somehow manage to disable the atmosphere on earth (still not sure how that works...) then the Tennos can probably find a way to do something similar.

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If by "tenno" OP means the canon Tenno faction we play as, the majority of posters here are massively over estimating the Tenno.


There is no chance in hell a group of maybe a few thousand or hundred Tenno would defeat the combined forces of present day earth. No, not happening.


Tenno are easily defeated even by a small number of units, sure there are some elite Tenno that are more capable than others, but they are not by any means that powerful.


Grineer weaponry has a habit of penetrating every single warframe save for Rhino's skin, now multiply that with a few million and you get the point.

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Nyx could just Absorb anything while Nova sends M-Prime everywhere. 


Yeah but a sniper just headshot Nova while she was casting M-Prime and Nyx... well she can stay in her bubble as long as she wants, she's not gonna do any harm while in bubble. Shes dead the second she gets out though.


Edit: I just realized I am taking this way too seriously. Carry on.

Edited by Radford_343
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Let's say tenno come here , on earth in this day and age and start killing us for no goddamn reason.


Let's say warframe'd tenno scattered around the world( choose your numbers + immunte to gravity and all those abilities ) à . vs All our military


who would win and how?



I'm not sure , it depends on how much tenno there would be imo. 


And also how much damage could 1 team of 4 deal?


Only difference is that we'd have a more diverse aresnal than the grineer regular units to compensate for physical weakness and lesser numbers


my grandma will wipe the threat out ... ))

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Wait, what if they all start with mk-1 bratons and latos and skana's. And they need certain recources to get the ability to use better equiptment, and they only start off with the basic powers and no mods and gradually get mods and improve them, and we see them coming but not where [our armies know of the threat]. And that there powers work like how they work in game, and possible our Assault Rifles will compare to a slightly lesser Karak. It would be a matter of how quickly we can find any possible counters like EMP tech before they complete what ever there grand plan is.... Then It gets interesting.

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All he'd need to say is "Greetings Tenno..." and not even the Lotus could snap them out of being lulled in by his soothing voice.


The man played the role of GOD in a movie once, and he's still the only one to have ever fit that role perfectly.

actually he has played god in several movies. please check your privilege. 

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