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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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Just did a Nightmare mission, and I didn't get any Nightmare Mods from it. Can anyone else confirm this?


Forgot to mention, this was on E Prime, can anyone else run it and see if they get Nightmare Mods?

Edited by soundtea
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Seriusly , it's the first time of my life i saw people who have so less respect for their own game. you seriously throw all the galaxi map away just to bring to ps4 player a S#&$ting menu for a controller ?? i was really excitting about this udpated i log , and that was omg omg omgg whhy !! wtff is that S#&$ , the menu are just amazing you can't find anything , i past 5 minute just to try to find the codex if he still exist cause you probably remove cause ps4 player dont care about codex .... seriusly i'm out nice job guys, nice update really

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Some how 2 times got 5 player mission today, and it brakes UI, but only bigger map apear this is how it looks, was not fast enouth to capture start of mission, becouse its starts like normal, but there is already other player in there, but when i jump on him and others apear


Edited by godila2
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Seriusly , it's the first time of my life i saw people who have so less respect for their own game. you seriously throw all the galaxi map away just to bring to ps4 player a S#&$ting menu for a controller ?? i was really excitting about this udpated i log , and that was omg omg omgg whhy !! wtff is that S#&$ , the menu are just amazing you can't find anything , i past 5 minute just to try to find the codex if he still exist cause you probably remove cause ps4 player dont care about codex .... seriusly i'm out nice job guys, nice update really


Codex is still there. It's in the cockpit, on the left (when looking towards the front of the ship).

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It seems I'm not the only one, I'm stuck on Vor's Prize quest, at the "Find the Mercury Navigation Segment" node. I rescued Darvo, the did the mission to find the components to build th Ascaris Extractor (although I already had everything needed, it was just to see the story). After I built the device and removed the Ascarais, the next mission was to find the Mercury Navigation Segment, but it did'nt show a marker on any planet.

I also expect another trouble coming : after a while (and a few alert) I went strait to Mercury Tolstoj (albait without any indicator) and killed Vor. At the end of the mission I got a Segment ; it went into the Navigation Console at the front of the ship, it did'nt do anything otherwise once plugged in. I still have the "Find the Mercury Fragment' message, still without location indicator.

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Mods collection: only "non-maxed" mods are shown. I can't see any of my maxed mods showing at all, even recently maxed one.



Sometimes, my game just stuck inside the ship, can't move, can't access menus via pressing Esc, only thing that can still be done is chat. Mostly happened when I open chat box while access menu to add more member in squad.


Dojo: Every decorations in my dojo sink into floor


Lighting on decorations in Dojo, especially in garden, show light source "shine" from floor.


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- My loading screen time went from ~30s to ~5minutes- During prologue mission i got stuck in front of the Datamass (when u have to pick it and deliver to the terminal). I could not move, shoot, change weapons,... , still the enemies could attack me but i could not die.http://s29.postimg.org/kwf1xmytj/Warframe0019.jpg- In the Cephalon S#&$ there was a time when the " "X" Navigation " message wouldn't pop up, even pressing Navigation on the menus would not resolve this issue, so i was just stuck in a mad ship :)



Edited by Xifres
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Seriusly , it's the first time of my life i saw people who have so less respect for their own game. you seriously throw all the galaxi map away just to bring to ps4 player a S#&$ting menu for a controller ?? i was really excitting about this udpated i log , and that was omg omg omgg whhy !! wtff is that S#&$ , the menu are just amazing you can't find anything , i past 5 minute just to try to find the codex if he still exist cause you probably remove cause ps4 player dont care about codex .... seriusly i'm out nice job guys, nice update really

ye galaxy map is sick now - its good thing i know what resources can be plundered  from each planet  


1.about  galaxy map  things that are just not there  wen  moving cursor on a planet doesn't show what resources that are available there you always need to click on the planet( - ) 

2.  really annoying  no connection from 1 planet to other(what was wrong with the old galaxy map it is more ideal)


75% missions in public  will show '' please wait '' message  that won't go away and it breaks the alt+f4 combination so only task manage  (or just Win.key>rightclick on Warframe icon in taskbar and close it)


minus wen moding guns or frames

how many point left, available - the size of the words are to small(and why  under the mods why not between mods and category(A-B-C)) 

the rest is great only fixes are need!

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After kill Vor for the final mission of Vor's Prize, the alert panel in the ship shows the quest "VOR'S PRIZE" but there is no missions available in the navmaps. So the player is stuck at the completion of the questline Vor's Prize and cannot begin the Kubrows quest.

Edited by Carnageman
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Sorry, I did not look at all the 130 pages before, so there may be duplicates:


- When the Kubrow quest is active, Lotus says the "Now you need to find a Kubrow egg" message, then the "You found a Kuborw egg" message immediately afte, despite there are no eggs in my inventory. And it also happens after most of the mission, regardless of their type, even after Void missions.

- The arsenal UI responds really slowly. When I want to change my equpments and click on them, the 'EQUIP' button shows up only ~5-7 seconds after the selection. It happens in both the warframes' and weapons' cases. I also can't double-click on the items to equip (is it a bug?). The other UI elements work normally.

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Not sure if this one has come up yet or not, but I've experienced this with every encounter so far (about 10 or so).  In the patch notes for infested faction changes, it says: 

  • Disruptor Ancients - Aura that reduces radial and power damage taken by nearby allies. Attack damage energy, rather than completely drain it. Attacks of nearby allies have the same effect.

I found that this is not working as intended, and energy is still being completely drained rather than being damaged.  It could be isolated to just the ancient and not the allies within its aura, but I'm not entirely sure, as I've been chain disrupted multiple times.  Effectively, the new disruptors makes armies of old disruptors

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Player Ship Bug: When looking at my foundry the little robot arm that builds things only builds an oberon helmet no matter how many times I relog.


Quest Bug: Vor Prize: Says I need to get mercury nav segment, but there is no indicator for where to go.

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I made a post before I noticed this. Someone suggested this thread so Im copying it here~




1= First and foremost, when clicking on the chat window I shouldnt be clicking on nodes in the navigation menu... which I do.


2= We need the ability to click another node if someone clicks the "wrong" node. This took us a long time to figure out... apparently clicking a node starts a vote. Theres no way to cancel a vote. Instead everyone, including the person who picked the wrong node, needs to click "decline" in the vote to bypass it. As the lobby leader there should be a way to cancel votes, or make it so only the lobby leader can start one or "something". As it stands this is incredibly annoying for "everyone", not just the host. Whats worse, is theres no information presented when it happens to tell you what to do, and no time that the last vote expires. All we can do if someone isnt paying attention to click deny is start a timer manually.


3= Alerts should always be "on top", or better yet give us the ability to play an alert or a quest or the normal mission etc similar to what youve done already for nightmare mode.. just have it bring up a little menu asking which mission you would like to do. I dont even know how many people are &!$$ed off because they couldnt do the catalyst alert cuz they already started the kubrow quest. Throw into the mess the REDICULOUS spawn rates for a SINGLE egg and the absurdly high costs to breed one I dont think many people will be breeding tons of them. But now we cant do the alert because we havent finished the RNG quest of "Keep killing 28 guys until you get a egg"? I guess its either pay 10p for an egg and do the catalyst alert or pay 20p for the catalyst no? Brilliant marketing at least DE :p


4= My warframe shouldnt be blocking my view of my mods. Maybe its just nyx's noble animation but the fact that this is possible at all? Theres no excuse... I should have no issues seeing what Im doing. Could at least put the menu screen in front of my warframe.


5= Why is only one line of mods visible in the mod menu? Even though I can clearly see at least 3 lines only one gives me any information. :/ Again, why? What purpose could there be in hiding information in the UI? Ugh


6= In the foundry it doesnt list the amount of resources I have. Again, UI should be giving me information, not just telling me if I have enough or not. Why keep hiding this information?


7= While I appreciate the fix with entering the dojo, at least state it for what it is. Its a bandaid fix... I would have prefered just seeing the dojo pop up and being able to enter the dojo via clicking the little circle like everywhere else. What could be so hard of locking that node unless we have a clan key?


8= Leaving a squad and changing your online preference [friends only/private/public/solo] should be visible from the navigation menu instead of having to click other things.


9= Why hide what vault key everyone has equipped unless you find it buried beneath other menus? This info should also be readily available from the navigation menu or listed in squad chat or something. The reason however this isnt with 8 above is because this information is only correct for the host. Everyone else's information is listed incorrectly for other players showing everyone else having the key the last other person equipped.


10= Im not sure what caused it, but when in chat my chat darkened and then I wasnt able to move or access things right in front of me. It essentially locked me into chat when I was in front of my navigation. Nothing afterwards could be done to fix the issue, esc didnt bring up menus, closing the chat didnt work, and no movement commands were accepted. I havent had this happen since... I forget when, a long time. Some previously squashed bug seems to have resourfaced.




While I probably could go on, I'll stop at 10.And while this isnt really specific to UI, whys the water so ugly now? Im guessing one of the "optimizations" that were mentioned in the release notes is to blame. Its essentially turned all the water in my dojo gardens into glowing toxic waste from fallout.I noticed also that smokey clouds in various levels are insanely bright as well so I can only guess their transparencies are #*($%%@ up. I ended up reducing my graphic settings considerably just because the game looked way better without those eye sores... :/

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So Uh, I notice the bug report for the Kubrows are a little low so I might throw this your way...Or would this count as a quest bug?


I finished the Kubrow quest all the way up to the point I was suppose to try and farm for an egg, after a couple dozen tries I just decided to buy the starter kit. So I went through the process, hatched the egg, was really excited so I used plat to speed up the incubations.


Well now I can't continue on with the quest line because on the Navigator it tells me "/Lotus/Language/G10Quest/KubrowQuestHint4" .


So uh, yeah. Other then that lemme think...Alright I can't really think of nothin' else right now.

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From my perspective, the highest priority bug to fix that I've seen is the huge game freeze whenever anything ranks up . The whole game completely freezes for about 15+ seconds. It's bad enough that one of my friends is guaranteed to be disconnected every time his weapons level, making it practically impossible for him to play with us.


DE - Please fix ASAP!

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