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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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mirror image clones using torrid, torrid gas will kill you


clones + drakgoon = lag



clones plus amprex = always red crits of insane dmg

i one shot the jackal,  no stuns or downs , one tick of dmg and he went down and we left


12960 dmg hit at 10:00 in the video

Edited by KuramaKitsune
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There's a little bug with the kubrows legs(but after a couple of seconds they dissapear because they are dead):




Then, there's also a part of the map where there's no clip(see below) - I was doing the Forma Blueprint mission




Also, when I entered the mission progress menu, even though I had level 30 on Nekros for quite some time, I could see a yellow bar under his name:




Last but not least, sometimes the HUD just freezes and nothing changes when you switch weapons, fire, take damage, and so on(also the players are white-blue):









I saw that many of you are complaining about the Kubrow Egg Mission. I did it 7-8 times and I couldn't find any eggs, so I tried doing it in "Invite only" mode and guess what I haven't got just 1 egg but 2(see below) and it seems you can't carry more than 1 with you(sad):




gIs9auQ.jpg (you can see the second egg on the ground)



Edited by NoiseCreaTor
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When im in any survival mission i random am disconected and when im host all of the enemys stop spawnig and the timer stops but other players dont disconect. This mostly happens when im in the viod. I also have random disconects in any mission its very unpredictable.


Also is would be nice if you couldent clidk on mission threw the chat


Keep up the good work cant wait to see where you guys take this Quest thing, im very hopefull :D

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Planet navigation, everything used to be able to be seen in a snap, now takes more hassle to navigate.

I hate the confined space. Apparently, I prefer meditating over the galaxy.

+1 to this, even if it's not a bug.

I do like the ship, but the new solar map is blocky, annoying to navigate, and hard to visualize, along with the branches and missions not being as clear.

Please consider changing it back, or at the very least make a poll.

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When u do the Sabotage on Earth, (and finish it) - the Lotus is still talking about the Antidotes from the Event (was it the Cicero Crisis?)

Not Update 14 related, but...

You can still apply antitoxins and make them, and the purpose of this specific Sabotage mission is that. I have no idea why the mission is still in the rotation, but it seems it only appears on alerts.

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Hey Stalker bug... If you shot him down, that he say ---> (What have you Done) or something normaly he sit down and do nothing more and drop blueprints or something...But in this case he run after me and attack me again. also he drop nothing


PS: Sorry for my Bad English but... German teachers are not god

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While playing survival missions, the green indicator telling where the extraction point is, didn't show up and life support would run out. This resulted in countless and pointless revives and failure of the mission. Also servers are very lag heavy and when me and my friend try to play, it kicks us out the invited player out the game, not allowing them to load, and or ending the session. Also Player load outs in the party screen at the top left corner tend to show the same load out the I have for everyone. Please take a look these bugs, they hinder me from playing because the game won't let me join up with people and the servers are lagging a lot. Thank you for any support given!

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stuck at loading screen 

cant open navigation (no X on my screen cant open navigation menu)

screens are too big (crafting take 99% of my screen cant see very well what u craft 

or mods screen taking 99 % of my screen , cant see all my mods easily



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Fossa is unplayable for me.

Everytime I try to start the mission i get stuck in the loadscreen or even earlier on "please wait".

If the mission starts after all, my hud freezes after one minute and the party gets more than 4 player

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At the beginning all vor mission were unstable, appearing and disappearing randomly, but now that I have "Mercury Nav Segment" to do, they seems to have definitively disappeared, preventing me from unlocking all the things on the ships and from eventually repeating them..

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seriously long mission load times! until this update i would load in in just seconds but its taking 3-6mins each mission just to get in, sometimes there is a freeze of about 10secs between all of the player ships flying together and them flying to the actual ship or planet, how can i fix theese load times?


also there is a bug where players start a mission and then while its loading they get session unavailibel and when they get back the the player ship it says mission complete. happend to me and a few clan members at different times


and last but not least, mirage mirror clones torid shots can somehow damage friendly players, i was in a defence where this happened several tomes and there were no enemys around or between waves, it was inconsistant and im not sure how to duplicate but im pretty sure it was the poison cloud, needs more testing though

Edited by Kurrumitsumi
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Cannot use abilities after tutorial missions. The first two missions that were only doable solo... powers worked.... after that... nada. I have rebound the keys, I have removed and reapplied mods, changed warframes, reinstalled the game/updade, nothing works. Keys do work though, because I get the blue/white flashing in the icons in the lower right corner when pressing corresponding buttons. Serious issue though, what is a warframe without its powers?


Stupid me: I must have fumbled with the controls. I had "use abilites on selection" set to "off".


Ignore or delete my post. Not relevant to current update.

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ok i know there is a little connection to them but i noticed and stil have several bugs:


earth tileset has weird water color changes, nav koordinates are yellow and iron skin is always Blue


but still serious problems: i cant access the lower regions or mercury they are still locked AFTER completing vors prize and i get mixed messages from my cephalon telling me to hatch and that it already hatched (i completed the kubrow quest already but its still on my nav system)

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