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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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GAME CRASH: Trying to solo/invite only "Find a kubrow egg from feral Kubrow dens on earth" on E Prime.

DIALOGUE BUG: Each time I complete "Find a kubrow egg from feral Kubrow dens on earth" in a public game, the Lotus goes through all available dialogue for said quest.

Dialogue also begins if you restart the game.

LOST CONNECTION TO HOST, RETURNING TO MULTIPLAYER MENU: After completing any mission with a squad, the game always disconnects me from the host.

ITEM RARITY ISSUE/QUEST NECESSARY ITEM ISSUE: The requirements for completing "Find a kubrow egg on earth" mission is to actually find a kubrow egg. I believe it was your intention to give each player a guaranteed drop in the mission, which is why I always hear the Lotus dialogue for completing the quest. However, the items do not drop/ the rarity is set way too high.

Edited by Lukap99
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Kuborow quest Buggs:


- When on ship after each and every mission no matter what stage of hatching your kuborow is the ship and lotus will go through ALL avalable dialogue for the quest so if you have not got the egg lotus will keep saying that you found an egg and the ship will keep telling you to put it into the incubation chamber.

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I failed the recent Forma alert reward and upon returning to the navigation screen, the alert was missing even though I was sure there was time remaining to retake it.

Had to re-log-in to see the correct available alerts once more on the nav screen.

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Repeating dialogue arfter each mission during quests.


Nightmare mode is no longer giving nightmare mods (was too busy searching for kubrow eggs to notice).


I can confirm that Nightmare missions no longer give Nightmare Mods as rewards.

Edited by FaLKReN
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i love the new mod-section


until i get a big monitor im very happy now to be able to see the mods in the mod-section very clear also on my 15' laptop-monitor


thats really awsome because i was thinking about how to get a better view on this at ud 13.etc


i really appreciate the new update and its development


and again, work harder on your network, DE, the game-crashes are mad ...

happens often when players join a running game =)

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a needed addition.. allowing us to scroll through planets after selecting them to vew missions, basically so we dont have to select a planet to see if its the right one and then back out and select annother, makes the ui seem clunky, and on a personal note, the detail on each planets surface is really distinctive and looks nice when zoomed in on the planet,but the blue orb around them when your not zoomed make them look modreatly the same so its hard to tell some apart, could you adjust there sizes or remove the blue orbs around them? or add there names in the zoomed out mode even

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Cant do Alert on E prime becaus ethe mission to recover a Kubrow egg is there as well, and apparently is more important than an orokin catalyst, therfore I cannot do the alert until I finish the Kubrow quest, and you and I both know I'm not doing more than my already accumulated 237 RUNS ON E PRIME to find ONE EGG.

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Found some stuff, might as well contribute.


Last time I checked, the Orokin Void is not on board a Grineer Galleon.



I have no idea what the game is trying to tell me.



Some issues regarding text overlapping when comparing weapons in the Arsenal.


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a kubrow interaction bug. while sliding towards the incubation chamber i pressed the quick interact button (quick melee) and it caused the animation to play where i was sliding at instead of the center of the floor. after a few of those it glitched and the kubrow is sitting in the middle of my floor now, cute but i dont think its intended.



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TwoThree more bugs:


- Grineer electro traps don't take damage from melee weapons


- I recieve no mod after playing a nightmare mission


- Cpt. Vor level 1 is not "more of a challenge"

Edited by Lesserli
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Didn't see it in the OP list so I'm posting it, sorry if it's been posted before:


Howl of the Kubrow:

Quest objective reads: /Lotus/Language/G1Quests/KubrowQuestHint4


Appears after egg began hatching (maybe earlier, don't know)



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At the moment i cannot complete Vor's Prize because i am not able to retrieve the Mercury Nav Segment. I think it could be because of three things:

1. I already had Mercury unlocked, so I theoretically have the Segment already

2. I build the countermeasure item immediatly after obtaining it, so the rest is bugging now

3. the quest itself just bug out.


I personally think it is reason 1 but the rest is possible aswell.

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Alright so i found a bug, i made a new account to test out the new user experience and found a slight bug in the quest 'Vor's Prize'


When i get up to the part where you have to 'confront Vor' i did a mission before it on mercury .. now when i try to Confront Vor i will do the boss stage but afterwards it will not count. I have tried to defeat him 3 times now in succession and still it wont register as me having confronted him. 

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When traversing/climbing Up the wall You could briefly push crouch to go Up even higher, now doing this makes the frame just fall off the wall.

Sometimes holding space when climbing Up a wall makes You auto-climb higher (as if crouch was pressed) but it is hectic and I don't know on what is it dependent.  


BUG 2 :

There is no number for Void keys, so I can't tell how much I have left. This should be clearly visible. Allways.




BUG 3:

Some menus aren't clearly visible. Warframe is still obstructing the view.




BUG 4 :

I just did a nightmare mission on earth. Didn't get any nightmare reward and All of nightmare missions are gone from start chart.

I checked every planet and it is as here :


Edited by tocorro
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At the moment i cannot complete Vor's Prize because i am not able to retrieve the Mercury Nav Segment. I think it could be because of three things:

1. I already had Mercury unlocked, so I theoretically have the Segment already

2. I build the countermeasure item immediatly after obtaining it, so the rest is bugging now

3. the quest itself just bug out.


I personally think it is reason 1 but the rest is possible aswell.

Something like happened to me yesterday while testing my first hours of U14 and it fixed by restarting the game

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