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This New Menu Sucks (An U14 Review/experience).


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One of the things that stood out for me when i played the game was its simplicity. The simple menu that we had, made possible for time between missions to be almost minimum. It was really simple, with only a few bars on top, we could modify weapons, create items and quickly prepare for any specific mission. This helped to keep the flow of the game and this is what i am going to talk about: FLOW (not the mod, the actual flow of the game).


Warframe is a very customisable game, with lots of weapons and tennos, so not every mission drops the things that we want. Either do we need to unlock it or we need to farm the mission until we get what we want. With that, time becomes of the essence. Players are drawn to do missions in the least time possible, in order to get the items that they want. With this and a fast, versatile movement and firing/melee system, warframe becomes a fast-paced game during missions.


In order to maintain this gameplay flow, time between missions should be minimum and efficient. This was complemented really well with a simple in-game menu. The menu was composed of small interface, yet it made possible for players to change equiment and between missions in a blink of a eye. This allowed for the flow of the gameplay not to be broken: fast completing missions and a fast interface.


However, the menu was remodoled in U14. U14 brought a all-around new menu. The menu now becomes a spaceship, where the various equipment of the spaceship take place for the options on said menu. We can now walk around the spaceship like it was the inside of a mission, however this completely killed the flow of the game. Instead of a single press of the mouse, we have to walk around the spaceship to access the menu. In order to change a single piece of equipment, we have to walk the entire spaceship. This made a huge contrast between the fast-paced of the missions and slow-paced menu.


In order to counter this measure, another menu was put inside the spaceship. By clicking Esc, we can access a more accessable and simpler menu. But it still not changes the fact that we are still inside the spaceship. Although its simpler than the spaceship own interface, it is still a very dynamic menu and really slow compared to the old menu.


The navigation scheme was unecessarly complicated and the blueprint menu became much more harder to interact with.


Also, the fact that we can walk inside the spaceship-menu, just made load times to become high when leaving a mission and waiting for the spaceship to appear. This is a really strong point, because since warframe is a free-to-play game, many people don´t play with top-of-the-edge pc´s.


Warframe U14 really improved the menu aspect, but it came at a really high cost of killing the flow of the entire game. It was a victim of overdesign.


Don´t forget this is only my opinion and it doesn´t have to match everbody´s.


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How about trying a more decent title...who do you think you're talking to? Behind the game that you're playing are hard working, dedicated and experienced professionals. Have some decency.




Try "My thoughts on the U14 Menu, and suggestions for improvement".

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*sigh* ²


did u even read the comment? it wasn't about "confusing" , it was about simplicity. the ui was and had to be simple and fast paced to navigate. it was everywhere stated, that DE wanted to make the UI more simple and faster to use - but now everything takes longer, the button number is doubled and it is - you know it is so - much more time consuming and unhandy (the right word? sorry for my bad english) in use.


It is NOT very confusing and of course we can adapt - but WHY change a working component of a game although there are so many really buggy aspects which aren't touched for years.


new does not always mean it's better.

better looking must not mean it's better.

and that's the case with the new UI.


I would propose: return to the old ui and take your time for the new ui (if you really want to make a new one) and publish a really polished and not so "forced" update which seems more than incomplete and hustling.



[Edit:] at the one above me:

There are so many problems and possible improvements that it will take a lot of time to sum them all up. And i am sure that it will be done in the next days. Till then it is absolut accurate to point out the weeknesses of this update. It brought a LOT of awsome stuff - but the UI really messed all up and overlays every positiv aspect ...

Edited by Atvir
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the new UI is rather poorly designed; far too many clicks now required to do context critical actions

also, having the buttons move around as you chase them with your mouse pointer was a pretty daft idea


the new solar 'map' sucks Kubro balls

without a shadow of doubt it's the least representative/intuitive solar map incarnation thus far

at the planet level the UI is just about okay - just about

at the system level that thing needs redesigning completely to reinstil a sense of the map representing a solar system and not just a random order marble collection scattered with tiny, fiddly, little icons



Edited by waftycrank
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hit esc access menu 





Just look into this thread ... https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/263785-new-ui-feedback-from-uiux-designer-visually-nicer-slower-to-use-more-clicks-to-do-the-same-task/


I really can't understand how people can find this UI good, acceptable or even playable. There are so many issus, ranging from little ones to big game killers.

But as someone stated: The whole UI seems purely designed for console users

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First off: there's no problem with the UI being console-friendly


Second: what I'd like to see is the old button ribbon come back as a HUD for when we're walking around in the ship, with the old style menus being accessible from there

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There is of course no problem with WF's UI being console-friendly. Furthermore it's really good for everyone when Warframes player base is increased.


But you can easily tell, that both need different scaling (because of the distance to the Monitor/TV) or different navigating (for example the navigating through the planets  is way more comforting to use with a game pad than with the keyboard) and so on.


At the moment it just seems to be more centered around console/pad usage than the good old pc. we pc user had a fully functioning UI - simple and fast to use. but with the new one nearly every move takes 3x times as long, many essantial informations are missing and a lot of not so well placed buttons :x (and so on ... ;))

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Of course there is a problem, im playing on pc, i expect  to have a PC user friendly UI.....


Try your scroll wheel. People would probably get just as mad if there were two different UIs. I guarantee PS4 players would rage.

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Be patient and learn it well first. It isn't very bad.


The basic issues like the fact it's very slow (and I have a decent PC), shows less information and requires significantly more clicks and a LOT more mouse movement for tasks can't be "learned" away. They can be *tolerated*, not the same thing...

Edited by DawnFalcon
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The problems I have with the new UI is that everything that shouldn't be is HUGE and everything I actually want to access is either hidden away in some menu structure or not easily located.


Let's take mods for example.  Now, instead of one mod screen where I can see several rows of mods and do everything I need in one place, I have four different screens I have to back into and out of for simple tasks like fusing and selling, and I can only really see a couple rows of mods at a time when I have hundreds of different mods to scroll through.  My character also blocks off the left side of the listings which is silly.  These same kinds of problems occur in the foundry as well, with allll this screen space being used to show a tiny fraction of the total information at a time.


Squad info is not nearly as easily read or obtained, the map is not as easily navigable, and so on.


From a visual and immersive standpoint, the new UI is nice.  From a functionality standpoint, I find it to be very unintuitive and unwieldy.  The new UI should really have been implemented to supplement the previous one, with a setting to allow the player to select their preferred default.


Actually, it kind of reminds me of Windows 8, although it's not that bad.

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all mod views in this new UI are very poorly designed

being forced to scroll through hundreds of mods two-at-a-time presumes that the player knows what they're looking for; guess what, all new players, and a big chunk of existing players, don't know what they're looking for by name, they just know it exists and they're scanning the mod cards until they recognise what they're looking for

under the old UI you had a 'page' of mods to quickly scan, now we're forced to scroll through a 'line' of mods


UI 14 is simply not good enough

the QOL is far too low in UI 14; sorry, but it is

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hit esc access menu 





"/thread" ? hardly...


click esc...and then click another sub menu, and then another to pull up a large wobbly ps4 friendly version of the old menus in THREE TIMES the number of clicks...Yeah the new interface is an obvious improvement


/end sarcasm

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it annoys me that the common wisdom seems to be moving toward accepting that console-friendly UIs have to be terrible

they don't

immersion and functionality can co-exist and doing so is the mark of good HCI design


U14 is all 'cool' and almost no 'clever', as if the designer has already given in to the above erroneous new common wisdom

either that or someone else on the team, someone who's clearly out of their area of experties, has overruled good HCI design ideas and crowbarred in their own daft notions; if this person exists, they need to take a step back

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