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New Ui Makes Me Nauseous


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Something that makes me nauseous with this new update is the foundry menu. Everytime I scroll down or up, I feel some nausea.


I get the same problem with the arsenal. It's because of the motion and I've started to just stick with one set of weapons and only mod maybe every 10 levels. because I can't deal with it. The old menu just moved the warframe and the weapon when you cycled. This one jumps the screen very fast from one view to another to another. The foundry kinda hurts my eyes ontop of making me feel...not good. I've even turned down my monitor brightness when I've never had a problem with warframe before.

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 I luckily don't get any motion issues, but I do think the new design is kind of ridiculous.  It sort of looks cool but looking cool just isn't enough.  The decision just doesn't seem thought out.


 As a basic example of why this just isn't as interesting from a usage view.  Imagine your office space, or your main work desk, main computer location, or whatever was like that.  To get to something on the right of your desk you have to shift everything to the left until the right thing comes into reach.  To get at something on the left, shift everything to the right.


 Most people just turn their heads, and supposedly this interface is trying to add a little bit of that in.  The problem is that these things don't feel organized when you have to move everything to get at anything.  We aren't just turning our head in this interface, we are moving the desk.  It just isn't as useful as actually being able to see everything normally.  Don't hide anything behind stuff.  Don't shift things around.  Don't obscure items because I moused to the side slightly.


 Make sure that players can find what they are looking for without having to shuffle through weird displays.

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Its not just you


DEs offense here are many:


-> Very tight 3rd person cam.

-> Very low Field of View.

-> Lots of "head bob" and motion.


Basically everything you can do to make someone sick while playing your game they did. The only thing they may or may not be there is heaping helpings of motion blur.


All of which you can edit to fit your own preferences. Hardly an "offense" if they did not mean to do it maliciously.



It's not "dislike".


It's that trying to set up mods literally makes me physically ill.


That's unfortunate :( Hopefully DE will release a UI Motion thing that will stop it from moving so much. Sorry that it's ruining the game for you.



No kidding looks nice on paper, but clearly sucks for the users


Speak for yourself.

Edited by Kashiki
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Surprisingly older games based on the Quake Engine or Gold Scr or Source Engine give me motion sickness after 20 minutes but the new Warframe menu does not...


But I'd also recommend some toggle-options for the menu-sway and also that nothing should block the view on the borders. It's hard to read/look at stuff covered by your warframe.


That's why I've toggled off the HUD-sway right after HUD2.0 shipped... can't stand that crap... it's annoying and can't concentrate on the action in the center of the screen if something swings around freely on the border. ^^

Edited by MeduSalem
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I liked the part where we were forced to trade functionality for looks and style.

That was cool.


Indeed. I would have preferred if they delayed this update for more work into stability.

Edited by TisForTat
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Doesn't matter it's here to stay for the moment until a majority of the community complains about it, deal with it.


Perhaps check the UI feedback section of the forums.  Plenty of the community there complaining about it, and not all of them can simply "deal with it".


Form over function aside, there is now a another problem where the product (being Warframe) is making people physically ill.  Aside from people losing interest in attempting to continue playing, and therefore a potential loss of revenue, there is the potential for legal action should something unfortunate occur.  While it's a minority situation, and one I believe can be easily avoided by all involved, this does happen and several companies have been dragged through law suits over similar things.  When something you create starts to affect peoples well-being, you need to re-examine what you have changed and find alternatives.


Someone in a different thread put forward the question to the OP, what makes them entitled to have such a strong opinion against what the developers choose to create.  The fact some of us have payed money for the development of something that is now unplayable in it's current form is what makes us entitled to such an opinion.  That is not money well spent.

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The difference is if you take it away you won't suddenly make that other "half" of the player base sick. Also you didn't watch the video clearly.


Toggles, toggle-able options, all the time every time. Most of the DEs failures here could be correct with Options in the bleeding Options menu.


Is this a PC game or a Console game? Cause with update 14 I'm feeling the Console super strong.

thankyou. This is a console update - the old menu (pre - U14) was perfect for the mouse. This is more suited to a gamepad than mouse and keyboard. 

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I could learn to deal with my dislikes about the aesthetic of it (zoomed too close, etc), but without an option to turn off the rotating sway, I just can't use it. I tried some more, and now I'm sitting here lightheaded and feeling queasy.


Hopefully something comes soon.

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I could learn to deal with my dislikes about the aesthetic of it (zoomed too close, etc), but without an option to turn off the rotating sway, I just can't use it. I tried some more, and now I'm sitting here lightheaded and feeling queasy.


Hopefully something comes soon.

I think the first thing is to have an option to remove the mouse-following movement for ship UI elements. That would work wonders to hold the contents of my stomach inside. 

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Looked at it some more.


One main issue, I think, are that when you move the mouse left, everything shifts right automatically. It feels less like your "flipping through pages" or "scrolling through" and more just like everything is moving backwards.


Another subtle, but I think important, issue is the random "wind" effects or whatever it is going behind the interface. Like I'll be moving my mouse to the left, the interface itself will move to the right, while at the same time there's particle effects in the background moving left. It just disorients the hell out of my head.


And there's a weird flashing light at the very edge of the screen. Flashing lights in peripheral are a surefire way to cause disorientation and headaches.

Edited by SanityRobot
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I agree. The screen shake from moving the pointer throughout the UI is very disorienting.


I'd rather have an option to disable that.

Or, even better, an option to revert to the old UI.


Keep the "revert to the old UI" stuff out of the discussion please. That's not going to happen, and it just distracts from looking for actual fixes to actual issues.


I really want to get this fixed and be able to put mods into my frame and weapons again.

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Keep the "revert to the old UI" stuff out of the discussion please. That's not going to happen, and it just distracts from looking for actual fixes to actual issues.


I really want to get this fixed and be able to put mods into my frame and weapons again.

You're right. Reversion isn't the way to move forward.


When they introduced the new in-mission UI, they included a screen tremor whenever the Warframe accelerated. It was the same nauseating feeling I got from this. However, DE also had an option to disable the offending feature, which made it better.


The interfaces are rigged up with unnecessary bells and whistles. But they do have a certain aesthetic appeal (to some people, maybe), but to others, it's just disorienting.

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Personally, I don't get motion sickness especially when playing with the new UI. I actually love the change and quick to adapt to it.


But I do understand OP's sentiment towards this, and I do agree that there is some room for improvements. Has anyone tried modding gear as Mirage with her agile stance? She pretty much blocks half of the mods with her head and hands.Perhaps being able to scale the UI and an option to make your view static instead of following your mouse would solve the issues presented in this thread.

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I got to say i have to agree. The UI looks amazing but its not practical and it does give me some sort of discomfort compared to a static UI. The UI seems to be a blend of 3D and 2D effect which adds to my discomfort and it has this slanting unsymmetrical look and "floaty" feel.


Overall the UI looks good but i wish it has some sort of 2D plain view or something like the old one where it just not alot of movement while active.

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I have a strong feeling people with weak computers and low FPS are having a lot more issues than people who are running the game at 60+ FPS.   If you want to knock the UI by stating it makes you nauseous, then I believe you have a personal problem first and foremost.


The UI does hit you square in the face visually which is why I suggested adding FOV to the UI so people don't have to feel so overwhelmed.  Either way none of this will fix people's own emotional problems and self entitlement..but that's another story 

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