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Initial Impression Of Kubrow.... Bad. :(


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Itemized list, because everybody reads those right?  I'll try to be succinct.



1.) Attack potential.

Very poor.  Their base damage seems okay, but there's three different factors that conspire against them here;

*  Melee range.  Obviously, a critter that has to run up to an enemy and BITE them has less reach than a sentinel using a gun. My Wyrm can hit and kill enemies at something like 5 times the kubrow's maximum "roam" distance.

*  Too much setup, not enough biting. The kubrow spends the vast majority of its time getting set up for an attack rather than actually attacking.  This is pretty much a problem with all melee-based enemies in the game, they are very slow and easy to dodge unless you get completely surrounded. Truly dangerous melee-ranged enemies are the ones that have knockdown ability. NPC versus NPC melee matches tend to work smoother since they stand at their ideal attack range and just slug away; kubrow doesn't do this.

*  A single damage mod that increases damage by a maximum of 300%.  Guns have multiple "doublings" and reach much higher levels of improvement due to the synergistic effect of base damage, elemental damage, and multi-projectile mods.



2.) Survivability

Very poor.  While kubrows do have more survival-oriented abilities than sentinels and can boast some impressive numbers, there's a few issues that completely negate this;

* Kubrows are readily selected as a primary target by enemies. Sentinels are almost never directly engaged by enemies unless the player is disabled somehow and not doing damage to register as a threat. 

* Kubrows are independent actors and are victim to all the crowd control and disable powers that enemies are.  This is why arc traps completely murder kubrows (they get stunlocked by the shock, like an enemy NPC does) but are a non issue for sentinels. Sentinels are glued to your head and cannot be crowd controlled.


3.) Utility

Non-damaging functions?

* All breeds: Can find lockers to pry open...   We already had a mod for that called Master Thief, and nobody uses it because there is no reason to crawl through levels looking that hard for loot. There is nothing in lockers that can't be gotten just as easily by killing enemies.

* Huras/stealth kubrow: No experience. But since Shade's stealth power got nerfed to the point of uselessness months ago, I am not optimistic.

* Raksa/defender kubrow:  Can restore your shields (every sentinel can already do this), and occasionally makes enemies run away. There is a reason why almost nobody uses Nekros' "Terrify" power, and it's that making enemies run away instead of knocking them down or disabling is a pain in the butt for your team.

* Sahasa/scavenger kubrow: Finds minor loot occasionally, if you stand around doing nothing for long enough...    Get moving and kill some bad guys.


4.) Economics

Your companion WILL occasionally get one-shotted by random bullS#&$.  Sentinels don't eat, sleep, or feel fear. They blow up, they come back, for free, for ever. Kubrows...are a moody money pit. They don't always feel like helping and their upkeep isn't free.  This would be less of an issue if their performance on the field outstripped sentinels. Higher cost, higher benefits.  That is currently not the case.

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Totally agree with the OP. Upvoted so the DE can see the flaws of this "new" pet thing and do something to make them as viable as regular sentinels.


Also you haven't mentioned how much mods you must upgrade to R10, its just insane.

Edited by .-N1SoCalledCrewFan-.
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for raksa kubrow you make a bit mistake..
sentinel only replenish sheld when our shield reach 0 with LONNGGG cooldown while raksa kubrow spam the skill like mag shield polarize almost every minutes...



however just like you say, kubrow AI was poorly released

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Its like my Sahasa is blind. It follows me around when I`m being shot, it won`t do anything when standing next to 8 lockers (the mod is installed) and it`s way to calm for me (not enough fighting).

It would be great if there`s a mod which changes the kubrows mood such as protective (just like shade that it will only engage enemies when the player is shot or itself in this case) but only to a certain range so it doesn`t walk into a certain death, aggressive in which the kubrow will attack any enemy on sight and will run further away from you.


IDK what it is, but I`ve seen someone`s kubrow just killing infected after infected with so many finishing moves that I have no idea what`s going on. I have no idea if it was a Sunika, but the Sahasa and Sunika should both be just as good if it`s about finishers.

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