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Dark Sector Pvp Ain't Gonna Work Like This.


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Well it should've never been a direct pvp conflict. I mean I tried a couple runs and unless you're in a group or playing along side of the incumbent forces you're generally alone and getting pounded.

And you use the same gear you walked in with that's a bad idea. There is enough unfun min maxing in this game as it is. If they are going to have pvp dark sectors function like this they need need to standardize a couple sets of gear. So they can balance the conflict around those sets. Their attributes would be separate from the pve content and maybe we could talk about pvp experience unlocking different sets that aren't really more advantageous but rather add different flavors to how you approach combat.

This would be a hell of a lot easier than trying to balance pve weapons with pvp running parallel. Both sides are reasonably happier. Because if we do continue on this trend we may see pve equipment balanced with pvp in mind and that's just gonna screw everything up.

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Its never going work till PvP is fixed anyway.

Hardly surprising its not balanced now.


I was thinking standardized PvP mods with reduced stats rather then gear. that way players don't lose the fun and personality of modding but are also likely to have more balanced weapons. Similar to the "starter"mods new players get in the tutorial.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Its never going work till PvP is fixed anyway.

Hardly surprising its not balanced now.


I was thinking standardized PvP mods with reduced stats rather then gear. that way players don't lose the fun and personality of modding but are also likely to have more balanced weapons. Similar to the "starter"mods new players get in the tutorial.

b-b-but... Rhino Prime and Valkyr...

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Well, there is also the option of making balance changes to weapons solely in the PvP environment, leaving their PvE functionality untouched. I mean I believe they've done it before with certain abilities in Conclaves. As I recall though, for the people that don't want to do the PvP I believe it was stated in the devstream after U14 launched that there would be an option to do a "PvE Version" of this conflict mission type or something similar. I don't exactly remember what was stated. 


Big things that need to happen with it is there needs to be a limit on when new players can drop in so that you don't have players coming in with their now unranked gear into a slaughter where the opposing team has already gained several levels on them and has either unlocked their tank mods meaning the new players can't kill them, or their damage in which case they melt the new players in seconds. Either that or there needs to be some kind of handicap given to players coming in late to put them on a closer position to the people already in the game. Also if they don't already do this they need to make sure that the matchmaking in the conflict game mode takes into account the player loadout's conclave rating so they get matched with people of similar power (Or with people twinking but)


There need to be tweaks to certain abilities and weapons in PvP definitely, it's going to be a hard section to balance because of the way the general game scaling works. When we end up with weapons that can melt enemies with thousands of health being turned on people with maybe 1500-2000 total health if we're being generous it's going to be inherently unbalanced initially. Not to mention that lovely Mirage bug that's currently happening where the clones from her Hall of Mirrors are dealing ridiculously high damage with (at least from what I've seen) crit based weapons. I mean hell, I was doing like 13k damage red crit per bullet from my Soma to enemies in Phobos when I hit with a bullet from a clone. There's balancing that needs to be done yeah, but they're going to work on it. What's more as I said before I believe they said they're working on a non-PvP alternative for people that don't want to participate in PvP but want to do the dark sector conflicts.


Edit: I accidentally some words.

Edited by LoneTonberry
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Well it should've never been a direct pvp conflict. I mean I tried a couple runs and unless you're in a group or playing along side of the incumbent forces you're generally alone and getting pounded.

And you use the same gear you walked in with that's a bad idea. There is enough unfun min maxing in this game as it is. If they are going to have pvp dark sectors function like this they need need to standardize a couple sets of gear. So they can balance the conflict around those sets. Their attributes would be separate from the pve content and maybe we could talk about pvp experience unlocking different sets that aren't really more advantageous but rather add different flavors to how you approach combat.

This would be a hell of a lot easier than trying to balance pve weapons with pvp running parallel. Both sides are reasonably happier. Because if we do continue on this trend we may see pve equipment balanced with pvp in mind and that's just gonna screw everything up.


I usually dont reply to your threads because you tend to be over the top, but I think you posted too soon on this. Your topic is correct, but for the wrong reasons.  I agree, the dark sectors arent going to work like this, but its not because of people's choice of gear or frame. Yes, ash and valkyr are still broken, but the PvP can be adjusted separately from PvE which means the weapons and frames from one aspect will not be hurt because of changes to the other.


The real issues are at the core of the system in how this works. I will not share the details out in the open right now, but its only a matter of time before the wrong people figure out what i have and actually do it.


edit: I do fully enjoy the gameplay though. I dont mind the unlocking aspect, or the progressive objective type mission. If people are playing fairly, then it comes down to skill and your ability to adapt.

Edited by Faulcun
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It's not very fun. The 'unlocking' system is just painful too.


Can we go back to the old system now, too? I mean, it's nice to have a system where folks compete or defend a solar rail, but it's just really, really unfun right now.


It's like an unfun MOBA but instead of starting off at okay levels and getting better, you start off being absolutely crushed by random stuff because nothing is unlocked at all. Moas are scarier than players. That's how bad it is. Yeah, the "creeps" of Rail Fighting are more dangerous than the folks you fight initially, because it's just... it is.


So yeah, can we go back to having all our stuff unlocked and do a regular mission instead of wishing I could desecrate my foes, but first I have to unlock EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN.

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I accidentally went into one because Talk and Join Session are right next to each other, the selection area is small enough as it is, but there is a little bit of a misalignment on top of that so that even though the tip of my mouse cursor is over Talk, it actually activates Join Session. (This misalignment is an inconvenience with doing ciphers sometimes too.) Then when I went in, the game wouldn't let me leave. I'd hit escape and the game would keep closing the menu. Trying to leave I got killed by something or someone and then I had to wait until I bled out to try again. Was close to alt-f4-ing the game.

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