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Sechura And Heiracon Are No More


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Surprise surprise i play with people who are good at the game. So its very rare that i go down because i have teammates that are worthwhile to have around. Also not a kid if youd checked my profile youd see my age.

Lol. Oh please.

Keep your ego out of it.

Taking out the last "white knight" alliance is such a misguided and hilariously dramatic notion. 

Especially considering that DS is really just a P!ssing contest and SC were one of the few Alliances that had even less to gain from a free rail then everyone else. Not even clans that have tax rate gain anything from it short of the satisfaction of "I have this piece of useless space real-estate and you don't", because any profits can only be funneled back into the rails or clan dojo in the first place.

Its all about who has the biggest... "prova" if you will.


I love it when people get called a "white knight" simply for not being generally unpleasant or try to be helpful.

Don't be nice in the Internet kids.

You'll lose your "cool points" and get kicked out of the cool kids club.

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In my mind, it's like asking why people like Marmite. You either love it or you hate it. There may not be logic behind it.

True, but there's a difference between not liking marmite yourself, and actively crusading against people who do. I completely understand why someone wouldn't want to run a free rail--it's a lot of work for no return--but simple personal preference doesn't seem sufficiently powerful to drive people to attack free rails just because they're free rails (which I've seen people talk about doing). That kind of behavior usually has something more concrete behind it.

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True, but there's a difference between not liking marmite yourself, and actively crusading against people who do. I completely understand why someone wouldn't want to run a free rail--it's a lot of work for no return--but simple personal preference doesn't seem sufficiently powerful to drive people to attack free rails just because they're free rails (which I've seen people talk about doing). That kind of behavior usually has something more concrete behind it.


Lots of different views.


Some feel 0% undermines the system. Others like you said, all work for no return. Some just don't like SC.  There are only so many pieces of land. A 0% node is one less node on the map for the people that actually want to play DS. No, not the infested mission. Actual conflicts and the constant exchange of lands.

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True, but there's a difference between not liking marmite yourself, and actively crusading against people who do. I completely understand why someone wouldn't want to run a free rail--it's a lot of work for no return--but simple personal preference doesn't seem sufficiently powerful to drive people to attack free rails just because they're free rails (which I've seen people talk about doing). That kind of behavior usually has something more concrete behind it.

*cough* egos *cough*

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Lots of different views.


Some feel 0% undermines the system. Others like you said, all work for no return. Some just don't like SC.  There are only so many pieces of land. A 0% node is one less node on the map for the people that actually want to play DS. No, not the infested mission. Actual conflicts and the constant exchange of lands.


Pluto is good for nothing but credits. People farm other DS nodes for resources.


Saying it "undermines" the system is based on what? The node not changing hands? The only people who wants those nodes to change hands are the people who want to tax the high-credit zones.


Don't pretend that nobody supported SC. There's reason they only lost the node when there was a massive DDOS and the utter inability to actually defend a Sector. People constantly supported them for no battle pay.

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>Don't like Alliance

>Create partnerships and attack Alliance and take back rail


Problem solved.

More of this needs to be happening, and less *@##$ing. This is how DS was intended to be played. It needs to switch up for once. Although the way things have went down these past few days is a bit skeptical, this has been a long time coming. You guys don't like ICE having the DS on Pluto? Create partnerships of alliances and bring the mothers down.

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Lots of different views.


Some feel 0% undermines the system. Others like you said, all work for no return. Some just don't like SC.  There are only so many pieces of land. A 0% node is one less node on the map for the people that actually want to play DS. No, not the infested mission. Actual conflicts and the constant exchange of lands.


I don't need a node to be 0% for me to consider farming there, but I'll definitely take 0% over 75% (which is what ICE slapped on Hieracon now that they took it over).  In fact, I see literally zero reason to go to a node with such a high credit tax.

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Surprise surprise i play with people who are good at the game. So its very rare that i go down because i have teammates that are worthwhile to have around. Also not a kid if youd checked my profile youd see my age.


You know, you rag on "White Knights", but boy oh boy do you jump at the opportunity to report people, I've noticed.


It's pretty hilarious.

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I prefer free rails.


Reasoning: I despise Dark Sector PvP with an almighty passion, it is the most horrendous, disgraceful, and disgusting thing to ever come to existence in Warframe (I say this after playing them 15-20 times trying to defend Sechura from ICE takeover).

I want no part of this atrocity and so, since I am not going to ever be getting any of the big battlepays, I would just constantly be losing money and/or resources on any rail that has taxes on it.

To be completely honest, the only reason I still play Warframe at the moment, is because there is viable, albeit slightly less rewarding, alternative to Sechura (nod to Lords of the East for keeping tax free rails where they matter most, thank you).


I always wanted Warframe to stay PvE, everyone was a little upset when Conclaves first came out, because the majority knew that PvP would ruin this game. We got over it though, because it has no real meaning or influence on gameplay. It was just a fun little thing to do with friends when you wanted to goof off for a bit or test a build.


Now with this forced induction of PvP that directly affects gameplay MORE-SO than average nodes I am losing confidence in Warframe.

I've stuck around for a very long time, through thick and thin of Warframe. I've lost many of my greatest friends and clanmates due to horrible change decisions by DE in this game, many of them even Masters and Grandmasters, who had put some serious money into this game.

I want to keep playing Warframe, I really really do, but to me it just seems like DE is always driving a bigger and bigger wedge between the best content of the game, and I'm not just referring to PvP.


I'm sure I will stick around for much longer, I guess I'll just have to miss out on some of the better stuff and areas of the game.

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Pluto is good for nothing but credits. People farm other DS nodes for resources.


Saying it "undermines" the system is based on what? The node not changing hands? The only people who wants those nodes to change hands are the people who want to tax the high-credit zones.


Don't pretend that nobody supported SC. There's reason they only lost the node when there was a massive DDOS and the utter inability to actually defend a Sector. People constantly supported them for no battle pay.


I am one of those who see 0%-nodes as exploits of a not well balanced system.


To my mind there should be a minimum at 10% that can be set by clans and I will fight for reasonable taxes and no direct credit-exploits. The credit amounts on all DS are set with an idea for taxing and don't meant to be fully used by farmers.


My great reason for running DS at all is (and has always been) the XP on that nodes.


Everything has a price, and I am comfortable with it.

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what do you think they mean then? :P

Being a "white knight" or "white knighting" is a term used for when someone on the internet defends a person who they A, do not know, B, is female, and C, gains nothing from defending them, especially when that person is arguably in the wrong. The term "White Knight" is used when a perceived male is defending a perceived female for no other reason than to do such and when that female is doing something people are criticizing her for. It is not used when someone is just doing something nice(ie. running a free solar rail) or defending something in general(ie. a decision DE made).


I've mentioned this before, but the whole Warframe community seems to have replaced the word "defend" in their vocabulary with "White Knight" for no reason and they frequently use it wrong.

Edited by JerZeyCJ
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Being a "white knight" or "white knighting" is a term used for when someone on the internet defends a person who they A, do not know, B, is female, and C, gains nothing from defending them, especially when that person is arguably in the wrong. The term "White Knight" is used when a perceived male is defending a perceived female for no other reason than to do such and when that female is doing something people are criticizing her for. It is not used when someone is just doing something nice(ie. running a free solar rail) or defending something in general(ie. a decision DE made).


I've mentioned this before, but the whole Warframe community seems to have replaced the word "defend" in their vocabulary with "White Knight" for no reason and they frequently use it wrong.




White-Knight has become another buzzword, replacing ones that came before it. These types of rails used to be called Care-Bear rails before that. Another term used in the wrong context.


Using either term does not really lend credence to a post or an argument, FYI.

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Pluto is good for nothing but credits. People farm other DS nodes for resources.

 Yes. It makes a lot of money and churns out good battle pay. Yum. 


Saying it "undermines" the system is based on what? The node not changing hands? The only people who wants those nodes to change hands are the people who want to tax the high-credit zones.



It's assumed that they'll be some sort tax. Even 0% tax didn't last that long at the beginning of their introduction. The node doesn't necesarrily have to change hands. And that last part is mostly false. Where are the 0% people now? Where were they then? Like I have always said. All bark, no bite.




Don't pretend that nobody supported SC. There's reason they only lost the node when there was a massive DDOS and the utter inability to actually defend a Sector. People constantly supported them for no battle pay.



I'm...not? People constantly support them. You don't even need to pay attention to know that. I'm really not understanding what you are trying to point out. And there was a group of people the constantly opposed them, wanting that node for their own reasons. 


I don't need a node to be 0% for me to consider farming there, but I'll definitely take 0% over 75% (which is what ICE slapped on Hieracon now that they took it over).


Fair enough. I'm really not here to judge. They are your decisions.



 In fact, I see literally zero reason to go to a node with such a high credit tax.


 Do you remember Sangeru at 100% tax? That one node out in the middle of nowhere that supposedly no one plays? The owner posted a screenshot of how much money was made on there. It was guuuud.

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they could but it's not like they even tried to defend pluto, the few noble(suicidial) people trying to defend was overwhelmed by hordes of people figting for easy money :P


4k dudes (assuming SC is a maxed out alliance that's 100% active) isn't going to stand against the greedy milk drawn by the promise of 300k BP no matter what they do.

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