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Kubrow Feedback [Megathread]


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Here's my feedback.


I feel like I have been urinated on.


First, I have to incubate the egg.. then raise the pup.. then train the dog.. then mod the dog.. then keep the dog alive. Alright, cool. It's rewarding. They're pretty squishy, but whatever. I can deal with that. ...But now I have to pay to be rid of the spare Kubrow I have no use for? ...Really? Just.. really? Lets re-count just how much I'm having to pay for this, in time and money. In total. From start to finish.


100K for the incubator power core BP

100K To build the incubator power core

10 plat for the egg (Or 10 hours)

2 days for the egg to incubate and hatch

2 days for the pup to mature

(Insert wildly large number for modding/god forbid you give it a gold potato)

(Insert even more wildly large amount of time used leveling them up)


Now. That comes to a total of, at BASE,  200K, 4 days, optional of 10 plat. And let's not forget that you have no choice in what actual Kubrow it is. It's totally friggin' random. Meaning, you're going to go through a few kubrows before you get the one you want. (Add another 100K (Recently changed to 75K) for stabilizers and wildly large amounts of credits/time mod hunting if you decide to get rid of a kubrow you've actually used)


Now, after all of that, the time, the money, possibly plat.. You are expected to pay another 25K to transport a priceless, well trained, well modded animal that has near supernatural, epic abilities, that is trained to EAT FACES ON YOUR COMMAND. ...And I'm expected to PAY somebody to take it off of my hands? I feel insulted and that I've wasted time, resources and money.

Edited by Dequire
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I've said this many times already but I'll say this here. Please allow us to truthly customize our Kubrows, right now the options are so minimal it's almost worthless.

Now I don't mind that there are patterns/colors that are exclusive to trade, however the system is still flawed, the options for the Kubrows we already have is so minimal it might as well not be there at all. People charge a lot of platinum for a specific color/pattern and I am fine with that but make it worth our while for such thing. We pay for a guarantee when there is chance invovled and in this case even chance is still involved while paying (not to mention we still have to make yet more Kubrows and keep ditching them.

Solution is simple, if we obtain an imprint with a certain color/pattern it's unlocked for all of our Kubrows for free use (like market palletes) and when making an imprint only the colors and pattern the Kubrow was born with will apply, that way we have a fair customization system that doesn't screw over the buyer but still keep imprint trading as a thing.

Oh and also make size, body type, gender and breed traits actually count in a print so that way people have more reasons to pay up for a specific Kubrow type once they have the desired appereance options unlocked.

Edited by RahuStalker
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just realized ( after another  god damn sunika) that any pattern iv got already on  kubrows iv grown before - are unavailable.


I am abso@(*()$lutely sick of waiting 5 days , grinding egg and getting another sunika  a week later with same  striped pattern as last one.

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For one I don't like the randomization of the body types. there are only three body types currently the tall skinny , Fit kubrow with the puffy legs and the buff bulky kubrow. This bothers me for some reason , what is the point of having a sunika with he description in the codex as the ultimate guard dog but a=when he matures he's thin and lean. Anyone else notice that the body types for the Huras and Raska kubrow don't exist , also the skinny kubrow isn't even shown in the codex so its a bit confusing. I understand that someone might want a buff raska or a fit sunika but, maybe those features should like a 50% chance from the imprints of other kubrows. But if you use the imprints from two pure breed sunikas your gonna get a sunika which is at default a buff one , and a sasha (which I thought originally the one with the puffy legs, only to learn that there random) to a sasha the fit kubrow. It would be nice for them to include the body type of the Huras which the codex displays and the Raska's body type ( the raska looks more like a short bulk type kubrow,not as tall as the current bulky one is). Also gender distinction for all you who think there is no gender distinction there isn't the kubrow with the puffy legs is not a female , it is male or female simply a body type. Maybe for the gender distinction small things like a femle might be a bit furrier or the other way around if you want , or the males could have either a bigger or smaller nose ( what ever kinda noses the kubrows have XD) , like if you have a female bulky kubrow her distinction from the male could be that she might have a smaller chest than the male or smething of that nature. Currently the way it is kinda bad in my opinion if you want a sunika( which I thought was the big one ) with a different body type that should be a feature from using the imprints but at least for your first eggs or a normal egg a pure breed should be a pure breed.So what do you guys think do agree or do you hink that am just completely retard please do share :).

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Also the AI on the kubrow needs to be revised, things like they don't attack as often as they should I guess that's why I maxed out the rate of fire mod on my sentinel right? Other stuff like the sasha kubrow's digging ability please increase the chance of her doing the actually digging and also why can't she open locked lockers and what not. Also does anyone else think they should replace the sunika's hunting VIPS ability with something else? I mean come on its good and all but I rather it be more of a passive thing then take a slot , maybe the sunika since it's a combat type kubrow should have a crowd control ability like that deals large amounts of damage in a large crowd or something. Other things that need consideration :


1. Please I know the kubrows are living things and what not but it's a game so we should be able to sell them or send them to help the locust or something.


2. The whole imprint system why can't it just be a 50% chance like real DNA is and not something random , take notes from games with a pet hatching feature , takes the parents stats or maybe someone body type and the other's imprint or a mix of the fur colour and the other pattern or the other way around.


3. In my opinion I don't think the kubrows should have the whole loyalty thing , it's making investing plat and time into them a bit disheartening.


4. When kubrows bleed out please put a big thing on the screen so we know where they are.


5. Just an idea how about kubrow armor XD customize our dog with accessories so they can become y=our knights in shining space armor.

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After the latest update and the addition of the ability to dismiss your kubrow, what is the point of having additional kubrow slots beyond 4 ?


The UI for the additional kubrow slots doesn't even scroll down that far for me, so I can't even access 2 out of my 5 kubrow, but I guess that's something for the bug section.


Even though it's a small amount, I feel like I have wasted plat in buying that additional slot for breeding. Am I still needing to breed an extra kubrow for different patterns and colours? Or can you pretty much do everything to it now through the new kubrow update options?

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They need to do so that the imprints are consumable and applicable to existing kubrows and like now, possible to be used in breeding.

That way,

More attachment to existing kubrows (if you can 'collect' all variations of color, pattern and body type) - which was their goal.

Collectors will be happy as their kubrows once given all patterns and colors can have whichever they want - which is fun and helps trading.

The imprints become even more useful as they can increase your color/pattern/body selection for the kubrow it is applied to and they can be used to breed the kind of kubrow you want - which is fun for the players and helps trading.


Like I said tho, this wouldn't be a "apply to use", but rather a "apply to add to selection" so if you one day want a striped one and the next day want one with the lotus pattern and then the day after that want the striped again, you don't have to buy a new imprint with the striped pattern - this way it is also more of an effort to make each of your kubrows look like you want them to without getting a new kubrow which means people get more attached to a single kubrow which is what DE wanted.


Hmm ... Not exactly.

But I"ve a male Raksa and, he have those "puffy legs" :3

Maybe he.. you know... likes other male Raksas? :3

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can there be an option to rename kubrow?

OR at least let us know what type of kubrow we get before we name it?

oh, and gender too?

what do u all think???


Well we get to know the gender before we name it because it always says "Male/Female kubrow incubated".


It would be nice to know the type of kubrow your getting, people have found a workaround for this by checking recent mods while incubating a kubrow and seeing what mods you got, shows what type it is. But yes that should be available from the naming screen like "Male/Female (Kubrow type e.g Huras) incubated".

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*twitch* i know this is really going to sound really like a rant, but im freaking fed up with kubrows. RANDOM FREAKING CLASSES MY FOOT. ive got like 4 huras kubrows in a row. for the amount of platnum ive droped into this crap, i could have bought 2 warframes. but i got 4. huras. kubrows.     so as of right now. your system is a gambling scam straight up, there are already a  few games int the U. S. that got shut down due to unfair skewing of random generators in purchasble items. yeah sure you can claim legal nutrality on the fact you guys are based in canada, but a the few that are banned here were based in korea... ANYWAYS i know im not out of my mind saying this is unreasonable to make the classes controllable in some way, make it cost platnum if you want, or credits. i dont care. but if you have to spend platnum to try in a reasnable amount of time because you work. you should get what you freaking pay for. not a bunch of S#&$. as of now ive got 1 kubrow and cosmetics i like. the rest is crap i really dont want i keep the one second class i got, i dont really like and have released the 3 huras kubrows ive goten extra. kept the first one i got ( it was my first kubrow) so yeah, 200k and about 400+ plat later. 1 kubrow. sound fair? not really.  i would fork out this much plat IF I GOT WHAT I WANTED. you know like that thing you guys have consistantly done untill now where its you pick what you want and go for it getting the res you know... i really want valkyr? farm alad v. so if you really want huras kubrows farm (BLAH) resource or buy the genetic class template in the market for X credits or X platnum? GEBUS. //endrant.

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*twitch* i know this is really going to sound really like a rant, but im freaking fed up with kubrows. RANDOM FREAKING CLASSES MY FOOT. ive got like 4 huras kubrows in a row. for the amount of platnum ive droped into this crap, i could have bought 2 warframes. but i got 4. huras. kubrows.     so as of right now. your system is a gambling scam straight up, there are already a  few games int the U. S. that got shut down due to unfair skewing of random generators in purchasble items. yeah sure you can claim legal nutrality on the fact you guys are based in canada, but a the few that are banned here were based in korea... ANYWAYS i know im not out of my mind saying this is unreasonable to make the classes controllable in some way, make it cost platnum if you want, or credits. i dont care. but if you have to spend platnum to try in a reasnable amount of time because you work. you should get what you freaking pay for. not a bunch of S#&$. as of now ive got 1 kubrow and cosmetics i like. the rest is crap i really dont want i keep the one second class i got, i dont really like and have released the 3 huras kubrows ive goten extra. kept the first one i got ( it was my first kubrow) so yeah, 200k and about 400+ plat later. 1 kubrow. sound fair? not really.  i would fork out this much plat IF I GOT WHAT I WANTED. you know like that thing you guys have consistantly done untill now where its you pick what you want and go for it getting the res you know... i really want valkyr? farm alad v. so if you really want huras kubrows farm (BLAH) resource or buy the genetic class template in the market for X credits or X platnum? GEBUS. //endrant.


Wow guess I was very lucky to get all four types of kubrows in four eggs. (one male and 3 females).

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 so if you really want huras kubrows farm (BLAH) resource or buy the genetic class template in the market for X credits or X platnum?

That actually sounds like a good idea. I'd rather prefer to have a credit-prized class template in the market, so you can still go full gamble on the egg, or you can take e.g. a Raksa template and try to mix it with another template with a nice fur pattern ... Yeah, basic class template on the market sounds good, and I'd certainly buy a few for my next Kubrows.

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Sorry if this is not as constructive as other

can we have some type of food that make kubrow bulkier? Or maybe customizable weight and height?

Having skinny kubrow is really "something" for me -_-

I didn't mind the skinny tall type at first but after 6 Kubrows it got quite annoying XD

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i really want some colors or patterns that are really rare, you can only get through splicing imprints. like a glow color or something with effects XD

How about elemental Kubrows?

A new type per element, so a fire Kubrow could be named magma and his pattern is semi animated lava, cracks in skin lava pouring down from mouth after a kill or when hunting etc.


Patterns transferable to other Kubrows for cosmetic reasons only, good idea?

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I love almost everything about the kubrows. The only thing I hate is the 3 hour recovery from stasis. Before kubrows I liked to pick and choose which sentinal I took in to missions with me. Having to wait 3 hours just to change to a different one frustrates me. lol.

+1 for the anti-stasis revolution ! :3

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