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Favourite Warframe?


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Now, this probably sounds a bit sad and nerdy, but I want to see the playing styles that people use, favourite warframes/weapons and maybe I can see if the roles of assault, utility, support and stealth are equally spread, or grossly unbalanced. If I have the time, I might make the data into a graph with colours and stuff! This is how you lay it out:

Role in squad: assault/support/stealth etc

Favourite warframe (you have to actually have it): rhino/trinity/vauban etc

Favourite primary weapon (again, you have to own it): boar/vulkar/dera

Please submit yours below, this will only work if i have enough data :)

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It's hard to actually play 'one role' when the whole squad is going in gun blazing and getting knocked around ridiculously


I'd like to be a part of this chart/graph. But I play all the frames and weapons, and It's really hard to say which one is my favourite. 

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It's hard to actually play 'one role' when the whole squad is going in gun blazing and getting knocked around ridiculously


I'd like to be a part of this chart/graph. But I play all the frames and weapons, and It's really hard to say which one is my favourite. 

Then say the one you use the most.

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Mirage, was love at first sight.


Role: Disco light show!


Primary: Soma/Quanta (Just add heavy caliber for added disco effect!)

Secondary: AkZani/Spectra (Yes Spectra, add magnum force for added disco effect!)

Melee: Scoliac - Whip it good!

Edited by Sedant
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Role: Head on assault (On defence I'm quite often the chicken on the pod as frost)

Warframe: Rhino (Zephis as close second because of mobility)

Primary weapon: Strun Wraith or Hek depending on faction.

I do wonder how much this says, though, because stealth isn't exactly what you usually do in teams and because you often have to adjust your equipment depending on the current situation.

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Role: Assault/Support/Fanservice

Favorite Warframe: Nyx/Excal/Valk/Saryn/Mirage

Favorite primary: Braton Prime/Boar Prime/Boltor Prime/Karak

Favorite secondary: Dex Furis/Castanas (only with Nyx for maximum masochist Absorb o3o)

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Then say the one you use the most.


Well, these are what I use most.


Role: Depends on the mission, I just try to look out for everyone. But mostly Offensive (more than 50% of the time)

Warframe : Valkyr

Primary weapon: Paris Prime/Boltor Prime

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I'm basically kinda a mix of support and utility

Frost prime is my favourite MAXED SNOWGLOBE FTW

I like to use both the ogris and the angustrum so i can rain rockets in relative saftey.

Please tell me that by Max Snowglobe you don't mean max in range...

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