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What Is Warframe Missing


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A point.



There are too many little things either broken or badly implemented and just glossed over over the years that when compiled make the game so much worse then it has to be and it all comes down to DE ignoring the foundations. 

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War fans, gunbai, status-centered-only weapons (super high proc chance, very low damage), on-going new and unique ways of thinking for mods, hacking-puzzle centered missions, new ways of thinking about how to use old and current maps differently, all warframes' viability for endgame, unique and new missions, etc. I know a lot of these are being worked on, so don't take these as to mean that I think they're not. :3

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Being able to add upgrades to the helmets like in SWTOR. Whats so difficult about allowing players to decide what positive and negative effects they want to have in their Warframe helmets?


If you were here when that whole helmet problem got fixed by Arcane helmets, you will understand.

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In all honesty though, I don't really think Warframe is MISSING anything, I think some core values need some extra fleshing out however, the biggest of which being.............what does DE want Warframe to be? Seriously, I honestly get the sense that DE does not really want to spend it's time shoehorning their playerbase into anything specific, opting instead to let the players determine their own destinys in each mission which explains most of the design decisions thus far.


My current question though, is more along the lines of what I stated before, What will Warframe be? Does DE want this to be a pure Arcade rapid fire run and gun? Well, if thats the case it will be fun, but people will definitely put it down after a while.


Does DE Want Warframe to be an RPG style free to play, let's say like a monster hunter online, or a Vindictus type? Well thats awesome, but we need more RPG Elements then customizable skills, longer goals, more large scale thought provoking boss encounters and missions.




Here is the third question, and honestly this seems to fit most of the style currently in the game. 


Does DE Want this to be more of a third person Hack and Shoot loot drop Diablo type game? Endless replay value by constantly running the missions in search of all those precious and rare drops that could be randomly spit out.


Well if that is the case, DE needs to flesh out these drop tables more, and give us a higher tier of items that take even longer to acquire, EXTREMELY rare mods, or parts, or items  or whatever, and lots of them, because that there in is the fun of the game, the loot, and once you have acquired it all well, then the game has outlived it's usefulness.

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Fights or monsters that require the player to proritize thei melee weapons of some sort, 


Invulnerable to projectiles or incredibly resistant.


Aura or attack that disables our weapons, (Think EMP Wave)


etc etc etc

Those are Prosecutors(at least, when i fight them my melee damages them no matter the element)

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I think Warframe needs first off the Soma Prime :3


But on a serious note I do think Warframe deserves a bit of reworking in some departments. I think we need:

1) More Unique Original Warframes

2) More Unique weapons we would've never thought of

3) Different tile sets

4) More mods that are actually useful

5) Better ways to grind for credits that are actually FUN

6) Boss fights need to be way harder. Also in boss fights I think if we had more massive boss's say Lephantis big, we should be able to have more than 4 people in one match. Make the boss so tough it takes about 10-30 minutes to kill it and can only be killed by really experienced players with the best load outs. So maybe only people who have a conclave of so high can join. This would make Warframe feel like the MMO it should be.

7) More Primes

8) Movement 2.0 (better parkour system)

9) Better Kubrow maintenance. We should be able to sell our Kubrows we get for credits after we get both of their imprints and they are matured. Maybe 50k credits for each kubrow. Maybe even a Kubrow ship for everyone to join or maybe just have a Kubrow room as an expansion of your dojo where you and your friends can leave your Kubrow. The Kubrows play with each other or do whatever. Then you can come and pick them back up and take them on missions or back to your ship. You can only take your Kubrow though... Otherwise that wouldn't be very nice to steal little Jimmy's puppy would it?

10) Better balancing. I think there is really no need for massive nerfs making weapons or Warframes not even useful anymore. Balance them so you make them not to OP but not to weak.

11) A dang auction house!! Been waiting for this thing for such a long time because i'm a massive trader. Its so time consuming and annoying just sitting there typing: WTB/WTS/WTT blah blah blah (no one responds) so you gotta wait 2 minutes (if the game lets you cuz ya know sometimes it says please wait 120 seconds and 5 minutes goes by still not letting you post). Then if someone responds they may say no, wasting your time. If they say yes then you have to invite them to your dojo or vice versa, THEN trade with a trading post. Anyway we should have this auction house as an extension of maybe the market in our player ship, where we type what we want to buy in the auction tab and see the selection of everyone's selling that item sorted from the cheapest to the most expensive. Kinda like World Of Warcraft's auction house:


12) We should have like a community hub where we all can visit and talk to each other. Pretty much face to face region chat. Kinda deal with it like Vindictus does with channels. Have 100 or so different servers and each server has a max of say 100 people. Each ship is a hub/channel. You can join your friends in these ships and just talk or mess around. This could also be an area where the auction house could be.

13) Better servers. I have waiting for this for a while and I think we kinda deserve it. Hope it comes soon...

14) Harder mastery rank tests... I have only failed one mastery test. That was mastery test 1. I'm now MR-14 and have not had any trouble since MR Test 1. Its pretty sad because I go into every mastery test nervous that i'm going to fail and I beat it in less than 5 minutes without messing up once. Doesn't feel like I deserve to be that rank. Just feels... Too easy.

And last but not least:
A better, more reliable quest system with infinite amounts of quests that give you things you can't get from say the void, orokin derelict, labs or farming. It would make Warframe feel like a real MMO and keep us busy without wanting to get off Warframe... Might be a problem for your social life if you have one but who needs one of those when you have Warframe? :P


Those are things I think DE needs to implement into the game that would make the game SOOO much better than it already is. But by far you can't deny DE has come a long way and has created an amazing game. I will always love this game. Ill love it even more if these things are implemented into it. :)

Edited by OuTlAwTACO229
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