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About Most Used Frames , Weaps Powers Etc.....


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Rhino/Prime, Loki/Prime, Excal, and Nova are most used.


You don't need someone from DE to tell you this. Like at all.

I have to disagree


rhino , people are using him less and less for some reason



Excal nope , except on newbie planets I'm often the only excal around.


Nova , people are using her a bit less that before her "change"

Edited by Deidaku
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I have to disagree


rhino , people are using him less and less for some reason


I want to believe it's because more and more people are considering it the "noob" frame- that only terrible players use him because he's easy mode.  Excuse me for liking tanky characters T_T

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Warframe: Rhino Prime before Loki Prime as released

Primary: Boltor Prime, Soma, Penta

Secondary: Castanas

Melee: Ichors, Orthos/Orthos Prime


That's how I see it


Does Brakk and Detron join the list as well?  



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I would really like it if DE put out a monthly stats list that showed frame usage as well as say the top 20 weapons by usage.

Might encourage a bit more diversity.

Or might even push players with no skill toward specific most used weapons.



"If everyone uses something, that something must be the best" mentality.

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I would really like it if DE put out a monthly stats list that showed frame usage as well as say the top 20 weapons by usage.

Might encourage a bit more diversity.


All that would do is make players cry nerf even harder for what's currently popular.

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I want to believe it's because more and more people are considering it the "noob" frame- that only terrible players use him because he's easy mode.  Excuse me for liking tanky characters T_T

I only use rhino when I don't feel like putting any effort into playing

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If you want to use some tanky characters, but have some real challenge.


Use Saryn.


That is all.

Gotta love Saryn. Melee build on her is nasty, as is a miasma one.

Give Saryn her pre-nerf venom and I'd put her as one of the best frames in the game.

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Warframe : Loki Prime(my main)/Nova (faster clean everything before people die on T4 only)/Vauban(only use on Infested def)/Nekros(solo material farm)
Primary:Dread(1 shot 1 kill,per shot 0.5sec)/Soma/amprex/ignis(amprex and ignis low lv survive material farm)
Secondry:Lex prime(suit my loki prime and lazy change)/marelok/duel vasto(for cool magnum fast shot)
melee:Bo prime(hight dmg and copter)/Orthos prime(for slash enemy to half for material farm or hight reach aoe swing)

other frame was...got good mood i use it =.=

i most seen people use,all rhino prime with boltor prime :l

Edited by Kage2015
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