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The Kubrow System: Proof That The Tenno Are Horrible Mosters


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Am I the only one who finds the whole Kubrow system horrifying? I mean, I'm no animal rights activists. I eat meat and I own pets, but this is just so...wrong. Think about it for a sec...




First, we obtain a kubrow egg by murdering hordes of kubrow, including our new pets' father, mother, older siblings, grandparents, uncle, aunt, distant cousin, and everyone they know and love. After we kill the entire pack, we shoot their humble little dens until they collapse in on themselves, just to rub it in. Thank god the Kubrow lay eggs, or else our new pets might witness the mass slaughter of their pack by their new master.


After this, we genetically modify unhatched Kubrow to domesticate them, leaving them "riddled with degenerative genetic defects that must be constantly repaired". Talk about overkill. Not only does the modification ensure domestication from birth, it messes up their DNA so bad that they can't survive without us. Talk about the carrot and the stick. We give them the disease, and we hold the cure. There are plots of several stories where the villain’s greatest crime is essentially this.


After that, there's the whole raising our pet to adulthood in a kennel-like bubble on a ship of cold steel, only letting our pet out of it's prison to put it in large scale warzones where it must kill for us, but that's just how gameplay is. I still can't get over the genetic defects we intentionally gave the unhatched baby kubrow we stole. Because of this, releasing our Kubrow isn't even an option. They'd just die in a couple of weeks, presumably in some kind of unspeakable pain. Not sure what kind of pain having your DNA fall apart on you gives, but the Grineer don't look too happy about it.




The whole thing just feels really really evil. Every time I look at my totally dependent kubrow in the corner of my ship, I interact with him, play with him, and try unsuccessfully to absolve my guilt. None of the other factions have done anything as monstrous as this. What have I done? What have the Tenno done?


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Am I the only one who finds the whole Kubrow system horrifying? I mean, I'm no animal rights activists. I eat meat and I own pets, but this is just so...wrong. Think about it for a sec...




First, we obtain a kubrow egg by murdering hordes of kubrow, including our new pets' father, mother, older siblings, grandparents, uncle, aunt, distant cousin, and everyone they know and love. After we kill the entire pack, we shoot their humble little dens until they collapse in on themselves, just to rub it in. Thank god the Kubrow lay eggs, or else our new pets might witness the mass slaughter of their pack by their new master.


After this, we genetically modify unhatched Kubrow to domesticate them, leaving them "riddled with degenerative genetic defects that must be constantly repaired". Talk about overkill. Not only does the modification ensure domestication from birth, it messes up their DNA so bad that they can't survive without us. Talk about the carrot and the stick. We give them the disease, and we hold the cure. There are plots of several stories where the villain’s greatest crime is essentially this.


After that, there's the whole raising our pet to adulthood in a kennel-like bubble on a ship of cold steel, only letting our pet out of it's prison to put it in large scale warzones where it must kill for us, but that's just how gameplay is. I still can't get over the genetic defects we intentionally gave the unhatched baby kubrow we stole. Because of this, releasing our Kubrow isn't even an option. They'd just die in a couple of weeks, presumably in some kind of unspeakable pain. Not sure what kind of pain having your DNA fall apart on you gives, but the Grineer don't look too happy about it.




The whole thing just feels really really evil. Every time I look at my totally dependent kubrow in the corner of my ship, I interact with him, play with him, and try unsuccessfully to absolve my guilt. None of the other factions have done anything as monstrous as this. What have I done? What have the Tenno done?



I mean it is a computer game but I do get what you are saying. It seems the entire process of obtaining a kubrow is very crude and personally very un-tenno. You would think you would be able to just steal a kubrow egg from the nest by interacting with it and then find a way to domesticate the kubrow without giving it DNA cancer, i mean i thought the tenno were smart enough and advanced enough to not have to resort to the way of the crude Grineer.

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The whole thing just feels really really evil. Every time I look at my totally dependent kubrow in the corner of my ship, I interact with him, play with him, and try unsuccessfully to absolve my guilt. None of the other factions have done anything as monstrous as this. What have I done? What have the Tenno done?



seriously the grienier take colonies whole and then use them to make more grienier im sure that dogs are not as bad as actual people

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Am I the only one who finds the whole Kubrow system horrifying? I mean, I'm no animal rights activists. I eat meat and I own pets, but this is just so...wrong. Think about it for a sec...




First, we obtain a kubrow egg by murdering hordes of kubrow, including our new pets' father, mother, older siblings, grandparents, uncle, aunt, distant cousin, and everyone they know and love. After we kill the entire pack, we shoot their humble little dens until they collapse in on themselves, just to rub it in. Thank god the Kubrow lay eggs, or else our new pets might witness the mass slaughter of their pack by their new master.


After this, we genetically modify unhatched Kubrow to domesticate them, leaving them "riddled with degenerative genetic defects that must be constantly repaired". Talk about overkill. Not only does the modification ensure domestication from birth, it messes up their DNA so bad that they can't survive without us. Talk about the carrot and the stick. We give them the disease, and we hold the cure. There are plots of several stories where the villain’s greatest crime is essentially this.


After that, there's the whole raising our pet to adulthood in a kennel-like bubble on a ship of cold steel, only letting our pet out of it's prison to put it in large scale warzones where it must kill for us, but that's just how gameplay is. I still can't get over the genetic defects we intentionally gave the unhatched baby kubrow we stole. Because of this, releasing our Kubrow isn't even an option. They'd just die in a couple of weeks, presumably in some kind of unspeakable pain. Not sure what kind of pain having your DNA fall apart on you gives, but the Grineer don't look too happy about it.




The whole thing just feels really really evil. Every time I look at my totally dependent kubrow in the corner of my ship, I interact with him, play with him, and try unsuccessfully to absolve my guilt. None of the other factions have done anything as monstrous as this. What have I done? What have the Tenno done?



So what is the problem?

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If you would like me to add some fridge horror to your daily thought, especially if you own dogs, allow me to chime in. Everything you mentioned about the Tenno's treatment of the Kubrow species was, word for word, how feral wolves were turned into "man's best friend". Everything. Every. Single. Thing. Every domestic dog you see is the end result of a millennia-long, and mankind's most successful, eugenics experiment. 

The science of domestication and selective breeding is amazingly interesting...but, it isn't always pretty.

Welcome to humanity.


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It's the same argument as "we're all murderous because we played Call of Duty" - they're not real, there are NO solid real-world implications between killing a video game character and killing a real person.


Same goes for this "kubrow guilt" you seem to be feeling. If you ACTUALLY feel this way, I would suggest maybe taking a step back from the game for a while.


BUT, in universe, you do make a valid point - up until you get to the "none of the other factions have done anything this monstrous" bit, to which I say: REMEMBER ZANUKA???? But, aside from that, there IS a big of moral ambiguity to what the Tenno are doing here - although, I personally seem to draw an interesting parallel between your interpretation of our treatment of Kubrows and Mag's Codex entry, in which she seems to Bullet Attractor a friendly, non-Tenno soldier (though it COULD have just been Shield Polarize). Personally, I'd like to see the Tenno have more interaction with the sub-faction that are allied with them (i.e. the Red Veil) and see how they treat them, could be that we're just a aloof and (interpretationally-)racist as the other factions we fight.

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I personally feel that as a Tenno there's nothing that tells me I'm "The Good Guy". So what if I'm a genocidal jerk with a penchant for slaughter? The Sol system could use a few more of those. Morals and ethics can go out the airlock as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by Crossflip
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I mean it is a computer game but I do get what you are saying. It seems the entire process of obtaining a kubrow is very crude and personally very un-tenno. You would think you would be able to just steal a kubrow egg from the nest by interacting with it and then find a way to domesticate the kubrow without giving it DNA cancer, i mean i thought the tenno were smart enough and advanced enough to not have to resort to the way of the crude Grineer.


It took hundreds of years for humanity to properly domesticate dogs - cats STILL aren't domesticated! - and even then there are MOUNTAINS of training that go into getting them to act the way we need to. Tenno simply don't have that kind of time - it's easier and more efficient (at least in the short-term we need them for) to "devolve" them back into the species and genetically modify them to be what we need them to be to aid us in battle. We simply have to deal with the consequences our actions have on the kubrow we raise because of that.


If you would like me to add some fridge horror to your daily thought, especially if you own dogs, allow me to chime in. Everything you mentioned about the Tenno's treatment of the Kubrow species was, word for word, how feral wolves were turned into "man's best friend". Everything. Every. Single. Thing. Every domestic dog you see is the end result of a millennia-long, and mankind's most successful, eugenics experiment. 

The science of domestication and selective breeding is amazingly interesting...but, it isn't always pretty.

Welcome to humanity.


This guy, basically ^


Thanks for that, makes me somewhat glad I'm a cat person XD

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Tenno are evil. Don't think of us as the glorious space hero's here to make the sol system all better and give out free ice cream to everyone. The Tenno are a race of murderous psychopaths who generally kill for no reason other than being told to kill. We basically use Kubrow as a means to an end.


We're probably a lesser evil than the Grineer, but we're still pretty twisted. So don't see the Tenno as good guys, we're only slightly less evil than the competing factions, and honestly, compared to corpus we're actually pretty bad; considering most of them are just merchants and probably have families and pets and apple cheeked youngsters wondering when daddy will be getting home from the routine ship inspections. 

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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I personally feel that as a Tenno there's nothing that tells me I'm "The Good Guy". So what if I'm a genocidal jerk with a penchant for slaughter? The Sol system could use a few more of those. Morals and ethics can go out the airlock as far as I'm concerned.

I agree. We are a product of Orokin tech, not of our own making. We are just following in the footsteps of our predecessors lol.


Killing packs of feral kubrow and destroying their nests seems completely natural to me.


If you were faced with killing or being killed by a pack of wild animals, then had the chance to save a survivor wouldn't you take it?

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The cruel looking system of getting a Kubrow, the silly tamagotchi aspect and that i see the them as a waste of development resources at this stage of the game, are the reason i don't want to have Kubrow (no offense to those who love the whole thing).

Lotus says every Tenno deserves a Kubrow? But what about those who don't want one?


Now i have an empy spot in my ships equipment room.


I think the whole Kubrow thing would be a lot less cruel looking if it wasn't so improvised. The limited space for the Kubrow on the ship is the result of the UI designers wanting to limit the amount of space a player has to walk around on their ship. The way of getting a Kubrow is the result of not having the time to make a whole new mechanic around getting one yet.


Though i could think of how they could make it less cruel looking.


1. Instead of having to get Kubrow eggs, we instead should simply get a stun gun or that cattle prod placeholder weapon. Once a Kubrow is stunned, we can capture them, like the usual capture targets.

2. Introduce the concept that feral Kubrows are actualy genetic damaged, because of the orokin tech used to create them having gone faulty.

3. The incubator on the ship is actualy used to stablize the DNA of said captured Kubrow.

4. The stablization process involves the Kubrow actualy causes a backward aging at first, turning them into puppies.

5. Introduce the mechanic that after a time of 2 or 3 weeks the DNA of a Kubrow has completely stablized and they don't require further treatment.

6. Introduce the option to release the Kubrows to the Tenno colonies mentiod in Kril's mission.

(7. Introduce Dojo rooms for the Kubrows).

Edited by Othergrunty
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To clarify, I know that these are just pixel pets. I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. But it certainly makes me dislike the Tenno faction.


One of my biggest problems is, it's not like we NEED the Kubrow. We wern't any less ruthless killing machines without them. This is something we did because we wanted them. Why couldn't we just leave them alone?

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That, the tamagotchi aspect and that i see the Kubrows as a waste of development resources at this stage of the game's development, are the reason i don't want to have  Kubrow (no offense to those who love the whole thing).


Lotus says every Tenno deserves a Kubrow? But what about those who don't WANT one?


Now however i have that big blank spot in my ship. Would wish i could put something else in that place.

You can always just role play that the incubator is your cryo stasis chamber for much needed downtime after a particularly rough mission. =)

Edited by Liu_Cypher
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That's why I always thought it would be nice to have a dojo room which would be a huge "Kubrow Sanctuary" like how we have Big Cats Sanctuary in our world. Instead of putting them into stasis or releasing in the wild, we would bring them into this sanctuary as a retreat for them, so they can rest properly and maybe die there peacefully.


I'm not talking about death from genetic defect though. I want that to create this sanctuary, you will need a certain number of Earth's plant extract, both day and night type, where we will modify the plants to create seeds that can sustain Kubrows. The sanctuary we create will be some kind of great garden where the spores and pollens it releases will sustain the Kubrow so they don't need DNA stabilizers constantly.


Since it's not as good as injecting them with stabilizers, they will need to stay in the sanctuary to stay alive obviously, but at least they can run around on grass and soft land, lie on fields of flowers while looking at the stars above (because there should be ceilling windows like in some of the dojo gardens). No more slow death from DNA falling a part, and no more cold bubble prison.

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It took hundreds of years for humanity to properly domesticate dogs - cats STILL aren't domesticated! - and even then there are MOUNTAINS of training that go into getting them to act the way we need to. Tenno simply don't have that kind of time - it's easier and more efficient (at least in the short-term we need them for) to "devolve" them back into the species and genetically modify them to be what we need them to be to aid us in battle. We simply have to deal with the consequences our actions have on the kubrow we raise because of that.



This guy, basically ^


Thanks for that, makes me somewhat glad I'm a cat person XD


That's not entirely true. Cats are domesticated. But, the kick is that they, of all the life forms humanity has encountered and domesticated, are the only ones to have approached us. And they did so as equals. They saw, in humanity, opportunity for a relationship and began adapting behaviors (Such as meowing) to further garner from us what they wanted.

In short, no, we did not domesticate cats. Cats domesticated themselves. And they did so willingly

Fun Fact for cat owners: Remember the last time Tabby brought you a dead bird or mouse and present it to you or lay it in your shoe? Take note, s/he was not doing that because they are offering you a gift or because they see you as a "master". They did that because they think you suck at hunting and you need to be spoon-fed, like a baby or you will die. When the prey is still alive and the "play" with it before looking at you and continuing? They are not just doing it to be sadistic. No, that would be Killer Whales that play with their food because they enjoy it. They are trying to teach you how to hunt.

Pay attention, you may learn something.

Edit: Spelling errors

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That's why I always thought it would be nice to have a dojo room which would be a huge "Kubrow Sanctuary" like how we have Big Cats Sanctuary in our world. Instead of putting them into stasis or releasing in the wild, we would bring them into this sanctuary as a retreat for them, so they can rest properly and maybe die there peacefully.


I'm not talking about death from genetic defect though. I want that to create this sanctuary, you will need a certain number of Earth's plant extract, both day and night type, where we will modify the plants to create seeds that can sustain Kubrows. The sanctuary we create will be some kind of great garden where the spores and pollens it releases will sustain the Kubrow so they don't need DNA stabilizers constantly.


Since it's not as good as injecting them with stabilizers, they will need to stay in the sanctuary to stay alive obviously, but at least they can run around on grass and soft land, lie on fields of flowers while looking at the stars above (because there should be ceilling windows like in some of the dojo gardens). No more slow death from DNA falling a part, and no more cold bubble prison.

That's a great idea. I want a giant room to have my own wildlife area. And collect species from all over the Star chart just to build a stable ecosystem for my Kubrows.

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Tenno are evil. Don't think of us as the glorious space hero's here to make the sol system all better and give out free ice cream to everyone. The Tenno are a race of murderous psychopaths who generally kill for no reason other than being told to kill. We basically use Kubrow as a means to an end.


I can live with the Tenno being evil, but it seems to me like spending all of the time and credits to bring an attack dog to a gunfilled warzone is a completely illogical and unnecessary evil. It's not like we don't already wipe entire warzones. Does it really make sense for us to butcher the Kubrow species with DNA modifications for an attack pet when we already have very effective sentinels that are easier, cheaper, and arguably more effective in combat?

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