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August 8Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics August 8th  

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About those doors that require multiple players to unlock: I think there should always be one right before some boss, this would prevent speedrunners to quick-kill it and leave without marking the drops.

Most bosses don't even spawn unless everyone is there. Just adding that mechanic to the remaining few that can still be rushed would fix that for you.

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What do you think is the best way to remove unwanted kubrow?

1. About Kubrow release


I think that a quest or quick remove button is good, but you have to take into consideration the lore behind domesticated kubrows which have their DNA constantly degenerating. Therefore, releasing in the wilds mean they will never, ever survive for long and they will die a slow death. So my suggestion is a third alternative to regular releasing (which I think should still be an option):


Kubrow Sanctuary

This will be a dojo room. The component to make this dojo room will mostly consist of Earth's flora antitoxin extract. By combining those plants together and modifying them into new seeds, the Tenno will be able to make a garden where spores are constantly released by those plants. Those "healing spores" will act like a stabilizer, but kubrows will need to stay exposed to the spores to stay healthy since it's not as strong as a single dose of DNA stabilizer.


The sanctuary will be a large room with soft ground, grass, flowers, stones and ponds for kubrow to run around, play, and swim all they want. There will even be small trees and dens so kubrow can have a small spot to rest on, or simply a high place to perch (like big cats in our world). Additional fountains can be added so kubrow can play even more, or even toys like balls with physics can be added.


The purposes of a sanctuary is these:

- A safe haven and resting place for kubrows to retire without worries of their DNA deteriorating. No more stasis as if you're keeping them on life support.

- A natural-like habitat to play in instead of a small, enclosed space inside a tiny ship with cold metal floors

- A way for players to release kubrows in a "humane" way. Also a way to see your Kubrow again despite not being able to bring it into battle anymore.

- A way for the developers to allow players use more interactions with kubrows; released kubrows and regular kubrows that you bring along with you, but enter the sanctuary, may open some interactions that you can't do in the ship

-- It's also a good way to have more than one kubrow interacting with each other if such features are extended.


One sanctuary will be large enough to house a big number of kubrows, but a limit may be reached, so you may be required to build another sanctuary to house further kubrows. I suggest taking inspiration from real life sanctuaries for big animals, like Big Cat Rescue sanctuary.




Sounds like a lot of work? Well you guys made a big deal about kubrows as new companions and how you wanted to make them different from Sentinels, and not just from gameplay but as a new element to the game. Therefore, this is just an example I think the devs could take when it comes to going all the way with your premise, which I think is necessary. There's lots of potential for Kubrows.

I believe this summed up my position on this subject pretty well.  However I still think the option to go drop them off with the Lotus would be neat.



What is your opinion on doors that require multiple players to unlock?

I feel that these should have a time limit on them that if another player can't for some reason make it within that time limit you then have the option to force hack the door open but an alarm will sound.


Do you think the option to "Vote to Kick" is a good idea?

Yes, however it needs to have a list of set reasons behind it (an example being that the player is AFK) to prevent abuse such as the kicking of players that are lower or higher ranks than yourself.  Maybe even have a system put in place that after too many kicks for a specific reason a warning is sent to the player as in any other cases of abuse.


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For 2-button doors and kick option.

Situation 1, that occures from time to time on alerts and invasions with high rewards (that requires to do them very fast in order to recieve reward). 2 players AFK'ing at spawn, other one lurking somewhere for loot. So when you are at subj door, you have to spam Use on it, so slowpokes would see that message and probably react. Votekick wont help, us half voters AFK'ing, but 2-button door is a real hinder.

Situation 2, Sedna-Kappa. On upper floor, above protection points, there is 2-button door, that sometimes have rooms behind, but locked. Point of this mission for players is a big chunk of affinity because of enemy density, yet very rare players willing to go upstares and open that door. So in such case some enemies will be stuck behind that door, that is even illogical as THEY, on THEIR ship cant run through to prevent hacking.


So, 1) There should be auto-kick for AFKers. With 1-hour ban if player AFKing for 2-3 missions in a row. And another 1 hour if they still AFK on next mission. Repeat. (If you dont want to play game, then dont.)

2) Leave 2-button door as they are, but add some console - option to hack that door alone. Another mini-game, but different from standart one.

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1) I could go with either a remove button or a quest/location to leave the Kubrow behind. At least a way to get rid of the Kubrows should be there. How that's done is debateable.


3) Waiting times between failed mastery tests are just fine as they are. They shouldn't be taken lightly. That said a way to train for some tests would be nice though because some of the tests are pretty academic and it's never required to do that sort of stuff in a real mission.


4) Friendship doors are fine. Leave them as they are. Damn rushers should learn to wait up for their team rather than going on a solo rampage and getting downed on the first sign of an ambush. Don't want to be their babysitter and revive them all the time.


5) No vote kick (It's enough punishment to simply not revive them if they are hurting the team). Better have a "positive" (no negative points, much like the forum upvotes.) reputation system with multiple stuff people can give points on so the next time you get paired with people that are more like yourself and that decreases slowly over time so you are not stuck with a permanent mark on your head.


6) Hell yeah, have something like an global "auction house" in the Hubs. At least a trade post where you can dump a limited amount of items for a limited time period. At least the trade spaming isn't a longterm solution and also causes some unavoidable amount of scaming. Don't mind it if it's heavily regulated by DE to prevent massive inflation.

Edited by MeduSalem
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last year, back when mastery rank 6 was max and the HEK was still melting faces, i thought a vote to kick option would be the best thing ever...


Then I played Payday 2...


An unrestricted vote to kick option would be among the worst things added to this game. if this does get added, we need a few things to combat griefing.


if the player is not AFK, then you need to state a reason why that player was kicked. you might not be able to say why during the game in progress so doing so after the mission is finished would be fine. if the kick isn't justifiable then the kicked player should be able to report the kicker. too many bad kicks and that player would have action taken against him, maybe having his kick privileges removed for a while as a start.

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Oberon: Hallowed Ground


This power should be utility over damage. 2nd powers damage will be useless on high level content. It should be "capture" power. What I have in mind is Hallowed Ground's rectangle traps number of enemies that enters it for a time of it's duration( dealing small DoT). 

This rectangle isn't large as Vauban's Bastille or Hydroid's Undertow. Would capture up to 5-6 enemies. 15 seconds duration or less. Low energy cost. 

That's only my idea, it can be totally bad in the actuall game, but it's worth a while to share it here.

Oberon: Renewal


Should be insta heal without Trinity's Bless kind of buff after casting. Number of HP healed increases with Power Strenght mods. 

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I think using the timer doors from suspicious shipments with a timer reduction for each player would be better game-play wise, because it gives the rushers a fun mini-game to play and encourages sticking together and allows for slower players an opportunity to catch up while not permanently blocking the active members of a bad party from moving forward. I think that 1:10 with each additional player reducing the timer by 20 seconds should do it.

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Questing system for Kubrow

I feel as though if we had the option to find a safe location for it, then it won't be as bad as just plainly killing it. It'll feel a little more humane.


Duration of wait between failed Tests

If I remember right, it's 24hours right? For me, that's a tad long of a wait and that 12hours would probably a little better. Those who use it to their advantage would probably wait between their times of 7:00-10:00 which would most likely be the best time periods to do it rather than trying to do it once a day.


Two player doors

I feel as though this needs a small change. The change I'm thinking of is a 10-20 second wait after the first person hits it and if the second person doesn't hit it, then it opens with either nothing or an energy field [depending on the tileset, it could be either the corpus laser barrier or the grineer drain barrier]


Vote to Kick?

Not the best course of action. If someone was to wait until the very end of a mission to vote kick someone, most people would just instinctively click "Yes, kick player" without looking at the reason or what the player has been doing the entire time resulting in a 'Troll Kick'. Some games that also have the kick function has people in groups that continue to kick randoms in a public match once the end is reached or halfway through the session so that the other player doesn't have progressed save. (Looking at Left 4 Dead in this case)

I just feel as though a Kick function doesn't fit in this game because once a player is kicked, it removes every inch of progress or any material they got and just ruins the game. If it was made so that Materials and EXP was saved, I would say otherwise (even if it's boss gear just after killing the boss).


Auction House

Hey, if people want to use a function like this... good for them. I don't mind another feature for the community to use. But a small suggestion, try to expand on what they can sell because a auction house with just parts and mods is just a tad... small. Not many people will use it until bigger items that will be more useful come up and there will be issues of 'last second bidding' which is bound to happen in any game with a time Auction house.


Hollowed Ground Usage

I use it between Utility and Defensively rather than Damage. If you were able to switch it between damage focus or Slow focus, I'd go for the slow to make it easier in Infested Defense. (Just my Opinion on that)



Has too much of a requirement to be as useful as can be. Don't get me wrong, it's useful in situations where you're surrounded and have low health, but that's about it. I use Equilibrium just so it also refreshes energy with the health so that it maxes it usefulness. If anyone else had that mod, that's just an added bonus. Otherwise, in small gunfights with low health... nothing much can be used with it.

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What is your opinion on doors that require multiple players to unlock?


It sucks having to quit a mission because an idler joined your open solo seission just as you were supposed to open the door. activation on button a couple of times should trigger the lotus to start hacking the door open.


Do you like the idea of an auction house that is accessible in public player hubs?


Yes and no. Depends on how long we are allowed to put items up. 2 days is enough for one player to absolutely crash the price of one item. i say this from personal experiense, i did so in SWOTR when i needed credits bad. The item i sold a lot of was being sold for "my price" for weeks after that. Yes, if short "sell time" (8 hours max for a fee, lower times less fee something like 30 min for no fee), no for longer periods of time



What do you think should be Hallowed Ground's primary purpose?


I think it should have accumulative movement slow (just movement, not attack) and damage, the longer the enemy stays in/on it the slower they get and the more devestating it will be. This rewards good placements (bottlenecks), does not make it a MUST HAVE skill, and supports both low and high skilled players. The base damage should be what we have now, and then increase with a certain % (5% ?) per tic on an enemy. slow could be something like +3% slow per tick of damage




"A quest or location to go and leave the kubrow behind."

is this how you deal with a dog you dont want anymore? IMO selling/"removing" it leaves the feeling that someone out there is taking care of it, not that the kubrow is on its own and slowly dying of DNA decay.

I dont have a dog or any animal, but iwould just put it in the wild, i would give it away to someone that would take care of it.

A quest for leaving the kubrow behind is like saying "i dont want to watch you die, here die in this forrest/field/cave/desert"

Edited by Adaptor-Face
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Double doors should stay, but they should be more complex and varied per faction, right now they just feel tacked on and their purpose is too obvious, make them fun/a puzzle/something.


Yes to votekick, but heavily moderated, can't votekick once the objective is complete, can only be kicked if 3 of 4 votes are positive, and cannot votekick if squad is not full UNLESS player to be voted has been inactive for X minutes.

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Kubrows in stasis need a sell button same as other gear and equipment. Darvo can sell just about anything, why not livestock?


An auction house CAN be a good implementation, and anything that works as a solid installation would be better than just the constant hubbub of the trade chat, I would recommend looking at something like in Star Wars the Old Republic. 


I would also like the ability to trade large amounts of credits as an alternative to plat for items, it would help keep the market from being stagnant and it would be a major boon to people like me who have plenty of plat but still do a lot of fusion and need credits. 

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I myself am rather out of the loop, but dear heavens, auction house sounds abhorrent to me in the least of expressions, should there be one, then the game becomes more buy to win than do stuff to win in my humble opinion.

Lest it is a purely credit one, then sure, credits are usually earned and available to everyone, obviously the inflation would go out of hand, but the idea of auction still strikes a mighty blow of fear into my heart at the mere mention of it.


Kicking players, well there I see a point, but it still sounds odd, it's a team game, even if your team is full of trolls, so many trolls, so little time. The kick thing is a rather backstabby subject in itself, on one hand, great you can kick someone, on the other.. It can be abused and should have a restriction similar with joining the game at least.


Other than that: Oberon's renewal is useless as it is, the mattress of doom thing is very cool, but could use damage or more agile methods of placing?

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My only two concerns are the doors and the vote to kick option.


For the doors, yes it's annoying when your teammates outright refuse to come and open it with you, but other times it's just as frustrating when all your team wants to do is rush rush rush through everything. Perhaps some kind of hacking option could come online after so many seconds waiting for a teammate to open it.


As to vote to kick: it always sounds like a wonderful idea. Get rid of the trolls and the people with connection problems, right? The sad thing is it's often abused by pack mentality- those who don't do exactly what one or two very vocal teammates want are threatened with a kick. More often than not, most people won't pay much attention and will just accept the kick vote. Sucks to be that one person who didn't equip marathon and rush with quick rest, amirite? Team is two rooms ahead of you ignoring mobs, get ready to be kicked for not keeping up.


I don't know exactly how to fix that problem, those are just my concerns with them.

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How bout a minimum price for all items once auction houses are introduced so that the f2p experience is not horribly affected? A lot of people say prices will drop horribly if we get an auction house.


No? Ill show myself out



then again i buy most of my plat

Edited by Somedude1000
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I was thining with the kubrows that you could donate them to the clan kinda like spector regiments where they can be deployed and fight for the rail but unlike spectors they aren't gone after the rail is done. But like each kubrow has only one life in the rail.

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In terms of the friendship doors, the only complaint I have against them is them showing up when I play solo.  During the breeding grounds event, I ran solo for nearly the entire time and during which, the ONLY time I ever died was while waiting for a friendship door to open, where the mob of level 100+ enemies caught up and ate me for breakfast. I feel there should be some pass during the level generation that takes into account how many players are joining the mission and if that number is one, prevents any of the yellow doors from spawning.

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I picked other because utility was a very vague answer. So to better explain if they were to change it so that it could affect the entire room or most of the room (similar to Nova's rework) or even increase range a fair amount and affect air units or something like that.

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Voted yes to the auction house without actually thinking about the implications of the term.  I'm fairly certain that most people don't want an auction house.  They want some where they can do asynchronous trades.  IE list an item and then give options for what you're willing to trade and allow people to make offers.

They'll still have the trade chat. More options are always good, some people don't want to have to wait around for others to pm them, and don't like constantly scanning trade chat in order to get what they want.

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Renewal->Righteous Indignation

-Heals and Provides a buff to damage equal to the percentage of health missing.



-Heals and Provides Super Armor


Hallowed Ground->Hallowed Ground

-The longer an enemy remains, the more damage is dealt to them. Entire area does blast damage with 20% status chance whenever an enemy dies within the area.


Hallowed Ground->Clouded Heart

-An expanding fog originates from the target enemy. Radioactive status effects all enemies within fog. A status inflicted on any enemy within the fog effects every enemy within the fog. Target enemy cannot move or be killed until the fog stops expanding.    


Reckoning->Vision of Paradise

-Enemies seen by oberon are petrified, have reduced armor, and receive damage. The longer oberon looks at a particular enemy, the more damage they receive. Enemies killed drop health orbs.  


Reckoning->Celestial Forest

-Enemies treat all damage as the damage type they're weakest to. Orbs of light appear and deal damage to nearby enemies. Orbs become incorporeal trees after dealing a certain amount damage. Trees produce health orbs(fruit) as they do damage. Trees evolve up to three times. Each time they evolve, they do more damage, their duration is extended, and more fruit is produced. Orbs that deal damage at least one become health orbs. The final tree heals nearby players.



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