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Have The Tenno Lost Their Way?


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for me the main selling point of warframe was the strict PvE shooter system. so when the conclave was intruduced i shook my head in disbelif. but i could accept the conclave because it made sense the tenno had something like that. because, to measure one's strength an equal is needed. and the only thing as powerfull as a tenno is another tenno. and thus the conclave can be seen as a place of training and friendly competition.

the best way to disolve an enemy army, with as few casualties on both sides as possible, is to kill the enemy leader. so assassination missions, as underhanded as they may be, make sense too.

invasion missions picture the tenno as mercenaries, but they still make sense. because it is better to end the conflict quickly, before the whole sector is lost in chaos. the same applies to outbreak missions, except the infested don't negotiate.

i imagine tenno to be like this: http://warframe.com/game/factions/tenno


Fragments of history suggest that discipline and chivalry are the cornerstone values of the Tenno: is this true today? The Tenno are emerging into a world unfamiliar to them. One sees a noble warrior, building his strength against an oppressive regime. Another sees an opportunistic mercenary, exploiting the Warframe's superiority for wealth. Regardless of their future, the Tenno stand united against a common foe, loyal only to each other.

i am concerned about the direction in which the tenno are evolving.

1. clans & alliances

why is there a need for tenno to be divided? aren't tenno supposed to be "loyal only to each other" ?

2. dark sector

alliances fight each other over resources, and anyone can join. tenno shooting each other? when did this tenno civil war start? what happened to "the Tenno stand united" ?

3. kubrow

ordis has only limited space, i get that. but a tenno can't donate his pet to an orphanage or something? even selling or setting the kubrow free isn't allowed? a tenno has to willfully let his kubrow die a horrible death, in order to free up slots? is that a sign of "discipline and chivalry" ?

the kubrow issue can easily resolved by adding a "donate to orphanage" button. and clanification in itself is a minor issue.

as for the dark sector conflict. i am still looking for a solution which doesn't end up in a civil war.

maybe i am just overreacting, but to me the tenno seem more like savages than "noble warrior" .

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Warframe has always had little lore, least of all on the Tenno part that seemed to just sprout out new still without any regard to the impact of the back story or way of Tenno consistency. I fully agree that they're truly in all aspects more like wild savages that just run around and kill everything war boss Lettuce tells us since she gives us shiny bitz aka loot.

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2. dark sector

alliances fight each other over resources, and anyone can join. tenno shooting each other? when did this tenno civil war start? what happened to "the Tenno stand united" ?


People whined there was no PvP, so we got duels in the Dojos.  People whined that wasn't enough so we got conclaves.  More whining.... and we get Dark sectors PvP shoved down our throats even though this is supposed to be a PvE game.  PvP should be confined to conclaves and dojos.  Its fine if they want to add more modes to conclave, but leave it out of the rest of the game.


And I agree, it does seem to break what little lore has been made canon so far.  

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Warframe has always had little lore, least of all on the Tenno part that seemed to just sprout out new still without any regard to the impact of the back story or way of Tenno consistency. I fully agree that they're truly in all aspects more like wild savages that just run around and kill everything war boss Lettuce tells us since she gives us shiny bitz aka loot.

Lost it at the war baws Lettuce part...great read xD

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keep in mind that the game still isn't complete, when it does certain things may be drastically different and certain Lore (ie. most of it) that has so far been withheld will have been modified to fit these changes.

all I really know is that I love the Lore, particularly the way it's done and how things are "hinted at". i can't wait for more solid history and whatnot to be released

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An Ideal of Honor and Justice, such as Bushido for instance, only works if all those who are expected to follow it's tenets do so. I personally for the most part only fight in Dark Sector Conflicts because my Shogun commands it, I detest having to fight fellow Tenno for Resources like this, but I keep to the Code until I'm commanded to do something that breaks it. 


That being said, I'm merely one among millions, it doesn't help that for the most part as per the Lore, the Tenno all have amnesia of their past, except for their weapon skills and whatever knowledge and information they are given by the Lotus. So for the most part only those who actively look to find the knowledge of this ideal and Follow it will do so, and even then, most will follow as their own code dictates.


As for Clans, even in the ancient days there were Clans among Samurai, Kingdoms or Fiefs among Knights, Unity and focus give purpose, and being part of a larger group is a great means of focus. Being part of a Clan is something we tend to gravitate towards, and something which gives us a feeling of Direction and purpose, however The Civil Wars among the Dark Sectors are founded on nothing but Greed and Lust for power, which unfortunately are two things that are part of the Human Condition. Until there is a reason to fight for the Dark Sectors other than these, the wars will continue I'm afraid


Even with a reason, I have a feeling they will continue, either way, I will do as I'm commanded until I find evidence that is irrefutable telling me that my Shogun acts Dishonorably. As to the Invasion Conflicts and picking a side, I tend to choose the side which gives me the best chance at continuing the fight as strong as possible, then afterwards I move to fight for the other side to keep the balance. For the fact remains that neither the Grineer or Corpus can be allowed to grow more powerful than the other

Edited by Daenik
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Using highly weaponized, albeit cute, animals that are so modified for war that they literally decay when unattended is just they way of things. Making them hard to discard is a good mechanic, personally: game or lore-wise, discarding a kubrow because you want a specific pattern or type is already a harsh reality, and making people kill them by waiting for them to die is also harsh; proportionally harsh, I'd say. Setting up a "puppy farm" or orphanage would be way too idealistic a thing to exist in the war-torn environment of Warframe. I could see maybe euthanizing them quickly via an anti-serum, but that would be too easy, and trading credits or plat for the ability to kill a kubrow quicker is definitely not a mechanic I want to see.


As far as PvP goes, game-wise you can ignore it at will, minus the pop-ups you get regarding faction changes. I think the dark sector thing is interesting enough to dabble in a little. Lore-wise, however, I agree; while sparring for practice is perfectly acceptable, territorial disputes ala dark sectors is rather a bit much.

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Just gonna leave this here:




ninja (忍者) or shinobi (忍び) was a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan.


Ninjas are mercenaries to begin with. I see absolutely no problem. You can't "become more mercenary than ninja" if ninja is already a mercenary to begin with.



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I fight for balance and profit. As long as Solar Rails are up, I don't care who is in control of them, as long as they're not tyrants.


But at the end of the day, we Tenno don't end eachother's lives, at the end of the day, our battle for the Dark Sectors ends there, after that, we are friends and loyal to eachother, despite our transgressions.


Edit:Also, calling Gameplay & Story segregation on Kubrows.

Edited by UFOLoche
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1. clans & alliances

why is there a need for tenno to be divided? aren't tenno supposed to be "loyal only to each other" ?


Because Lotus is evil, believe yourself , your clan & alliance the rest is lies

2. dark sector

alliances fight each other over resources, and anyone can join. tenno shooting each other? when did this tenno civil war start? what happened to "the Tenno stand united" ?


Lotus went on vacation ,since she is evil ya know , Tenno just like to fight whatever stand infront of them

3. kubrow

ordis has only limited space, i get that. but a tenno can't donate his pet to an orphanage or something? even selling or setting the kubrow free isn't allowed? a tenno has to willfully let his kubrow die a horrible death, in order to free up slots? is that a sign of "discipline and chivalry" ?

the kubrow issue can easily resolved by adding a "donate to orphanage" button. and clanification in itself is a minor issue.

as for the dark sector conflict. i am still looking for a solution which doesn't end up in a civil war.

maybe i am just overreacting, but to me the tenno seem more like savages than "noble warrior" .


True , I'm waiting mine to die, Hey kubrow please die faster

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No, tenno have not lost their way, try pvp sometimes, its fun fighting to intelligent targets once in a while you might like it, it's not perfect, there are exploiters off course, but come on... all this drama for pvp?... so sad... 

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No, tenno have not lost their way, try pvp sometimes, its fun fighting to intelligent targets once in a while you might like it, it's not perfect, there are exploiters off course, but come on... all this drama for pvp?... so sad... 


I'm not sure what your point is. First you recommend him to actually participate in PvP then you assume he hates it and that makes it sad? Sad to hate PvP in a PvE centered game - Isn't it the other way around? The PvP aspect is just one of the reasons, the post is about the lore rather than the gameplay mechanics themselves.

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Its plainly obvious to anyone that bothers to read any kind of serious lore that most players ARE off the path, but they dont care. We are immortal and god like but apparently even the gods need credits and clan tech from our sworn enemies

ADHD players and lore heavy games=the crapfest we got going on now

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Different Tenno have different interests. Some of them are only seeking personal glory and/or wealth. Just like there are soldiers devoting their life for their flag, and others willing to shoot their own brothers if the enemy pays them more. No discipline is flawless in subduing all its adepts into abiding to its laws. While Tenno-vs-Tenno conflicts seem highly in contrast to the lore, they can actually find a spot as the lore is not static, but instead it progresses as the game evolves.

Edited by Vintovka
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Different Tenno have different interests. Some of them are only seeking personal glory and/or wealth. Just like there are soldiers devoting their life for their flag, and others willing to shoot their own brothers if the enemy pays them more. No discipline is flawless in subduing all its adepts into abiding to its laws. While Tenno-vs-Tenno conflicts seem highly in contrast to the lore, they can actually find a spot as the lore is not static, but instead it progresses as the game evolves.

Honorably sparring with your brothers is one thing. Actively raising your hand against your brother Cain and Abel style is supposed to be a big no no in Tenno culture

There are rules

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No, tenno have not lost their way, try pvp sometimes, its fun fighting to intelligent targets once in a while you might like it, it's not perfect, there are exploiters off course, but come on... all this drama for pvp?... so sad... 

The problem isn't how "fun" PvP is. The problem is the fact that PvP completely wrecks the already established lore that DE made for the Tenno. Lighten up a bit.


We have a reason to chop Corpus, Grineer, and Infested alike, with the Tenno trying to maintain balance and all. Chopping down our brothers in arms for a quick buck while the rest of the galaxy goes to shit doesn't exactly fit the Tenno way to do things.

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The problem isn't how "fun" PvP is. The problem is the fact that PvP completely wrecks the already established lore that DE made for the Tenno. Lighten up a bit.

We have a reason to chop Corpus, Grineer, and Infested alike, with the Tenno trying to maintain balance and all. Chopping down our brothers in arms for a quick buck while the rest of the galaxy goes to shit doesn't exactly fit the Tenno way to do things.


BTW its a lot easier to maintain the balance when there is only one side. Ours

Edited by Kartumterek
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BTW its a lot easier to maintain the balance when there is only one side. Ours

which is why in reality i would prefer it if the tenno would just wipe the floor with everyone once and for all. Though i am not sure we even have the capability of doing so, also that would end the game all together having no enemies left to fight so i tend not to think much about it as that is a necessary fact that we need factions for the game to continue

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I think were just fast approaching the logical conclusion.


It didn't take long for the Tenno clans to figure out that shooting that pesky sabotaging tenno is better than tripping the alarm and letting the mechanized troops handle it.

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I'm still waiting for option to launch my Kubrow out of the airlock when getting bad mix and starting all over again.

seems a bit harsh, but still a quick death.

Using highly weaponized, albeit cute, animals that are so modified for war that they literally decay when unattended is just they way of things.

hmm... kubrow are warbeasts and tenno are the breeders. then why aren't we allowed to take responsibility and give our kubrow one last hug while slicing its head off?

Chopping down our brothers in arms for a quick buck while the rest of the galaxy goes to shit doesn't exactly fit the Tenno way to do things.

yes, fighting other tenno for money seems so wrong. PvP rewards should be only cosmetic in nature. e.g.: defeat 100 tenno and you are allowed to wear a nice shiny crown.
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