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Whats The Most Painful Equipment You Had To Level?


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The MK1-Braton back in the mid of 2013. I had sold my first one, so during a double exp weekend i bought a new one and got rid of it and that was back during Damage 1.0 when it didn't had the least usefull damage type. 


In newer experience the Vulkar comes close.

Though i have to one day build a Kraken and level that one aswell. I only got to level 4 before i got rid of it for the time being.

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AKBRONCO's and VECTIS sold them both before maxing them out. The worst part is I potatoed the Vectis.

Most difficult warframe...Valkyer still is at Rank 20.

EDIT: Putting 6 FORMA on the Synapse was a pain and actually put the 3rd FORMA on and left it unranked and made a 4 FORMA Boltor Prime and a 3 FORMA Soma before finishing the last 4 rank ups of the synapse.

-------I potato everything-------

Edited by (PS4)Joshuaalt
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Synapse/Amprex, particularly the Amprex which I did last week. The first few levels are horrible until you get mods on, not looking forward to formaing my Amprex.

If you have High Voltage all you need is 4 FORMA. It's a pain but worth it. At unranked I always start at Venus survival to get started, plus potato it if you haven't already.

-------I potato everything-------

Edited by (PS4)Joshuaalt
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Furis/Afuris, way back in U4 or U5, not exactly sure. It's just painful seeing those 1 1 1 1 1 damage indicators even on Mercury, especially with the lack of the mods we have today like the ammo mutation.

Oh...my...god, i so remember that. As well as akzani to be honest

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Painful equipment...?




  • Drakgoon (the spread and charge mechanic are ugly, doesn't feel like the UT Flak Cannon at all which I was used to)
  • Phage ("What the hell am I doing?"-feeling, same feeling if somebody else uses it next to me)
  • Tigris (Double barreled shotgun in a fast paced shooter with hordes of enemies. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT. Hated it back with Doom 2 already.)
  • Lanka (friggin charge mechanic and projectile traveltime)
  • Miter (discs bouncing all over the place rather than hitting anything)




  • Angstrum (reload time and somewhat bugged charge mechanic often leading to self-inflicted deaths especially when fired during midair, somehow the Ogris turned out to be so much better and more predictable)
  • Ballistica (hahahaha.... crap weapon, literally my most hated weapon in the entire game)
  • Seer (TOO SLOW.)
  • Spectra (Corpus toothpick?)




  • Scindo
  • Ankyros (Prime)
  • Furax
  • Kogake
  • Obex
  • Lecta (Hate the forward-step with each press of the attack button.)
  • Fragor
  • Magistar


All of which are either too slow (especially hammers) or awkward in usage which especial is true for the fist/sparring ones.




I just hate them all for the various reasons stated and would never equip them again. I'm glad I've leveled them all to 30 with the exception of a few Melee ones left.


There are some on the border between "meh" and "hate it"... like for example the (Mutalist) Quanta... I hate that it doesn't have a zoom-function because the cubes are mapped to the right mouse button. If the cubes would have been a charge mechanic on the left mouse button I wouldn't be so overall "meh" about those weapons for example.


Some didn't made it on the list because they are more like "meh" rather than "painful". Some are boring to level but they don't aggravate me enough to make it to the list above.

Edited by MeduSalem
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