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Whats The Most Painful Equipment You Had To Level?


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I think the single daggers are probably the most grating weapons I leveled up. Low damage, slow attack rate, bad hit detection, and the Homing Fang stance (the only dagger stance I have so far) sends you flying right past your target 50% of the time. I was expecting Melee 2.0 to fix their issues, though I think it may have made them even worse.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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Attica. It's painful to even equip because:


- It's weak

- Slow rate of fire despite being automatic (it's much better off being semiautomatic)

- Unnecessarily long reload

- Projectile speed is slow

- Low crit/status chances make it very difficult to mod for either


I've not even leveled it to 30 yet, I hate it so much. Much more than the Amprex without polarities.


As for frames, I refuse to further level up Loki and Ash, they're so painfully dull to use. 

Edited by Kevlareater
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I think I have to make a list cause they are all equally painful to level up.


Primary weapon:

Attica, Strun, Vulkar


Secondary weapon:

Ballistica, Cestra(Single version has slow initial fire rate), Kraken, Seer, Sicarus, Akbronco(I skipped single version)


Melee weapon:

Gram, Scindo, Prova, Magistar

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Pyrana, aka schlonco, aka mini boar, aka S#&$. The damage is low, fires way too fast, too few pellets, long reload... I'd prefer a Lato over that thing, the weapon is omnishambles and needs to burn.

Here's my list of weapons that I want made in real life just so I can scream at them, write 'Git Gud' and 'Skoom' all over them in paint, and melt them into scrap metal:



Mk-1 Braton

Nami Solo

Dual Skana

Ether Daggers




Dark Dagger

There are some other really bad ones out there *cough*Prova*cough*Burston*cough*Heat Dagger*gasp*Dual Cleavers*sputters*MAS#&$TY*chokes*

I didn't have many terrible Warframe experiences, but of all of them Hydroid had to be the worst. His gameplay was just so... Dull. It was mind-numbing.

Tentacles for an ult? Turn into a puddle that barely does damage? Watery slash dash? His first ability was neat, but so inaccurate it wasn't worth the slot it took to equip. Only his looks saved him from deletion. I will not forma him to make him stronger. He will sit there, weak, because I refuse to relive that experience. Never again.

Edited by UpgradeInProgress
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Lato, aklato, braton mk-1,


But I really hate the sybaris:


"Hey, guys, let's make a gun that does F%*&-all damage, make it fire in bursts, give it an unreliable clipsize, and the most annoying noise ever whenever you shoot with it! What? Accuracy? PFFT. Let's make the recoil so horrible that you have to aim at their goodies if you wanna headshot anything!"


I remember going to a dark sector with it. And one of my partners just typed: "sny. wtf r u doing bro"

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