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Why So Much Excalibur Hate? :(


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Because host choose either to keep you or not , if he dont want Excalibro/noob he can 


myself i do play with rhino P and boltor P , but yeah if you always get boot play something else , it's not because he is hated or not , he is starter frame , the one nearly all player choose (because of stuff you read about him when you read ,"the best to start with") now you know the main reason...

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Don't expect every random person out there to know how your build is made and how well you operate. There's a handful of builds that can perform well and a plethora of builds that don't. The host has the right to remove you if they feel you risk achieving their goal and that's entirely based on the host's viewpoint. You need to respect that the same as you would with the Terms of Service of Warframe. If the host compromises after you make an objection then that's valid as well. The host is human and they might have previous bad experiences. They might have valid or false perception on certain things. That doesn't change the fact that they are offering a service.


That goes for all frames as well. A Rhino running without his abilities will receive criticism and possible removal from the mission. It's just that most Rhino players use the safe choices and so it is inherently easier for the host to predict their performance.


That being said, there's a lot of fish in the sea and all you need is patience and time to find compatible hosts.

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I'm account rank 10, crafting my 12th frame and guess who it is? That's right, Excalibro. 


Noobs that criticize Excalibur are, well, noobs. He contributes to the team much more than Rhino, because Rhino is a selfish frame. A Trinity, Nekros, Loki or Nova would've been much more useful. Excalibur's ludicrous CC skill, Radial Blind, makes him a sweet addition to the team in my opinion (just like Nyx and Vauban do, too, in their different ways). 


Nobody should judge you for bringing Excalibro, and in fact, you should even judge them for bringing a solo frame like Rhino. Unless they use a Roar build, but those are unicorns.

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Ok so here's the problem with Excalibur. He can do everything good, but not good enough.


Slash Dash: sure it's super, amazing and awsome but the damage isn't that satisfying.


Radial Blind: sure he can blind his enemies and "stun" them for a few secs but not good as a Rhino Stomp.


Super Jump: ... 


Radial Javelin: yeah you can deal a decent amount of damage especially if you do a strenght build but there are warframes that can deal even more dmage.


His health, shields and armor (come on armor is useless anyway, except if you play with Valkyr) are pretty average 


So there, that's why none wants Excalibur for main. Pretty good for new players but if you want to go more into the game, you have to be more efficient. And I'm afraid Excalibur cannot offer you this.

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Ok so here's the problem with Excalibur. He can do everything good, but not good enough.


Slash Dash: sure it's super, amazing and awsome but the damage isn't that satisfying.


Radial Blind: sure he can blind his enemies and "stun" them for a few secs but not good as a Rhino Stomp.


Super Jump: ... 


Radial Javelin: yeah you can deal a decent amount of damage especially if you do a strenght build but there are warframes that can deal even more dmage.


His health, shields and armor (come on armor is useless anyway, except if you play with Valkyr) are pretty average 


So there, that's why none wants Excalibur for main. Pretty good for new players but if you want to go more into the game, you have to be more efficient. And I'm afraid Excalibur cannot offer you this.

Slash Dash:If you are using that skill for damage you are doing something wrong.

Super Jump: It's mobility dude. Everything doesn't have to be damage.

Radial Blind:Rhino stomp is a joke compared to radial blind. Rhino stomp is limited radial blind is not

Radia Javelin: Might be the only skill that need a revamp.


About his shield and health

If you seriously think that Excalibur is not good for ''advanced content'' then you are the one to blame,not the frame.

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Mastery Rank 12 here. Excab is useless. And yes I own every Frame


Just to make something clear. Mastery rank is not a measure of skill or time played or even knowledge. It is simply a measure of how many frames, weapons, and companions you have leveled. It doesn't account for Formas or time played on each frame. In all honestly it should not solely make your opinion more valuable than anyone else's.


The only thing I can personally judge anyone's opinion on is game knowledge, and content completed. Even with those factors I shy away from holding anyone's opinion on too high a regard when they blatantly say something is bad. I have stated this before misinformation is rampant and not only among new players. Until you really sit down,  forma a frame, learning new tactics, and the nuances of it's play I feel you really do not know how good or bad a frame is.


In the case of Excalibur I think correcting misinformation is more of a chore than duty so I suppose leaving some misinformed is simply necessary as you can't convince everybody. 


To you personally I would say learn about the frame or invest in him. Simply having a frame does not really constitute knowledge of it. As we all know formas put into said frame, content played with said frame, and build play a much bigger factor that simply owning a frame in creating an opinion of it.

Edited by TheGuy08
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I don't tell anyone to leave just because they're playing whatever Frame they want to bring. I don't mind Excalibur. That said, I don't hate on Rhinos with Boltors for the same reason. It's a game, we're all just here to have fun. It's not fun when everyone is trying to dictate what is or is not okay to use. :P

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Excal radial blind range can reach 58m and can last ~30 secs. Sorry mirage is far behind.

I will not argue that radial blind is not the better CC skill, however, Mirage can add just as much range and duration, and natural talent is necessary for a good CC build.


Guess what, though?  Mirage has other useful skills besides that.



That said, I would rather take an Excalibur on a T4S because I don't trust players enough to use hybrid builds.  Most people think each frame is only good for one thing.

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I will not argue that radial blind is not the better CC skill, however, Mirage can add just as much range and duration, and natural talent is necessary for a good CC build.


Guess what, though?  Mirage has other useful skills besides that.



That said, I would rather take an Excalibur on a T4S because I don't trust players enough to use hybrid builds.  Most people think each frame is only good for one thing.

Personally I do not know how long the stun last on Mirage or if there is one. So far the Mirages I have seen have focused on DPS and haven't really been CC heavy. I would imagine that Mirage could CC with Excal and if that is the case perhaps Excal would be inline for a  buff (though he should be anyway). 


If someone was playing Mirage I wouldn't hesitate to take them into T4. If they were blind built it just means more CC which is a plus.

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I feel like the only person who doesn't really care who I invited to a run as long as they contribute. I usually run T4 solo though except when my sister is on then I'll invite her and anyone else. I don't get this Excalibur hate either, or any other frame for that matter. If you're ever on PC op and I'm hosting T4 message quick because my only stipulation is you have to be first to PM.

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We could close the topic with a simple solution : take anyone that think Excalipro as useless frame for a run with an Excali-pro in high lvl missions T4D/S and they ll have their own answer. Trying to change others' opinions is as hard as talking to the mental challenged...experiences is the best source of knowledge. Even if it failed, you also has a list of Nono-players for future use in time of recruiting tennos.


BTW, i m a Mastery 9 who's playing as Excalibur now..whisper me if you "people that so hard to talk to" wanna see an Excalibur. I have an easy and funny name to remember and to whisper.

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They can laugh 

They can mock me as much as they want but what they don't know is that when they will fall to their knees, crying, face against the mud puddle they got downed in it will be I, Excalibur who will be the one to save them by blinding my foes with my magnificent light and while my haters are praising me, i will be bathing in my own glory






That's an awesome shot of him and his flashy thing.

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It's just a fashionable misconception that other better CCs do what Radial Blind does better. It just has different strengths that set it apart from other CCs which also have their own strength.


vs. Radial Disarm.


Radial Blind is half the cost and disables both enemy ranged attacks and melee attacks. And it disables heavy grineer ground slams. It also pins enemies in place for 5 seconds which is useful for keeping a Shock Eximus at bay until it is located and sniped. RB's low cost makes it very spammable for this purpose. Also Radial Blind can be used while airborne, so you can cast while quickly moving into into position.

Radial Disarm may be permanent but often needs to be recast anyway to disable new incoming enemies. Or as a quick two second stun if the enemies gather around to prod something to death. It's still a strong ability but just has different strengths compared to Radial Blind. But I would consider Radial Blind more reliable in more circumstances.


vs. Stomp


Radial Blind has a similar stun duration to Stomp, and a much longer disable duration in the blind. If you use Radial Blind like stomp for the stun and not the blind, the blind still gives you some breathing room for a recast.  Radial Blind is half the energy cost and can be used while moving airborne.

Stomp however does have a definite strength in it's damage potential. And is my goto ability for Interceptions because of this. But for Voids Excal's Radial Blind efficiency is much more reliable than stomp. When soloing Voids I feel much more immortal as Excalibur than with Rhino. Excalibur doesn't need Iron Skin, because Excalibur doesn't take hits.


vs. Bastille, Vortex


Now these are very different sorts of abilities compared to Radial Blind. Both abilities are dependent on their location in order to affect enemies. Bastille also suffers from only being able to affect a certain number of enemies but it is often used as a backup to vortex and can also be cast multiple times to circumvent this. However Radial Blind does win out in efficiency in only having to cast one time at 2/3s the cost in order to affect everything in the room.


Vauban's greatest strength is in funneling the enemies into one spot with Vortex in order to kill them quickly and efficiently. Or string them up with Bastille for simplified headshots. While I still hold that Radial Blind is the most efficient CC in the game, Vauban's kit has very unique strengths that make him a boon on any team.


vs. Snow Globe


Radial Blind makes Snowglobe mostly redundant. RB is not location dependant. It disables melee range enemies like fusion moas as well. In a team with Excalibur, Snowglobe's only purpose is to protect the pod from long-range potshots from Railgun Moas, or as a backup in case Excal doesn't have 12 energy or gets disrupted. But Excalibur can protect everything on the map whereas Snowglobe is entirely position dependent.


vs Chaos


Chaos is decidedly less dependable at disabling enemies than Radial Blind. Confused enemies will still fire at the pod or at you if they are not aggro-ing eachother. And Chaos cannot be recast while enemies are affected. So the timing of the the Chaos cast is very important making Nyx reliant on other teammates crowd controls to defend the situation while the enemies gather. It does however have it's own unique strengths in adding to the teams overall damage via the enemies attacking one another.  So while it is a very potent ability providing both offensive and defensive potential, it loses out to Radial Blind in sheer reliability.



In summary, the notion that other frames do what Excalibur does better is really a matter of opinion and can be argued different ways. It's clear that every frame has it's own particular strengths and weakness that more often than not will be covered by their teammate abilities, whether one frame is lacking in damage, or coverage, or efficiency. But for where Radial Blind shines above other abilities is in it's sheer reliability. It is not dependent on your positioning and is easily refreshed while still in effect. It is not limited in the number and types of enemies it effects, and at a low energy cost and high effect duration it is arguably the most efficient crowd control in the game. Radial Blind's greatest weakness is sadly that Excalibur's other abilities really bring nothing else to the table, especially in the terms of damage output. But damage is easy to come by through other frames who will be kept alive through the endless blinds of a shining Excalibur.

Edited by Ryjeon
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Well I think the type of mission is a factor too.   Because if it's survival, you won't really want or need any frame that takes a long time to kill it's enemies.   Blind is a nice power indeed, but I'm sorry it's still much less effective than just about anything that any other frame can do.


Since weapons are useable by any frame, the only real use any particular frame has is their powers.   So you say blind stops enemies from shooting/attacking and helps protect teammates and gives a melee bonus....well Snow globe, vortex, bastille, radial disarm, tornado, terrify, chaos, Mprime, Tentacle swarm, Roar, Sonar, AMD, Pull are all powers that are just as effective or more often better than radial blind.   Anything that incapacitates enemies, slows them or gives damage boost verse them (especially to ranged damage) or that can kill with one button press, is way better and more effective than anything radial blind provides. 


So In nearly every situation, there is always a better option than radial blind.  In fact, a good team doesn't ever need radial blind at all, it's just a luxury and is never seen as a needed power to bring or add to a team.   So while the things that radial blind provides are indeed nice additions to any team, the sad thing is that there are just too many other better (often OP) options.    The truth is that having the choice to take excalibur or another frame is equivalent to having to choose between a 5'2 player and a 6'5 player when picking teams for a pickup basketball game.   The 5'2 player might have the greatest balls skills and shooting in the world but is a major liability when all the other players on the other team are all above 6'0 tall.


So in nearly every situation, excalibur doesn't even make the top 10 list of the most effective, influential or quality frames in warframe even if played by a good player simply because other frames are just too easy to use and have better options compared to excalibur.  So being the frame I started this game with and was my only frame for about 3 months, I'd have to rank him in the bottom 5 to be honest about it.   All I know is that there is nothing that excalibur can do that I find is more valuable than what any other frame can do and that's probably how a lot of other players feel as well because it's true.


However, with that being said, I'm just stating possible issues I find with the choice to take excalibur or not...but personally I'd welcome any frame to my team because honestly, I solo everything in this game with every frame anyway...and do so successfully.   You name it, if it can be solo'd, then I can solo it with any frame.  I contribute that to always playing nightmare mode with no shields, that will teach you a lot of things about the frame you use LOL.

Edited by Krymanol
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- Rhino Prime, Boltor Prime,

- Rhino Prime, Boltor Prime,

- Rhino Prime, Boltor Prime,

There Is the issue right there, anyone on that warframe especially with a setup like should be ignored when they start spouting nonsense/hate. being on this warframe/setup automatically invalidates their negative opinions based on hate.


In other words, their opinions(Hate/Nonesense) do not matter and does not compute.

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Damage 2.0 ruined excalibur, no more armor bypass slash dash and radial javalin also they removed the Punch throught from both skills. Dont forget the split in 3 damage types of radial javalin that was the last nail in the coffin.

Edited by Dasmir
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No idea. I have a friend who used to use Excalibur (he moved on the Saryn and Ash, but I'm sure he'll get back to playing Excalibur one day) and he had it built around blind and javelin. He held his own and then some. Hell, my favorite is Mag and still is even though I don't use her as much as I used to.


Players have some belief that a meta is involved with this game and I don't understand why... 

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