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How Many People Play Warframe?


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I don't know for sure, but on steam at least we have about 20k players online at any given time. It's impossible to know how many active accounts there are though.

And keep in mind that's just steam alone, most of us joined WAY before steam had the game, and even more simply hate using steam (like me)...so ya.

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To the others, as far as PS4 outspending PC--the PC is a tool, people own and it can play games, amongst other things. The PS4 is a gaming machine for people that have 1/2 a grand to spend on gaming machines. The statistics given by the devs state that many PC players have very old PCs, some nearing a decade in age. The PS4 players, by definition, have fairly new gaming machines. So the demographic for PS4 players is, by default, people with more money available, and who have more money to spend on games, that are willing to spend lots of money on games, while the people who play on PC are people who, by default, are looking to play something that's free/inexpensive.


Absolutely true I think. 

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I have to disagree with this after spending around 400 on the console lets say 2 AAA games off the bat for the general gamer me I had 4 so that was over 100 for 2 of those for premium on too of add ons and oter games DLC so around 800 total. It adds up but with a PC you can slowly buy better parts and you get so many discounts on all games it's crazy but to be honest most games are not worth $60. I don't think that we have more money but were more used to spending a lot so buying prime acces is nothing compared say BF4 with premium at a total of $100. While PC players are used to waiting for a huge sale and getting the game for dirt cheap.

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maybe this can help you: http://www.digitalextremes.com/news/2014/03/warframe-year-1-infographic


article says: "nearly 8 million registered Tenno"


edit: sry, have seen it's from march (but at least they mentioned the pink shorts lol)


We'll never know how many of those 8+ million are active. That's how many people have ever signed up to play. It's totally different than say World Of Warcraft saying they have 6.8 million subscribers because those people are paying every month to play. If Blizzard counted "registered members" they'd probably have tens of millions over the years they have been live with most of them being non-active and non-paying now.


Also, if you compared Warframe's March number to the Destiny beta it doesn't seem impressive as it was reported to have 4.6 million playing the beta just on consoles (no PC version available).


"Destiny's beta concluded July 27, with 4.6 million players participating on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Activision declared that the largest open beta test for a console game in history."


That being said the clan I am in has about 850 members and 100 are generally on any given night so it's still a well populated game and hopefully it was get bigger as time goes on.

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i dont think many people playing because most of the planet is empty

hope there`s a server merge between platform


The majority of people play invite-only or on one of the popular nodes. You won't see a huge amount of people in random missions, except maybe on Earth/Eris

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Have to agree with Vaugahn here a lot of people play invite only which sucks because you end up playing half the missions solo or with 1 other guy. The only time you really see oter players is events bosses and tower missions. Or the occasional survival or defense for farming. You can tell their are a lot of players by looking at the trading chat because it never stops moving. But we just don't know how many.

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I hardly play anymore. All I do is log in and collect extractors. There's nothing to do. When your max rank (16) there's nothing to do. And all the updates consist of more "grinding." Theres no extension to the longevity of Warframe. Just weapons and frames. I love Warframe, but its stale. I can't wait for tuesday when Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls is released. Then I'll have something to play..

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At 18 March 2014 there was 7,818,888 registered players but that was 1 year ago... That's a lot, it's great resoult in such short period of time.in 18 March 2014 (1 year earlier) there was 332,631 players so in 1 year they gained like 7.5 milion new players. Sorry for my english ;)

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At 18 March 2014 there was 7,818,888 registered players but that was 1 year ago... That's a lot, it's great resoult in such short period of time.in 18 March 2014 (1 year earlier) there was 332,631 players so in 1 year they gained like 7.5 milion new players. Sorry for my english ;)

And say your sorry as well for Nekroing a thread that was last spoken on in 03 of DECEMBER

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I believe said that after U16 came out on PC, they had the most players on concurrently that they have ever had, which caused some server issues as they didn't expect that much. I think they said 40,000+ people were online at the same time after U16.

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First of what sparked my interest in this was a reply to the U14 info thread that read which lead me to discover alot.

DUAL SHOCKERS article: "Warframe is, not surprisingly, the top free to play PS4 title. The earnings from microtransactions are nearly double as those of the PC version, while the conversion rate ( the percentage of paying users) is more than twice as much...."

So im thinking how can this be so i start looking at the numbers and before you look at these some are only estimates. Lets begin Warframe was released as open beta as of March 21, 2013 around 8 months before PS4 launch. Around 11 months later on February 6, 2014 ( First important date and user count) its announced that PC has 5.5 million registered users. Since launch ps4 has not had any reports on its player count for warframe until March 18 it was announced that their was a total or 7,818,888 users ( now that's alot if tenno) so from February 6, 2014 to March 18, 2014 is 40 days and that gives us about 600,000 new pc players in 40 days. Now we know when PS4 came out November 29, 2013 To the rest of the world as it was already out in the us. So between November 29,2013 and March 18 is 109 days and in that time their was about 1.7 million users. Now if we do some math thats about 623,853 users in 40 days.

Now this was not about how many people have but rater how many play. But we have lack of stats to prove how many play daily and how much has been spent by either side. But with all of the PS4's sold totaling over 10 million and 1.7mill have warframe by now I would say 2 of every 10 PS4 owners have tried warframe and that number is rising.

Now i cannot speak for PC i only played a little in the early days of beta but i know pc has plat discounts that can cut the price down by a lot if i had that chance i would just wait for that. Dual shockers saying that PS4 earnings have doubled PC would not surprise me.

But as far as downloads go I would say PC and PS4 are getting around the same by now i bet most PC players know about warframe but i know that alot of PS4 players have no clue. Now the latest we know about how many people have registered is 10 million as of july 25 thats 129 days after march 18 so if we do the math we need 2,181,112 new users in 129 days if the numbers from the 40 days we calculated were correct then it should have taken half the time it did to reach 10mill. Combined the 2 should have increased by 3,946,925 this means that in the past few months i would day downloads have been cut in half which is sad because this is such a fun game and more people need to play this.

you completely forgot a huge number estimate...

(XB1) we have it too you know.

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