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Nemesis: The Corpus Engineered Warframe


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BACKSTORY: Nemesis was the first successful attempt at replicating the unique technology of Warframes by the Corpus, who had been studying them ever since the Tenno emergence. The Corpus had made multiple models of Nemesis in the hopes of fighting fire with fire, and countering the frequent Tenno raids on their valuble planet installations and capitol ships with with the Nemesis frame. So that they could finally be rid of the Tenno's interfering activities.

The Corpus however knew that none of their own could possibly hope to operate such technology, and that of course there would be no Tenno that would willingly volonteer. So to operate the successfully created Nemesis warframes, they created the most advanced AI systems that were so complex they had sentience of their own.

These AI were merged with the Nemesis Warframes, giving them full functionality and capable of making decisons and formulating strageties completely on their own. These frames, logically speaking, became alive, but were void of any physical occupant.

The Corpus had finally completed their objective, but had made a grave mistake in Nemesis. With Nemesis capable of thoughts, he also had feelings, and with feelings, he had emotions. The Lotus took advantage of this, and reached out to the Nemesis frames, promising a better future, a brighter future for them. The Lotus enlightened them, and promised them that if they joined the Tenno, they would have an identity, and a family to belong to.

Rather than be slaves of war in service to the Corpus, the Nemesis Frames rebelled, and fled from them to be of service to the Lotus and fight for the Tenno cause.


Nemesis Overview:

Nemesis was designed to support but also to be a verstile attacker and killer. His (or its I suppose) skills are focused on either giving aid to his allies or causing damage to his enemies using high tech equipment. He has no trouble with killing single opponents, and can assist his team in disabling tough large groups.


Abilites (Helpful criticsm is welcome)

1. Railshot- 20 Energy
A small integrated railgun on Nemesis's left arm fires at the target, causing reletively high armor piercing damage and causes knockback or stun. Great for finishing off a tough enemy.

2. Execute- 35 or 50 energy
Nemesis overclocks his mechanical frame, giving him much more strength and agility than normal. Then he rushes forward toward a target, dealing massive damage. If the target dies from this attack, Nemesis will rush toward a new target and execute them too, this can happen only up to 4 times, for a total of five enemies.


2. Shield Pylon- 30 energy (alternative option)

Nemesis reconfigures his shield generator to continually boost the shields of his allies, but this effect will not apply to him. His shields will take damage normally and recharge normally while the ability is in effect. However, the pylon also has the added ability to sap any close enemies shields away to further fuel Nemesis's pylon's process.

3. Sabotage- 75 energy
Nemesis attacks the weaponry and gadgets on target enemy, repurposing them to malfunction and deal damage when they fire or use certain skills. This deals damage and disarms an opponent very briefly. This effect chains to anything nearby the original target, and is good for groups

4. 4. Assimilate (alternative option) (as suggested by TunaMayo)
Nemesis taps into his opponents technology and weapons to force them to cooperate under his command. Those affected inside the medium AoE are indoctrinated to Nemesis service, and will work as a team to eliminate his enemies and protect him.


4. Mechanical Legion- 100 Energy

Nemesis launches  2-5 flying drones that fly around the battlefield independently. They use lasers to deal normal damage and to harass the enemy. They have low health, but compensate by having thicker armor and the ability to deal radial electrical stun damage on death.

So this is it, it was just a thought I had that turned into a really big idea! Please feel free to comment on this, let me know what your opinion is! If you have criticsm, please explain why. (and don't just say "he's not a space ninja!)






These artworks of Nemesis were submitted by GTG3000, so if you see him somewhere in forums, give him some praise for his excellent talent! I myself am in love with his concept art of what Nemesis could look like.



Edited by Falseangel17
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the idea is not bad but... we have allready the stalker and he is not a good guy


Yes, that is true. The stalker however chose to abandon the tenno cause, and is therefore a defect from the majority. The Nemesis frames are mechanical constructs of the Corpus, and technically born into a world unfamiliar to them and forced to join a cause because they were told to, for they knew no better. It was the Lotus that gave them a choice, and they joined the cause willingly. And who's to say that the stalker is similar to Nemesis? We don't have a real idea of his abilities other than that he teleports and can fade into shadows.
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I never intended Nemesis to be a Stalker, he was purposed to be of an entirely different nature. The Stalker functions mostly on sheer power and the ability to surprise. Nemesis is purposed more as a hybrid of assasination and defense of allies. 

Why not have him as another Stalker-esque character?"STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARS"
Edited by Falseangel17
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I like the backstory but the abilities seems kinda meh.

1:st and 4:th is too muck like Ash imo. 2nd seems good on paper bit would be horribly impractical as you would have to have your teammates stat clumped up on top of you for any effect. 3rd Ability would make sense in a pvp game where enemies can act and take damage or stay inactive. Here it is just needleasly overcomplicated, just make the enemies take damage over time instead.

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Since this frame is Corpus made, I'd like to make a few sugestions/changes to your idea to make it a bit more Corpus-like.The 1st skill could be like the Rail MOA's gun, just no armour pierce but deals a fair amount of damage and knockback. The 2nd can possibly be a toggle skill, you use up your shield to replenish any nearby teammates shields, buffing teammates only at the expense of your life (No energy cost). Lastly, the ultimate skill could be kinda like the Jackal's sticky grenades but only with a few tweaks like less AoE (since Jackal's has a REALY large area of hurt), balanced damage and less nades but is still just as devistating to a group of enemies? Upgrading this skill brings it a bit closer to be more lke Jackal's own.

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Since this frame is Corpus made, I'd like to make a few sugestions/changes to your idea to make it a bit more Corpus-like.The 1st skill could be like the Rail MOA's gun, just no armour pierce but deals a fair amount of damage and knockback. The 2nd can possibly be a toggle skill, you use up your shield to replenish any nearby teammates shields, buffing teammates only at the expense of your life (No energy cost). Lastly, the ultimate skill could be kinda like the Jackal's sticky grenades but only with a few tweaks like less AoE (since Jackal's has a REALY large area of hurt), balanced damage and less nades but is still just as devistating to a group of enemies? Upgrading this skill brings it a bit closer to be more lke Jackal's own.


I like your ideas, especially the moa railgun, I hadn't thought about that. I have to disagree with your idea of the ultimate. Nemesis was meant to be great when faced with only one or three enemies at a time and dispatch them quickly and cleanly. While his other 2 skills are meant to support his allies by debilitating large groups or by temporarily linking his sheild with them to give added protection. A very damaging AoE would would disrupt this synergy however, and plus, we have enough frames with damaging AoEs already, I was aiming to make Nemesis different.
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You could replace the third one with the moa stomp. That would cover most of the corpus proxy abilities (aside from mines and those leeches).

And, I like your backstory, but (in my personal opinion, please don't take any offence) I think a better one would be the simpler one - the A.I. Tech they used in these warframes was, among other things, recovered from Orokin towers, being probably an unfinished project akin to technocyte plague. Since Corpus doesn't have the knowledge of how most of orokin tech operates, they assumed that they could control thenemesis frames with their usual beecloud tech. The frames passed field testing, assuming the commands they received to come from the orokin themselves, but a real assignment revealed that they were used against the race that created their AI cores, activating an inbuilt failsafe, that reassigned priorities of orders they received, leading to a streak of devastating Tenno strikes against Corpus facilities, before their being as double-agents was finally discovered. Unlucky for corpus, by that time all their nemesis production line broke free or overtook the facility.


Also, is it me, or there's no leeches around lately?

Edited by GTG3000
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You could replace the third one with the moa stomp. That would cover most of the corpus proxy abilities (aside from mines and those leeches).

And, I like your backstory, but (in my personal opinion, please don't take any offence) I think a better one would be the simpler one - the A.I. Tech they used in these warframes was, among other things, recovered from Orokin towers, being probably an unfinished project akin to technocyte plague. Since Corpus doesn't have the knowledge of how most of orokin tech operates, they assumed that they could control thenemesis frames with their usual beecloud tech. The frames passed field testing, assuming the commands they received to come from the orokin themselves, but a real assignment revealed that they were used against the race that created their AI cores, activating an inbuilt failsafe, that reassigned priorities of orders they received, leading to a streak of devastating Tenno strikes against Corpus facilities, before their being as double-agents was finally discovered. Unlucky for corpus, by that time all their nemesis production line broke free or overtook the facility.


Also, is it me, or there's no leeches around lately?


Thank you, it makes me happy that you took the time to read the story I wrote. However, there are several issues I have with your argument.You say you enjoyed my story, but think yours might be better? While your story was short and to the point, an admirable quality, it lacked specific details that are very pertainent. Mine details their creation, their purpose, how they came to be with the Tenno, while also explaining how they came to be also human-like and alive.My story is probably not going to be the ingame text that describes Nemesis, but I want my story how it is so that if the developers do see this, and decide to implement my suggestion, I want them to see the story as is and unaltered. While I appreciate your suggestion for my story, I have to gently decline it.On your other suggestion, the MOA stomp, I also must disapprove. While damaging AoEs are always helpful in combating enemies, that is not what I want Nemesis to be about. Here is the argument I provided to a suggestion much similar to yours:


I like your ideas, especially the moa railgun, I hadn't thought about that. I have to disagree with your idea of the ultimate. Nemesis was meant to be great when faced with only one or three enemies at a time and dispatch them quickly and cleanly. While his other 2 skills are meant to support his allies by debilitating large groups or by temporarily linking his sheild with them to give added protection. A very damaging AoE would would disrupt this synergy however, and plus, we have enough frames with damaging AoEs already, I was aiming to make Nemesis different.

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Thank you, it makes me happy that you took the time to read the story I wrote. However, there are several issues I have with your argument. You say you enjoyed my story, but think yours might be better? While your story was short and to the point, an admirable quality, it lacked specific details that are very pertainent. Mine details their creation, their purpose, how they came to be with the Tenno, while also explaining how they came to be also human-like and alive. My story is probably not going to be the ingame text that describes Nemesis, but I want my story how it is so that if the developers do see this, and decide to implement my suggestion, I want them to see the story as is and unaltered. While I appreciate your suggestion for my story, I have to gently decline it. On your other suggestion, the MOA stomp, I also must disapprove. While damaging AoEs are always helpful in combating enemies, that is not what I want Nemesis to be about. Here is the argument I provided to a suggestion much similar to yours:


I understand, I didn't quite intend to wipe out your story completely by "they were security drones, that worked properly until they started to work in more proper way". 


And, about the moa stomp - I guess it's more about the aestetics of 'yup, it's made by corpus'. Furthermore, every warframe so far seems to be rounded out nicely in having utility/attack powers, if not always useful. But I understand your decision (and if they implement it, hope it will be sooner or later available as an alt, since they talked about that issue).

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The idea is cool... Devs said their announcing a 4th faction that's affiliated with Stalker (Might be Evil tennos broken away from the tenno ninja arts)


So if there was Corpus/Grindeer/Infested Stalker type bosses then they would be equally on par against the 4th faction. Pretty sure I heard about fourth faction being announced on the forums...


Also what would be cool is a specific mission... Where Corpus Grindeer Infested Just go at each other in all out war along with the 4th faction and in the mission there are 2 Stalker units for each faction trying to kill each other...


That would be awwwwweeeesssssooooommmmeeee...

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I like your ideas, especially the moa railgun, I hadn't thought about that. I have to disagree with your idea of the ultimate. Nemesis was meant to be great when faced with only one or three enemies at a time and dispatch them quickly and cleanly. While his other 2 skills are meant to support his allies by debilitating large groups or by temporarily linking his sheild with them to give added protection. A very damaging AoE would would disrupt this synergy however, and plus, we have enough frames with damaging AoEs already, I was aiming to make Nemesis different.

Okay. I understand what you're saying but I was just suggesting that for your own idea for the ultimate is a bit underpowered. And I say underpowered because an ability, such as the Slash Dash of Excalibur, can already fulfill the job of your suggestion for the ultimate. I don't mean to say that what you have proposed is a bad idea, I just feel that it would make the frame sub-par to what is already out there, especially if it is a support-ish defence type.

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Okay. I understand what you're saying but I was just suggesting that for your own idea for the ultimate is a bit underpowered. And I say underpowered because an ability, such as the Slash Dash of Excalibur, can already fulfill the job of your suggestion for the ultimate. I don't mean to say that what you have proposed is a bad idea, I just feel that it would make the frame sub-par to what is already out there, especially if it is a support-ish defence type.


That I can agree with. I wasn't too much of a fan of the fourth ablility, but it was the only one I could imagine that fit the theme I was going for without delving into the abilities of any of the other frames. I still don't know what I would like to replace it, but I suppose if the right idea is pitched I will alter the fourth ability.
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Haha wow, I love the story behind this frame, powerful and seamless. However... the aformentioned abilities paint a strange taste in my mind.

It is always vital to carve out new niches for warframes to avoid duplicates, but in the case of this frame, it is also important to note that the Nemesis was meant to be used against cybernetic Tenno for story sake. While the shield booster ability definitely hankers to the Corpus and is original towards the warframes, the shockwave ability is indicative of corpus but starkly overused. Other frames share similar knockdown and stun AoE's, and a corpus knockdown would not likely add anything new to the frame.

Also, the railgun is a very functional ability that just fits. I like it. But there runs the problem of conflicting with Ash's shuriken as I assume both would deal physical damage. But then again as the devs have said in their third livestream, they were planning throwing weapons for the future that would require a reworking or replacement of ash's shuriken move anyways.

What I do suggest is some hacking ability akin to Nyx's mind control, capable of immediately releasing lockdowns when targeting a control consule, taking permanent control of all cybernetic enemies, weakening the armor of grineer, and dealing electronic damage to bosses (short circuits, etc). Could definitely use some ironing. Of course, this leads into difficulties with the Infested, which is intended as Nemesis was meant to take down Tenno.

As Nemesis is a machine, we really could do some strange things with it. Releasing clouds of plasma in an aura type move, or in a move to confuse tenno, Nemesis could break apart (highly definitive of its robotic nature, breaking apart any other frame would prove fatal) into multiple pieces a bit like Weavil from Metroid Prime hunters, where his upper body became a melee enemy and his lower torso into a ranged turret. Maybe it can transform into a mini-jackal or a Hyena. Now that would, in my opinion, be quite impressive.

Will post more ideas as I think of them if I get around to it.

Edited by DalaiLlama
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Haha wow, I love the story behind this frame, powerful and seamless. However... the aformentioned abilities paint a strange taste in my mind.

It is always vital to carve out new niches for warframes to avoid duplicates, but in the case of this frame, it is also important to note that the Nemesis was meant to be used against cybernetic Tenno for story sake. While the shield booster ability definitely hankers to the Corpus and is original towards the warframes, the shockwave ability is indicative of corpus but starkly overused. Other frames share similar knockdown and stun AoE's, and a corpus knockdown would not likely add anything new to the frame.

Also, the railgun is a very functional ability that just fits. I like it. But there runs the problem of conflicting with Ash's shuriken as I assume both would deal physical damage. But then again as the devs have said in their third livestream, they were planning throwing weapons for the future that would require a reworking or replacement of ash's shuriken move anyways.

What I do suggest is some hacking ability akin to Nyx's mind control, capable of immediately releasing lockdowns when targeting a control consule, taking permanent control of all cybernetic enemies, weakening the armor of grineer, and dealing electronic damage to bosses (short circuits, etc). Could definitely use some ironing. Of course, this leads into difficulties with the Infested, which is intended as Nemesis was meant to take down Tenno.

As Nemesis is a machine, we really could do some strange things with it. Releasing clouds of plasma in an aura type move, or in a move to confuse tenno, Nemesis could break apart (highly definitive of its robotic nature, breaking apart any other frame would prove fatal) into multiple pieces a bit like Weavil from Metroid Prime hunters, where his upper body became a melee enemy and his lower torso into a ranged turret. Maybe it can transform into a mini-jackal or a Hyena. Now that would, in my opinion, be quite impressive.

Will post more ideas as I think of them if I get around to it.


Thank you for taking the time to read my story! It is very appreciated. I love your ideas, and your right, many things could be done with Nemesis. However, some of your ideas are very ambitious (transform in jackel-hyena for example.) and would be quite difficult to insert and balance out. I tried to keep it on a level that would be doable for the developers. But if they are possible, I would absolutely encourage them to be added as abilities!I particularly enjoy your hacking idea, but that is sort of implemented in the sabotage ability. It just doesn't have the extra perks you described (hacking computer terminals and ect...) But yes overall I enjoyed your post.
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I do enjoy this frame idea and would like to see it in action. My personal preference for power choices would be

1. Railgun

2. Shield restore (like shiekd ospreys giving team and self an overshield).

3. Moa stomp (upgrades increase knockbacks per stomp 1/2/3 rings etc).

These three are what I would see in this frame as they are corpus by design and give the frame damage and utility. The fourth I couldnt decide between a couple.

4a. Corpus indoctrination. A targeted enemy becomes indoctrinated for the tenno cause fighting for their side, granted overshield for survival. Works aon all non boss enemies for less time on stronger ones (more willpower) but permanent on robots ie corpus. Upgrades increase duration and shield strength/recharge.

4b. Corpus proxies. 2 minitaure jackals are created by the frame to fight for their cause. Upgrades increase shields and damage.

I couldnt think of a third possibility but I know their should be one damage idea.


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Frames are not "mechanical"... Skills, ok. But not a mechanical warframe... That would totally destroy the whole frame design. Give him the frame fitting design or maybe for the corpus itself as enemy, but please no iron man frame....

Edited by Venarge
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Again, I feel that while the Moa stomp is very indicative of the Corpus, compared to what the AoE abilities the rest of the frames already have, a shockwave stomp would not likely add anything to the game. Also, the thought just struck me: how different would the frame's shield booster ability be from Mag's shield polarize and Trinity's blessing? Might be something that needs to be outlined before the shield ability, which in itself I now find somewhat doubtful.

As to the frame's mechanical nature, I am for full support of a cybernetic warframe and see little danger such a mechanical warframe would pose to the entire current system. Not only do I see little danger, but I also see much potential: after all, machines can do countless things organisms cannot. Some thoughts that pass my mind are body separation, transformation of a body part or the entire body, firing parts of its body, and many, many more.

It is this sort of mass differential that would prove effective in carving out a new niche for this frame, and perhaps introducing some new niches for future frames.

What I think is that you're worried about the aforementioned "Exo-suit" idea and that the Nemesis, by name, is a fully autonomous drone, of sorts. But when considering the potential of the design, I do not think that it is a detail that significantly hampers the idea as a whole. What's wrong with some free thinking drones? So long as they fit into the general lore(stories provided), mechanics, and playstyle that the rest of the warframes have made for themselves, ther should be no problem; the only real problem I can think of now is a conflict with original warframe descriptions, not design. The devs have stated themselves that they would be open to welcome change, and so far I do not find much reason to consider the implementation of a new and interesting idea an unwelcome change.

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Well, a shockwave, that persists while it spreads is a new thing for a warframe to have. Mags' crush doesn't grab new enemies. Embers' ability stays in place and generally acts differently. It could be changed for the warframe, to have certain additional abilities, like, say, preventing shields or lowering armour, but it still would be quite fun to have.


The booster ability would be radically different from mags' (because mags' one is meh at best with all the targeting issues and the amount it takes/adds  being mediocre), because it would persist, and it would act on a whole group.


And, mechanical warframe is a nice idea, but many of the implications it has, are pretty constrained by the game itself. I mean, you can write as much lore as you want, but without any actual gameplay to reflect that lore, this warframe might be seen as a radical art style change. Or even, to some players, as a sudden reveal of what warframes are. (as silly as that sounds). I hope someday there will be more non-combat places to go to in the game, right now everything that isn't directly thrown into combat, is quite out of the scope for much of the time. (but I still wish they wouldn't just flip and scale corpus signs to make them look different).

Edited by GTG3000
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